Monday, May 6th, 2002
7:48 pm
| Friday, May 3rd, 2002
6:40 pm
time to drink beer & wrap lumpia
current music: Supertramp
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| Monday, April 29th, 2002
12:35 pm
Really though, it is the aberrations that make life interesting. WE should relish them.
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12:34 pm
| Saturday, April 27th, 2002
1:20 pm
What an interesting trip. From San Diego to London to Bahrain. Then two weeks on a ship to Perth. Finally, an overnight in Sydney before returning home via LAX. Around the world in 17 days- No shows in London this time Holiday Inn, Bahrain, is even better than the Radison. Currently enjoying Australia. Had never really considered Australia. An old roommats-Morris Hall, & I were supposed to go in 1987, but he ended up getting married instead. Just as well I did not go as I may not have returned - home. Austrailia is awesome. Extremely nice people.
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| Wednesday, April 24th, 2002
1:10 pm
Today is WOG day. Sort of a big party to celebrate the first time a sailor crosses the equator - but you don't want to be a wog. That, combined with my odd sleeping habits (I seem to sleep about three hours at a time ~2pm - 5pm and again from ~11pm - 2am) seems to have caused the oddest dream last night. WE were in San Diego - tied to a pier where carriers never go (but I once did). I was swimming, talking to a young sailor on the pier - he may have been a relative. I had a little plastic model of an old aircraft carrier. I would push the toy boat and it would glide through the rudders (not sure why there were exposed rudders? - but there were several in a line, black, and had gaps just large enough to swim through comfortably. The water was very nice and I was explaining to him that yes, you really should get a show boat for your last tour in the Navy (a showboat is one that the Navy is particularly proud of and so gets to spend most a cruise in a foreign port, showing the flag, while the rest of the battle group stays out at sea, neither seeing nor being seen). Strange dream. Perhaps it referred to my current assignment, which consists mainly of going to cool places like London & Rio de Janeiro. And yes, it was in color.
current music: Rhiannon: Live From The House - Untitled
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| Sunday, April 21st, 2002
1:03 pm
The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper. - Aristotle
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| Friday, April 12th, 2002
5:52 pm
Living in America....
Long flight, no sleep. Been seeing Bahrain in the news? Pretty cool, eh? Couldn't talk anyone into a show, but we are managing a jazz pub tonight. London is so cool. Old and new mixed together. Pubs. I love eating in pubs. Visited the War Rooms. Churchill was a jerk. Don't know about his war efforts - they did win, though.
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| Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
9:12 pm
Outta here. Heading to SFO and on to Heathrow in the morning. Very small chance I will stop by a cafe and update in London Friday. Otherwise I am out of touch for a little more than two weeks.
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| Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
10:19 pm
I am reading the most awesome book...it is a collection of work-realted letters written by David O. Selznick. No, I've never even seen Gone With the Wind, but, I see his name on plenty of Hitchcock films...
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9:32 pm
Dinner at Tatsui's in Rancho San Diego. Not sure how I manage to make my way back to these out of the way places. Two great big Kirin's and I am much "happier" than I was with last night's rum & beer at the game. Japanese settings tend ot make me drunker.
I had awesome thoughts...probably wold have saved mankind...but they are now forever lost to humanity.
Dinner was good. Not fond of catapillar rolls - prefer just raw fish.
I have this list of items that must be completed prior to 5am on Thursday. The list stays the same, but the length of time keeps getting shorter. What gives? I mean, like i lost an entire hour Sunday morning at 2.
What language do they speak in Austraila?
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4:55 pm
In the Dark Tower, Stephen King writes about a shimmering...not a cloud, not anything really, just a shimmering. I have not read or thought about it in years. Today we were walking on this path that goes along a man-made stream and passes under a couple of freeways. It was there that I heard exactly what he described. A painful noise. It seemed everywhere and no where.
current music: The Corrs - Runaway
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| Monday, April 8th, 2002
9:15 pm
busy days.
Visited friends in Alpine Saturday. It is nice up there now. Not like it will be a in a couple of months. I like their house, it has a "great room". Everything is centered around it. That is how I like to live. Everything centered around one room. Needs a better view, though. That is the way it goes in San Diego - a great view or no view. Few in-betweens.
Birthday yesterday. They served me all my favorite foods - shrimp, crab legs, sushi, strawberries...no particular order. And coffee. Is coffee a like or a need?
Opening day...the Padres creamed the Diamondbacks. I don't think Arizona ever had any intention of winning. Sort of a "let them win their home opener" gimme. Let me see them do that well tomorrow. Of course, for all I saw of the game...we typically make it into the stadium in the middle of the second inning. By the end of the 4th it is time to go on a walk about. We usually make it back to our seats for the stretch, but the game seemed really fast today & I didn't quite make it. Oh well. Only two more years in Qualcom. This was the first time I'd seen the stadium since the expansion. It has a lot of seats. I am looking forward to the new digs.
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| Sunday, April 7th, 2002
8:14 pm
"Mom, what does my Dove wrapper say?"
"Promises are meant to be kept."
"I have to keep promises?!"
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11:14 am
But, that was a long time ago. I may even have just imagined it. It was kind of surreal.
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