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Andrew Dranse

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[Jan. 9th, 2005|10:42 pm]
[Current Music |BT - BT - Quark (Coolaid Mix)]

I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

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New Favorite Quote [Jan. 8th, 2005|12:19 am]
[Current Mood |nerdy]
[Current Music |ATB - Live @ Summerrave 2000]

"Rob McKenna was a miserable bastard and he knew it because he'd had a lot of people point it out to him over the years and he saw no reason to disagree with them except the obvious one which was that he liked disagreeing with people, particularly people he disliked, which included, at the last count, everybody." -- Chapter 2, "So Long and Thanks For All the Fish", Douglas Adams

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You want snow? I GOT SNOW! [Dec. 23rd, 2004|12:11 pm]
[Current Mood |enraged]

Fuck nature.

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meme [Nov. 30th, 2004|04:05 pm]
stolen from people.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal...along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

"The last man came gasping into the reat, said 'The worm! It's almost on us! Blast off!'" (Dune, by Frank Herbert)

edit: i just realized the sentance i typed makes no sense because of the typos...i fixed one word but have no idea what the other should be. that's what i get for trying to do stuff when my brain is tired
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Phone Post: [Nov. 15th, 2004|06:24 pm]
11K 0:02
“Monkey fuckers!”

Transcribed by: [info]eliset
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NaNoWriMo [Nov. 1st, 2004|03:12 pm]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |Final Fantasy - Cid's Theme]

Zokutou word meter
0 / 50,000
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algorithms midterm [Oct. 26th, 2004|09:27 pm]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |ACDC - Whole Lotta Rosie]

i might as well chugged a bottle of tequila, munched on some graphite, and puked on the paper, for all the good actually writing on it did.

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[Oct. 19th, 2004|02:07 pm]
[Current Mood |working]
[Current Music |Machine Head - Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies]

Pictures I took yesterday morning. Click the thumbnail for full picture (each full picture is about 1 meg).

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[Oct. 8th, 2004|06:39 pm]
domokun SMASH
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[Oct. 7th, 2004|09:23 pm]
[Current Mood |sleepy]
[Current Music |Dark Tranquility - Cathode Ray Sunshine]

two interviews for coop...

one with National Instruments in Austin, TX

one with ...something in Villach, Austria.

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[Aug. 12th, 2004|11:59 pm]
21 years wasted.
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[Aug. 12th, 2004|10:39 am]
[Current Mood |working]
[Current Music |Steve Lawler - Dark Drums (Tag's Trance Trip - a decent groove at a reasonable price (this means fre]

Economic Left/Right: 1.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.10

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[Aug. 8th, 2004|03:03 pm]
STAT231 is the worst class known to man.

I would rather fuck a goat than take this class again.

If I don't pass this class I am going to murder the entire faculty of Mathematics.
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[Jul. 19th, 2004|08:31 pm]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |Evanescence - My Immortal]

this just in

i am in austin august 15 - august 22 (sunday to sunday).

that is all.

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[Jul. 9th, 2004|12:20 pm]
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[Jul. 1st, 2004|02:17 pm]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |Adam Starr - Boxcar Willy`s Electric Blues (Tag's Trance Trip - a decent groove at a reasonable pric]

gmail invites.

leave comment if you want.

if not, well screw you too.

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[Jun. 25th, 2004|09:40 pm]
It seems so small...

also see [info]avphibes' comic!

Click here to see! )
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[Jun. 24th, 2004|11:33 pm]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |Adam Starr - Boxcar Willy`s Electric Blues (Tag's Trance Trip - a decent groove at a reasonable pric]

thinking about going down to austin august 15-22.

1. Expensive - $450ish just for plane ticket, then gotta live while down there. Expennnsive
1a. I'll be 21. DRINKY YAY!

2. Dunno what other people are up to - what do *you* have planned for that week?

Bye bye

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[Jun. 23rd, 2004|04:56 pm]
[Current Mood |working]
[Current Music |01 - Paul Oakenfold - Tranceport - The Dreamtraveler]

testing icon

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[Jun. 19th, 2004|10:51 pm]
[Current Mood |drunk]
[Current Music |Superfreak]



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