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[01 Feb 2005|01:14pm]
[ mood | lonely ]

it's a beautiful day outside...i'm not too big on the sunshine, but it's the perfect temperature. it's not too hot, and it's not too cold. however, after about three days of this, i will soon curse it. my geography class was canceled today, conveniently so, considering i had a quiz that i wasn't entirely prepared for. so now i get pretty much the whole afternoon to m'self. i would love to just drive out to ocean beach or even santa cruz today with somebody, or even by myself, and just splash about in the waves, but i have to be at work at 6. that totally sucks.

despite all of this sunshine, there's a shadow of sadness eclipsing it underneath my skin. OMGOTH. no, seriously, it sucks and i don't understand why i'm the slightest bit sad today. :/ it's like it's winter in july. then i'd be in australia.


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[01 Feb 2005|09:32am]
[ mood | mischievous ]

i'm sure most of your are familiar with sassy tom, right? well, he was super sassy last night, and i got pictures. they will be posted shortly.

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follow up: [31 Jan 2005|08:50pm]
[ mood | determined ]

i went back to bed at around 7AM, and wouldn't you know, i had more nightmares. fantastic. anyway, i have come to the conclusion that i just need to sleep a lot less. i've been getting too much sleep lately, and it's only benefitting me under the eyes. if i slept less, i would get so much more done...i think. i also need to eat less, because i have gained four pounds. i know, i'm thin. i'm not anorexic looking, but i know i have nothing to complain about. i just don't want to a. start eating out of control b. start getting lethargic from all of that food i'm consuming and digesting. i will be a ROBOT! success will be mine!

now, it's time to start my homework. i shall be up doing it until approximately 1AM. wish me luck.

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[31 Jan 2005|12:27pm]
[ mood | excited ]

i am SO going to coachella this year! last year i refused to drag my ass down to the desert because of my intense fear of the heat and crowded music festivals, but it will SO BE WORTH IT THIS YEAR!!!!
NIN (okay, i was a bigger fan when i was about 14, but i've always kind of wanted to see them live)

that will SO BE WORTH a trip down to the desert!

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I <3 TEH POPE [28 Jan 2005|09:58pm]
[ music | "Craving" Xymox ]


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[28 Jan 2005|09:04pm]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | some gay horror movie. ]

i was drunk and jolly and smoking a clove, then i was suddenly drunk and belligerent like whoa. wtf. i am mad mad mad. i am extremely mad because a. i am disfigured and disgusting and b. there is no more bacardi. i was trashed at 5. top that, cool cat.

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[26 Jan 2005|11:38pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | "One More Time" Clan of Xymox ]

well, this is nice. i'm actually enjoying my shakespeare class. i've been working on analyzing sonnets for the past four hours and i've been loving it. wtf?

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deep thoughts. [26 Jan 2005|01:12pm]
ooo: you touch my tra-la-la.
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no more fun and games. [25 Jan 2005|05:00pm]
[ mood | discontent ]

DG was pretty lame last night. the venue is nice, but it has the worst vibe in the world. i felt like such a fish out of water. they played some decent music and i could hardly dance to it. it was really lame-a-tron.

i ended up only getting three hours of sleep last night because i had to be at school this morning. i figured that i would just take a nap when i got home from school at 2 (make that 2:30 because of the obscene amounts of traffic just getting out of the parking lot), but i couldn't sleep for the life of me. so now i have to work from 6-midnight on three hours of sleep and lots of caffeine. fun.

i'm really depressed. goddamnit. and i have a lot of homework that i'm going to have to binge on all day tomorrow. i guess i should get used to a heavy workload.

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[23 Jan 2005|02:37am]
[ music | "National Affront" Throbbing Gristle ]


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tortila chips in my dick. [18 Jan 2005|10:55pm]
[ mood | large. ]
[ music | "Big Willy Style" Will Smith ]

my name is kevin. i have a big willy.

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[13 Jan 2005|12:35am]
[ mood | tired ]

I...dreamed I was designing costumes for a tiny dinosaur fashion show. The dinosaurs were the size of little mice.

i so wish i had dreams like that.

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i hate these things. [13 Jan 2005|12:33am]
[ mood | tired ]

You Are 22 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

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(stolen from paul.) [10 Jan 2005|10:37am]
Go back through your entries for the past year and cut and paste the first line of the first entry of each month. Laughter shall ensue.

i just wrote a journal entry of epic proportions.

the past few days have been a whirlwind of puzzle pieces fitting together (at last).

i got a sassy little black dress in the mail today, and i really wanted to wear it out to DG tonight.

i'm starting to regret not applying to a liberal arts school.

okay, queer as folk gives me the biggest boner.

the new miss kittin cd comes out today.

i shudder and shake off every move you make as if your presence was pinching my skin and spitting in my eyes.

according to jason, i'm the only person that doesn't use a client to update their lj.



my mum is going back to england tomorrow for 12 days.

weird baby aliens.
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[09 Jan 2005|01:04am]
[ mood | artistic ]

dude, ashlee simpson sounds like a dying mouse. terrible.

oh, and by the way, the scorpions dude was a fraud. he's like, delusional and believes that he is the guitarist of the scorpions, but is really just *cuckoo*cuckoo*. too bad. i hella wanted to see them. :( although, it is pretty funny.

oh wait, was she a great big fat person?

tortilla chips in my dick. but, i think that if i had a dick, i wouldn't put tortilla chips in it. let me ask somebody who has a penis.

me: hey jorden?
jorden: yeah? (trying to sleep)
me: if you had some tortilla chips, would you put them in your dick?
jorden: nope.
me: oh okay.

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[06 Jan 2005|12:11am]
my friend kim works at noah's bagel's in berkeley. i had to be at work this morning at 10, so i got up at 8. i'm not normally up this early, but since i was, i was able to take her joy inducing phone call. she informed me that the guitarist of the scorpions was buying $2,000 worth of bagels from the shop. not just for his band, but for his "crew", and that he gave concert tickets to their show (with MOTLEY CRUE) to all the people that worked there, plus their friends.

so kim and i have tickets and backstage passes to see the scorpions and motley crue. i'm so fuckin' excited. BUTT ROCK FOR LIFE!!!
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[01 Jan 2005|04:14pm]
[ music | i love a doorstep bideo game ]

all i want is a bideo, from doorstep bideo (whoa, ooo whoa)
all i want is a bideo, to play with my bideo!
it's not my patient
it's not my relation
(whoa, ooo whoa)
all i want is a bideo
from doorstep bideo!

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[30 Dec 2004|05:37pm]

it's just too romanticle.

"you realize i'm never doing anything like that around you again."-jorden.
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[30 Dec 2004|01:43am]
"do chicken's have large talon's?"

"$6. that's like a dollar an hour."

"really? it took me like, 3 hours to finish the shading around your upper lip. it's probably like, the best drawing i've ever done. okay bye."

"tricia. my woman i'm taking to the dance."

"pedro, how do you feel about that one. it looks awesome. it's incredible."
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HAPPY KWANZAA!!! [26 Dec 2004|10:07pm]
[ mood | irritated ]

i hope the kwanzaa love will be spread thickly throughout the next seven days. don't forget to light your candles!

here is what chanukah harry brought me for xmas:
-an aubrey beardsley art book
-"salome" by oscar wilde, illustrated by aubrey beardsley
-"abfab" seasons 1, 2, and 3 on dvd
-"sex and the city" season 6, part 1
-these gloves!
-this skirt!
-"betty boop" dvd
-some lush stuff
-english candy
-$30 gift certificate to macy's from my bro (for makeup)

from paul:
-warm fuzzy black jacket!!!

from teh jordenzorz:

and the two best, BESTEST PRESENTS IN THE WORLD, to conclude a VERY rasputina-esque christmas:
-THIS STEEL BONED CORSET!!! from me mum and....

i'm still in shock. no long will i have to play the air cello when rockin' out to rasputina! OMFG. i am truly blessed.

now, i was looking through my photobucket albums and found some pictures i took last christmas (like the george michael song), and i realized how much i've changed. not just my hair and what not, but my face looks a lot older. not so much haggard, but...older and shit. you know? anyway, i got this new jacket about a week ago and i thought it would look very sophisticated and glam in some black/white photo's. i haven't been much of a camera whore in recent days, so i thought i'd give the semi-new camera a go and show off my hair which a. most of you don't really know what my bangs look like from like, 2 months ago and b. it's grown out, and i like it now. so here goes:


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