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Sunday, February 15th, 2004
2:12 pm - Valentine's Dinner
Since my boyfriend is several thousand miles away (sigh), I spent Valentine's Day making dinner with my friends and watching Bridget Jones' Diary and analyzing our various love lives (or lack thereof). The dinner turned out pretty well, so I'm going to put it here so I don't forget.

Ginger Beef and Vegetables )

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Tuesday, September 9th, 2003
12:22 pm
I AM GOING to finish last year's NaNovel before this year's NaNoWriMo starts. I am.

I'm determined.

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Thursday, July 10th, 2003
8:53 pm
Goodness, I haven't written in this in AGES and ages and ages.

Traditionally, this is where I'd post a promise to write on a regular basis, but I'm not gonna do that. You've heard it a million times, and frankly, I don't know if I will. I have a hard time thinking of interesting things to write down, and in general I prefer to do my vague emotional wallowing out of the (semi-)public eye. Hence, I tend to let it go long periods of time, or only write to fill in Friday Five and other such things where I don't feel the need to be interesting.

But. Anyway. In case anybody was wondering, I'm not dead.

Been doing rather a lot of writing recently -- since I couldn't get a job this summer (sigh) I have plenty of time to do it in. Lots of snippets that seem to be part of a whole, but which haven't quite reached the mass necessary to develop their own gravity and start coming together.

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Friday, March 7th, 2003
1:14 pm
1. What was the last song you heard?
"Feelin' Groovy," Simon & Garfunkel

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
Daredevil & Grease

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Chocolate, water, and pasta.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
Clean my room, do laundry, work on a paper, and sleep.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
My friend L., a girl from my English class telling me that today's session was cancelled, my other English prof (about Freud, gag spit), my Science class TA, and a girl from the science class.

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Tuesday, March 4th, 2003
1:08 am - Survey Thing
>> the seven deadly sins << )

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Friday, February 28th, 2003
8:26 am - Friday Five
1. What is your favorite type of literature to read (magazine, newspaper, novels, nonfiction, poetry, etc.)?
Novels, followed closely by nonfiction on certain subjects.

2. What is your favorite novel?
It changes day-to-day. The book I've read most often is probably [i]Anne of Green Gables[/i].

3. Do you have a favorite poem? (Share it!)
I'm not so much a poetry person, you know? But I like sexy poems, like Turning Forty, or Romeo Had Juliette. And Coleridge's Kubla Khan, even if I do think Coleridge was a pretentious git.

4. What is one thing you've always wanted to read, or wish you had more time to read?
More nonfiction. On every topic imagineable.

5. What are you currently reading?
Two Lives of Charlemagne, Everyday Life in the Middle Ages, The Crying of Lot 49, and The Wood Wife.

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Friday, February 14th, 2003
2:17 pm - Because I am a sheep...
1. Explain why you started to journal/blog.
A friend ([info]isthmus) got one, it sounded like fun, and plus I wanted to be able to check friends. That's all.

2. Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not?

Not really, no. There's nothing particularly sensitive in here, it just isn't their type of thing, really.

3. Do you have a theme for your journal/blog?
Nope. The little owl icon is as close as I get to that, since I don't ever change my userpic, but that's it.

4. What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year?
I'd like to actually say something? Er. My life isn't as boring as this journal makes it seem, I just keep forgetting to put stuff in it. Heh. Must get better on that.

5. Pimp five of your favorite journals/blogs.
(Note: this does not include most of my personal friends, more of a 'general interest cool stuff' section.)

[info]level_head for thoughtful science commentary.
[info]ohi for cute writing-related comic things.
[info]ursulav for wit and brilliance, plus good fantasy art.
Mo Pie for a life story a body could get hooked on.

Plus one community: [info]marysues, because it's damn funny.

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Sunday, February 9th, 2003
12:00 am
In the interest of actually updating this with things going on in my life (which I, like, never do), I'm going to tell you what I did this evening.

Went out with M., L. and R. (Why the initials? Because I don't know if they want their lives spread across the 'Net, that's why. Just because I blather to an online journal readable by everyone doesn't mean that others want to. Anyway.) Went for Japanese food; I had the most astonishing lemon-sesame chicken with obscenely good grilled/fried mushrooms, squash, onions and bean sprouts. Followed by mugs of hot tea. Then we went to Sephora and tried on makeup (I'm still shedding sparkles). Then we went to an outlet store and I got the SEXIEST little black dress, much shorter than I usually go for, for only five dollars. Unbelievable. And then a bookstore (where we read each other sections from bad romance novels and laughed our asses off), and hot chocolate, and home again.

I am a happy she-wolf.

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Saturday, February 8th, 2003
12:46 am
It's not Friday anymore, but who cares?

Friday Five

1. What did you have for breakfast this morning? If you didn't have breakfast, why not?

Tea, if that counts. I don't eat breakfast before going to class for two reasons: a) I never, ever wake up hungry. Ever. and b) I wake up late enough as it is. So I get up, have tea while dressing, go to class, come back, and have a piece of fruit or maybe some breakfast-y thing for elevenses, lunch at one or two, supper at five, evening snack at around nineish. It works for me.

2. What's your favorite cereal?

Life. Mm.

3. How often do you eat out? Do you want that to change?

About weekly -- going out with my friends. But I really can't afford it and should cut back. (Alas, alas.)

4. What do you plan on having for dinner tonight? Got a recipe for that?

What I had was chicken tostadas. (I didn't make it, but.) Crisp tortilla bottom, shredded spiced chicken breast meat, refried beans, fresh lettuce and tomato, a generous clump of nice sharp cheddar, and a big daub of fresh pureed avocado on top. Yum. With cinnamon-sweetend tortilla wedges as a dessert.

5. What's your favorite restaurant? Why?

Oif. I don't have one. Or, rather, wherever I ate most recently: right now, Madame Wu's, which served a positively splendid appetizer of crispy rice... things, with a tart red sauce; lovely chicken chow mein; and absolutely unspeakably good green tea ice cream.

Mmm. Hungry now.

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Thursday, February 6th, 2003
7:16 pm
When I stop learning, I'll be dead. I'm convinced of this. So I request book titles from friends of mine -- good layman books for things I don't know much about. Right now I'm on an evolutionary biology kick, and I have a bunch of bio-fan friends.

So I collated them all into a list of books-to-read... )

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Wednesday, February 5th, 2003
9:00 am
I remember her!

You are WIND WISTLER! You are helpful, and kind,
and know all sorts of big words. You are the
Mary Poppins of my little ponies!

What old skool my little pony are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Saturday, February 1st, 2003
9:25 am
Hail Columbia.

current mood: melancholy

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Wednesday, January 29th, 2003
11:26 pm
I have a major thing for fairy tale retellings.

From the vicious, lush, gorgeous short story collections edited by Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow (I mean, come on, anything with titles like Black Thorn, White Rose or Silver Birch, Blood Moon can't be all bad, right?) to the more whimsical Ella Enchanted by an author I sadly am not recalling, to the books by Robin McKinley (have you read Rose Daughter? Read it. I mean, it fixes the part of Beauty and the Beast I least liked). And movies -- Ever After does a lot for me, even if it is something of a silly formula romp. It's a pretty silly formula romp.

I just really like fairy tale retellings.

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Tuesday, January 21st, 2003
8:39 am - Red, red, red....
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<font [...] shirono</font>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<A HREF= "" > <IMG SRC=""> <P>You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, but without you, none of us could go on.</P> <P>What inner color are you? </P></A> <P><FONT SIZE= "-1"Quiz by Shirono</FONT> </P>

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Wednesday, January 15th, 2003
7:43 pm
Go here. But only if you've seen The Two Towers. Spoilerage.

But if you have, you have go to see this.

Parodies are fun. Especially when they feature three-way telepathy calling.

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3:41 pm
Because I am back...


...a stupid quiz.

Yay for mindlessness )

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Saturday, December 14th, 2002
12:00 am
So anyway.

I'm off to my grandparents' for four weeks. Gone tomorrow, be back January 12. I'll be available via email, though.

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Wednesday, December 4th, 2002
10:57 pm

What Kind of Coffee are You? by Medox

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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2002
7:28 pm - Papers and so forth.
There's a place that I reach when the work has piled up so high I could build my tower out of books and papers rather than ivory, a papier-mache of footnotes and citations -- a place where the worry froths and bubbles around the rocks but I can neither hear it nor see it while I'm working, enshrouded in the calme and quiet desperation of words, word, words piling out and onto the paper: the wrong words, the right words, and the judgement to tell which is which thins until it's as effervescent and meaningless as the dim tide of worry lapping around my ankles, because I am all of me consumed with the words: write. Write.

And out of the windows and doors of the tower of theses and essays I think I see Machiavelli laughing, silently, and the quiet and decadent amusement of Algernon and Jack (who are neither and both Ernest, though I daresay I don't know if they're earnest or not). The prostitutes laughed at me yesterday, but that is behind and gone: write. Write.

Eventually I'll stop for the night and lie down in the dark to snatch some sleep before one paper is turned in (and Salutati and Bembo will have to stop laughing, then, bless them), which will be a mistake. Lying down, the tide of worry will rise up over me, like Danae in her coffin, and only when I still my mind will it wash back, to return in daylight when by working I can fend it off: write. Write.

And I know I'll get through this. I always do. The stress and worry are part of the job; the dislocation and detatchment part of it, too. I think my best papers are born in that paper tower, surrounded by the distant but omnipresent sound of my anxiety, lapping, and the only way to stave it off and get it through is to surround me with that silence like a habit and work, knowing I'll get through this, if only I: write. Write.

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Sunday, December 1st, 2002
12:35 am
As midnight passes, PST, and to all you folks who did NaNo, whether you won or simply were brave enough to put forth an honest effort...

Conga rats! Conga rats! Conga rats! Conga rats!

Conga rats

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