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Below is user information for Koani. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:koani (7295) koani
Website:Gifts for the Koani
Location:Newport News, Virginia, United States
Bio:I am confusing. I am predictable. I am a cat person but like wolves. I am twentysomething. I am a drinker when confidence is craved. I am an ex-vegetarian. I am a programmer. I am woman. Rowrl.
Interests:75: albert einstein, angel, animals, anne rice, bisexuals, brunettes, buddhism, buffy, but i'm a cheerleader, cats, chocolate, cnu, coldfusion, comedy, computers, dating, egypt, einstein, elfquest, eq, everquest, fantasy, farscape, fiction, flash, games, ghosts, harry potter, horror, html, imagination, intelligence, kink, lesbians, linux, long hair, lucy, magick, music, nature, newport news, nutrition, openmindedness, perl, programming, psychology, reading, religion, sci-fi, self-improvement, sensuality, sex, sexuality, singing, single, single life, six feet under, smallville, spirtuality, stephen king, supernatural, suspense, tom welling, trillian, unix, web, web development, werewolves, witches, wolf lake, wolves, women, writing, xanth, yoga. [Modify yours]
People14:bagu, billstevenson, chorus_of_chaos, dwaggie, eggshapedfred, gaijan, pittunited, prideleader, queenwanda, riversbabe, simsarah, tinjuko, tspencer227, wolfofthenight
Communities5:eq, everquest, hamptonroads, nakedparts2, paidmembers
Account type:Early Adopter

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