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Monday, January 15th, 2001
10:30 am - Due date come and gone!!
I'm still pregnant and it's pissing me off! I love being pregnant but I want him out. I was due yesterday but I guess he doesn't want to come out yet. I'll keep you guys posted. I hope he comes today that would be awesome to have his birthday on Chloes b-day :)

current mood: anxious

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Tuesday, January 2nd, 2001
9:05 pm - been so long
It's been a long time since my last entry. I hope everyones New Years was good. I slept but that's ok...that's what I get for being prego. Hehe.

I'm doing pretty good. I'm tired all the time and I'm so ready to have my baby! A week and a half and he is due. I wonder when he'll come?? He's dropped so I can breath much better. He does however kick the shit out of my ribs!!! But once he's out I'll feel much better.

I can't remember what I wrote in my last entry so I'll just keep talking even if I've already said it. I get my new house on the 9th!! Adam and I have been waiting and waiting for a house. I can't wait to move in. My parents are driving down here with all my stuff. They will be here on the 8th. Yay!!!

Adam comes home on Feb. 8th and I can't wait. This V-day is going to be my first ever V-day with someone. I never had a man to spoil. Adam said this V-day will be so special for us...he said he's going to romance me! Ooh la la I can't wait. Any suggestions on what to get him??? I have no clue what to get for a guy on! hehe
Well good night everyone!!!

Lynda :)

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Monday, November 27th, 2000
9:39 pm - nice day
I had a nice day today. I slept really good and got up late which was nice. I got a long e-mail from my Adam. He's doing great now that he's working days on the boat. I miss him oh so much. He finds out the results of his test he took to see if he made Third. He gets to know the first week of Dec. Wish him luck!! I hope he passes cause that means he'll make more money and every cents counts now that we have a family to raise.
I paid off my credit card last payday which is an awesome feeling!! I only have one car. It's a piece of crap. I need to get it serviced and the wireing fixed.
Anywaz, I'm doing ok health wise. I'm still sneezing but I'm doing good. Baby moves all the time and loves to hurt mommy sometimes haha :) I can't wait to have him. It's gonna be wonderful.
I went shopping today. I got some flannel M&M; fabric to make a pillow for Ken. That's Lauras brother. He's on the same ship as my hubby. He was complaining about how his pillow sucks ass so I'm gonna send him one that I made so he'll sleep better. I'm gonna embroder (sp?) his name on it. I hope he likes it. I sent my brother some homemade cookies today. He's gonna love them. He's in Pensacola Florida for A school. He's in the navy also. He likes it except he misses his family alot. I dont' blame him.
Speaking of family my grandma is in the hospital. One of her kidneys failed comepletly and she also has stones. She should be going home in a couple days but it sucks ass that I can't be there to love her. I'll just have to send her long distance love.
My mother in-law bought more baby stuff yay! she spoils this kid but that's ok someone has to do it. My mom spoils him too.
Well I should go for now...i'll write more later. See Laura I can write hehehehe!!
Oh have you been? Been missin ya!!!

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Sunday, November 26th, 2000
10:58 am - it's been awhile
Yes I know it's been a long ass time since I've written in here but that's ok. Every time I think about writing I dont' have the time.
Anywaz, things are going pretty well. Tired all the time. But it's normal since my body is working over time to make my baby grow inside me.
I can't wait until I have my precious little baby in my arms! He's gonna be spoiled so much and be loved by everyone we know. He's a very lucky boy to have parents who love eachother and love him to death. I have excatly 7 more weeks!! I'm 33 weeks today. YICKS! I'm so nervous however. I dont' like pain but I want to try and have a natural birth.
It's been a rough few months...emotionaly. I miss Adam so much and all my sailor friends! It's hard having them gone for so long...but it's there job..which they get paid crap. They work 12 on 12 off and sometimes longer days, get fed crap and sleep in a tiny metal box. But I'm just looking forward to having my husband home and in my arms!
Ok enough about that eh? I'm trying to fight off a slight cold I'm starting to get! :( yucky! I hope it goes away.
My parents came out here for Thanksgiving which was so nice. I'm just sad I wont have my family here for Christmas. I would LOVE to go home for Christmas but I'll be too far along to do so. I'll be 37 weeks along.
well there's not much to say..not much going on really. I'm making Christmas gifts for my family so that's keeping me busy.
I decided to write in here cause people wanted to know what's up. I dont' write in here that much cause I dont' want to talk about the same stuff over and over. well that's it for me. Later

current mood: sick
current music: Cranberries

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Friday, September 15th, 2000
8:01 pm - ugh!
Man I'm so fucking tired I'm gonna go to bed after I write in here I think. I'm also very mad cause I haven't heard from my husband in like 4 going on 5 days now and it really pisses me off. I write him long ass letters about how my day is or what not. Also I have questions I ask him which when he does write me he NEVER answers!!! Oh well, if I do somthing financily w/o him telling me otherwise that will not be my fault cause I asked but no reply. Ugh i'm in a really pissy mood it's making me angry. I hate being mad and very little thing pissis me off. It's no ones fault but mine. I just wish I didn't feel this way. I got not ONE e-mail tody not ONE!!! I wonder where all my friends are. I know Wendi is at work, Laura is w/Joe, the guys on the boat NEVER write me unless I write them FIRST. Then I only get a reply. They wont write unless they're written to. That makes me so mad just so angry I don't get one e-mail from them or from Adam it pisses me OFF!ugh! GOODNIGHT....who needs them anywaz. I do but me ranting and raving wont help. :(

current mood: bitchy
current music: HOLE

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Tuesday, August 29th, 2000
2:43 pm - sick
I'm sick, miss Adam that's about it. Oh and that Jennie is a great person and she's taking care of me Yeah!! I'm glad she's my friend :) I also am very glad my friends in Wa (Laura and Wendi) keep in touch w/me...makes me feel better :)

current mood: sick
current music: nothing don't want to get a headache

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Sunday, August 27th, 2000
5:19 pm - I miss my Adam
Oh man I miss my Adam so much! I hope these months fly by cause I can't wait to see him. Our friend Candy stopped by and she had taken a picture of him before we took him to the air termanal. He looked so HOT. OMG...I just want him here to jump him. UGH! Oh well like I said before I can't do anything about that. I hate the big bad boat!!! no no boat. It came and took our boys away. :o( The song I picked is one by Enya it's "Anywhere Is" on her Memory of Trees CD. The chorus goes "you go there your gone for ever, I go there I'll lose my way, stay here we're not together, anywhere is" ah that's so sad cause Adam is some where far away, I can't go to him cause i'd get lost and if we each stay where we are then we're not together :( but good thing he is coming back though. so the song doesn't totally fit. but it's close enough. Anywaz, I hadn't written in my journal that much cause not much to say. Well take care everyone. :)

current mood: lonely
current music: Enya "Anywhere Is"

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Thursday, August 24th, 2000
9:35 am - good morning!
Yeah I had a good morning suprise!!! My Adam wrote me. I'm so happy. And the weather is awesome. We went for a walk and it felt like Washington w/the breeze and cool air. Oh I love it. Anywaz about Adam, he was gonna call me Sunday but the poor thing feel asleep and it was too late for him to call. He's doing well. As well as can be expected being on the boat. He said he's actually enjoying himself a little (very little). I'm glad for him. Wouldn't want him to be in agony. I just hope he comes home safe to me and the baby that's on it's way. god I miss him so. But it's ok cause I'm doing ok. I can handle it. I'm strong :) Thanks to my friends :)

current mood: happy
current music: dirty dancing soundtrack

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Wednesday, August 23rd, 2000
10:48 pm - confused
I hurt a friend doing something a friend would do but I guess it didn't seem like a friend thing to her. I hate when I express my feelings which people ask me to do but they get put down or people can't handle it.
I guess me not liking Joe is partcialy because I'm jelous. I'm jelous cause he gets to talk to my friend for hours and several days in a row. god it would be a miracle if I got a half hour once a week with her. But that's my fault too so I don't blame her. I just feel bad cause i'm expressing my feelings and I have BAD feelings about Joe. Is that wrong to tell her how I feel? I'm starting to think so but that's ok because after this entry I'm gonna try my hardest to put this bullshit behind me. I don't need this and if I dont' want to hear about a person I dont' have to. Cause a friend would repect my feelings and if it's bothering me then she would understand and leave it at that. I don't care if Joe is nice to her I dont' want to hear her deffending him anymore cause it makes me upest to hear her deffend someone MAN over her other friends. Especialy when she's known her friends longer than the guy. that's messed up. Ok now i'm really gonna hear about this but you know what this is my journal and if you don't like what I have to say then dont' read it. And that's what i'm gonna do about the whole Joe thing this is not to read comments about him. Ok i'm really gonna get reamed. Oh well life goes on.

lets just put this behind us and start over ok?

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Monday, August 21st, 2000
9:25 am - good morning
Well I had a great morning. Jennie made donuts for us and it was yummy!!! thank you mommy :) Then we went for a walk it was nice until we had to leave the park...silly kids. But you should have seen us four all of us wearing overalls it was cute. Today I have to turn in my application. I was gonna do it yesterday but the lady wasn't there. I hope I get the job I really do! Then we are all going to walmart. yeah! oh i think i'll get my hair cut too. Oh I also didn't cry when I went into my room this morning. I'm very proud of myself. I'm not even getting misty eyed writing about it. I guess I realized that crying will NOT bring them back. And as jennie said we should be proud of our men for they truly have the courage. They have to leave us, work long ass hours (no shitting about the long hours--12 to 14 hr days) work in hot tempatures, sleep in small ass beds and eat nasty food. My poor adam will be so much thinner cause he doesn't do well on the boat. But I have faith in all the boys. Yeah not a tear in my eyes....yip yip horray!!!

current mood: calm
current music: ENYA!!

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Sunday, August 20th, 2000
6:33 pm - another day
Well one day down and many more to go!! I'm sad about that. But hey there is nothing I can do about it. And crying wont help. so why make my eyes all puffy (you know what i mean Laura) and red for what use. Just so i have to sniff and get a runny nose!! yeah right. But tell that to my tear ducts. hehe they just over flow w/tears everytime i enter mine and adams room. UGH!! ok enough about that.
Jennie and I went to a yard sell and got some stuff. then we went to the NEX that use fun too cause we got out of the house. Now we are gonna go for a walk!!! yes!!!!!! love you all.

Lynda :)

ps-to my Adam I love you, you are my pride my joy my everything!!!

current mood: calm
current music: blink 182

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Saturday, August 19th, 2000
3:18 pm - Night of bubble bliss
Adam took me to rent some videos then told me he was gonna drive around town until i decided where to eat. Well we went down this street and he said well since you can't decide i'm gonna just pull into this hotel here. But not to stop and think of where to eat but to go up to our honeymoon suite!! It was so beautiful and big. We had a big ass bed and the biggest tub i've ever seen. We had a great afternoon then that night we went to the casino cause he knew i've never been to one before. Well now i'm his good luck charm cause we kept winning. it was awesome cause i won 100 bucks and i've never won that big before. Then we went back to the hotel and we put bubble bath in to the tub. It was so amazing to see all the bubbles...didn't help that the tub was a whirl pool tub so it made even more bubbles. It was so much fun playing w/the bubbles i hadn't laughed so much in a long time. It was great speding that time w/him. And now he is gone for 6 months. Thank God i have my friends to lean on!!! thank you adam for the most amazing night. I'll never forget that. You are the love of my life and I love you w/all of my heart!!! Love your adoring wife :)

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Wednesday, August 16th, 2000
8:07 pm - hot, stessful day!
Man is today a hard day. I didn't get a nap which really sucks cause I always feel better after a nap. well ok not always. But most of the time. I spent my nap sewing on name tags on Adams dugeree shirt. It sucked cause it's hard work. But that's how much I love my husband to end up w/sore swollen fingers. The material was so hard to push the needle through so it hurt my fingers :( oh well it needed to be done. But I wasn't about to do his pants so Jennie used her sewing machine when she woke up...well I kinda sorta begged her to try. I'm glad she did even though she broke her needle. We had to get more needles for it...oh and ice cream too!!
Hey Laura remember all those weekend nights of movies and Ben and Jerrys? wasn't that the best?! too bad I was the one to gain the weight!! HEHE!

Oh back to my day....I got a major tummy ache which made me wanna pass out. But now I feel better. Man the sun is kickin my ass! I hate it. It makes my head hurt which sucks cause no one likes having a headache. Oh and Jennies kiddies were being really annoying right Jennie?? hehe but once we were done w/what we were concentrating on they stopped screaming and yelling and shit. But kids will be kids! And you can't be too mad at them for long cause they are so adorable. Well my night is ending well i'm hanging out w/my friend Corey after we took my man some dinner at work. well tata for now!!

current mood: tired
current music: Enya would be nice!

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Tuesday, August 15th, 2000
9:28 pm - long day
wow what a long day it has been. I went to walmart w/civil and got lots of stuff. too bad only 2 things were for me. but hey adam needed some stuff for when he leaves for the boat on sat. That really sucks cause I miss him already and he hasn't even left yet!! oh well it's his job. But i still pisses me off that the navy makes them leave for half the year. shit man i have our baby in my tummy and i want him there everyday to watch me grow and to feel the baby kick. But i guess it's better he's gone for my pregnancy then for the 1st 6 months of the babys life. Anywaz, i have a lot of sadness cause I miss my friends too! Wendi i miss you like crazy and twopence (love that nickname) i miss you more cause i miss us chatten until all hours of the night even though we say we are tired and want to sleep. at least one of us has to say something...which is usually me cause i don't know how to shut up. hehe. Finally my headache went away. and fuck am i tired too! I need sleep. oh man adam has to work mass late tonight! that sucks. oh well i'm excited for thursday cause Adam has somthing planned for me. well I'm gonna go for now.

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Monday, August 14th, 2000
11:36 pm - sad night
man I hate when you say the thing you wanted to say not intending to hurt someone but you do anywaz. For once I'm being truthful w/my feelings and it gets all messed up. I didn't mean to say bad things I thought maybe it would help in some wierd way. But in the long run it hurts the person and comes back to hurt me. UGH!! What was said was said and to my girl Twopence...what was done is done. Take it one day at a time. I know what I said was not a good thing to say but at least I know what I need to work on.

This weekend I had my two friends visit me from WA. my girls Twopence and Wendi. Things turned out so differently then I expected it to...well except what happened w/Wendi, but that's another story SHE has to tell. Anywaz, I was being a real shithead cause i wasn't understanding Twopences' situation. You would think I would understand her since she's my best friend. but sadly since i've moved we haven't been communicating as we use to. But I think from all this heartache this weekend has brought I found my bestfriend agian. I love you hon and i don't want us to give up on eachother!!

well I have to so check out my friends' journals so I'll let this rest for now. Miss ya Twopence and Wendi!!

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Saturday, August 12th, 2000
10:56 am - feelings
Today is a day of emotions. I feel sad, happy, hungry, angry all at the same time. Is that possible? Of course it is i'm living it right now. Man is it hot today the only relief I got is washing my car. That was cool except for the kiddies playing w/the hose. Silly kids. You're wondering what kids i'm talking they're not mine. I live w/a family i totaly adore that has 2 adorable kids. The Chloe bug and the Leo bug. 4 and 2. what a handful sometimes. Me and my husband (we were married July 16, 2000 yeah) have a room which is way too small for the shit we have. But soon we'll be getting a place of our own! I"m happy today cause i have my 2 best friends from Washington visiting us. I"m also happy cause in January i'll have a baby. I'm sad cause i'm frustrated...i hate being frustrated. It annoys the shit outta me. I wish i could just yell at the top of my lungs so everyone will pay attention to me!! well I would write more but i'm tired and need to feed myself and the little one. bye for now :)

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