Interpolated Evolution
The other side of the event horizon
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Forgive me, but I must say this.

Chebyshev polynomials are teh roxor.

Thank you.

e m p h a s i s: blah
s p e c t r a l : d a t a: [DURAN:DURAN] s a v e . a . p r a y e r

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[PERSONAL] Oswiecim
On January 27, 1945, soldiers of the 60th Army of the First Ukrainian Front, under the command of Field Marshall Ivan Konev, reached Oœwiêcim. Over 230 Soviet soldiers fell during the fighting to liberate the city and nearby areas.

Oswiecim, translated into German is Auschwitz.

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Konzentrationslager complex. Over 1 million souls were put to death here, either due to extermination, torture, or neglect. Of the death toll, over 400,000 hungarian and 200,000 polish jews were among the people exterminated.

May these tortured souls find peace, and the land where this atrocity was committed be healed by time and temperance.

e m p h a s i s: thoughtful

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[UNI] Laughter
Alright, I've been through 75% of my classes. I think this semester will be cake.

List of boring )

*whew* Was this going to be hard?

e m p h a s i s: tired
s p e c t r a l : d a t a: [VNV:NATION] d a r k a n g e l

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Today, [info]zhaneel was really nice to me and snagged me the four martini girls by Ralph Burch. Now, I know he's done 16 of these, but the ones we picked up from Prints Plus are the only ones he has in wide distribution.

These make a fine beginning to the new art in my studio. I'm also considering snagging a print or two from BRUTE! Propaganda eventually, if I can find something that fits a blue motif.

Finally, I'm going to be constructing some high-output LED bar-lamps for ambient lighting here in the next few months. Det3 is finally getting assembled into a decent, cohesive environment.
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[DET3] Uppage!
As of 0333 on December 31, 2004, we have successfully found an alternate DNS provider for all Det3 services. This means no two-week hell run of downtime, thankyew!

If you are interested in third party DNS hosting, I'd strongly reccommend ZoneEdit for all your needs. They are almost as robust as DynDNS, and free to boot.

Oh, and a happy new year to all, once it comes later tonight.

e m p h a s i s: busy
s p e c t r a l : d a t a: [KMFDM] juke.joint.jezebel

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[DET3] Downage
Alright, I hate to have to do this - but the DSL line is just too unreliable to keep Illyan connected.

As a result, we had to pull Illyan off of DSL as of 23:43 MST on December 29, 2004. As soon as we can get our enhanced account at DynDNS, all services will be available again - but that might be a few weeks. We can't afford it right now, and since everyone's using our service for free, we don't have the heart to ask for donations. It's only a measly $25, but we're more broke than peanut brittle at the moment, so that's the way it stands.

To clarify: Det3 and all related services are NOT going away, they're just temporarily gone for the next few weeks until I can get onto a new DNS provider. If anyone who is using the service would like to pony up the $25 to expedite this, fine. But, if not, we'll probably be back up and running by mid-january.

e m p h a s i s: exhausted
s p e c t r a l : d a t a: [KMFDM] r e v e n g e !

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So, I've got this DW8000 that works fine except for the delay board on it. I've tried swapping the board with an EX-8000, and it worked - for about a week. Well, it's been a doorstop since - and I have a plan, a great BIG plan. Mwahahahah.

So, I figured a good way to go is to build a new effects board from the ground up. Except, I'll be better about it. I'll take some nice solid-state distortion circuits I've got designs for, toss 'em onto a board with either a cheap 16-bit DSP or an FPGA, then have it all controlled by an AVR or PIC CPU. It can pick up program changes from the DW's system, and I'll toss a second front panel onto the DW-8000 solely for mem control. Then, it can do the basic delay effects that the DW handled before, as well as some nice distortion. I could probably have it done by the end of spring semester, killing off the spare time in ECE1000 labs after I get done with the SUPREMELY COMPLICATED *snork* projects they're giving us.

Hrm. Maybe I'll use that nice ARM CPU I've been drooling over... but that would be killing a fly with a 747. More thoughts on this later... I've got to get stuff done around the house.

e m p h a s i s: busy
s p e c t r a l : d a t a: [LINKIN:PARK] points.of.authority

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I just finished installing XP SP2 (the terminal-systemator) on my forge, and it lived.

I swear, someone should print up some stickers saying "I survived SP2!" just for the fun of it.
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I say damn.

Here I was thinking that all the gear that Tom Shear listed in his studio page was just the tip of the iceberg - you know, all the highlighted pieces that he loves so dearly.

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL........ now that I've seen photos of his studio, I can say no.

Damn, I need to cut back on gear. I can fit everything he owns in one of my racks.

So, uh, anyone want to buy a vocoder? :-)
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I decided to place a public entry here, too - just for [info]zhaneel to link to her friends.

We're currently moving into our new townhome. Gallery of our new place and the move is located here. Go go gadget U-Haul!

e m p h a s i s: busy
s p e c t r a l : d a t a: [OSI] Memory daydreams lapses

d o s s i e r
The Proteus
Name: The Proteus
t e m p o r a l : i n d e x
Back February 2005
p o i n t e r s
r a n d o m : d a t a
Attenuate the light of day so I can see the lines and details and not the hazy, plastic blur that floods my eyes till I can't see. I long for anonymity, to wipe the features from my face. One single moment of escape, then I can wake myself again. I need a respite from this noise,
the distant roar of static oceans. Give me a haven from this bedlam and let my senses rust away.

Let the wind erase me...