Below is information about the "developers" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | developers (36362) |
Name: | developers |
Website: | Source Forge. |
E-mail: |
About: | The developers community :-) This community is not restricted to Livejournal developers. All kinds of development are welcome. When I figure out how, anyone can post here. Please join if you are a developer. |
Interests: | 30: anything, apple, bbedit, c, cgi, css, developer, developing, freebsd, gui, hacking, hardware, html, interaction, java, javascript, linux, mac, mysql, open source, pc, perl, php, programming, quicktime, software, tweeking, unix, visual basic, windows. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 220: 2049live, 235711, 45610, __joel__, __kiyo__, _joi, _perihelion_, acetaminophen, adamjansen, agentofdiscord, aktuation, alexey_m, all_x, andaluviandream, angelamaria, angelkate666, angryjohn69, aoikaminari, apotheon, aradtech, aranedlor, atlaz, avdi, aviatrix, banana, banazir, belljar76, benjamin79, bigredd2222, bjorng, blades, blu, bluepaladin, bobbotron, brainspider, brm4242, brutus_007, carkat, cat_a_holic, cdima, chaizzilla, chazcross, cheshire, chiasmushf, ciggieposeur, cjcollier, clown, clown_shoes, codeguy, coldacid, coolashell, cowpod, cpm, creature_like, ctresca, cyber_aeon, cypr3ss, dataflow, dataknife, deathfugue, deatonjr, decemberssummer, dfi_media, diego001, dietolive, dopp, drghastly, dustyshadow, eck, eddjames, ekto, emarkienna, emyrs, epro, erebrandir, errmakov, estella_b, ev0lchuck, evergence, ewx, eyer8pyr8, feebdaed, feyeleanor, filthymonkey, firelegend, first_dragon, fizzbain, frog, geheimnismann, ginkgoes, gnodal, gohei, gregl, grepjava, gruffydog, hatchetgirl, haveblue, hfx_ben, hoho19, ibrad, ideabank, idfi, ipmonger, italic_caesar, itchi, izard, jaded_reality, jakal, jbl, jillyjellyroll, johnny101, jpaulson, kamoku, kirkhfx, kokopoko, kw34hd1, kytty, lashair, lazlohf, legion_dev, legolas, liquidmercurial, liveden, lroberson, lucretio, luminosity, macduck, macheide, macintosh, maethe, marnanel, mart, marteki, mattraibert, mictubis, moocowing, moon_aka_sun, morb, mrbad, mrsgough, mutatorr, mydesirez, nassoro, nentwined, neraka, nnnslogan, nuniko, penguin001, pgoroncy, phos2k, pinkycam, princesschad, prohibitoid, psychoi3oy, quelrod, r3v3ng, randompeach, rekkid, rivorus, runagate_echo, sabinenotagoth, sagamore, sailornash, saint_sava, satansjellycat, seanb, sengelha, sentegroup, sfritz, sglider, shadowjockey, shallowness, shawny, shylan, sirilyan, sirmalloc, sirstompsalot, skaro, skylarker, sleekcat, sleepy, soliloquy76, somnambulist, spacejeffrey, speaker4thedead, sridharinfinity, steprous, steve, steyt, stwinnie, sweeney, swestrup, syntaxkill, t0ughcookie, tape_worm, tarco, techie_dude, term, thebmonkeynum1, thegreatdark, thinkin3d, timmuhz, tombraider2, topher, trancelife, valera, venusianflame, venusnin, vijucat, vorpal, winterfell, workroom, xpaerimtlslaekv, xunker, xzachx, yodha, yummymoto, zach, zehaeva, zoso159 |
Watched by: | 168: 235711, __joel__, __kiyo__, _agentofdiscord, _dustym, _joi, acetaminophen, adamjansen, agentofdiscord, aktuation, alexey_m, alexott, all_x, andaluviandream, angelamaria, aoikaminari, apotheon, aradtech, aranedlor, archon, atlaz, avdi, banana, banazir, benjamin79, bigredd2222, blades, bluepaladin, bobbotron, brainspider, brutus_007, bulletbaba, burtlo, carkat, cat_a_holic, cdima, chazcross, cheshire, chiasmushf, ciggieposeur, clown, clown_shoes, codeguy, coldacid, coolashell, cowpod, creature_like, ctresca, dataflow, dataknife, decemberssummer, diego001, drghastly, dustyshadow, emarkienna, emyrs, epro, erebrandir, errmakov, estella_b, evergence, ewx, eyer8pyr8, feebdaed, filthymonkey, fizzbain, geheimnismann, ginkgoes, gnodal, gregl, grepjava, gruffydog, haveblue, hfx_ben, hoho19, ideabank, idfi, ipmonger, italic_caesar, itchi, izard, jillyjellyroll, jimha, johnny101, joshmachine, jpaulson, kamoku, karlthepagan, kirkhfx, kokopoko, kw34hd1, kytty, lashair, legion_dev, legolas, lroberson, lucretio, luminosity, macduck, maethe, marnanel, marteki, mattraibert, mictubis, mike3k, moocowing, moon_aka_sun, musicandmuse, nassoro, nentwined, nnnslogan, nutrimental, paul9, penguin001, pgoroncy, pinterface, pistoschristou, poyz, prohibitoid, psychoi3oy, quelrod, r3v3ng, randompeach, rivorus, runagate_echo, sagamore, sardonyx, satishns, schiller, scott, sengelha, sentegroup, sglider, shallowness, sirmalloc, sirstompsalot, skyangel2186, skylarker, sleepy, snaky, so1nyshko, soliloquy76, somnambulist, spacejeffrey, speaker4thedead, sridharinfinity, steprous, stillcarl, stwinnie, swestrup, ... |
Member of: | 1: dev_comm |
Account type: | Free Account |