Steven ([info]neph) wrote,
@ 2004-11-03 11:19:00
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Current mood: pissed off

I'm packing up my friends and moving to Canada, where we can die of old age.

Okay, got that out of my system. This really depresses me. Bush in the white house for round 2. He'll now have more time to fuck us than his dad ever did. And by the time this country gets around to electing a female president, we'll fall for the same shit with his daughters. Assuming we aren't radioactive space dust by then. Gay marriage bans passed in 16 states. Why are people obsessed with legislating morality. It's ridiculous. If you leave it legal, then you can continue not doing it because it offends you, and people who are less backwards can have all the gay marrieage they want. It all comes down to dominance in the end. God is on my side, therefore I win. Maybe one of these days we'll get some Christian Scientists or Scientologists in office, who will outlaw doctors. I'd hope that that level of ridiculousness wold teach people a lesson, but I'd be wrong. It would just turn into another crusade.

I've been taking a bit of hiatus from LJ, but I'm back now. Be catching up on the friends list over the next few days, new entries starting hopefully tomorrow. Movie reviews, probably several entries worth of comic recommendations, assorted ranting.

As a side note, is there anything that you people specifically want me to write. More movies? Less Movies? More Bitching? AnNoYiNg IrReGuLaR CaPiTaLiZaTiOn? I want feedback.

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2004-11-03 11:39 (link)
yoU ToTaLLY oWe ME liKE sEvEn CokES!

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2004-11-03 20:11 (link)
I KnOw. CoKeS AlL ArOuNd.

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2004-11-03 12:38 (link)
More movies with th linkage every other word. Those keep me entertained. And bitch about stuff some more, same reason. Don't do the capitalization thing unless you want my eyes to bleed.

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2004-11-03 20:12 (link)
done, done, and done. Eye-bleedy will ensue.

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2004-11-03 13:18 (link)
Your carefully constructed, subtle, and delightfully droll commentary on the political landscape is fucking up my friends page. You could probably cut out 95% of the FUCKs and still make your point with minimal loss of hilarity.

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2004-11-03 13:31 (link)
PS -

If I took a drink today everytime somebody on my friends list made an idle threat about moving to another country, I would've been passed out and shitting myself by noon, just like Ted Kennedy.

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2004-11-03 16:11 (link)
I don't know you but the fact that this is LJ allows me to make baseless decisions about a person based on very little information. So today's decision about you is this:


Thank you.

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2004-11-03 16:15 (link)
I love you, Xellie. ^_^

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2004-11-03 17:29 (link)
You're pretty much dead-on, but that doesn't make what I said any less true. Please spend five minutes reading random LJs and you'll see every whiny bitter Democrat still stinging from being outcampaigned by a moron claiming that they're moving to Canada or France or Mars or whatever. Most of them will be lucky to move out of mom's basement.

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2004-11-03 20:20 (link)
Yeah, I know. I mostly put that in the to see if any Ani fans caught the reference, and it just made a decent title. Post has been edited to include line breaks, as I only tested it with 2 friends pages.

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2004-11-04 10:15 (link)
Thanks for changing that. I temporarily defriended you because my friends page was unreadable, but I'm adding you back.

On a side note, your friends are really sweet and welcoming of strangers and seem to not have any misplaced bitterness at all.

- An Asshat

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2004-11-05 09:29 (link)
Sorry about that. They're vicious little bastards sometimes.

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2004-11-04 08:42 (link)
A) We weren't outcampaigned by a moron, nobody could guess the number of Moron Minions (tm) that would crawl out of the woodwork to vote solely on the hate fags, hate abortion platform,

B) Jesus, let people vent. We'd afford the Republicans the same luxury had they lost. Well, I would have,

C) "Please spend five minutes reading random LJs and you'll see every whiny..." holier-than-thou Republican claiming that all Democrats are hippies, live in their mother's basement, and think smoking pot is a full-time job.

Remember, kids, "Sweeping generalizations are always right!"

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2004-11-04 10:10 (link)
" nobody could guess the number of Moron Minions (tm) that would crawl out of the woodwork to vote solely on the hate fags, hate abortion platform,"

Three sentences later...

'Remember, kids, "Sweeping generalizations are always right!"'

Let me know if you would like for me to explain to you how these two sentences, put so closely together, undermind the rest of your comment.

Also, far be it from me to pimp my journal in someone else's, but you should really go read the last two posts in my journal before you try to lump me in with Republicans.

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2004-11-04 11:08 (link)
Sorry, LJ is not a medium particularly sensitive to sarcasm. I intended the comment to refer to my own third response. And I certainly didn't mean to imply that you were a Republican, simply that I'm just as tired of the "I'm tired of people bitching" posts as I am about the bitching posts.

As for why I don't see it conflicting with my first answer, I've been doing some studying on the election, from right, left, and "non-partisan" sources, and a vast majority are saying that the expectedly massive youth turnout that voted well over 60% for Kerry was negated by the unexpectedly massive turnout of those who said they were voting for Bush solely for his religious stances, namely anti-gay and anti-abortion messages, even though they disagreed with most of his other policies.

Again, LJ's not the best place to actually discuss things like this, and I apologize if I came across as a complete monkeyfucker.

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2004-11-04 11:13 (link)
If you keep being reasonable and logical, it will be much more difficult for me to make fun of you.

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2004-11-04 11:18 (link)
In that case:

ur p0$+ wz teh sUxx0r, d00d. Y d0n+ u n ur hlppl3 fr3ndz moov 2 Chinaland f u ha+3 America so much?????????????????????

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2004-11-05 09:32 (link)
omfg, d00d. y u b h8n?

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2004-11-03 20:10 (link)
Pack me up with you, I want to come along.

Ohio would've been the tie-breaker, because it was 252 to 254, but they're a bunch of "born again Christians" who are against Gay marriage, so that was their issue.

And they suck for it. (I'm pretty proud to be from Illinois, though. Kerry didn't win, but we had 9% of our entire population vote Bush. That makes us better than the rest of the country. ^^; The end.)

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2004-11-03 22:22 (link)
*shakes head* It is times like these where I wish more than ever that I was white, and pass the age of 80, I may actually be able to suck up some social security and die before 'Dubya' does something too stupid. again. Put me in a box, Neph, I hear they're nice to black people in Canada.

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2004-11-04 01:15 (link)

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2004-11-04 08:43 (link)
On a side note, I want fiction from you. Short, unedited, shat-upon-the-keyboard fiction.

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2004-11-05 09:33 (link)
I've been considering that, actually. Perhaps soon.

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2004-11-04 14:09 (link)
dear god,
i'm writing this to ask you as gently as possible if you can please make sure some nutcase shoots our president. please don't let the bullet stray.
p.s. if you're a vengeful god, please also kill colin powell as he is an uncle tom.

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