Icons are life
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in art_icons' LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005
    5:37 am
    Image hosted by Photobucket.com

    I need this resized to an icon saying "I am finally seeing why I was the one worth leaving" on it

    can anyone help?

    It'd be greatly appreciated.
    Sunday, October 17th, 2004
    9:28 pm
    New painting icons in! Head to my journal and follow the rules if you want anything!
    Thursday, October 7th, 2004
    9:57 pm
    A few new paintings icons up in my journal. Head over and take if you want!
    Saturday, September 18th, 2004
    11:59 am

    6 "Girl with the Pearl Earring" icons up in my journal, [info]mcar . Head over and browse around, I have a lot of stuff. Comment if you take, and credit please.

    And for when that entry is no longer #1 in the journal, the link is this.

    Sunday, July 18th, 2004
    5:18 pm
    new icons and such...

    Well.... uhm..

    here are some icons i made b/c i uhmmm... well, you know...

    Current Mood: peaceful
    Current Music: zombie- cranberries
    Monday, June 14th, 2004
    8:54 pm
    Have a few icons to share. Comment and credit. Thanks

    1-2. Silverchair
    3. Transparent Puzzle.

    More icons at [info]sandpapertears2
    Thursday, June 10th, 2004
    2:46 pm
    A few icons. Comment and Credit. Thank you!

    Family Guy, Silverchair, Virgin Suicides, Random )
    Thursday, June 3rd, 2004
    12:41 am
    bite me....

    This makes me happy for some reason....

    Current Mood: creative
    Current Music: bedtime story (junior soundfactory mix) -madonna
    Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
    12:42 pm
    A few icons. Comment and credit. Thank you!


    1. Transparent Swirly
    2. Eddie Izzard
    3. Trigun
    Saturday, May 29th, 2004
    4:22 pm
    Have a few icons to share. Please comment and credit. Thank you :)


    1. Nightmare Before Christmas
    2. Silverchair
    3. Moon Phases
    12:18 pm
    I have a few icons to share.

    Icons! )
    Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
    1:03 pm
    New to the community.

    I've tried repeatedly to make an icon of Dali's "Canto 15" of the Divine Comedy, the one with the angel, and it's just not working for me.

    If anyone gets bored and would like to give it a try, I'd love you forever.

    Saturday, May 15th, 2004
    9:19 pm
    What's the best photo-hosting service in your opinion?

    I paid for a Walagata account a few months ago, and now I haven't been able to log-in there for days. They haven't sent me any e-mails apologizing about any technical difficulties they're experiencing or anything. I've sent them two messages asking WTF is going on [in nice words]. Now all my pictures in my layout and info are going kaput, and I can't upload or obtain any files from my account. So I need an alternate place of residence for my files.

    Please leave suggestions in the box.

    Crossposting this...to several places.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: "With or Without You" U2
    Friday, May 14th, 2004
    3:11 pm
    If anyone is using my icons, I would like to ask you not to direct link to them. It's very simple to just save them to your harddrive and obtain them from there. Please do not do not direct link.
    Wednesday, May 12th, 2004
    6:09 am
    Sorry I haven't posted as much lately. Here are 3. I hope I haven't posted them before.

    1) 2) 3)

    Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
    3:43 pm

    I found this in the realm of Livejournal...and can't take credit for it.  But enjoyed it, and thought I'd share.


    Current Mood: hot
    Current Music: "She Will Have Her Way" - Neil Finn
    Sunday, May 9th, 2004
    11:56 pm
    I thought I would post a few icons that I have made
    1. 2. 3.

    1+2. Silverchair
    3. Family Guy
    Friday, May 7th, 2004
    2:14 am
    JW Waterhouse Icons Cross-Posted to [info]waterhouse_love
    Well dearies...I made you some icons...enjoy )

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Saturday, May 1st, 2004
    12:07 pm
    Hey I'm new to this community and I had a question. How do you make the moving GIF icons? Do you have a certain program that does it or what? I've always been curious. Thanks!
    Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
    2:20 pm

    One new icon at the moment.  From Hedwig and the Angry Inch of course.  Let me know what you think.



    Current Mood: artistic
    Current Music: "Sexxx Laws" - Beck
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