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Below is information about the "Cyberpunk Collective" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:cyberpunk (38869) cyberpunk
Name:Cyberpunk Collective
About:the world of a cyberpunk is decrepit technology, oppressive governments, corporate consumerism. it crosses boundaries of genre and medium. we pervade the writers, film makers, hackers, techies, programmers, ravers, rivetheads, cybergoths, punks, techno-shamanists, artists, musicians, gamers, philosophers, theorists and activists. We are the subversion of society, and we are spreading.

we are the future, dark and undiluted. the future is now. every day the world envisioned as the future by the cyberpunk writers of the past is becoming more of a present reality. One of the things this community does is watch it happen.

dance to the tension of a world on edge.

small request: please do not ask for cracks, hacks and keygens on here.
Interests:70: 23, anarchy, art, big boots, bionics, black lights, bluetooth, body art, caffeine, cell phones, chaos theory, clubbing, cracking, cryptology, cyberpunk, djing, dreadlocks, drum machines, drumming, dumpster diving, festivals, fetish, fractals, g3, graphic design, hacking, hair dye, hardware, html, implants, industrial music, interfaces, internet, java, jewellery, mainframes, networks, neural networks, neuromancer, perl, photoshop, piercings, poetry, psychedelia, rivets, robert anton wilson, robot, smart drugs, snow crash, software, sound systems, spikes, stomping, strobes, sub bass, subversion, techno, techno-shamanism, the matrix, trance, travelling, unix, virtual reality, wap, war driving, web design, webcams, wetware, william gibson, zines. [Modify yours]
Members:1547: View Members .
Account type:Free Account

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