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[07 Feb 2005|01:13pm]
[ mood | Stupid. ]
[ music | Slint - Nosferatu Man ]


It's times like these I wish I weren't so addicted to music. After an absolutely fucking dreadful lecture on Parliament, the House of Commons and the House of Lords I went into town to sort my rent out. That's £500 gone from my bank account like a flash. Did I learn my lesson, not to spend anything for the rest of the day? Hell no. After playing on the keyboard in Cash Converters (which I can safely say I'm getting much better at) I went into the evillest, most tempting place in the World. I wish it were the Red Light District, that way I could've gotten a blowjob for my money and everyone knows that blowjobs kick ass.

Yes, it was HMV. I had a quick browse through the Rock and Pop section and to my surprise there is Slint's "Spiderland." Did I do the wise thing, save my £12.99 and leave? Fuck no. I bought that motherfucker of an album. And I mean it. It IS one motherfucker of an album. Upon my first listen you can immediately recognize how influenced Mogwai are by them. Fantastic guitar-work, great riffs (on the rare occasions they do get heavy) but sub-par production. Nevertheless, I'm absolutely fucking gutted I can't go to the ATP this year.

Well, that's about it.


[05 Feb 2005|03:09pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Seafood - Cloaking ]

No pictures today. I've taken a few, but they're not really worth showing.

I realized today that there are no real differences between Royalty and Dole-scum. They both leech off of taxpayer's money (not that I'm a taxpayer, yet) and, yes, some even use it for Blow and Crack! Good to see the Royals squandering the public's money. The only true difference is the sheer magnitude of money. I know that some people on the dole are there due to no fault of their own and I sympathize... but the Royals, I hope they all get bulldozed into a fucking hole and napalmed. They have all this money at their disposal that they could give back to the public, but what do they do? Squander it on selfish, frivolous bullshit. Same with Politicians. Fuck them. It's all abuse of power and authority. What a corrupt place we live in.

I'm back in Ollerton for the weekend. Silence is never in the place you want it. I'm kinda looking forward to the Hudson practice tomorrow, but there are always factors that discourage me. Liam is dedicated to his drums, as he is a rather shit-hot drummer now and it's great to work with him... who can fault him? Nobody. I just wish Pick and Ben would do the same, take their instruments, pick them up and practice. Learn how to arpeggiate, gather a greater understanding of how music works, better their techniques and hone their ears until they know where to go with a song instinctively. Practicing every day is essential if you ever want to better yourself in any way. "Practice makes perfect," and what a true fucking statement that is.

I enjoy working with them, but I can't be relied upon entirely to make shitloads of noise. That takes help. I don't want to be the band's gimmick, as cool as that may sound. Everyone'll look at the stage and think "Hey, that guitarist's playing with a bow!" or something else I do. I want everyone to be equally gimmicky.

Revolution! || Riot

[03 Feb 2005|11:51pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Jeff Buckley - Eternal Life ]

Today was good. Almost a perfect day, in fact. One of those days that comes when you can't see a bad thing about it, nothing went wrong. As a famous philosopher once said:

"Today I didn't even have to use my A.K.
I gotta say it was a good day."

Or something to that effect, anyway. Rock on, Ice Cube. Hundreds of hilosophers had hundreds of years to sum up the perfect day, and along comes Ice Cube and delivers them some blunts, 40's and bitches, and says "yay, let us be Merry." And oh children, that's exactly what they did.

So yeah, more pictures. Sorry.

Angles that I found interesting.

More pictures... )

Comment and tell me to stop taking pictures before I ruin photography. Or failing that, tell me how great they are and how awesome I am and how I'm a genius. I'd like that, too.

Revolution! || Riot

[02 Feb 2005|07:52pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Squarepusher - Ultravisitor ]

More piccie treats. Life is uneventful, so you'll have to just make do with my photos for now. They hold much more substance than anything I could say anyway. At some point I'll have to buy a more advanced Camera, seeing as I've started to genuinely enjoy going out and taking pictures. You never notice how amazing the World can be until you really start paying attention. It could just be a building intersecting itself at an interesting angle, or an alleyway, but it's still there.

Today my photography Soundtrack was King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King. An absolutely Classic album that definitely put me in a great mood. The drummer has a truly amazing way of playing his cymbals, and in general his playing is insane. Marvellous. The Prog's Bollocks.

I liked the way this looked.

Read more... )

I've started to play keyboard much more recently. My general aim is to make eerie little tunes like Mogwai's "Oh! How the Dogs Stack up" because simple + slow + minor chords = beautiful. As of right now I have a really simple one that I'm working on, but it needs more work. My fingers don't do it justice.

Also, Jim will soon be lending me his Adobe Photoshop disc, which means absolutely brilliant News for my future photography... Unless I completely lose what little observational skills and/or talent I possess and end up ruining photography for everyone, thusly making everyone lose their faith in Humanity and therefore, killing the entire World.

Revolution! || Riot

[01 Feb 2005|08:57pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Massive Attack - Future Proof ]

I took more pictures today. Other than that I have nothing of much substance to write about. Be relieved, I'm not bitching about the idiots I'm surrounded by for a change. I'm actually quite content with life right now... Not completely happy as there are still several things in my life that need to be resolved (getting laid, get help wiping out ethnic minorities etc...).

I've really gotten into taking pictures over the past few days, I forgot how much I enjoyed it. After my morning lecture (which was barely worth waking up for... Reporting a Century my arse), I and my good friend Jim went to the (translation: broke into the) derelict building between the University and Library to get photos. Here's a few that I came out with, and a few others from the walk home.

Black and White makes things look mysterious.

More pictures... )

And a fun day was had by all.

Revolution! || Riot

[31 Jan 2005|07:13pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Pearl Jam - Given to fly ]

Hey all.

Went to my Uncle Jim's birthday party on Saturday, that was absolutely insane. Pissed up relatives galore, some I've never even met, Great-Aunts and obscure relatives who live in that hallowed place called Newcastle. Could never forget about Dennis though, he's one Hell of a memorable character. Went outside and smoked a few pipes with him to chill out a bit. I like when my relatives smoke Weed as well... But they're few and far-between.

Uni today was ace. Not the getting-up-at-8 part, that fucking sucked, but the Radio Workshop in which we had to interview eachother.

Rob: Good afternoon, this is Robert and I'm interviewing Ant concerning the Cafeteria food. So Ant, what exactly have you just had to eat?
Ant: Hello there Rob, I've just had a Cumberland sausage, roast potatoes and mashed potatoes with Gravy. It was very nice.
Rob: Fantastic. What other types of sausage do you like?
Ant: I especially enjoy Lincolnshire sausage, it's got lots of herbs in it.
Rob: Well that's good to know.
Ant: Yes, I'm a real sausage jockey!

We had to end it abruptly after that, because I started to laugh uncontrollably. But yes, Rob is one sound motherfucker. He knows of and likes Sigur Ros, so he's instantly cool in my book. And Mogwai. And Squarepusher. You can tell his music taste is quite similar to mine, so we'll get along famously. Big Hip-Hop fan too, loves the Jurassic 5. Can't go wrong.

I and Jenn went to Sonic Sounds to browse afterward, and I was a bit gutted that they didn't have any Slint or Bardo Pond in. Two Acid Mothers Temple CDs (both too expensive), an Aerial M CD and lots of Jeff Buckley, but decided not to part with my money. Did convince Jenn to buy Jeff Buckley's Grace, though. She'd better be enjoying it.

So, I took some pictures today. This one is a particularly lovely picture of the Lincoln University building. The Sunset was absolutely insane, so I had to go cliiiiick at it for a bit. I've hardly ever seen the Sky so Orange in my life. Jenn did of course make me get my camera out, so hooray to her for motivating me to do something with it. Not many people have succeeded in motivating me other than a few friends (musically) and my family (academically)... you can see what a bind I'm in... Academics or Music? I'd love to be a professional musician and make a living from it one day, but until then I'm here at Uni... hardly torture, is it?

Read more... )

Thank you, and Goodnight.

Revolution! || Riot

[28 Jan 2005|12:43pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Grandaddy - The Crystal Lake ]

So many things have changed since I was in School, not only does it make me feel older, but it also depresses me incredibly to know that things have regressed so badly. Girls from the years below me who used to have crushes on me are now either pregnant or have already given birth. Why? These girls are 16 and 17. They have their lives ahead of them, why would they do such stupid things? Maybe it's my effect on girls. Maybe I'm just a ray of sunshine leaving happiness upon everybody I touch in life.

It just bewilders the living fuck out of me. One of them was a girl I last saw when I was in Year 11 and she was in Year 8. The next I hear she starts experimenting with her sexuality, doing lots of drugs and getting fucked by just about every goddamn low-life motherfucker in this God-forsaken town. Jesus Wept. My faith in Humanity wears thinner each and every day. If humanity is capable of so much beauty, why is it that all we do is ruin everything with our darker, more primitive nature?

I'm not one to talk, though. I've given in to my dark nature many a time... Be it with girls, sex, drugs or just my own depth of cynicism imposed upon others. But I have never committed a truly heinous crime, I have never been that extreme. I'm more of a spectator in this World, I watch as everything falls apart and everybody becomes increasingly miserable. All crimes I have committed, I have done because I feel they are my rights as a Human being.

But enough of waxing lyrical; it only depresses me.

The past week has been pretty immense as far as partying goes. Monday was Heppell's birthday and the house went out for a night on the town with a little help from our old friend MDMA. Safe to say I was blasting off within half an hour and talking absolute bollocks to anyone that would listen, although I was nowhere near as bad as I was my first time (see January 1st).

We ended up stealing a "Diversion End" sign at the end of the night and bringing it back to the house. Then Alan went paintballing in the house, Jez and Heppell played Golf on our back garden and I was inside smoking bongs to get myself down from the ceiling. There's a lot more to the night but I don't remember the majority of it... apart from talking to Steve of course. Steve is the guy who works in the toilets in Scream, he's more than likely a toker and is the soundest bloke you could ever hope to meet.

The two succeeding days were dedicated to my comedown, which wasn't all that pleasant. But with a little help from my great Green friend it was all the more manageable. We watched DVDs, played PS2 and slept a lot. Then came Thursday, which was cool but considering we went to Po Na Na's, it was fucking bollocks. The bands were generic, mediocre bullshit and the prices were so jacked up that I very nearly vomited out of my ears. Luckily I was already wasted. I saw [info]asadisticsmile briefly, and also chatted to Sir Ben Jackson and his friend, whom he left me with... whom I had a discussion about Class A's with. Other than that, I have to say that Po Na Na's was a complete fucking waste of time. Ugh.

Jamming with Hudson this weekend. It will be enjoyed by all, that's for sure.

Revolution! || Riot

[23 Jan 2005|07:04pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | Jefferson Airplane - Aerie (Gang of Eagles) ]

Today I had a jam, and I have to say I've probably never ripped anyone off as much as I have today. So, my immediate apologies to Jonny Greenwood and Thurston Moore for my blatantly flamboyant and pretentious feedback and noise. One thing's for sure though, the Boss ME - 50 is one rocking motherfucking pedal... I'm going to trade in my Zoom707II for one, and then I'll really be busting out the Sonic Youth noise.

So, I've been asked to join Hudson... which is basically Autopilot minus DJ, plus Rich (whenever he feels like going...). I can't help but feel slightly bad about it really, but I haven't had a jam in a very long time and it's started to do my tits in. It's good to do something constructive musically again. Alan and Wiggy are doing some kind of side project and want me to play with them too, which will be interesting... two basses and a guitar.

Nevertheless, the Hudson jam went well. There need to be a few creases ironed out of the songs, but it's a more interesting band than Autopilot... mostly instrumental, room for massive improvization, and if we get really good we could be pretty fucking loud live. It's like Sonic Youth, but nowhere near as good... but with practice we may achieve something. And we need to turn Pick's bass down, but there's nothing new there. And I need to bring my amp, in order to really hear myself.

So it looks like I'm a noise guitarist now. I've never played with such disregard for an instrument in my life, and it felt pretty fucking good. Now if only I could find more people in Lincoln and put my foot up their arses I'd really be getting somewhere.

Revolution! || Riot

[21 Jan 2005|02:40pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Oceansize - Saturday Morning Breakfast Show ]

Yeah, so I got bored.


Created by thetoasternetwork and taken 5627 times on bzoink!

What's a weird fear you have that no one else probably does?Fear of being sodomized by dwarves.
Is not Jon Stewart great?Who?
What song are you listening to?Oceansize - Saturday Morning Breakfast Show
Best face wash/acne fighting product?I'm not spotty enough to use any.
How loud do you sneeze?I stifle mine. Sometimes I spit on my hands.
Do you like your handwriting?I can read it. Noone else can. So yes.
Ugliest color you've ever seen?Pink. Dysentery Biege.
Does having matching socks matter to you?Nope.
If you were in band, what would you call it?Spoon, The Spacktastic Spastics, or CAEK
Last time you were on a plane?2 years ago, around that time.
Have a digital camera?Indeed.
How big is your TV?Big.
Have you ever heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000?Yes. It sucks.
How many pillows do you sleep with?1, if any at all.
sXe.. good or bad?Does that mean "Straight Edge?"
Most annoying commercail ever?Any female sanitary product commercials.
Lamest pick-up line ever?"Hi, I'm Ant. Will you have sex with me?"
Dumbest song ever?Tubthumping - Chumbawumba
Worst way to die?Whilst 3 7ft Samoans screw every single orifice in your body.
Who's the funniest comedian?Bill Hicks, Bill Bailey
Ever been in a car accident?Nope.
Ever had braces?Nope.
Do you know HTML?A little.
What's the most useless class in school?Physical Education
Best Jones Soda flavor?Jones Soda?
Something you collect?CDs.
Something you're allergic to?Banana.
Something you wish would die?George Bush, scheisse porn.

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!


[19 Jan 2005|06:22pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Oceansize - Catalyst ]

Farmers get more respect than ordinary folk, y'all. Especially when the crop is a highly desirable one. Maybe I should be a farmer. I'd be fucking loaded all of the time.

2 or so days ago I decided that if the fun wasn't going to come to me, I was going to seek it out and kick it's ass. So Jim texted at about 7 asking if I wanted to go out for a pint. I was already rather shitfaced at home, chilling out and watching Family Guy, so the only plan of action was to get way worse than the state I was currently in.

Flash forward and I'm in Scream with Jim just chilling. After much persuasion he managed to get me to stay out for the night... well worth it. There was a brunette and all her friends looking in our general direction while we were playing Pool (which in my state, made me paranoid at first) which was a definite confidence booster for an ugly son-of-a-bitch like me.

Flash forward again and we're upstairs during a pound-a-pint night with all his mates who I didn't know. It's true what they say, black guys do have way more Rhythm than white guys. Jim's friend (whose name escapes me right now) was one dancing motherfucker. I know I say that dancing sucks (and it does), but when it's done as well as that without him even trying, my mind is turned around on the situation... Plus the fact I was fucking blind drunk, so an epileptic monkey could look graceful for as far as I could tell.

About 6 pints later and I notice the brunette from earlier. Now that I'm hammered beyond the point of caring I decided to go and talk. I have no idea what the fuck we were talking about due to the fact whenever I'm drunk the amount of shite that I babble is on surreal, almost biblical levels... The only thing I do remember is asking very politely for a kiss... gutted that she had a boyfriend but she did let me kiss her on the cheek.

Nothing gained is a loss nonetheless. Remember that.

Jim has also told me that I ended up getting along very well with some other random girl. I'd probably drank a Hell of a lot more at that point because I don't remember a damn thing.

And now I know what Hunter S Thompson meant when he said "Buy the ticket, take the Ride."


[17 Jan 2005|02:16pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Seafood - Western Battle ]

Seeing as Livejournal's been throwing a fit the past few days, I haven't been able to update. Not like anything particularly interesting really happens in my life apart from getting wasted and doing stupid things. Life is boring, sometimes I ask for something in my life to wake up for in the morning... but then I stay in bed and sleep in, knowing that I haven't a thing to do or anyone to see. So I guess life sucks in that respect. Mornings are being completely filtered out of my life (until next week that is, and then I have several 8am wakeups... fucking Uni schedule) and I can't help but miss them sometimes.

But with that out of the way, recent events in my life.

Last night I went to [info]silent_dance's to watch Requiem for a Dream. What a suicidally depressing film, but excellent nonetheless. The moral of the story is that Heroin and Phet are bad. I like that moral. The filming and direction are incredibly well done and the overall story is cool. I like it when films don't fucking suck (like most films released nowadays).

After being depressed beyond rational thought by Requiem for a Dream, I was quite happy to watch Amelie. I was finally shown a romantic comedy that doesn't suck ass. And it's French! French?! The French have no souls. But yes, very funny, well directed and a great story unlike all the bullshit British and American "romantic comedies" (term used loosely as they aren't actually funny at all and 90% of them star Julia fucking Roberts, that whore) being aborted into the Film Industry.

It seems that all of my life is merging into a single day. My sense of time is completely fucked, and I guess I need some kind of regularity to stop that from happening. But what am I going to do, get a job? What for? I keep wanting to try at Pizza Hut again (to see the luscious Hayley... oh Hayley) but they keep turning me down. Moral of the story: Never try.

Went CD shopping 2 days ago. My haul was fairly impressive. The Sonic Sounds man is everybody's friend. He's clued up on all things music, knows many things about many bands and is all around cool. But onto my new CDs: -

Seafood - When do we start fighting... (YEAHADFLG;DFH!!!!!!!!!111).
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything (I'm undecided on this right now).
Brian Eno - Apollo - Atmospheres and Soundtracks (very... ambient).
Echoboy - Volume 1 (Nottingham's very own... and a very cool album).
Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump (Cool as fuck, good to chill out to...).

Music is the only thing in my life of any value, really.

I don't have anything else to say. I'll leave you with the madness of Rehabilitating Mr Wiggles, by Neil Swaab. Click on the comic for unlimited pleasure. Like sticking your dick in a Hoover.

Revolution! || Riot

[12 Jan 2005|08:10pm]
[ mood | Like a mofo, baby ]
[ music | Aphex Twin - Rhubarb ]

I'm one essay writing motherfucker, that's for sure.

I'm updating for Liam, seeing as he's my only fan, friend and stalker rolled into one. Here's the fucking update you wanted you daft bastard. Jump off a Cliff.

But how am I? Fairly good, actually. I'm about 1800 words into my essay, with only my conclusions to do. I'd post it on here but to be quite honest it's a boring chunk of shit. "Explain why and in what ways Satire was such a popular means of News dissemination c 1780 and the 1830s." Jesus fucking Christ, what a boring assignment. It was the most interesting question out of the bunch, and it wouldn't surprise me if the others bored a load of students to the brink of suicide. Every day they would fantasize about hanging themselves until it was finally done. Only a few snapped, but the rest were never the same again. The essay had claimed their souls, and they could no longer be happy.

I was meant to be going out tonight, but I figured I'd stay in instead, like the boring motherfucker that I am. Just watched Pulp Fiction, and I think it seems logical that Fear and Loathing goes on next. However, we've watched it many times. The chances are we'll watch City of God instead. Damn that's a great film. Everyone who hasn't seen it, go see it.

I think I'm getting Tinnitus. I have an irregular banging sound in my ear. Looks like it's eventually going to drive me insane and I have to gun some people down to ease my suffering. Like this. David Firth actually based the character on me, I actually look like that. Right down to the milkman hat and skull shape.


Revolution! || Riot

[11 Jan 2005|01:32pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Radiohead - Pyramid Song ]

Yesterday's entry was inaccurate. One hour was enough to edit that piece of shit, and now I've got my workbook to finish off. So why aren't I doing it? Easy: Because I'm a slack bastard. There are 2 and a half hours to go until the deadline, and I'm the only relaxed person here. Why stress over it? It's first year, and it doesn't matter. As long as I don't fucking fail it matters about as much as an abortion.

Boards of Canada are amazing.

Yesterday's events left me in quite a mess. Going to Sir Ben Jackson's house hammered out of my skull certainly was interesting due to the fact I had no idea where I was going. However it was great time to myself and wandering through a strange place, fucked, listening to Explosions in the Sky is absolutely incredible. After Ben had to come get me we watched Dawn of the Dead (excellent film, what a load of gorey insane crazy shit) and some Chris Rock/Adam Sandler sketches and stand-up.

EDIT: The work is handed in now. It is of exceedingly low quality and the chances are that we will fail this Unit. Boo-fucking-hoo. Screw this Uni. Screw it until it files a rape law-suit. Now I've got my essay to focus on for the remainder of this evening and tomorrow. Luckily, I've made an optimistic start to that and I hope I manage to sort it all out.

Why don't homeless people just commit crimes and get themselves into prison? Instead of rotting away under a bridge, cold, waiting to die... Why not hurl someone through a shop window? Glass a lawyer in the face? Have sex with a dog in full view of small children? That way they'll have some place warm to live in, not to mention a toilet, fresh water and three meals a day! What luxury!

Revolution! || Riot

[11 Jan 2005|12:44am]
The Film Module is completely fucked. Although, it's definitely not our faults... well, some of it is... But that's not the point, dammit! We came to edit it all together, gaze in awe at the splendour of our final pieces of work. But no! IT WAS TAKEN FROM US! Taken by small Ethiopian children.

Actually, no. The computer wouldn't work due to their being no Hard Disk space. There was no tech support around so it couldn't be fixed. Thus leaving us with tomorrow to get all the work done and hand it in... Pretty good, eh? My theory is just fine, the practical is completely fucking screwed due to the shitty equipment we have to use. Truly, these computers are the work of Microsoft.

Apart from that, things are pretty good. It'd be pretty damn good to get laid right now, but what can you do? Just wait, bide my time until I find one that isn't a complete idiot. That or a prostitute. Sounds pretty good to me. Could be worse though, I could be in a failing relationship full of bitching, moaning and hitting. Oh wait, that's an actual relationship... failing relationships are even worse than that. If you're in a failing relationship, please have mercy on yourself and buy a gun to shoot her with. It's like a permanent solution to all your problems.

Other than all of the above, I'm pretty damn fine. Could be worse, I could have AIDS.
Revolution! || Riot

[08 Jan 2005|08:58pm]
[ mood | Unmotivated as fuck ]
[ music | Sonic Youth - Disconnection ]

Evening all.

Life is slowly returning to normal after the holidays. Yet again I am behind with work, getting drunk (my kidneys hurt for a while during Christmas, which sucked like a Bangkok hooker but thank the Lord they've stopped now) and failing to score with any girls whatsoever. Yep, I'm feeling right at home once again. Please take me out, for I am lonely. I'll pay you to sleep with me.

Filming is coming along rather nicely, I must admit. Should've really fucking sorted it before Christmas but thanks to Hayley the fucking [insert expletive here], it was not a possibility. However I, Ben and Paul make a terrific group and all should be well in the land of Ant if editing goes right on Monday and Tuesday. I highly doubt it seeing as the editing software is exceedingly frustrating. How I long to put a sledgehammer to those fucking computers. I could do so much if I weren't so damn lazy. I'll get onto this subject now.

It's all relatively simple; I lack the motivation to do anything. I have seemingly great ideas for projects, and when it comes to doing said activity I never go through with it. I am one lazy son of a bitch. I had a few ideas as to spending my time in Lincoln, and these are as follows:

Lincoln Music Collective: The idea was to create a small community of musicians in which jam sessions could take place and bands could be formed, along with side projects etc... The benefits are your choice of musicians, it would be so much easier to find people you really click with musically. I don't know a single musician here (excluding Alan, of course) that has heard of Mogwai, and this could in fact be a great opportunity to find those people. Anything done on this front? Hell no.

The Bullet Magazine: The University magazine. The words "what a pile of inane shit," comes to my mind when I think of the Bullet. Nothing against the journalists who write for it but you could spruce up a magazine so much better with cartoons (opportunity for Art students too... as long as the cartoons were amusing and not bland Hippie bullshit)... My idea was to join the Bullet magazine and be an idea-man, writing funny things and making stupid articles. Anything done? Hell no.

The Website: Been through it so many times on this fucking journal that it gets boring. We all know I've done jacked shit on this front too. I need a memory stick for my camcorder too in order to make shitty amateur videos full of crap. I haven't done that either.

It's safe to say I'm a lazy slack son of a bitch who needs some anally retentive girl to put her foot behind me and order me to do things. Or I could get a guy to put a gun to my head and order me to sort everything out before he painted the wall with my brains. The possibilities are limitless, well they would be if I could be bothered to move. I'm going nowhere in life with motivation like this, I need to put myself where the action is and do something with my spare time instead of go out and get hammered.

Revolution! || Riot

[02 Jan 2005|08:40pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | Jeff Buckley - The Sky is a Landfill ]

Don't worry, this won't take long.

Seeing as there are so many psychologists and Counsellors pulling disorders out of their asses thesedays, I had a jolly good idea. Seeing as I'm a fairly stable, well-rounded individual (no flippant remarks please) I've decided to subject myself to Counselling when I get back into University. I can't help but feel curious about how "screwed up" I really am. I won't fake any of it, I'll give complete honesty in these sessions and see how long it takes for them to get me on Prozac, Ritalin or any other bullshit medication.

This experiment should prove to be incredibly enlightening, and who knows? Maybe I'll become a lovely human being who expresses his emotions well, accepts and adores Society and no longer feels angry! Because everyone knows that being angry isn't healthy, any dislikes towards masses aren't healthy and you're absolutely insane if you have trouble expressing yourself.

I for one can't wait to see what problems I get diagnosed with. On the other hand, maybe I'm perfectly normal! We'll wait and see, my ideas and crazy schemes usually fizzle out during the few days succeeding the initial day I had the idea in the first place. Damn I'm lazy. Maybe I should get medication for that, too.

Revolution! || Riot

[02 Jan 2005|01:00pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | Kinski - Daydream Intonation ]

I forgot to wish everyone a Happy New Year. There it is. Let's see what Resolutions I can think of to make me a better person (that I inevitably won't stick to, and become more of a loser than before):

- Cut tobacco out of my life altogether.
- Overcome my crippling shyness around girls I like.
- Get a girlfriend/have sex sometime this fucking year.
- Start up a band, write fuckloads of material and gig with said band.
- Begin work on a Lincoln Music Collective (with the help of Sir Ben Jackson this may be possible).
- If I fall on hard times, GET A JOB.
- Play guitar more (yes, I play a fuckload anyway).

Of course, there's the whole "exercise more" aspect but that's barely worth mentioning seeing as I'll give that up within the initial first few weeks of this foul year of our Lord, 2005. And I guess I should work harder in Uni, but if it doesn't pick up what the fuck's the point? I like everything else about Uni apart from Uni itself. Social life? Great. Having my own place? Great. Freedom? Great. Lincoln itself? Great.

As soon as I think about the education it's all fucking downhill.

I hate when the Clock strikes Midnight, signalling in the New Year. It just verifies how much of an ugly loser I really am. It could've been worse, I could've been dancing like everyone else. Man I hate dancing. Almost nobody can do it and the people that can deserve to have their legs sawn off. If I had to choose between a life dedicated to dancing and a life as a paraplegic, I'd choose the latter.

Revolution! || Riot

[01 Jan 2005|02:26am]
[ mood | FUCKING WIRED ]

MDMA is the best drug EVER.

Revolution! || Riot

[30 Dec 2004|10:39pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | The Beatles - Taxman ]

I haven't much to write about.

As of right now I'm making a Mix-tape that is loosely based around my general synopsis of music taste. I for one think that 90 minutes are nowhere near long enough, and I would really wish for an extra 90 minutes... or more. It's so hard to base your taste on so few songs (especially when some of them last about half a fucking hour). I had to sacrifice a fair few tracks due to the fact it is meant to be enjoyed by both me and my friends (therefore no Godspeed you!... and no Jeff Buckley).

Track listing: -

Graham Coxon - Freakin' Out
Oceansize - Amputee
Mogwai - Ratts of the Capital
British Sea Power - Apologies to Insect Life
Sonic Youth - Theresa's Soundworld
Explosions in the Sky - Yasmin the Light
Sonic Youth - Nic Fit
Kinski - Daydream Intonation
Mogwai - Hunted by a Freak
Massive Attack - Teardrop
Aphex Twin - Track 3, CD 1 of Ambient Works, Vol II
Goldfrapp - Lovely Head
Boards of Canada - Beware the friendly Stranger
Bjork - Cocoon
Boards of Canada - Julie and Candy
Sigur Ros - Untitled Track 8

All good things should end with Sigur Ros' Track 8. My life will end to this fucking song if it's the last thing I do (and of course, it will be...). I had to sacrifice Mogwai Fear Satan because it's 16 minutes long, which sucks because it officially owns everything that is awesome. Finishing the tape, I only just managed to fit the end of Bjork's Cocoon onto it...

I love music so much, yet I despise it simultaneously.

Tomorrow: I leave for Lincoln in order to attend a New Year's pissup. It would be fun, apart from the fact that there are no girls on our street right now. They're all home for New Year, which means I'll end up jerking off in a corner. Yet again. As per fucking usual. Unless I get pissed enough to actually nail a girl and take her back round to my house. Seems doubtful... I guess I'll call my hand and tell her that she can join me for New Year. Only fucking action I'll be getting for a while.

What a pointless, semi-tipsy update. If I didn't talk so much bollocks constantly I'd be interesting. What can you do?

Revolution! || Riot

[28 Dec 2004|12:30pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Boards of Canada - Julie and Candy ]

This is my third attempt at writing this, due to the fact that my Flash Player download from the Boards of Canada website keeps wanting to change my fucking update page... I get back to this page each time and guess what? None of it is here! If I had anything better to do I'd probably not update and take the hint, but I don't. Depressing really, I could be outside living my life to the fullest, frolicking in the forest and playing with Elves! ELVES! HAHAHA! Fucking die.

Last night can be summed up into about 5 words: Paintball gun, unsuspecting town, fun.

I've been thinking about how awesome Movies based around Dancing are. It's just like mixing two of the greatest things EVER, seamlessly and incredibly done might I add, and the end result being nothing short of Art. They always have such fantastic Soundtracks, too. It's pretty safe to say that mixing Movies and Dancing is almost as awesome as mixing Sex and Sherbet. Man, Sherbet fucking rules. But anyway, onto my Case Study.

If there is any way that Patrick Swayze could look any manlier in that picture, I don't want to know. In my opinion, Dirty Dancing has to be one of the greatest movies of all time. Don't believe me? Check the Soundtrack. What with such epic soundscapes as "The Time Of My Life" by Jennifer Warnes and Bill Medley, you'd have to be a complete fucking idiot to not buy the new DVD (with special features including the Making of, and an exclusive interview with the Choreographer!), the Soundtrack (2 discs of non-stop floor-filling hardcore dance tracks!) and all of the merchandise including the lunchbox and posters! I sure wish I could dance. I'd be so appealing... to lycra wearing homosexuals named Julian, that is.

If you didn't guess that I was being sarcastic; you're stupid. Dancing Movies and Romantic Comedies are the vomit that suffocates the Entertainment Industry... apart from Pop-Punk and Country and Western, but that's Music. What's more is that most of these Dancing Movies and their shitty Soundtracks came from the '80s - a decade where everything fucking sucked. I hate Nirvana, but I'm damn glad they were commercialized in the '90s to get rid of all the shitty music that the '80s perpetuated. Fuck the '80s. I'm glad I can barely remember ever living in that time period. What a cultural fucking cesspit. Apart from any of the decent Metal and/or Punk coming out of that Era (Slayer, whom everyone should listen to if they ever want to listen to truly ear-splitting Metal), I'd love to see the '80s completely flushed down the fucking toilet.

I haven't even seen Dirty Dancing, but for some reason I get the impression that it sucks. Where do you think I get that idea?

Revolution! || Riot

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