rkmlai's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in rkmlai's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, March 24th, 2004
    7:39 am
    happy, happy, happy
    I am so in love with [info]kaseja and [info]kaseja with i. We are having a great relationship.
    Tuesday, January 13th, 2004
    8:37 pm
    Well ...

    D had eye surgery again yesterday.

    I took J and R out to see a movie while D was with E having surgery, then met up with [info]ryaenallen, [info]dryadgrl and [info]connor who seemed to have a nice dinner with my kids J and R. It was good to see [info]ryaenallen again. After dinner I dropped off my kids & checked in on D and E then took [info]connor home childwatching him till [info]dryadgrl got home.

    Today was a good day but I am back now with D who is vomiting now (not good for IOP) and has the symptoms of inflammation and rejection of her eye. I had to cancel on [info]dryadgrl for tonight and tomorrow.

    The spiral downhill quickens. I am feeling sad, as is D, E, J and R.

    Saturday, December 13th, 2003
    10:05 pm
    [info]connor had a great birthday today at Adventure Playground. I am childwatching and building Bionicle LEGOs with [info]connor now.

    I do not know what to do about relationships.

    Saturday, December 6th, 2003
    9:23 pm
    Stuff ...
    I am feeling very confused and sad at the moment. I cannot tell if it is regarding relationships with B, with k, seasonal, or otherwise situational.

    I went today to the memorial service of this friend.

    Otherwise I am spending all of my time in relationship with k or with B and seeing R (who had a birthday yesterday) and J frequently. I feel like I am helping a lot of families (mainly B's and k's) with things like helping with childwatching, getting to the airport on time, household cleaning tasks, and other stuff.

    Maybe it is a feeling of not being recognized enough but that does not seem right either, now that I have typed it.

    Anywhay I am still feeling sad and somewhat "insecure", I guess.

    How are you all feeling ?

    Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
    4:32 pm
    I am very sad.
    Tuesday, September 2nd, 2003
    5:15 pm
    Busy, Busy ...
    Hello, It has been a while. I am still having (major) problems in getting LJ to load pages on my regular computer.

    So ... I am here at [info]dryadgrl home posting to LJ. Thank you.

    I have been very busy otherwise. Email problems have eaten up a lot of time however I have been having loads of fun with [info]dryadgrl and [info]kaseja.

    Lets see ... [going over the calendar] Starting August 1, 03 I was volunteering at Reggae on the River which was fun. I got to dance with some friends and had a great time. Then I was at a thing at [info]dryadgrl's home. Went to a large party in San Francisco Aug. 9th. Then came the event "Hands Around the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory" which was great. A great party with others here of LJ land on Wednesday Aug. 13th, 03. Did a medic training on Aug. 17, 03 that was very well attended.

    I was then volunteering with a nonprofit at Lollapalooza and that was fun. Loud but fun.

    Then a repeat of the fun party with other LJers Aug. 20th, 03.

    Saw on Thursday Aug. 21st the group Blackfire play at La Pena and that was great followed by a party on Friday where [info]dryadgrl seemed to have lots of fun. Saw the San Francisco Mime Troupe play at People's Park after an East Bay Food Not Bombs gathering. Then I boarded a Greyhound bus and went to Portland OR to see my friend Red Emma perform in her concert and saw some cob building structures in Portland. I had the pleasure to meet [info]gallows_brother, then went to Eugene to be with my friend [info]kaseja and be with her on her drive back from Oregon to Berkeley.

    On Sunday I saw the movie "Whale Rider" with [info]kaseja which was fantastic.

    I did some ebfnb cooking earlier today with [info]kaseja bringing me here to this moment in time.

    It has been a busy month.

    Current Music: "Mean Things Happening in this World" by Blackfire

    Saturday, August 9th, 2003
    10:27 am
    Busy busy weekend
    So ... I am planning on being at a party with my friend [info]dryadgrl tonight then being at Livermore of this event: Stop the War Makers. Hands Around the lab. Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Never Again!!

    Here are some links about the event: "http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/07/1631527.php " and "http://sf.indymedia.org/calendar/event_display_detail.php?event_id=2091&day;=10&month;=8&year;=2003 "

    Now I am off to meet some friends and be a prop at the Mourning Mothers grp:

    "http://www.newsandletters.org/Issues/2003/May/MM_May03.htm "
    10:19 am
    I had a very fun time at [info]dryadgrl's home last night. I met a couple of her LJ friends also.

    Current Mood: happy
    Monday, July 28th, 2003
    11:30 pm
    I am about to blow a gasket with the continual "A network error has occurred (-3171)."

    What does this message mean anyway ?
    8:10 pm
    Today was fun.

    I went on a hike with a friend in a local park, and helped her create a livejournal here.

    There were some downsides to today as well. I had planned on helping a friend move her heavy furnature to her new location but that plan got cancelled at the last minute. I had also planned on seeing another friend later in the evening but just as boarding the local subway system to go to her home I received a call from my sick son so those plans also got cancelled for today.

    R is with a tempature and fatigue. He was saddened to have missed being on the open boat tours I was giving on the Esperanza that I was giving on Sunday. He is asleep now.

    So ... I just got off the phone with [info]kaseja and the plans are for all of us to be doing food not bombs tomorrow sans sick son. Hopefully all of us will be well enough to go swimming Wednesday maybe.
    Tuesday, May 6th, 2003
    9:35 pm

    Prayer for world peace and non-violence

    At the request of Mrs. Marianne Baillieu from Australia, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has nominated May 7, 2003, from 1000 to 1015 hrs (Indian Standard Time) [GMT 0430 hrs to 0445 hrs] as a suitable 15 minute worldwide simultaneous prayer/meditation for world peace and non-violence in resolving all conflicts. At the time His Holiness will be teaching in Tawang in the north-eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh that is to be attended by thousands of Buddhists from around the world but mainly from the Indian sub-continent and Tibetan refugees living in this remote part of India.

    According to Mrs. Baillieu, millions of peace lovers around the world are expected to take part in this noble effort. For more information please contact her at: marianne@mariannebaillieu.com

    from "http://www.tibet.com/NewsRoom/peace1.htm "

    Tuesday, February 18th, 2003
    8:59 pm
    I love my friend (refered to in the previous postings re: protests, events, and the NDE walk).

    Have you found me ?

    8:20 pm
    A friend and myself went to the 2003 Asian New Year's parade on the 15th and then helped with the mass food share at the anti-war event on the 16th. I am again waving to you all in this photo (also found here) taken by my friend Jeff.

    The fnb group is seen here serving food on the small rectangular grassy area with the eight flag poles near and to the left of the parked DreamCatcher Carnival Krew's yellow bus at the top of the photo. The sorta whitish area are our tables and boxes.

    My friend (not Jeff) was out and about in the crowd doing the food sharing thing.

    Thursday, February 13th, 2003
    2:00 am
    Looks like I might be on both of these events: NevadaDesertExperience.org and Avonwalk.org before fall '03 begins.
    12:25 am
    Well ... the plans made last night in Berkeley and last Thursday night in San Francisco have finalized what ebfnb.org and SFFoodNotBombs.org will be doing at the Rally -> March -> Rally for the Bay Area United Against War event on Feb. 16 in San Francisco.

    We will be at the Civic Center site with water, tea, sandwiches of peanut butter and jelly, possibly hummus or lentil spread, bagels and cream cheese, fruit and possibly salad.

    Sharing FREE FOOD for thousands.

    We will again be with the yellow school bus of the DreamCatcher Carnival Krew (seen in the sf.indymedia.org photo here) decorated with the Food Not Bombs banners.

    Friday, January 24th, 2003
    6:27 pm
    Happy birthday [info]freakyme
    5:46 pm
    I had a great evening last night at this event: Women's Voices Rise Up.

    I am feeling somewhat distressed by the "Occupation" and all the feelings, emotions, violence, and politics which surround this small chunk of real estate.

    How do you feel about it ?

    The friend with whom I went to the event with shared opinions on the subject. We also shared opinions on the property damage done on the Breakaway march from the January 18th event in San Francisco with regard to "non-violence".

    How do you feel about that as well ?

    At the January 18th event I was at the Food Not Bombs tables sorta making sure that everyone serving or being served was having a good time, that the people who showed up got fed some of the forty+ buckets of free vegan stew and rice that we had prepared, free sandwiches, and free snacks (as well as free water). Estimates are that we served over four thousand servings of food to the protest participants.

    You can see me waving to you all in this photo here:

    I am right next to the yellow bus across the street from the end of the flag pole row. The building nearest and behind the foodshare / serving / scooping site is the SF Main Library. Not to be confused with the gold leaf domed City Hall Building.

    Sunday, January 12th, 2003
    2:34 am
    This is in regards to an Antiwar march called by others as well as International A.N.S.W.E.R. with Jan 18, 2003 event info here: "http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/j18/logisticssf.html "

    The winds of war are hard upon us, driven by Bush's staunch deadlines.
    Next Saturday's rallies are being seen by many as an important test of public opposition that may have a material effect on the fateful decision to go to war, and therefore on hundreds of thousands of lives.
    Some families have brought their children to recent peace marches as a Strollers and Scooters Brigade. (See below for background on the Brigade idea.)
    Another group of families has recently been meeting to plan for a similar contingent. (See below for the Radical Families call.)
    I suggest that we take up the suggestion of gathering at the northwest corner of Market and Montgomery, right above the Montgomery BART station. Evaluation of the experience of October 26 showed that it was impossible to get strollers into the Embarcadero plaza. Also, Montgomery will be closer to the front of the march, which will mean an earlier start and finish time (and the blessing of less crankiness as naptime approaches!).
    If people want to organize gathering places at East Bay BART stations, they can, but it was so crowded last time that this was not terribly successful.
    Lynn from California Peace Action says they could create the helium balloons that say "No Weapons, Use Your Words."
    Last time it was fun to gather at the end in the Civic Center playground. But remember that there are two playgrounds, near each other but separated by hordes of protestors...so go to the one near Grove Street, on the southeast corner of the park, not the McAllister/northeast side.
    Here are the details for the "No War On Iraq" march, Saturday, January 18:
    Assemble 11 a.m. at the foot of Market St. at Embarcadero. Rally then march to Civic Center Plaza (Grove & Larkin) adjacent to City Hall for a closing rally with speakers, entertainment and cultural performances.

    Babies, kids, parents, and allies:
    Join a Radical Families contingent in the January 18th March against the war in Iraq.  Let's march together and show that war and blind patriotism are not family values!  We will be assembling at 11 am at the northwest corner of Market and Montgomery, right above the Montgomery Bart station.  At the end of the march we will reconvene in the playground on the south side of Civic Center Plaza.
    Bring your family and friends, and spread the word!
    Stroller/Scooter Brigade:
    In late 2001, in opposition to war in Afghanistan, parents of toddlers began the Stroller Brigade for Peace. We were approached by parents with children in their pre-teen years, who want to join with the strollers in presenting a united front of children/families for peace. So we expanded the concept to a Strollers and Scooters Brigade.
    Let's create a presence of kids and parents at every peace march, be visible as a contingent with our strollers. If there is no announced Stroller/Scooter contingent, just clump together in the front! "Kids to the front of the march!" makes the point that the issue is really about the effect of war on children, that they have the most to lose...and there is a side benefit of slowing down the march to a pace that children can manage!
    Please let me know if you are intending to join us.
    Below is the original explanation of the brigade concept:
    Join the Stroller/Scooter Brigade!
    We encourage all parents to join an adhoc stroller affinity group in any peace march. A brigade of strollers--parents and little kids--for peace.
    We bring our children to "political" events because no one is too young to be exposed to the experience of a community striving for human rights. We want to give our children the experience of seeing their parents stand up against the harassment of Arabs and Muslims.
    We also want to show the media and the public that we are struggling for the children's sake, to make a world that is safe for them and all the world's children.
    Finally, we seek the support of other parents in the often difficult process of bringing up children in this bellicose, divided society. We will build our community of parents and encourage each other to continue to act.
    Wednesday, January 1st, 2003
    5:14 am
    I hope you have all had a happy holiday season.
    Thursday, December 5th, 2002
    8:45 am
    It's been a while...
    I have generated a goodly discussion with this post to the [info]altparent community.

    BTW what is up with the Target Thanksgiving parade ?


    Did no one think of the implications of the name associations ?

    It's like this energy drink
    that I just heard about.
    Either concept of drinking (real) battery contents or the concept of it leading to battery (as like assult and battery) of another human being are fairly dangerous or sick.

    Current Mood: extremely depressed

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