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User:storge_space (3634153) storge_space
Name:Storge Space RPG
About:This is a post-OotP parody RPG set in Harry Potter's sixth year (1996). This is a closed community with no Original Characters. The game will contain adult language and subject matter, and is not suitable for children, parents, grandparents, or your boss. Do not mix this game with food or drink.

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From the ashes of devastation rose the Pillars of Storge.

Do you have questions, comments, or glowing praise for [info]storge_space? Email us at: storge (at)

Character application instructions can be found here


In case you're an idiot: we're not making any money from this and we don't own the HP characters. They are the property of JK Rowling. We're just borrowing them for satirical purposes.
Interests:31: albus' bathtub, arthur's wrap, being amazed that people are watching, blaise's everchanging bits, bobo the basilisk, buddy death eater, cedric's coffin, cho's emoness, draco's debauchery, flitwick's step, george's ericness, gregory's zeal, harry's locked caps, hating icicle weasley, having the effing veil at hogwarts, lavender's furries, letters on dead animal skins, lisa's monkeys, mcgonagall's younger men, michael's redheads, mr. fluffikins, ron/knockers, seamus' booze, snarfage, storge_space, terry's lube, the eiffel bunny, the macarena plague, theo's bendyness, trelawney's balls, vince's dancing. [Modify yours]
Members:48: abbotts_habits, acridturpintine, albuspresley, alpha_aconite, alwayspms, boogiedownvince, cedeadric, cleverlyanthony, cornered_beef, deanosovirtuoso, deranged_gofer, dracoisyourking, drunkirishdude, flishandswick, girlpowerkthx, grrgoyle, hardlyinit, harvestnarcissi, herbology_dork, hufflepuff4life, iloatheyouall, insectintegrity, knot_a_nott, lookscomefirst, mouldytailcoat, mynoseisfine, no_opinion, nothisbitch, ohohohwoe, paparazzi_colin, pious_zacharias, plugsplugsplugs, potter_mouth, prefectlyernie, purebloodyay, putasockinit, reallyquiteevil, savethefurries, shouldteachdada, slytherinthingy, spidersmustdie, stolen_marbles, storge_space, tart_in_tartan, terryclothrags, vacuousbeefcake, veryverysmart, waitingfortom
Watched by:355: 00wanderlust, __mintyfresh, _barnstormer, _emitremmus, _lore, _messiah, a_howler, abbotts_habits, abremaline, acridturpintine, actress_krissie, actriz_k, aethel, aidenfire, ailah, albuspresley, alpha_aconite, alwayspms, amandazillah, amanuensis1, ambivertemmers, amour__vrai, anaid_rabbit, angela_clover, anteco, aprillily, ari_o, arrmaitee, askmehow, aspiringdaxzy, astheyrefalling, auguris, backwardsclock, batgirl_beyond, bbsy, beadtific, becauseimlazy, bionic, biting_moopie, bittersplendor, bittersweetecho, black_silver, black_splodge, blaise_queen, blownspeaker, blue_as_a_cat, blue_raven, bluekivrin, blurredbeauty, bobrhyn, bobsnuggles, bolloxed, boogiedownvince, bottled_ink, bountyangel, cadeyrn, carylic, cassandrathevil, cedeadric, ceiling_hats, celtic_roisin, chaosdancer, chasingwhispers, cheeze_it, cherbear77, cheshire_neko, chinae, chizpurfle, chmura, cicer, cissa_delancome, cleverlyanthony, clockworklunacy, colourmesparkle, comava, cornered_beef, couchfortkeight, crabbed_again, crazylittleme, crissy34, daisy_drabbles, darknesse, dea_diggle, deanosovirtuoso, delilah_smear, deranged_gofer, devon_may, dimmedlight, disparagingrant, dorenavant, dorklord23, doubtful_salmon, douxaigre, dr_jekyl, dracoisyourking, dragonessasmith, dream_catcher_8, dreamsighted, drinaellis, drunkirishdude, dsneyvoice, duckpuppy, dukhakarma5, ebonymoon, elethoniel, elusive_she, emiliap, emptyou, enigma99, estrellaguia, evelle, evilrubberduck, evilvikingqueen, fadingvoices, fairycake, fallengurl, fallenravie, ferreted, feruche, firestarburst, five_x_five, flishandswick, fluffywetkisses, frowl, gaiamyles, gail_b, genki_yasha, geology_rocks, ginger_kitty, girlpowerkthx, glitterdemon, gracefulfool, grapefruitzzz, grrgoyle, gwen_louise, hardlyinit, harlequincy, harvestnarcissi, heidi8, heidimountain, heliopath, hellsangeljcv, herbology_dork, hezzabeth, hiddenhibiscus, hufflepuff4life, i_am_deeders, icarusinwax, idealfacade, iloatheyouall, ...
Member of:1: storge_space
Account type:Free Account

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