RABUSONGU♪ [entries|friends|calendar]
2¾ cups of sleep

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communities and the such. [07 Oct 2003|02:22am]
communities and things of that nature )
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quiet life. [07 Oct 2003|12:15am]

this journal is friends and invitation only.

see my userinfo for more information, please. this will be one among very few public entries. ^^; it's not likely that alot of people will be added, sorry. (not really, though.)

short bio: jack dempsey. )

anime, manga, and artbook list. [06 Oct 2003|08:35pm]
another trade list, this time my anime, manga, and artbooks; these are all on disc and burnable. i still have to list my dvd and vhs collection.. i'll get around to that later. my artbooks are the most beautiful things ever.

anime, manga, artbooks )
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cd list. [06 Oct 2003|08:31pm]
this is part of my group of trade lists, and also kept for my own benefit. it is still incomplete. wanna trade cds? gladly! i also have lots mixcds and hundreds of mp3s, so if there's something you want that's not on here.. ask.

besides kirk, music is the biggest part of my life.

cd list )
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