LiveJournal for mentoz.

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Friday, February 4th, 2005

Time:4:41 pm.
Mood: satisfied.
i had a physical exam "exam" today .. (pretty much i was observed, critiqued, and graded on how well i gave a patient a full physical exam) ..

biggest compliment of the day: "Outstanding job. What you did was not just skill, but talent."

p.s. i love z.m. (: (:
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Thursday, November 18th, 2004

Subject:a bad time for falling in love..
Time:1:30 pm.
it's never a good time to fall in love right before a midterm.
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Sunday, November 7th, 2004

Subject:found a new apt!!!
Time:4:43 pm.
after so much drama and burning bridges (and seeking legal advice in case i need to bring my landlord to court .. again), i've finally found a new place .. i really think that i will be happier here, and i believe it will be the catalyst for living better in SF .. it was literally too easy ... great apartment, great roommates, great location, RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP RENT .. i loved them, and they loved me just as much .. it was a match made in heaven .. bada bing bada boom, and yours truly is one step closer to happiness ..

but the journey has been such a headache .. oh well .. all is fair in love and real estate.
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Thursday, November 4th, 2004

Time:9:16 am.
i thought i failed my final but i found out i did really well .. this has gotta lift me up today.
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Sunday, October 17th, 2004

Subject:why am i always buzzed on Sundays?
Time:10:54 pm.
i didn't have sangria tonight but i did have a bottle of wine ..

he took me to Roy's (an upscale Hawaiian fusion restaurant) where i had a 6-course dinner .. i met his friends who reminded me of my own crew back home ... they were so warm and welcoming .. i felt like a little void was filling ..

i'll write more later .. i have an hour before the library closes to do my homework, but i feel too buzzed to do anything at all ..
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Saturday, October 16th, 2004

Time:2:17 pm.
Mood:finally enjoying SF.
i was worried about failing my midterm .. for 3 out of the 4 weeks we've had classes, i never studied .. i didn't even buy the one book we really needed ... it wasn't so much because i was lazy .. initially, it was because i was homeless and had a lot of trouble adjusting (especially since coming out here wasn't exactly what i had planned) .. i also didn't want to waste all of my time studying like a lot of ppl in my class .. what is the point of choosing this school for location when you don't even go outside?! C's boyfriend reminded me, "well you ARE in medical school" .. well i don't give a flying f*ck 'cuz i passed my midterm with flying colors, and i didn't have to slave away at my desk studying .. you know, this only means i can continue having Sangria Sundays .. (i organized a study session one Sunday night but got drunk off sangria earlier that evening and didn't even make it to my own session .. one of the best Sundays ever!)

golden rule: anything above a 70 is time you could've spent doing something else
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Thursday, October 7th, 2004

Time:1:30 pm.
I'm going back to TX this weekend!!! WAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

now it's time to go fail my midterm.
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Friday, September 17th, 2004

Subject:hello LJ
Time:12:05 pm.
it's been rough.
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Tuesday, August 31st, 2004

Time:6:05 pm.
you don't know the half of it.
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Monday, August 30th, 2004

Subject:i'd give anything to be in New York right now ..
Time:7:37 pm.
Mood: drained.
i made a mistake. i know it. boy, do i know it.
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Friday, August 27th, 2004

Subject:i had a dream..
Time:10:43 am.
Mood: guilty.
that i was having a heart-to-heart talk with the director of Yale .. we were walking across rolling hills and stopped underneath a willow tree by a lake .. blinding reflections were cast off the water .. the dream was soft, filtered, airbrushed ... he was sincere and understanding .. i was confused and feeling guilty ... we had a problem .. i had been participating in Yale's events although i was not a student .. he was concerned, but didn't seem to have the heart to stop me either .. he wanted to understand what happened .. why did i choose not to go when it was obvious i couldn't let go .. i sensed that he was willing to take me back .. and i wanted to go back.
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Thursday, August 26th, 2004

Subject:hope you're not a cat lover or bird lover..
Time:12:10 pm.
UK Ford commercials (:< (jen might not want to see this) hehe..
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Wednesday, August 25th, 2004

Subject:i'm beaming!
Time:1:12 pm.

i'm absolutely beaming!!!

one needs to know a whole life
in order to understand any
particular event within it

It has always been a tradition for me to pick up a book that was relevant to a new experience I was about to embark on. I think back before my freshman year it was "Chicken Soup for the College Soul" ... laugh all you want :) Well I thought it would be nice to send this to you especially since "GABBY" (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) is one of my favorite authors. You can make it a quick read but to fully appreciate it is to immerse yourself into all the details. You mentioned being a fan of "Lolita" because of the literature, well this man is a fantastic writer and story teller..... top notch in my eyes! I think I have the best translation but I hope to read it one day in its native tongue. It really is a beautiful love story but its best to not know anything about it before you open it, which is why I didn't include the cover sheet when I sent it to you. It basically operates under the premise that "lives are lived forwards but understood backwards" and I thought this was a message you could take to heart as you head off to Yale this fall.


p.s. I thought about sending you Che's biography but I haven't finished it nor do I want you yelling "Viva la Revolucion" at New Haven this fall.

i'm at a loss for words .. i'm elated by such a kind gesture and even more grateful for this friendship ... it was born from such chaos, but we can consider it a blessing for it has brought us so close so quickly ..
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Tuesday, August 24th, 2004

Time:3:35 pm.
whyl01: you know, you really know how to keep a guy waiting in agony
whyl01: grr
Mentoz: i do
Mentoz: lol
Mentoz: i can really blue ball a guy too
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Sunday, August 15th, 2004

Subject:i had to stop in the i-cafe just to say
Time:5:38 pm.

i used size 26 font this year! (;
i only bought a few minutes worth of internet use so i have to run ... i hope this weekend was a blast for you *MUAH* .. i'll call you in a bit!
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Saturday, August 7th, 2004

Subject:best week ever
Time:1:51 pm.
Mood: gloomy.
i had very bad dreams last night. this morning, i woke up to find that my fish had committed suicide.
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Friday, August 6th, 2004

Subject:so the story is ..
Time:5:45 pm.
i tried, but i didn't fail. i just got fucked.
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Thursday, August 5th, 2004

Subject:David and Julissa
Time:3:35 pm.
David and Julissa came down to visit yesterday, exactly one year from the first time they came to my house .. this time they brought their mom .. out of every mother i know (excluding my own mama), David's mom is my favorite!!! she's the sweetest mama i have ever met ... we all went to Empire Cafe for dinner, and David's mom was down to hang out with us afterwards for coffee and creme brulee at Brazil .. i knew she was exhausted b/c it was getting late (past midnight), which made me appreciate her more for staying with us ..

David's pal stopped by Brazil on his Kawasaki Ninja and took me for a ride .. now i insist that i have my own bike to get around New Haven!

today, David and his mom stopped by my house to see the garden and meet my parents ... it was wonderful seeing David's mom and my mom arm in arm ... David's mom even gave my mama some beautiful tulips! i see a lot of my mom in David's mom, which is probably why i love her! if all mamas could be so cute and sweet!
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Saturday, July 24th, 2004

Subject:Espana ..
Time:7:40 pm.
$850 to Madrid in early August .....
procrastination can be so costly ..

$303 to Portland in mid-August .. still have time ..

$237 from NYC to London in the fall .. put off Europe until after school starts? but it would only be a weekend excursion .. boo.

perhaps i'll do Europe during my Christmas break? ah but to be away from the family on Christmas :(

goddamn my indecisiveness this summer!!! i literally wasted 8 weeks mentally torturing myself regarding where to go for #@$(&*@$ medical school!!! it was NOT supposed to happen this way.


i finally called eduardo .. we haven't spoken since i left for Miami .. he didn't pick up but called back and left me a message .. he didn't sound too happy ... i know he's mad at me .. he always gets upset when i don't do a good job of keeping in touch ... i honestly would have, but this summer has been so fucking crazy .. i had so much shit on my plate and just hibernated in my room, avoiding all contact with everyone except for the select few, until the shit was dealt with. there was no way i could've held a conversation without talking about my problem (since i obviously had a decision to make in a limited amount of time, i could think of nothing else), and i didn't feel comfortable talking about it with everyone .. i hope he'll understand .. god knows i love him.


i think my appetite is finally back because tommy mentioned italian, and that's what i want right now .. ooh and some escargot .. *thinks of NY* ... since tuan is busy, i'm going to go with my dad ... i know he won't like it but i'm forcing him (: gotta go get ready.
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Subject:cold and wet.
Time:11:16 am.
i had a dream that i was snowboarding ...
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LiveJournal for mentoz.

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