Beowulf Meets Godsylla
Meanehwæl, baccat meaddehæle, monstær lurccen; Fulle few too many drincce, hie luccen for fyht. Ðen Hreorfneorhtðhwr, son of Hrwærowþheororthwl, Æsccen æwful jeork to steop outsyd. Þhud! Bashe! Crasch! Beoom! Ðe bigge gye Eallum his bon brak, byt his nose offe; Wicced Godsylla wæld on his asse. Monstær moppe fleor wyþ eallum men in hælle. Beowulf in bacceroome fonecall bamaccen wæs; Hearen sond of ruccus sæd, "Hwæt ðe helle?" Graben sheold strang ond swich-blæd scharp Stond feorth to fyht ðe grimlic foe. "Me," Godsylla sæd, "mac ðe minsemete." Heoro cwyc geten heold wiþ fæmed half-nelson Ond flyng him lic frisbe bac to fen Beowulf belly up to meaddehæle bar, Sæd, "Ne foe beaten mie færsom cung-fu." Eorderen cocca-cohla yce-coeld, ðe reol þyng.
Oh, What A Week
I like my new job. I just wish I could've been there for the last two days. The new job is going really well, I think. I'm fitting in nicely, so far, and I think people are impressed by me. I'm peer reviewing/learning some new code, and getting taught some of the tricks of their data mangling expert. Looks like the job is more electronic detective work/archaeology than anything else-- which I like. Then I got sick yesterday. Well, both Sydb and I got sick, actually. Unpleasantly so. My parents ended up taking Roo until this afternoon, which was really really nice of them. I tried going into work this morning, but had to come home- still not well enough. But, this evening, I'm feeling better. Watched Lion King 1-1/2 with Sydb and Roo this evening over dinner. Great movie... granted, a departure from the franchise's history of Shakespearean themes, and a big long in-joke to boot... but I liked it. Any movie that can (almost literally) MST3K itself has to have something going for it. And that's the way it is. :)
Oh, What A Weekend
Well, I know what's causingwhat had been causing my car to shimmy at speed. One of my tires was in the process of introducing its belts directly to the road. It finished that process tonight. The annoying part is that I checked to see that the OTHER front tire was fully inflated, because that was the side I was feeling the shimmy on. *sigh* So it finally flattened tonight, and with the spare on, it's riding smoothly. So, newish tires, an oil change, and we're roadworthy again. The bad part is that no tire places are open tomorrow, except perhaps Sears, and I have my pride. ;-) Monday, instead of taking the bus, I'll be driving downtown to drop the car at a Michel Tire Center for the day. *sigh* I found out that they're making a newer Clie for the same price as the one I just bought, due out 2/24 or so. This one will have double the memory and a builtin digital camera. Needless to say, I'm taking mine back next week and ordering the newer one. Finally, in an effort, to make sure that I can keep in touch with my sweeties during the day at my new workplace, I built an automated personal assistant system over the last couple of nights. It's not complete, but it's functional. It consists of a 'bot running on AIM which will parse requests from trusted individuals into a message routing database. (IE, you tell the bot "Tell Jason Hello", and it'll parse that into a record in the database saying who the message is from, who it's intended for, when it was created, and that it hasn't been read yet.) Also, if such an individual has messages waiting for them, the bot will spew them out after processing its command. The second part is a simple CGI which I can log onto from the world (it's password protected) to see messages waiting for me, and send messages out on my own account. I can also look at the log to see what people have been saying to my poor, beleaguered assistant. I halfway expect that I will eventually find something like this in the log: RANDOMSEXBOT: ...um, you there? JASONSPABOT: I am a simple bot with no vocabulary or function.\nYou told me '...um, you there?' RANDOMSEXBOT: Oh, good. You know, I'm getting so hot, right now, I'm thinking of getting on my Cam. Wanna watch? JASONSPABOT: I am a simple bot with no vocabulary or function.\nYou told me 'Oh, good. You know, I'm getting so hot, right now, I'm thinking of getting on my Cam. Wanna watch?' RANDOMSEXBOT: I knew you would. Just go to http://www.give.me.your.credit.card.com/~RANDOMSEXBOT. I'll be waiting! JASONSPABOT: I am a simple bot with no vocabulary or function.\nYou told me 'I knew you would. Just go to http://www.give.me.your.credit.card.com/~RANDOMSEXBOT. I'll be waiting!' It amuses me to think of bots trying to turn on bots. I'm one sick puppy that way. :-) Expecting a phone call from minikin soon, then off to bed.
Feeling: happy
*slash* *dot* *thud*
First, I want to say that I'm feeling mostly better. The *blerg* is gone. Games night was fun last night. I think we're going to set up a yahoogroup to manage the announcements and planning of it, and I think we're going to move to lighter fare for the dinner part of the event. Sandwiches or ordered pizza, for example. That'll make for less prep and cleanup work, and that's a good thing. I got to play a turn of "Attack!", which is a lightweight wargame, more interesting than Risk and less bogged down in detail work than Axis and Allies or Shogun/Samurai Swords. It looks to be pretty fun, and I'd like to play a full game sometime. Oh, and the reason for the title? Mozilla released a new preview version of their next-gen browser. Formerly called "Firebird", it has been renamed to "Firefox". They've even launched a grassroots "Get Firefox!" campaign. And now their website is inaccessible, for some reason. I think I hear those old, familiar sounds again... *slash* *dot* *thud* Incidentally, I was able to retrieve a copy of FireFox from: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/fi refox/releases/0.8/ It looks pretty good.... EDIT: It's back up now.