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califia joe

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[04 Jun 2004|09:03am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

blah blah blah )

more harry potter 3 annoyance )

5 telegrams|post

[03 Jun 2004|09:33am]
[ mood | bored ]

yesterday on my way to the bus I saw the best bit of graffiti I have ever seen [even better than the 10' tall bit that read 'John Doe1: POLICE INFORMER']. it was on a wall in some random alley and it read: 'BUMTRON WANTS YO ASS'. I'm interested in the fact that it didn't read 'arse' so perhaps BUMTRON is an american who is visiting or lives in the UK? in any case, BUMTRON made my day that much better

now I'm trying to get a ride to IKEA in warrington. it would take me an age to get there & I'd like to buy a shelving unit. Everything else I'd like is small enough that bringing it home would be easy-peasy. anyone care to give me a lift? :D actually, I don't know anyone in manchester with a car, I don't think. but just in case one of you would like to take me to IKEA and you DO have a car, let me know! I will even take you to lunch in the swank IKEA restaurant. I've never been but I've heard it's perfect for me [because I'm so cheap frugal]. I'm not that cheap, of course, I'll also contribute toward the cost of gas!

ETA: I have discovered that if I get everything I want at ikea it will cost me £143.10. this includes a new computer desk & shelving unit but excludes a new sofa & armchair. interesting. MAMA NEEDS A NEW PAIR OF SHOES! er, shelving unit. whatever.

1 I wish I could remember the acutal name. I wish even more I'd taken a picture of it before someone had done their stupid tag over it.

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[02 Jun 2004|11:09am]
[ mood | working ]

I'm in work again today - no surprise there, of course. however I have discovered something that makes my days so much nicer. outside my window there is a HUGE ryan giggs billboard. I hope they never take it down! it's good to know that when I'm feeling stressed or upset I can simply glance outside the window and see my afro-welsh brother promoting reebok boots. hurrah!

tonight I'm going to call our new bank & apply for a remortgage, I think. I'm hoping our house will be worth at least £73k - if it is then we'll be able to remortgage and get a substantial chunk of cash [enough to buy a used car, anyway] without increasing our repyaments at all. fantastic! I'll actually give an estate agent a call, I think, and see how much laminate flooring will add to the value of our house. if it's a lot then we'll wait to remortgage until the flooring is in.

I'm also going to rent a wallpaper perforator thinger. JEN, I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! let me take this moment to also mention how cute jen's new dog is. if they weren't different breeds I'd want her & enzo to have many babies. :D

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[01 Jun 2004|11:18am]
[ mood | dorky ]

I need this.

I just need to find a way to get to warrington, by gum!

I've started having very bad x-files nightmares. the kind where I'm trapped in an episode and even if I manage to wake up when I go back to sleep I'm still in the dream. the nightmares are really bad. I also was convinced some guy I saw on saturday was an alien bounty hunter. maybe it's a good thing I don't have any dvds to watch.

ETA: this is my new favorite site:

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[01 Jun 2004|08:36am]
[ mood | bored ]

this weekend I painted some furniture & saw 'van helsing' [crap] and 'harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban' [a total waste of my time and money - I thought it was exceedingly awful]. I hated both of them, really, and wished I had just stayed home and painted more furniture.

ETA: movie reviews )

toni & I purchased some wood laminate flooring for the house. it's a maple effect and will be going in all 3 bedrooms & the living room. the man at the flooring shop said it would be a bad idea to put it in the kitchen if it would be getting wet a lot. due to enzo's inability to always hit the paper when he's peeing we decided to stick with what we have and maybe get tile at a later date.

we've also purchased paint for every room except the hallway/stairwell/entry. we may just be mixing the color that's in jamie's room with white and painting the stairwell that color. enh, whatever. I don't know. we bought this greyblue slate type color for the computer room. I don't think I like it, but it's too late now. it's not as grey as I was hoping, really. maybe it'll look better when the room is finished.

I am so totally unthrilled about being in work today. why didn't I win the triple rollover jackpot on saturday, eh?

9 telegrams|post

a annoying thing about expat living... [28 May 2004|11:18am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

someone I don't know just stopped me in the hall at work. she said 'you're american, aren't you?' to which I responded, 'yes.' all the while wondering who she was and how she knew that.

she then told me that the man with whom she had just been having a conversation with [I heard the end of this conversation, as I was also in the hallway] liked california. she also liked the 'countryside' of california, but found los angeles to be overwhelming.

hi. I DO NOT CARE. I am sure she doesn't stop scottish people and tell them how she felt about that time she went to glasgow or how her friend felt about edinburgh.

it may seem like it's no big deal, but I assure you it becomes one when you have stupid encounters like this at least once per week.

10 telegrams|post

[26 May 2004|08:37pm]
enzo in raincoat )
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[26 May 2004|01:58pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

I really want to see the new pedro almodovar movie but I cannot stand this actor. I think he is really annoying and I keep getting distracted by his weird face and cannot concentrate or properly enjoy the movies he's in.

I also really want to eat something so I am going to go do that. but before I do that I am going to say that I am anxiously awaiting the result of [info]mama2jude's husband's job interview. I am really praying that he gets it!

I am also going to say that I keep forgetting my discman and it pisses me off. someone just buy me an ipod and then it will be small & fit in my bag. even a mini ipod. whatever. I just want to be able to listen to james & guns n' roses on the tram in.

I need a mofowing drink like what. seriously. payday tomorrow. wax friday. tonight I am going to enjoy a lot of vodka and THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL. UNGH. food now.

ETA: my lust for fox mulder is now out of control. seriously. I want to join the FBI now. yes, I know he is imaginary but seriously. I am watching too much x-files. to be fair, dale cooper also makes me want to join the fbi.

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[26 May 2004|09:45am]
not too sure how I feel about this. we'll see in the preseason, eh? I don't rate alan smith as a striker but I think he'd make a good midfielder if he can deal with his temper.

I need to remember to take my b vitamins becaus I am blowing things totally out of proportion.

[24 May 2004|11:47am]
[ mood | working ]

I'm back in work today. wahey or something. I came in to discover that almost all the machines had been hacked last week & reimaged. there are also several machines that still need reimaging. also, the two other members of my team are on holiday.

nice. thanks, sciatica, for picking the best time for this. I pray I will never have sciatica again as it was agonizing. also, I cannot deal with having my life interrupted like that anymore.

I also consistently went to bed last week at 8:00pm. stupid codeine, YOU DON'T EVEN KILL MY PAIN and I cannot drink when I ingest you! I should have just spent the week drunk.

football was wonderful this weekend & my brother in law & co. came over to watch the match. fantastic!! I had an absolute blast, really. truly awesome. I also planted my irises and watched 'network' and 'mommie dearest' [crap] and some x-files. omg, FOX MULDER GET IN MY PANTS.

the only problem with saturday? I went to bed at 9pm [I only stayed up to watch the x-files] because I had the worst football hangover ever. honestly, I've never had such a bad one. even toni, who doesn't care about the footie, had one. the come down from that adrenaline rush is debilitating. ugh. totally worth it, of course.

I did discover a new kind of doritos. oops. curse you, sour cream & sweet pepper[it's really jalapeno, but whatever] doritos. YOU ARE LIKE CRACK IN A FOIL FRESH BAG.

I am here until 3:30 and I have five things left to do. I don't really want to get off my fat ass and do them but I must. I keep forgetting I can do things remotely. OH NETMEETING, HOW I LOVE THEE!

I should not have had any sugar just now, as I clearly am suffering from the sugar rush. this week I am buying a printer [£15!] and getting paid [thursday, thank you, jesus!] and weeping over the lack of football for three weeks or something after wednesday [champions league final!]. my life - A THRILL A MINUTE.

speaking of thrills, toni & I are going to remortgage our house [ha, after 6 months] if we can and get a lower interest rate & buy a car. booya! jamie, enzo and I are COMING OVER.


[19 May 2004|05:31pm]
[ mood | excited ]

it appears that HP3 will be arriving in cinemas nearly a week earlier than I thought [monday, may 31!]. this means if I go on a monday I can get in for £2.50 if I wear my united kit.


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[18 May 2004|03:51pm]
[ mood | irritated ]

as if going to bed at 9:30 weren't proof enough that I'm already an old lady, I have an irritated/pinched/inflamed/very painful sciatic nerve. I THOUGHT IT WAS ONLY OLD LADIES WHO GOT SCIATICA. joe assures me this is not the case but I am not so sure.

last night I went to bed at 8pm. I couldn't even make it through x-files. all the codeine the doctor is doing is making me tired & not killing the pain. I thought codeine was supposed to be the pain-killer of the lesser gods? bah.

I have to crawl up the stairs, for goodness' sake. and the doctor insisted I sit evenly on both buttocks as it would [somehow] relieve the pressure or something on the nerve. that's all well and good except for the fact that once I have to get up after putting even pressure on both sides of my ass I want to cry because the pain is so bad. I can hardly even use the toilet because it involves sitting down. ace!

hopefully it won't last. I told work I'd be back in on thursday but if it's still like this I'm not going to make it. I'd rather be in work as I feel daytime tv is a conspiracy put in place to make people go in to work.

even though the national side I support [WALES!!!!!!!!!] isn't in the euro 2004 tournament I keep finding myself sucked into all the england news. sven is an absolutely shit manager - why was his contract renewed, again? nicky butt? WHAT THE HELL?! obviously the england manager hasn't watched any united games this season. what an awful selection. ugh. props to phil neville, though, for earning a well-deserved spot.

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[14 May 2004|12:37pm]
[ mood | dorky ]




this may be my new bible. I just rated it 10/10 on and I haven't even seen it yet! BLACK RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!

3 telegrams|post

I'LL IMPROVE ON YOUR MEHTODS [14 May 2004|07:13am]
[ mood | discontent ]

enzo's visit to the vet was an event. the taxi arrived one hour after I booked it, making me late for my appointment. of course, the cab company assured me it would be with me in 15 minutes. fuckers. other than that [and the cost - £80!], it was ok. he is very healthy and we have flea treatment and vaccinations and antibiotic drops for his inflamed ears.

the vet was very nice and taught me how to express enzo's anal glands. she said they were not bad at all and we should do it once/month or so. when she did it all I could think was:


seriously. it was the worst thing I have ever smelled. ever. and I am sorry to share that with you all, but it is the kind of thing that is so disgusting you have to share it with people in order to perhaps remove some of the horror. ugh. I will teach toni how to do it and always leave the house when he does it.

blah blah blah )

I am going to go out today and buy some new trousers. just what someone with no money should do! maybe a new bra. I hate mine & perhaps that is causing me some distress. I also need a cardigan but, as usual, I've left it too late and no one is selling any. if anyone knows of where I can get a plain, black cardigan [size XL or 20 or similar] for under £20 I'd be extremely thankful!

blargh. at least it's friday and tomorrow I get to clean the house and then spray with acclaim flea spray. wooya99!

jenny, any news on our date?

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[13 May 2004|01:11pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

I really want sky+ so I can record all the episodes of x-files that conflict with football. or really, all the episodes just in case I miss them. also it would be nice to be able to record the e! true hollywood story, which I always forget to watch.

sadly, I cannot afford the £199 for the box and the £60 for installation. bummer, yo. I will have to save up!

really it's my recent obsession with the x-files that makes me want this. fx289 are showing them all IN ORDER and I am at the end of season 2 [tonight is the very last episode] and screen select are just now sending me season 2 discs 2-4.

I need to get some cash so I can pay for my taxi to the vet. I also need to double check the location and make sure I bring enzo's immunization records. and I have to ask about expressing enzo's anal glands. fun.

I found out today that cath was in manchester and I missed her. I AM SO ANGRY! I enjoy cath so much!

I'm leaving work in 1h45m. HURRY UP, CLOCK.

9 telegrams|post

[12 May 2004|01:53pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

my co-workers just mocked my crush on fox mulder. HE IS THE BOMB DIGGITY, OK!?

I require food. I ate my lunch this morning because I was so hungry. 8 deviled eggs [well, four whole eggs] and now I feel a bit sick. this is like the last time I ate too many and wouldn't touch them for years.

I have completed almost all my work for today. I must simply call HP from an office downstairs & eat my lunch. I have to find some lunch, first, though. I await a callback from my gym. she asked me 10 minutes ago if I would still be at my desk for the next few minutes. HURRY UP, FITNESS FIRST. I HUNGER FOR BRAINS. crikey.


[12 May 2004|10:18am]
[ mood | working ]

meme from joe )


[11 May 2004|08:47am]
[ mood | cranky ]

I have just discovered that if I show up at the red cinema on monday in my united shirt my movie ticket will be £2.50. this is fantastic! I will now be able to see a ton of movies because £2.50 is very much affordable.

last night my in laws came over and we had a fantastic time. I drank too much before they came over [I couldn't feel my face - what is thatabout?] but blessedly sobered up by the time they arrived. they loved enzo - enzo loved them and didn't pee on the floor [wahey!]. we let my four year old nephew play GTA3 & gauntlet: dark legacy.

joe, he was better at gauntlet than you! :D

today I have a lot of work to do and feel very cranky about it. I don't know why, exactly. I think it has something to do with the last few days at work being HORRENDOUS. I have to go over to the other building this afternoon. people still have this worm. I DO NOT GET HOW. jerknecks.

I've also downloaded this AMAZING wallpaper of gary neville & steve mcmanaman - just before gary headbutted him. hee! I wish I had bought that tshirt that had the picture on it. I'm sure they're still selling it. I'll just have to stop by old trafford next season & buy one. I am sure they are only £5.

I've cancelled my gym membership & have been walking a lot instead. it's so much nicer. there's a beautiful cemetary at the bottom of my estate with a big field behind it. enzo and I have a fine time running around the field and walking through the cemetary. it's very beautiful & peaceful. I'm also going to stop taking the tram as of next month & start taking the bus. it'll take about the same amount of time BUT I'll have to do at least 20 minutes of walking each day when I take the bus. it's only a good thing, really. depending on the bus I get, the amount of walking will increase. I enjoy this concept very much. I am trying to live by joe's mini-mantra: walking + water = weightloss.

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[10 May 2004|05:19pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | ani difranco - 'outta me onto you' ]

there is a woman at my place of employ called penny bee. everytime I see or hear her name it makes me titter because I think of penny & bee. LIKE IF THEY MELDED, YO.

tonight my brother in law, his girlfriend and their son will be coming over. I have cleaned the whole house except our bedroom and require vodka. I am waiting, however, for the kitchen floor to dry. enzo had a very grody accident last night. very grody.

speaking of: when I got home I found the enzinator on the WRONG SIDE of the gate. he did not eat our mail, at least.

I think I will sell the gate on ebay, as it is useless.

I am going to go have some vodka and diet vanilla coke. this time for real. I did not have any while watching 'hysterical blindness' [which was fab].


[05 May 2004|12:32pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

in addition to my need for the cinnamon bun, I also require this shirt, which someone on the dachshunds community pointed out to me.;=287476

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