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Argh. I hate the world.

And so I listen to gangsta' rap...

Current Mood: crappy
Current Music: Snoop Doggy Dogg - Gz And Hustlas

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Rose-Hulman is looking to hire a new CS professor or two. Today as part of his interview process, Harold Connamacher talked about the Satisfiability Problem and some approaches to solving it. It was really interesting and he seems like an awesome guy. Wherever he ends up will be lucky to have him. He talked so excitedly about computer science theory stuff that for a minute I was thinking, "Wow. I should get a masters so I can study more of this stuff." but then I remembered that I hate school. =]

Tomorrow I'm eating dinner with the recruiter from Microsoft and some other students (who have already interviewed, I think)... Mildly scary. =/ Wednesday I have a phone interview with Fog Creek. Yay! Then next week I'm interviewing on campus with Raytheon because they requested an interview with me for some reason. Then the week after that I'm flying to Washington for my Microsoft interview. Internship hunting is pretty fun. =]

Also, Raisin Bran Crunch was on-sale for $2.33 a box so I bought 3. It was awesome. (It's the best cereal ever.)

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Coast 2 Coast - Home (DJ Tiesto Remix)

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So my roommate's dad started talking to me about computer stuff. His company wants to put tons of documents on a server so lots of people can access them. We ended up deciding he wanted a database. He asked me about linux and apache and php and mysql and the windows equivalents and how much it would cost and how long it would take and stuff. At one point he started asking about whether it would work to just put the documents on a computer and just use Google Desktop Search or something. And I got a really powerful sense of deja vu. I was sure I remembered this conversation and I think I even predicted the next thing he'd say before he said it, but I was concentrating so much on the conversation that I'm not sure. Whatever. I think I have ESP.
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Fog Creek...
I applied for an internship at Fog Creek Software. I got a form letter reply:

Joel Spolsky is such a badass... )

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Lasgo - Something

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It's Engineer's Week. I go to an engineering school. Somehow this translates to free donuts. I'm excited!

Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Antisocial - My Way

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Technikal Meltdown
Today I went to Technikal Meltdown, a techno dance (like a mini rave) at Rose... 4+ hours of dancing. It was rad. My friend Andrew DJed and totally kicked butt. I'm beyond exhausted. By the end, I could barely get my arms above my head. It was way fun. I should write more, but I'm too tired. Maybe later. Bed now.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: the ringing in my ears

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Start Rockin
When I grow up, I'm going to have an awesome stereo system in my bedroom and I'm going to set it up to play this song really loud every morning to wake me up. Even when I'm old and tired, when that song starts playing, I'll jump out of bed and start rockin'. How could I not?

So I think I'm going to just go ahead and add to my list of traits required of my future mate, "Must be willing to wake up to obscenely loud very repetitive music every morning. Must also be willing to start rocking immediately".

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Antiloop - Start Rockin'

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My life.
Today I registered for spring classes: Computer Architecture 2, Abstract Algebra, Intro to Film, and 20th Century American Novel. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it... =]

Also, I bought some new toothpaste. The box says "Fresh Confidence" which makes me pretty excited. I'm going places, baby.

Now I'm going to watch an episode of X-Files and go to bed.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Fridge - Mystery (angel sound project remix) (D I G I T A L L Y - I M P O R T E D - Vocal Trance - a

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Poll #419109 Words
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Words are meaningless... And forgettable.

View Answers

5 (33.3%) 5 (33.3%)

10 (66.7%) 10 (66.7%)

Current Music: Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence

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You came back!!!
Dear LiveJournal,

I'm sorry for anything I ever did to hurt you. I want you to know that you are incredibly important to me. I don't know what I'd ever do without you. The past hours have been very rough. Promise me, please, that you won't ever do anything like this again. I can't stand to lose you. I'll do whatever it takes. We can make this work.


Current Mood: relieved
Current Music: Orbital - An Fhomhair

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It was ridiculously warm today (over 65 degrees) so I ran 3 miles. Running burns 0.653 calories / mile / pound. So I burned ~320 calories. That equals six Oreo cookies. I think from now on I'll just measure my exercise in terms of Oreo cookies.

In other news, I'm trying to watch what I eat. But it gets really hard right as it gets close to my mouth. And my eyes are starting to hurt from trying to look straight down. =/

Oh, also, I was reading old LJ posts (using ljArchive which rocks) and I thought of a super cool feature for LJ. You should be able to specify the date for when a comment is delivered. So I might, for example, read this old post where I talk about planning to take Topology, and then leave a comment saying "For the love of all that is good and right, don't even think about taking Topology." and specify that the comment should be delivered a year ago, thus giving me plenty of time to change my plans and not register for the class. Much wasted time and suffering could be avoided. Cool feature, huh?

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Sensation 2002 - The White Edition CD1

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Classes next term...
So it's time to register for classes again. I'm probably going to take Computer Architecture 2 (technically I should have taken it a year ago, but it sounds boring so I've been putting it off). So that leaves 3 slots left to fill. Any thoughts?

If you actually have any thoughts, a comment would be more appreciated than just filling out the poll. I only made it because I'm bored.

What classes should youngoat take? Poll )

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: IIO - Rapture

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No mail.
As a spy, it's always important to make sure all of your inboxes are empty...

Whew! That was hard. All 4 of my inboxes are empty (I actually have two gmail accounts). I got Getting Things Done for Christmas and am trying to work towards implementing it...

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Lamya - Never Enough (Rivera Tribal Mix)

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So, since I'm going to become a spy I've been working on my physical fitness. Specifically, I've been playing tons of Dance Dance Revolution (my little brother got it for Christmas). It's totally awesome. My main problem with video games is that I can't stand to sit on my butt and be non-productive. Just feels wrong. But with DDR, I'm standing on my feet, jumping around like an idiot. Feels much better.
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New Year's Resolution
Lately I've been doing a lot of thinking and watching a lot of Alias and I've decided to become a spy. This may seem a bit shocking, but I assure you that I am completely serious and I hope you'll all understand. This is going to be a big transition for me, but I'm committed to making it work and I hope you'll all be supportive of me. Don't be surprised if I stop posting soon. Secrecy is the name of the game, you know. It's been fun. I'll be keeping an eye on you all...

Current Mood: deadly serious
Current Music: Moby - James Bond Theme

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I've recently upgraded my pants technology and I must say I'm very pleased. I used to wear ordinary blue jeans, but lately I've upgraded to a "cargo pants" style which are more comfortable, nicer looking, and most importantly have much improved pocket space. It's been a really good change for me. With jeans, I had severe space problems since I don't use back pockets. But I now have room to carry a cell phone and PDA with room to spare. It rocks. Sadly I only have two pairs of cargo pants, but if I alternate between the two and do wash a little more frequently than I'm used to, I think I'll be okay. I'm very excited about what this is going to do for my life.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: The Kidneythieves - Zer0space

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New Year's Resolutions
It's kind of sad to look at my New Year's Resolutions from last year... I really only achieved one of them. =[

Maybe I'll make my own this year...

Current Mood: good
Current Music: nomi - 5,000 miles

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My two younger siblings and I did most of our Christmas shopping together. It's a lot easier that way and it's nice for my little brother since he's not rolling in mad cash. Oh wait. All three of us are poor students... Nevermind.

ANYWAY, we got some plain black wrapping paper for all of the christmas presents. It's awesome... =]

This picture kind of sucks because the lighting was crappy and I was too lazy to try to do something about it, so I just tried to fix the picture in gimp (which I don't really know how to use)...
Pretty Presents... )
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Ya know what kicks butt? Cleaning bathrooms. Yup. Cleaning bathrooms kicks butt. Ya know why? Of course not. If you did, you'd be off cleaning your bathroom right now. Cleaning bathrooms kicks butt because it actually makes a difference. It's like: Oh hey. There was hair and dirt and that nasty green stuff there, but now it's all sparkling white. And there were tons of disgusting germs, bacterias, etc. on that toilet bowl but now it's all disinfected! You could lick it if you liked! The toilet bowl cleaner would of course kill you, but at least it wouldn't be the germs!

Doing the dishes is pretty good too because you get to play in the water. So fun!

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Vanessa Carlton - Rinse

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ANGEL wins.
So this morning, the entire rose-hulman website is down (which is impressive, since it's just apache), but ANGEL (the course management system we use and that I've worked on some) is still up and running. So the only content I can get to is the content for courses that have adopted ANGEL. Good stuff. =]

update: back up now. So don't bother clicking on the link above (unless you should actually want to see the rose-hulman website for some reason).

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Underworld - Cups

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It's been snowing all day. I kind of like snow, but naturally it makes getting to and from classes quite a bit more dangerous. I witnessed a pretty severe accident this morning. Some guy became mesmorized by the snow and just plowed right into someone coming out of the library. And since it was about 3 minutes before class, traffic was quite heavy and what would have been a minor accident turned into a five body pile-up. Not a pretty sight. Fortunately there were no injuries, especially since I made all of this up.

In other news, I'm gonna' go launder the hell out of my clothes. Or, some of them at least. I go home in 4 days, so it seems silly to waste money to do three loads of laundry when one load would certainly last me until then. Zero loads, however, would not. I'm wearing my very last clean pair of underwear! Isn't it great how I've just posted this to the internet and thus shared it with millions hundreds fives of people!?

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Disney - The Spectrum Song (Wonderful World Of Color)

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Want to cuddle?
So last weekend one of my roommates had his girlfriend over, and they were hanging out in the living room. As I walk out of my room, I hear him ask, "Do you want to cuddle?" Much embarassment ensued as I learned that it was actually NOT an open invitation to anybody present, but was in fact a question specifically directed to his girlfriend. *Sigh*. Misunderstandings...

Current Mood: betterish
Current Music: Massive Attack - Vitamins

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The Second City performed at Rose. They do sketches and improv stuff. About 2 hours of highly entertaining acting/singing/etc.

But then I went and tried to do my Theory of Computation homework. I ended up with a nasty headache and failed to figure out the last problem. Grr. So then I went to bed early (with a headache and in a crappy mood), but I failed at that too. So now I'm back up, posting to LJ... Hopefully I can at least succeed at this! ;-]

Yay world!

Current Mood: crappy
Current Music: Massive Habit - Runaway

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Ankle, Scala
Yesterday was the first frisbee club practice of winter quarter. I managed to hurt my ankle. It twisted about 540 degrees, my foot came off, and blood squirted out everywhere. Actually, I think it's just a mild sprain. Still sucks though.

Favorite artist of the day is Scala (on the Rocks) comprised of Steven & Stijn Kolacny and Scala Youth Choir doing covers of pop songs, sung by choir with only piano accompaniment. It's totally awesome. Seriously! =] Listen for yourself:
Smells Like Teen Spirit
I Touch Myself

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Scala - Dream On

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Amazon starts a blogging service!
Amazon starts a blogging service!

Well, no. Not really. But this guy's Amazon reviews read like a humor blog. Very amusing!

Reviews Written by Chad Kultgen

(via [info]syz)

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Hybrid - If I Survive

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So, first week of winter quarter is done. Should be all uphill from here. In case you're dying to know what my classes are like, I've prepared a short and simple list for you!
  • Deterministic Models in Operations Research - Before this week I had no idea what Operations Research was. And now I still don't. But actually the class seems somewhat interesting. And the professor doesn't suck. So I'm reasonably pleased.

  • Theory of Computation - We started off learning about state machines, languages, and regular expressions, each of which I've already learned 3+ times at Rose. But the professor rocks (he's my favorite math prof) and I think it'll be interesting.

  • Operating Systems - This class is decidedly okay. I think the prof will be good. But the book sucks. And there will be one or more team projects and I am so sick of team projects. *shrug*

  • Software Project Management - We watched "Meetings, bloody meetings" featuring John Cleese yesterday. But despite that bit of brilliance, I don't have high expectations for this class. My hope is that it doesn't suck the living daylights out of me. But there are regular annoying assignments and a big annoying group project, so I'm fearing the worse (a plague of locusts).

In other news, I'm in a much better mood right now than I was yesterday. Yay.

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Le Tigre - TKO

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del.icio.us is a cool site for finding, sharing, and storing links (bookmarks). I like it! If you're curious what websites I'm surfing lately, see my links: http://del.icio.us/youngoat. People often share links through email, blog posts, IM conversations, etc. but I think this is way cooler. Lots of potential. You should check it out. (and if you use it already, let me know!)

Current Mood: okay

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I've been reading Good sleep, good learning, good life ("This article attempts to produce a synthesis of what is known about sleep with a view to practical applications, esp. in people who need top-quality sleep for their learning or creative achievements."). (via [info]fjarlq) Pretty interesting, though I'm having trouble trusting it completely (there are a few too many typos and less-than-scientific-sounding statements).

I'd really like to try free running sleep for a whlie (where you go to sleep whenever you're tired, wake up naturally, and repeat. No alarm clocks. No bed times. Just sleep whenever your body wants to). Typical circadian rhythm is ~25 hours. I suspect mine is longer. It'd be interesting to figure it out. But sadly, free running sleep would definitely conflict with classes. Maybe this summer...

I generally allow myself 8 hours of sleep every night. But I do this by regulating my bedtime, since when I get up is determined by when class starts. This means that often times I go to bed when I'm not actually very tired. I think this is bad. So I'm going to start staying up until I'm actually tired, even if this results in less sleep overall. I think it'll be better sleep. This is sort of what I did through high school, but it's been a while... I want to see how it works out.

Also, the article states, "Sex before sleep is highly recommended!" (with the exclammation point, even) so I'm going to have to work on that. I need to meet more girls. =/

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Carol of the Bells (A Demonic Christmas)

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Last night my little brother and I decided to take pictures of our outdoor christmas light display. This didn't work out terribly well, but I noticed a full moon and nifty clouds, so I started taking pictures. Unfortunately, it's apparently difficult to get a good picture of such a thing (the clouds didn't show up at all... I just got a little spot where the moon was). So I started playing with different camera settings (long exposure, especially). My favorite:
Moon Pictures )
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You're Welcome.
So, since my life mostly consists of watching Gilmore Girls, I have another comment... Yeah, yeah, I know. After this, I'll probably need to do a lot of posting about sports and monster trucks to fix the balance...

Anyway, I've noticed that on Gilmore Girls, people almost always say "You're welcome." I love that! On other shows, one person says "Thank you." and then there's a smile or a nod or a "no problem" or even nothing at all (and sure, SOMETIMES there's a "you're welcome" but often not). But on Gilmore Girls, there's always a sweet little "You're welcome." It's nice. I like it.

It's a habit I've been meaning to develop. Somehow I got in the habit of saying "no problem" which totally sucks. It's like saying, "Oh! Don't worry. It didn't inconvenience me much at all!" Special, huh?
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Gilmore Girls
So, Gilmore Girls season 1 arrived yesterday. My little brother and I have watched the first 9 episodes now. Sometimes I worry I have an obsessive personality.

Awesome things about Gilmore Girls:
  • It's really funny. It's full of very sarcastic humor, which happens to be one of my favorite kinds!

  • The drama isn't overly intense. I hate when I'm watching a show and things get super serious and there's lots of conflict. That ended up being my #1 complaint with Buffy. Gilmore Girls does have drama, but they maintain their humorous dialogue throughout, which keeps things from getting too heavy, and usually things resolve fairly quickly. I like for things to be happy.

  • It's cute. It's happy. It gives me good feelings.

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Does it have a floppy disk?
*ring* *ring*
Them: RVS, how may I help you?
Me: Hi. I was wondering if you service digital cameras.
Them: What brand?
Me: Sony
Them: I need the model number too.
Me: It's a DSC-S50.
Them: Does it have a floppy disk?
Me: Pardon?
Them: Does it have a floppy disk?
Me: A floppy disk? Uhm. No.
Them: Ahh. Well, we can't service it then.
Me: Okay. Thanks.

Uhm.... Okay.
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Computers suck.
I've been oddly bored with the computer lately. Haven't felt like reading LJ/blogs, chatting with people, browsing the web, programming, or doing much of anything really. Over the last couple days, I've probably used my computer for a total of 2 or 3 hours which is incredibly low for me.

Instead, I've been reading (Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand), doing lots of stuff with my little brother (playing with legos, making domino chains, putting up christmas lights, playing video games), and watching way too much TV.

It's kind of a nice change.

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Vanessa Carlton - Paradise

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Take notice:
  • I ordered the first season of Gilmore Girls from amazon. Yeah. I always thought it was a girly show or something, but watching half a dozen re-runs with my little brother, I'm hooked. Why? Because it's really funny. Lots of great lines that just crack me up.
  • The internet rocks. So much good information I couldn't find easily otherwise.
  • Vanessa Carlton is good. I want to learn to play the piano.
  • I've been home from school for two days now. I haven't done anything productive. As a result (I think), I felt pretty crappy today... Must remedy.
  • Off to bed. Super tired. I should learn to go to bed at a reasonable hour. =/

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Vanessa Carlton - Wanted

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The life of youngoat.
Hi! Today I got up before 10 in order to proctor and grade for a high school math competition that Rose hosts every year. Then I did the dishes. Then I played like an hour and a half of Crack Attack! and then got smart and uninstalled it (for about the 5th time in the last month). That game is so addictive. =[ But I got a new high score of 2136 yesterday! ;-]

Now I'm listening to Sasha - Xpander because it's like the best song ever (though this one is good too). Enabled by this music, I will now proceed to study for my Statistics final. I need to ace it so I get an A in the course. Cause if I don't get an A, my GPA will go down instead of up. And that sucks.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Sasha - Xpander

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No more grading!
Wheeee.... Finished grading the last two DISCO (DIScrete and COmbinatorial algebra) assignments of the quarter. I'm not going to miss grading. =]

Though on saturday, Rose-Hulman is hosting a high school math contest and I volunteered to help with the proctoring and grading... D'oh!

On Monday I have an Intro to Probability / Statistics final. I'm probably gonna' study hardcore over the weekend. I want to ace it. After that I'll have almost 2 weeks off.

Life is good.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Orb - From A Distance (Hybrid Mix)

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Pen troubles...
Just finished grading a batch of papers and now I have several lines of blue ink on my hands. Somehow, I end up drawing on myself whenever I use pens... Makes you wonder if I'm fit to be grading papers, huh? ;-]

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Rabbit in the Moon - Live VMC (2002)

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So today: my group for Requirements and Specifications gave our final project presentiation, I turned in my Music Theory term project, and I had an on-campus interview with Microsoft (for a summer internship)... All went well.

It's amazing how much less stressed I feel now. The only things left for the quarter are: 1) an in-class music theory final (thursday), 2) finishing and presenting my compilers project (probably thursday), and 3) an intro to probability / stats final next monday. Oh, and probably another couple assignments to grade... Not too bad, really!

I think I'll go read a book or something.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Snap - Rhythm is a Dancer

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So today I competed in the ACM Intercollegiate Programming Competition...

Programming competitions tend to use automated judging systems that feed your program a bunch of test cases and then compare the output with correct output. Somehow, our site managed to mess up the judging system so that it overwrote your results with the correct results before doing the compare. As a result, every submission was reported to be correct. They did not figure this out until late in the competition and did not inform us until after the competition. So my team left thinking we got 6/7 problems. In reality we only got 4. One of the ones we missed was a solution I coded. I accidentally left a space at the end of every line. We SHOULD have gotten a "presentation error." I would have figured it out in 30 seconds, resubmitted it, and we'd have another point. *SIGH* Pretty much everybody got screwed over in some way though...

Anyway, my team got fourth at the site, 10th in the region. The other team from Rose did better. Were it not for the screwup, they would have gotten 1st or 2nd in the region and moved on to the world finals probably. Lame. Anyway, it was fun, but kinda' frustrating. I'm very tired now.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Orbital - Desert Storm

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Gave my presentation on debugging today. It was sad. I thought it was a good presentation. We had cool demos and stuff. But I don't think anybody cared. Several people slept. =[ At the end, I showed off Visual C++'s awesome optimization of a recursive add expecting people to think it was cool, but there was basically no response. I'm like, "DON'T YOU REALIZE HOW COOL THIS IS!?!?" Apparently not. Only a couple questions at the end.

*Sigh* I was all excited and stuff.

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: Beastie Boys - Right Right Now Now

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Blah. School. Pain. Etc.
College is stressful. Tomorrow, I should grade 50 math papers, finalize my presentation on debugging, learn about 3 chapters of material for my probability / stats test, do my Music Theory homework, and meet with my compilers group to add typechecking to our compiler project. *sigh* I miss high school where I'd get 90% of my homework done during school. It was 8 straight hours of suckage, but then I'd go home and have the rest of the day to goof off. In college, I have to put up with 11 straight weeks of suckage before I have a week to goof off... Not only does the ratio suck, but I think it's good to relieve stress more than once every 11 weeks. ;-]

Bleh. I think I'll sleep now.

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: Sting - Desert Rose

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Good song
Miss Shiva - Dreams (Sunbeam Remix) is an awesome song. You must remember to turn it up though. And rock out accordingly.

I got out of bed even though I was super tired and my 9am class totally sucks and is a waste of time. I'm like a superhero or something.

Update: I forgot. We didn't have class today. I'm so not a superhero. =[

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Miss Shiva - Dreams (Sunbeam Remix)

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For my compilers class, I and a partner are going to be giving a presentation on debuggers and compiling for debuggers. I was doing some research today. I read about gdb internals, software/hardware breakpoints, ptrace, linux memory management, elf object format, objdump, etc., etc. It's strange how there are these big holes in my knowledge of low-level stuff... It's so fun to fill them.

So now I'm in a really great mood. I went to dinner and as I was walking to the cafeteria I was like, "OMG! It's a beautiful day!" and I got to the cafeteria and there were apples and I'm like, "OMG! I LOVE apples!" and then I had an ice cream cone and it was awesome! =]

Why isn't class ever this fun?

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Paul Van Dyk - We Are Alive

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Little Shop of Horrors
I watched Little Shop of Horrors. It was great. Though really, you can't go wrong with a Comedy / Sci-Fi / Horror / Musical featuring Steve Martin and Bill Murray. =]

Bedtime now, I suppose.

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Credits music...

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I hate school. Blah. Blah. Blah.
Sick of school. As usual. Heading into 8th week (of 10), things are busy. I have 3 group projects to deal with which is a total pain. And Intro to Probability/Statistics is getting kinda' difficult (we're using calculus and stuff. No fun!) And I haven't given Music Theory anything near the attention it deserves lately... My Software Requirements class is getting even more annoying... "Supplementary Specifications", "Artifacts", "Quality Attributes"... Could we just use real words? I'm pretty sure if I want to write good specifications I can do so without all these templates and strange terms... Bleh. =[

Sometimes I think college is killing me. I feel mildly overwhelmed all the time. I'm not very interested in reading or paying attention to news/blogs/etc. because my head feels too full already. I can't remember things unless I write them down. My spirit feels smashed. I'm rarely excited about the stuff I'm working on. I'm just doing it because I'm supposed to. In the morning when I wake up, the only reason I get out of bed is because I really like cereal... =]

But then again, it's nearing the end of the term. And life always sucks at the end of the term... I'm gonna' watch a movie instead of grade papers or do homework or study... Yay!

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: Miss Shiva - Dreams (Sunbeam Remix)

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Internship planning...
Today was the Career Fair (where a bunch of companies come and look for students to hire). I talked to several companies, looking for internships. I should have a phone interview with Expedia soonish. I'll have an on-campus interview with Microsoft in a few weeks. I think I also made a really good impression with Paragent, a company doing distributed computing.

Where else should I try for? Maybe Google... Possibly Network Appliance because I have friends there. Any other cool companies I should consider?

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Rabbit in the Moon - Burning Up

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Dear gmail
Dear gmail,

Earlier this evening I composed an email with an attached zip file, but upon pressing "Send" I received the following message: Sorry, for security reasons, Gmail does not allow you to send this type of attachment. And much to my dismay there was only an "OK" button. There was no "WTF!?" button. Could you please remedy this at your earliest convenience?

Thanks so much,

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: Rabbit in the Moon - O.B.E.

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Hopp hopp
This is me in one of my dream worlds: hopp hopp (WMV).
But in the real world it's more like this: the knack (MP3).

So sad. =[

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Eminem - Lose Yourself

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I'm thinking about re-learning qwerty. I've been using dvorak for over a year and in general it kicks butt. But sometimes it's really inconvenient. For instance, I want to compete with Rose at the International Collegiate Programming Contest in a few weeks. But I emailed the coordinator and they have no love for dvorak users. =[ I can actually type semi-fast with qwerty if I look at the keyboard, but that just sucks...

I don't want to confuse my brain too much though. I think you're allowed to rip out ~10 years of typing experience to switch to dvorak, but then switching back again is just plain mean.

Current Mood: good

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St. Louis / WWW@10 conference / Sick
Spent the weekend in St. Louis helping my brother move. Highlight: donuts.

Last week, Rose-Hulman hosted the WWW@10 conference. I went to a bunch of sessions. Most weren't that great, but Cory Doctorow from the EFF (of Microsoft DRM Talk fame) was there and gave a talk. He's a pretty awesome guy. Very excited, sharp, and interesting. I should pay more attention to the EFF and what they're doing. Oh. I should give them money too. =]

Other highlight from the conference was hearing Ted Nelson (who coined the term 'hypertext') talk about how the web and computers have gone horribly wrong. He's a little insane. =]

My nose and throat have been malfunctioning lately. Annoying. =[

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: Cranberries - Delilah

User: [info]youngoat
Name: youngoat
Back February 2005