Memegen lets YOU create your own quizzes and tests that work with blogs or journals like LiveJournal or Xanga. Feel free to Email Martin with any questions or concerns.

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Meme of the Moment
My Meme by eva71
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

As you can see, things have changed dramatically here at Memegen. We've got an all new look (one that doesn't suck) and even more features than before! We're making every effort to make Memegen as fun and easy to use as possible, here's how:

  • An upgraded database server, which has greatly improved Memegen's performance.
  • A username search, making it easy to find memes by your favourite author, or to post a link to all of your memes on your journal.
  • The quiz of the Moment, to help highlight up and coming quizzes.
  • Due to popular demand: persistent cookies. You now stay logged in even after leaving the site. You can use the 'Logout' link on the sidebar to clear the cookie if on a public computer.
  • A new 'Random LJ Friend' and 'Random LJ Friend-Of' types, which select from your LiveJournal friends.
  • A new Random Percentage answer featuring a customizable color-bar graph.
  • The most popular quizzes of the week!
  • Coming soon: more answer types!

As always, I'd love to hear your suggestions about what I can do to keep improving Memegen!