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Below is information about the "Sexuality & Gender Communities" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:sex_comm (554300) sex_comm
Name:Sexuality & Gender Communities
About:The current hyperlist of sexuality & gender communities.

Sexuality & Gender Communities exists to facilitate coördination amongst the LiveJournal communities and shared journals that are principally concerned with issues of sex, of sexuality, or of gender.

Membership is open to maintainers and to moderators of conforming communities and shared journals. A community or shared journal is conforming if its About section links to the About section of this group or directly to the latest version of the hyperlist and, of course, it is principally concerned with issues of sex, of sexuality, or of gender.

(The hyperlist will attempt to list all communities — conforming and nonconforming — with such concerns.)

This community does not exist to itself contain controversies about sexual orientations, &c.
Interests:129: abortion, abortion rights, adolescence, adolescents, birth, birth control, bisexualism, bisexuality, bisexuals, bois, boiz, bondage, boys, boyz, breasts, chastity, chauvinism, clitorides, clitorises, coital intercourse, coitus, cunnilinctus, cunnilingus, discipline, dominance, dominas, domination, dominators, dominatrices, dominatrixes, dommes, equal rights, equality, erotica, fellatio, female dominance, female domination, female genitalia, female supremacy, females, femdom, femininity, fetishes, g spots, gender, genitalia, girls, grrls, grrlz, grrrlz, gurls, heterosexuality, homosexuals, hymenales, hymens, intercourse, kisses, kissing, labia, lesbianism, lesbians, lingams, lips, love, male dominance, male domination, male supremacy, males, masculinity, masochism, masochists, masturbation, matriarchy, men, men's health, menarche, menopause, menses, menstruation, mouthing, myn, nipples, oragenital intercourse, oragenitalism, oral intercourse, oral sex, oralism, orality, orgasm, orgasms, patriarchy, penises, pornography, pregnancy, prostitutes, prostitution, puberty, reproduction, reproductive rights, sadism, sadists, sex, sex industry, sex workers, sexism, sexual intercourse, sexuality, strippers, submission, submissiveness, submissives, tongues, tonguing, transgender, transsexuality, transsexuals, tribadism, vaginae, vaginas, virginity, virgins, voyeurism, voyeurs, vulvae, vulvas, women, women's health, womyn, yonis. [Modify yours]
Members:11: gamahucheur, inigomontoya, jodawi, johno, katsue_fox, kreie, laureladams, lilyofthewest, pennybirch, sanitychex, techieguru
Watched by:112: _sexah_, _sizzlehot, aka_themonster, allah_dot_com, arcanea, baalesh, bella_suona, bigrichdick, bigtomd, bionic, blindlink, bpt, branch2, buzzards_bunny, callmetim, captain1obvious, count_duke, curioussd21, daniel2002, darktranquility, de_terrence, devanagari, diamondkatz, dr_cullingus, drogenki, effexorrx, eiaboca, empyrealflamez, enigmaticguy, ergotia, etienneetmireil, flyfisher654321, fox_reed, freakypk1, furcas, gabriellea, geek7, geewizkid, gnostalgia, goawayaweh, grendel1097, hanagar, iceberg1, ilovetentacles, into_your_heart, jenandsean, jendevil, johno, jojanosocjo, kalikanzeros, kandyman, katsue_fox, kawaiiwhit, lanalucy, leggylady, lerican, lida_yusupova, lilyofthewest, luwana, lyfesgood, macvelly, magnificock, malinger, marksgroups, masterbater, melissa1983, mister_kendrick, mmm_sex, nadja, noctifer, noteventhesea, nudity_now, o_tme, observationcafe, pharmacy, pistolleer, pixielust, pogeea, pr3tty_fuck, pretty_pumpkin, psycho_bob, purpledaisy, puzzylickr4u, reddeath77, remylava, ridalin_user, robynz, ryanilithia, sabrinathecrazy, sandrad810, slizo56, smutscribbler, ssecnirp, steppenwolff, stoutwalker, sweetiepie25, tetsuwanatom, tgldyke, thomas_young, tiglair, tweetums, ty_ler_dur_den, under_again, valued, vicious_tongue, vicomte_valmont, vix_erin, waddayamean, wasted_, whiteh2o, windsea, zweizimmerkopf
Member of:1: sexmusic
Account type:Free Account

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