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User:linux_ru (1147390) community
Location:Russian Federation
About:A community of channel at DalNet.
Interests:12: bsd, freebsd, fsf, gnu, gpl, irc, linux, netbsd, openbsd, opensource, unix, стеб. [Modify yours]
Members:111: 1em, __sergio__, _alfar, _dilbert_, _nm_, _s_a_g_, _savier_, _vitesse, a_karloff, aeriman, akuzik, alec_c4, alego, alexey_m, alexkuklin, anhydrol, anthony_, avosya, babe_roo, beaujo1ais, bist, bizon88, boda2004, boher, bricks_ua, brj, c4s, checkist, ckayt, daenur, deilux, designerus, diger, dj_kid, drago13, e_max, egorg, ekrava, elion, elovi, enulederialc, erthad, esycat, fearan, ferkabaire, fierce_monk, filona, fnq, fuzk, gelezny, goryunov, halcy0n, hideo, himik, inetman, insain_, intac, iofan, jdevelop, jumperff, karic, kiryla, l_u_f_t, lexx_wg, ltwood, lynyrds, m41nfr4m3, mentis, miniuser, mixasik, mozgokot, mr_konung, mr_tiller, neps, nikitka, oinjer, okmmih, overton, paranoic, partiz, poige, poiz, profer, psyho, r007, randox, realloc, rebelucho, red_hat, redkid, runagate_echo, s8, scazi, semen_uglev, serni, sezamcommview, skazzi, sp0x0f3d_1p, system_error404, t4, tant, tarantul7, torvald, toxa, toxzic, vip3r, wolfenst, x_vir, xlwolf, z_area, zambarra
Watched by:122: 1em, __sergio__, _alfar, _dilbert_, _nm_, _vitesse, a_karloff, aceler, aeriman, ai_ai_ai, akuzik, alec_c4, alexey_m, alexkuklin, anhydrol, anthony_, avosya, beaujo1ais, benngunn, bist, boda2004, boher, bricks_ua, c4s, can_did, checkist, ckayt, comp_ro, daenur, danilovesky, deilux, denushki, designerus, didl_alm, dimula, dj_kid, drago13, e_max, eco_bogdan, egorg, ekrava, elion, elovi, enulederialc, erthad, esycat, fearan, fierce_monk, filona, fuzk, gelezny, goryunov, guerrillero, halcy0n, hideo, igorekk, inetman, insain_, intac, iofan, iskatel, jdevelop, jimp, jumperff, karic, katzzz, kiryla, kn1ght, l_u_f_t, lamed, leo_club, linuxinstaller, ltwood, lynyrds, m41nfr4m3, mars1k, mcwees, mentis, mixasik, molodezhev, movb, mozgokot, mr_konung, mr_tiller, ne_hohol, neps, oinjer, okmmih, p1r4t3, paranoic, partiz, poige, poiz, porutchik, prozvonkin, r007, rakotomancer, realloc, rebelucho, redkid, runagate_echo, s8, scazi, semen_uglev, serni, skazzi, sneakpeak, snegware, sp0x0f3d_1p, sviridoff, system_error404, tant, tarantul7, torvald, toxa, toxzic, vip3r, wolfenst, x_vir, xtazy_vld, z_area, zambarra
Account type:Free Account

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