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Shucky Darns

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hoary fork [Jan. 7th, 2005|08:56 pm]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |The Strokes - The End Has No End]

Well today my intarweb is back up at my new house. I have been living here for I think 11 days now and it's going pretty well.

It's so quiet, I love it. I don't want to get a roommate.

I'm being super lazy about putting furniture together. My room is basically a bed, a dresser and a whole bunch of Ikea lumber with ziploc baggies of screws on the floor mixed with books, a chest of drawers that supposed to fit inside a shelving unit and I think a bag of christmas chocolates and lottery tickets that I haven't looked at since Dec 28th.

I spend most of my time in the basement on the old skool 1981 Ikea leather couch (and matching chair). WTF is with all this Ikea stuff, I say, what is this, Fight Club? Brahma initiated Fight Club at Zaphod's a few weeks ago at end of night when he got drunk. He finished spinning, announced "fight club" on the system and then punched someone. Now they do it every Saturday night and he can't stop it and I think that's hilarious.

Speaking of Brahma, he and Kimmeh have been by to hang out and watch 24. Marty theDoor has come by a couple times to play Half Life 2. Sly came by. And Marshall came by with his dog Riker who proceeded to run all over the fucking house and spead snow everywhere.

My kitchen is good and I make good din din in it. All of my appliances work well. The place is still fucking spotless because the previous lady of the house was a fucking cleaning maniac. I think she took Mr. CLean out in the back yard and gave him a facewash in a snowbank. Is crazy.

So I'm doing well. But now innernet is back up so I'll revert to boring arsehole mode I guess.

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Merry Christmas [Dec. 25th, 2004|09:10 am]
I hope everyone has a happy holiday and gets lots to eat today.

I got my gift on thursday. Met the lawyer and signed all the papers and everything went through so I'm a home owner. I guess it hasn't sunk in. I don't even feel comfortable going over there yet hahah. I'll move in tomorrow or Monday. Fortunately there is no rush.

Ok, off to the parentals for brekkie.
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Hokay [Dec. 21st, 2004|07:40 pm]
[mood | exhausted]
[music |Mindless Self Indulgence - Tornado]

Here's a summary.

House closes on Thursday.
Meeting the lawyer at 10am with a 50 grand bank draft for him. Everything else is go.

Except gas, I still need to make sure that's turned on.

Sunday night, the temperature here dropped to -31 overnight which is like -23F not including the windchill which made it more like -40F. I woke up and my car was frozen solid. I could not start it and I killed the battery trying. Before I figured out the battery was dead (I mean, my horn was still working and everything), I tried to plug in the block heater. For some unEXPLAINABLE reason, this townhouse I'm in DOES NOT have an electrical outlet at the front of the house OR in the garage.

So I ran a cable out the front door.

Didn't help though.

Eventually I just got a ride to work.
Speaking of work, thank god I have Thursday and Friday off. We are absolutely SWAMPED and that's the main reason I haven't been updating. I am approaching 100 orders with various customers and I'm barely treading water. Even if I bill 10 accounts, I gain 15 new orders every day so it's a losing battle. Our whole team is stressed. The only way any of us can stay ahead is to work overtime which I tend to do 1-2 hours a night. Which is unpaid. And unrecognized at this time. I haven't had time to learn all of my role yes or learn how to organize properly because I've spent the last 2 months going by the seat of my pants. When I joined the team, we lost 3 people and replaced them with 2 (1 of them me). Management justified this by saying there was not enough work to bring on another team member. Sooooo wrong.

This house of cards is going to collapse soon. Half of my team is looking for a new job, nobody can function like this for extended periods of time and there is no end in site because we have to migrate hundreds of primus websites over to us in the new year.

I wouldn't have benefitted by staying where I was because my old department is in even worse shape. Everyone is waiting for a final straw that breaks their backs. Most people are only coming into work because they have kids, or like myself, because of a house, etc. I don't know what's going to happen. We'll see who cracks first.

Anyway, got my car started properly today but now I'm down to a 1/4 tank of gas and my fuel cap cover is frozen shut. It better fucking warm up tomorrow, they've been promising for 2 days now.

In other news I've got a chest cold but at least I've got my Christmas shopping done...except for one thing.

And Rob Solo left me a message so he's in town. Unfortunately I'm too fatigued to do anything right now.

I'm very glad I have thursday, friday, sat, sun, mon, tuesday off and then back for 2 days then friday off and the weekend then back for 1 week then a week off.

I'm going to be sleeping in my own house soon.

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Is it Perry Bible Fellowship? [Dec. 17th, 2004|08:14 pm]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |Mindless Self Indulgence - Bring the Pain]

OK, back on the attack and I brung you some kerowack!!

And if'n you don't like that, have some of dis.

I move in 6 days.
I have mortgage, insurance, heat, water, lectric and the phone just got confirmed today but the number is still potentially subject to change.
Now i just need to pack.

I haven't posted in a while because I've been so frickin busy between work and getting this home buying shit wrapped up and christmas shopping and arrrrggghh. I'm glad I took another week off in January, I'ma need it bad.

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Go to bed, geez [Nov. 13th, 2004|03:48 am]
I haven't had time to finish up writing about Buffalo. Probably Sunday.

Went to the Honest Lawyer tonight. No Towers of Power this time. A friend of ours, Olin, got accepted into the RCMP. Now he has to do basic training and learn how to shoot a gun. We let him practise his arrest techniques on the girls and did a lot of field sobriety tests.
Afterwards Sly, Jay, the twins and I went back to the Twins' place and had some pizza and a pillow fight until we knocked their plants onto the floor and got dirt eveywhere. That sounds really gay but it happened.

So now I'm at home and I'd like to go to sleep but this and this have sufficiently creeped me out to the point that I don't think I can.

Tomorrow is a LANBBQ at Alyster's house because I am such a hyooj nerd.

Sunday I think i might go see a 67's game with Renee of the twins.

ok so sleepy.
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[Nov. 11th, 2004|02:38 am]
I just wrote for more than an hour about my trip to Buffalo.
I was thinking, "hmmm, this is an awful lot of material, I'd better save it so I don't lose it".
Opened Word instead of notepad.
Went to 'save as'

computer crashed.
Lost it all.

Very close to destroying said computer with a baseball bat.

Going to bed now. I'll just write the whole thing in word first this time.

For fuck's sakes.
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[Nov. 6th, 2004|07:37 am]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |the Hives vs. Madonna - I Hate Music]

Well I'm up at 730am on a Saturday.

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.
I'm leaving for a Bill's game.

Plan is to meet at Marshy Marsh's and then go from his house to Broadway's for some brekkie. Then haul ass to Hamilton.

I'm excited but a lil too sleepy right now to write with exhuberance.

If I don't make another post it's because I got arrested and thrown in a Federal Pound-You-In-The-Ass Prison for exhibiting drunk stress in Ralph Wilson stadium.

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So Tired [Nov. 4th, 2004|12:17 am]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |Cake - Dime]

Ok so I just spent the last hour and a bit trying to find a copy of this mashup:

Salt N Pepa vs. The Stooges – Push It vs. No Fun
or maybe it's called Push it Like a Dog (even though they used No Fun, apparrently the Stooges didn't want to licence it, but did want to licence the dog song - I am learning way to much about this shit)

Ok none of that matters. What matters is that I haven't yet resorted to using P2P networks to find this thing. I figured somebody somewhere would have it, but apparently no. The whole reason I'm looking for it stems from when I *thought* I heard it on a Toyota Tacoma tv commercial. I can't even be sure it is even the right song until I hear it.

Ok, now I have found it as part of a mix, but it's in realplayer format. I will not poison my computer by downloading realplayer.

I just figured it would sound good on the latest Stickshift Slaughter compilation.

Oh yeah, tonight Sly and Jay and I saw the Grudge. It was ok. I liked Froggy. I didn't understand what Froggy was doing to people or why she had to kill everyone though. I liked the Ring better. At least in the Ring you knew why Samara did what she did. So if anyone asks you why Samara wants to kill them, you can say "because she's fucking EVIL, that's why! Now keep making copies of the damn tape!!!" I hope in the Ring 2 a bunch of dumbass kids download Samara's movie through Suprnova. hahahahhahha

Ok, go listen to Rodeohead

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The Gnomes [Nov. 2nd, 2004|11:23 pm]
Just watched the Daily Show special and laughed my ass off. I've never heard Al Sharpton be so lucid before, he was priceless. He just couldn't stop talking the trash. For the Lord, I presume heheh.

My roomie works for the Feds, he worked for an MP for quite a while and he's a big politico junkie. He's big on American politics and big on Bush. He's also a totally self-absorbed metrosexual but let's not split hairs. Tonight he started to complain about the results. Complaining that some states are reporting projected winners without having all polling stations reporting.

Specifically Florida and California. Because Florida is still undecided but Bush has a 300,000 vote lead. But California is projected and Kerry only had a 100,000 vote lead. "That's SO UNFAIR" is a direct quote. But I cut him off before he could complain on autopilot any further and told him to check the counties that had reported. In Cali, Los Angeles county had already reported. But in Florida, neither Miami-Dade or Palm Beach or Hillsborough or Orange or Pinellas county have fully reported. So there's the answer right there, a ton of people left. And then I told him to worry because, in Ohio, Cleveland hadn't yet reported. And that's 2 million pissed off black people voting for Kerry. We'll see what happens!

All in all I say that no one will know until tomorrow.

I know waaay too much about this for a guy who doesn't give a shit.
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[Nov. 2nd, 2004|07:22 pm]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |Interpol - Take You on a Cruise]

So if you're American, go vote.

Today I found out that I am guilty of zuffling in my past.

Now I'm trying to get all my shit together for this weekend. Going to Buffalo. I need to get several things.

- Long sleeved white shirt
- Old 80's style headphones (just any headphone that are big, that cover your whole ear)
- Maybe a dark blue visor
- Maybe some mirror sunglasses
- a dry-erase clip board
- dry-erase markers (stole some from work)

Then I will buy a Bills vest while I'm there and dress up like a coach. I will write things on my dry erase board like
"why didn't you pass???"
"Bench Bledsoe"
"I didn't call that play"
"Bledsoe, you suck"

and I'll get on the Jumbotron.

I'll think of some actually witty stuff on the drive down.
Yes, I am excited to go. I just want this week to end because work is kicking my ass. I'm in the classic Inbox Outbox situation and the inbox is getting rediculous. My team simply cannot process the material fast enough. Because an order NEVER works correctly the first time and we have to explain everything in meticulous detail to our setup teams because they cannot read a fucking fax and then the client changes their mind anyway so we start over.

I'm not getting into that, I leave it at the office. No need to stress up an ulcer.

Ok, I'm going to try and watch TV. If I'm lucky, I'll find a channel with no election coverage.

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HAHAHHaarggh [Oct. 31st, 2004|01:21 pm]
I just got off the phone with Brahma and Kimmeh and I'm laughing my ass off.

They emailed me some pictures of Brahma in his halloween costume and they are awesome.
His costume was "Ikea Zombie". Kimmeh found an old Ikea workshirt at Value Village and the rest fell into place.
Brahma shuffled around Zaphod's last night shambling up to people, saying "graahhhrrr" and handing them an Allan key.

Here is a picture.

That's fricking awesome.
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Halloween [Oct. 31st, 2004|12:38 pm]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |Le Tigre - Deceptacon]

It's Halloween.
The scariest thing about it is that I'm at work. Catching up on shit because we've been so swamped this week.

I just found out that the Pixies will be in town (well, in Gatineau) on Nov. 28ths. Tickets are $40 so I'm def thinking of getting to that show.

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That's wicked awesome [Oct. 27th, 2004|11:49 pm]
The Boston Red Sox have won the World Series.

Somewhere in Idaho, Bill Buckner just breathed a sigh of relief.
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[Oct. 22nd, 2004|11:30 pm]
[mood | calm]
[music |le tigre - Deceptacon]

The dinner was so much better than I figured it would be. Velma turned out to be completely different than I had labeled her even though she didn't show until dessert. Everyone talked about this that and the other thing. We were actually the last people to leave the restaurant.

I really enjoyed myself. After dreading the event the whole day.

I've got to stop being such a pussy and just LIVE.

And now, lets all go back to 1999 and do the Aerobicon

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[Oct. 22nd, 2004|01:17 am]
[mood | uncomfortable]
[music |the Strokes - What Ever Happened?]

Apparently I asked a bunch of people to marry me through drunken emails last Saturday. I'm still getting replies. I am reasonably sure I did not ask any LJ people. If I did, just let me know.

Been vurrah busy at work this week.
Family dinner tomorrow night. It's my dad's idea and includes all of my cousins who live locally. Something about it just feels forced to me. And it includes my mom's cousin whom I've never met before. My dad invited her and her husband and her kids because according to him they have a lot in common with my generation. Dad, they are in their 40's. With children. WTF could we possibly have in common?

Ok, to be actually 100% honest to myself, the real reason I don't enjoy family gatherings is because I have nothing to be proud of. Nothing to share when the inevitable "what have you been doing" question arises. I work a mediocre job for poor pay with no significant other. Sure I'm buying a house but I could not do that without considerable help from others. I've never gone anywhere, created anything notable, I rarely give my time or material to anyone who might need it.

So yeah, not a big fan of talking about myself.

Now I'm sitting here and thinking of all the goals I've made in the past but failed to complete. It feels empty.

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Like a 30 yr old [Oct. 17th, 2004|01:07 am]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |Interpol - Slow Hands]

Drunk Stress.

Two towers of power.

Not even sure who was there. Marshall got his car towed. He yelled at the tow truck driver, "how am I going to get my pregnant wife home??" Driver gave him a life to the impound, $140 later.

Honest Lawyer was quiet until around midnight. Then the kiddies came in and danced sexy like only they can.

I found that I must destroy the evil bear.

OMG the spelling mistakes I am making. Drunk. Backspace loves me.

Chris Mishak got pranked with shredded papper filing his car. He retaliatied by putting the perpetrator's Honda s2000 on ebay. "I'm leaving the country in 3 weeks so this S2000 is half price" hooooooooooo he got him good ahhahaha.

Sly sschmooozed well tonight but I macked the ladies. I marriage proposal for me....might be worth it because it was Renee of the twins. Marrying a french twin, that sounds good already. Plus she's an optometrist so I can get glasses which I need now because I'm 30.
I submit that my incentive is romance.
I watched the pole dance of the stars
We rejoice because the hurting is so painless
From the distance of passing cars
But I am married to your charms & grace
I just go crazy like the good old days
You make me want to pick up a guitar
And celebrate the myriad ways that I love you

Can you see what you've done to my heart
and soul?
This is a wasteland now.

Slow Hands - Interpol

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I just realized something. [Oct. 15th, 2004|07:33 pm]
[mood | angry]
[music |Cake - Take It All Away]

The new Cake album has barely any horns on it.

What the hell?

Where's my pen, I'm writing a letter.

Hahah, angry looks like grumpy.

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Friday [Oct. 15th, 2004|02:33 pm]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |Nuttin']

Today at work they fed us pizza and then came around with an ice cream cart to raise money for United Way.

So now I'm feeling queasy but only 3 hours to go or so until the weekend.

Tomorrow I help Alyster move to his new house and perhaps inherit a warshing machine. Then I was supposed to go skating at the Corel Centre but I'll be doing that next Sat instead. Then Sat afternoon I'll head over to Brahma and Kimmeh's place. Then to the Honest Lawyer for the evening.

On Sunday, wake up early and then go to Manderley on the Green for a quick 18 holes with Cousin Indy, Marshy Marsh and Chris "Leaf Fan" Mishak. Then back to Marsh's for an afternoon of NFL on Sunday Ticket.

So my weekend's all booked.

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Sly pops the question [Oct. 13th, 2004|12:09 am]
[mood | grumpy]
[music |Interpol - Evil]

Went to Marshall's and picked Sly up on the way. While at his place he gave me a bday present and it was a big ol' bottle of Crown Royal. I'll try and put that to good use! Starting this Saturday when we officially celebrate my bday and his engagement party. We'll drink some of my Crown Royal and some of his Balvenie scotch that I got him for his 30th and then we'll take on a Tower of Power at the Honest Lawyer.

That's the only picture I could find of one. It goes up about half as high again as the part you can see in the picture. I seriously doubt that guy is drinking it all by himself.
No, I do not who anyone is in the picture.
Yes, I am aware that someone's grandparents appear to be in the back right of the picture.

Anyway, Sly told me that he had taken Lisa to Pink Lake and made his proposal. It's pretty nice up there and Champlain Lookout is nice too. He took her on walkies and then stopped and sat down on a park bench, pretending he was tired and needed a rest (haw haw he says he never gets tired and needs to sit down for a rest! haw haw ok Sly I get it). He then asked a couple of relationshippy questions to give her an inkling so she wouldn't be too shocked and faint or something. But apparently she didn't catch on (says him, anyway). So at that point he said he was serious and committed about their relationship and wanted to convey that to her by saying Lisa Fullnamehereincludingmiddlename, will you marry me? And he poured out the ring into his hand from a little leather baggy and she said yes before he had to say "please say yes, please say yes"!

BUT HE DID NOT GET DOWN ON ONE KNEE!! I don't know how many times I've drilled that fact into his brain but he just sat there on the bench! DAMMIT!!

Anyway, in a few years I'll probably be an uncle. On paper anyway. Just like I'm an uncle to Marshall's dog Riker (who is half rothweiler and will rip your throat right out or lick your face off) and his cat Rocky and his and Karen's unborn child.

OK I'm done.

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Tuesday [Oct. 12th, 2004|12:03 am]
I forgot to mention this earlier. As my Paw and I were putting stuff away, I moved a plywood board that was on the ground and found two little blue-spotted salamanders.
Cute lil' guys. One about twice the size of the other. I relocated them underneath a nearby log in the moist soil below. They were very cold and probably almost in hibernation mode. Moving them around I could hear them going "hunhhh? whaaa? Zzzzzz". Just pals getting ready for a winter snooze.

My Ma made the comment "you ALWAYS find things like that". Made me think a bit.
It's just a matter of taking a few seconds to look. Like she does to find chokecherries or saskatoons to make jam. The stuff is there, just look for it. There's lots of nature at the cottage or just around in general. I have been ignoring how much I enjoy spending time outdoors. I think it is a fundamental part of my personality and I forsake it at my own peril.
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