[08 Feb 2002|04:23pm] |
its a fuckin beautiful day
[07 Feb 2002|05:27pm] |
audiogalaxy gold fucking right ive just dl'd more songs in 10 mins than fucking morpheus has got me in 10 days
[07 Feb 2002|09:33am] |
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sick |
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Mercury Rev - Tides Of The Moon |
] |
so theres something wrong with lj for me i cant get any of my friends' entries to show up past january 17 unless i go directly to their journal pages so right now my friends link is quite useless and outdated
in other news christ what isnt there to say confused by relationships and how they change and how other people dont and then do and no one seems to realize that there are critical periods past which there is no safe return
[31 Jan 2002|05:29pm] |
life is weird a pattern seems to be emerging from my confusion something is wrong with everything
[24 Jan 2002|10:05am] |
1 class down 4 more to go thursdays = hell for me
want to lose about 10 lbs maybe i should put down this cookie..
wow |
[23 Jan 2002|05:50pm] |
so jills parents apparently had a conference with the docs at the hospital plus her counselor from the health center and decided she should stay at river oaks another 7-10 days so she didnt show up saturday but she can basically walk in at any moment i did move half my shit back in though after storing it in shaunas room for two days pending jills return ive got my computer and peripherals + bed stuff what else does a girl need oh, clothes, right im still getting those from down the hall just too tired to move any more shit lately anyway jills parents have apparently now decided that she will be best off doing an OUT-PATIENT program with river oaks while living in an apartment and working in metairie i suppose theyre going to supply the $ for this and get her a goddam car i just dont fucking know what to say anymore i mean i think at this pt after jill having been thru rehab a couple times already she needs something different perhaps throwing her out there on her own is a good idea but for admittedly selfish reasons i wish that werent new orleans im sure shes going to try to spend a lot of her time here on campus with suzanne et al and i did talk to hrl about getting a restraining order but personally i just really think she would be better off in a completely new setting anyway not knowing exactly when she will be back makes me more than a bit uneasy so im definitely happy that hrl recored our door and alicia battle is holding the key personally so even if the hospital does not notify the university of jills departure from their custody like theyre supposed to she wont be able to get into this room without seeing alicia first and therefore revealing her presence on campus
[17 Jan 2002|09:34am] |
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depressed |
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fucking headaches havent been able to escape them of late
if i even tried to describe the events of the past 36 hours it would take me another 36 the basic outline being jill is in a mental institution following attempted suicide tuesday night -- an overdose on 10 norodin following my getting hrl/tupd to search our room and take her "first aid kit" she was committed for the standard 72 hour duration at 7 yesterday morning needless to say she is there against her will and all hell will break loose upon her inevitable return saturday morning her parents have been contacted but are without ideas understandable as jill has been through rehab 2-3x already hrl guaranteed me they will be moving her to a single in warren where they can "keep an eye on her" more easily and in an effort to return my life to normality but jill needs a hell of a lot more than some 19 year-old ra telling her to "be strong" and weekly appointments with a goddamn guidance counselor jacq and alex and liz are all talking about leaving town for the wknd they seriously do not want to be around when she gets back unlike them i have a job responsibilities and more importantly even no money whatsoever to get out of town i am worried about my belongings this computer my cd player tv refrigerator even christ and im sure as hell not up for the inevitable verbal confrontation let alone anything in excess of that
[15 Jan 2002|07:03pm] |
so i finally confirmed classes if you could call it that that little rectangular slip of paper that usually screams my weekly appointments impending doom in electric blue ink was blank because i didnt register until three days ago the dude said all should be well anyway so thats good
8am classes suck ass i feel so awful many thanks to the drugs and alcohol that took place last night ugh 2 more classes to go done by 5pm..
[13 Jan 2002|04:51pm] |
ouch $67 at walgreens but that includes some stuff for josh plus random crap like razors, etc, por moi anyway that leaves me with only about $35 in my checking acct i do get a tip check tomorrow which will probably be around $70 and after the other night at wally world i dont think i'll be buying more food for about 2 wks so the only thing i'll really be spending money on is cab fare..
heading up to the study lounge to meet deb as soon as my frozen dinner is cooked & eaten trying to get ahead on my reading or just started, at least
[13 Jan 2002|02:34pm] |
a nice relaxing sunday well-deserved after working 4 mornings in a row but its back to 8/4 tomorrow and then child psyc from 530-830pm gonna be a long day
need to get to walgreens cuz altho my sole purpose for going to walmart with nate and jacq and deb and brian and josh two days ago was to get notebooks and binders for class i ended up spending $92 on groceries and completely forgetting about the school supplies so i'll probly just walk there with josh cuz i dont want to ask nate to drive
its gotten colder outside than it was this morning i already had to change out of my skirt and into something warmer the weather here is so damn weird..
[10 Jan 2002|03:56pm] |
i just want to sleep tired from opening this morning cuz matt didnt get my msg in time- which of course means i missed the two classes i have at 8 and 11am i am now registered for them both, at least but not for monday night child psyc or tuesday night brain and behavior (a repeat performance) or thursday night child/adolescent social development; going to that in a few hours, and shall attempt to ingratiate myself with the professor..
[09 Jan 2002|06:27pm] |
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le sigh |
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le weep |
] |
back from rhode island and maryland and all that
spent many stoned days and nights with josh twas the nicest time i have had in forever
back at tulane now worked today for the first time in 2 wks was awful tho cuz i took 7 vodka shots last night within an hour and got really fucking sick so i was too hungover to do much of anything at work this morning..
anyway been trying to register but hardly anything is happening cuz i didnt have the money to pay down my ar balance till now so everythings closed and waitlisting isnt allowed for some fucking reason so at this point i am only registered for 1 class and they start tomorrow and there would be the possibility that i could just go to class and plead my case to the prof but i am scheduled to work tomorrow from 530am-noon and theres only one person who can work for me and i just called him but he wasnt home so i had to leave a msg aaagh
im so fucked
just one more to go... |
[28 Dec 2001|10:52am] |
already showered and walked the dogs and its only 11am mom got up for about 2 minutes but already went back to sleep going to an outlet mall with jen and celie and ingrid sometime soon still hadnt heard from josh by last night so at 830 i called his older sister said he had gone to boston and she didnt think hed be back till tomorrow morning which is now this morning of course whatever i just think him letting me know would have been decent
still really really reeeally bored... |
[27 Dec 2001|02:25pm] |
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bored |
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commercials |
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this day is dr a g g in g by i can hardly stand it a million cable channels and nothing is on ive been searching for chris's address for deb all day but still no luck only have 1/3 of one of the two books i brought left to read dont want to even read it cuz then ill have nothing aagh all i want is to leave for rhode island already everyone here is gone again mom is asleep again and im about to kill myself i did get to talk to deb for a bit and jacq too but now the only people online are mitch and amanda both of whom i would rather do without ugh its only 230.. already organized the pile of random crap/clothes that had formed a moat around the couch on which i sleep; not gonna do laundry till tomorrow already repacked my bag and boxed the presents i got for josh's parents already even wrote the damn letter to my stepfather ive been meaning to what else can i do?? i cant even play some game with celie cuz shes gone too i'd play chess online but i really get sick of how people quit when theyre losing
what do people do when they dont have access to drugs, sex, books, decent television, or human companionship, and think theyre getting carpal tunnel from being at the computer so fucking long? huh?
[27 Dec 2001|11:34am] |
another boring morning only one more to go though cuz 6am saturday im outta here ..watching 102 dalmations with celie ive been trying to bond with the kid a little i think its working i mean i didnt care for her much when i visited for thanksgiving but we've been playing together this time around and its been fun so anyway time to check the old email..
[26 Dec 2001|10:46pm] |
oh, right. i almost forgot.
merry christmas.
"vacation" |
[26 Dec 2001|10:36pm] |
well its pretty f'in boring here my mom isnt doing so well as she was when i first got here friday she slept almost all day yesterday as well as today ive just been reading, watching tv, and surfin the net as it were most of the day finally succumbed to a j.crew ad i found in my inbox and selected open instead of delete it was 60% off though i got a bunch of cool $8 socks for like 99 cents a pair plus 4 tops, a pair of violet corduroys, and a dress for under $100 which deserves a goddamn medal for shopping at j.crew christ anyway also bought a little red wool bag from br cuz im damn sick of the one i have its finally falling apart anyway and i wanted something with color for once will be looking forward to those deliveries come my nola return.. yay
cant fucking wait to see josh spent the rest of the time i wasnt occupied with some sort of tangible media just thinking about being with him
i want a hug :(
[22 Dec 2001|05:25pm] |
here in maryland doing the whole holiday family thing its good to see my mom and i talked to adrienne on the phone for a while yesterday which was nice cuz we havent talked in as she put it "like 600 years" anyway time for a nap or some food or tv or all of the above..
ps, i love you josh.
[20 Dec 2001|02:50pm] |
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anxious |
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Mercury Rev - Tides Of The Moon |
] |
busybusybusy worked 530-noon haffner was there and drove me down to get my hair trimmed right after then stopped by and saw his apartment (very nice) after which he drove me back to campus.. dropped off my letter to alicia battle on my way to check mail with josh picked up my moms package she sent me the stuff i couldnt fit in my duffle when i visited for thanksgiving plus a resealable 5lb bag of black forest gummi bears (YAY!!) sure coulda used those during finals... bought chocolates for her at the bookstore stopped at subway with josh and ate in the uc called rotc and set up 3pm as the time when i'll return my shit gotta still defrost the fridge, move my bike up here to my room, print out my itineraries and email them to my web account for universal access in case i lose the hardcopies (joshs thoughtful suggestion) what the fuck else....
[18 Dec 2001|07:48pm] |
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music |
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The Strokes - Hard To Explain |
] |
finally emailed chil about quitting rotc got a standard little 'really sorry to hear it, wish youd reconsider' reply gonna return my uniforms tomorrow or thursday and itll all be over im really happy with my decision
josh is in bruff eating dinner with brian and stealing me a cheeseburger and fries then we're gonna study for psyc with nate and deb only for about an hour though cuz we've hardly gotten to spend time together the past few days especially relatively unstressful time as a little later tonight will definitely be i cant wait the final is tomorrow at 1 so i guess we're gonna get up around 9am and study a while before we go i feel really bad for deb she has a d+ going into it but at least shes not failing i mean she gets that grade no matter what now im still just so resentful about that second test being thrown out stupid fucking dunlap leaving the answers on random test copies (and stupid fucking students being good and alerting him)
i cant believe im leaving new orleans again so soon its barely been a month since i left for thanksgiving i really wish this past week had been less hectic so josh and i could spend more time together before we split up but thats just how it goes ugh at least brian is leaving tomorrow so we'll have the room to ourselves with no tests to even worry about for two whole days