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User:x1999 (271826) x1999
The X LJ Fandom
The original X community.
Name:X Community
About:Hello and welcome to The X Community, the original community for the two CLAMP series, X and Tokyo Babylon. The community is here for the purpose of brining all the fans of the series together to discuss theories, share fanworks, post pictures, ask questions, and the most important question of all: When the hell is the end coming, and why is it so late?

There are some rules for this community, however. They being the following.

#1 Respect the other posters. If you don't like someone, fine, but don't take every chance you get to put them down. I don't like flamewars, try to avoid them.

#2 If you're going to post images or long fanfiction then please use the LJ-Cut feature. It saves space on the friends list of the members.

#3 The admins tend to think most of the people in this community follow the Asuka installments. If you follow VIZ's, then please be aware of spoilers. Anything considered a spoiler should be LJ-cut for people who haven't had the time (or just might not know) to read a new chapter.

#4 Don't make this community join any other communities. I get so irritated unjoining it from them all the time.

#5 Pissing off the admin's isn't smart. We're pretty leniant, but don't test our patience. Not following the rules is bad, it results in punishment.

Got any questions? Hit me.

[info]x1999 is maintained by [info]shortage and [info]vonheston.
Interests:33: anime, arashi, chi no ryuu, clamp, doujinshi, dragons of earth, dragons of heaven, dreamseers, fuma, fuuma, hinoto, hokuto, kakyou, kamui, kanoe, karen, kotori, manga, nataku, satsuki, seichiirou, seishiro, seishirou, shougo, sorata, subaru, ten no ryuu, tokyo babylon, x, x the movie, x/1999, yuuto, yuzuriha. [Modify yours]
Members:403: _argustar, _lookcloser, _mayflower, _morbidity, _neith_, _rosiel_, _ryosei_, _satsuki_, _sikoro, _yoshimi_, aeanagwen, ag_ever, agen, agent420, aineartemis, airwin, alchimistedefee, alexeil, alita_b_angel, amatsuki, amazedtodeath, amiboshi, amona, amy_levi, ancalagon66, angelis_michela, angelspit, angisnin, angstxiety, angsty_wings, animesector, animestar, anoel, anoyo, aquacrystal, aquariankiss, arashi, arashi_kishuu, arashi_x, ariseishirou, asalienapua, asprosdrakos, astraplain, athousandwinds, averaye, aya_chan, ayvi, banana_onigiri, beachan18, bearzukamori, beche, beliael, besa_mi_culo, betsuri, blackchii, bloodangel, bloodscorn, bloodysakura, brightspark, bruisedhands, bubblefish, bwinter, cacography, catesith18, cherprudence, chiba_yuriko, chibimamushi, chibitron, chimera_zero, chiquis5784, choffman, clariceredfield, cloudisadumdum, cookiebeng, corialis, crackbassist, cracktastic, crazylittleme, crimsonrhapsody, crucifymylove, crumpeteater, crybabykamui, cyracin25, da_enchantress, damon_dabaali, damouse, danaeaphreal, dark_magician96, darkenedotaku, darkkairachan, darkradwings, dcsolstice, de_profundus, deep_river, deepblueql, digikoomi, discerned_girl, doomservice, dragonboy042, dragonspeaker, dreadono, dreamofdestiny, drowninginblood, drunkkero, duet_chan, duos_lemming, earenwe, ega11, elite_stoat, elixiroflife, epilogia, etrangere, fahye, falient, fanficjunkie, fangirl_bubba, ffxkid_31, flowright, foreordained, forever_slash, fruru_devilette, fullequilibrium, fusafusasaru, fuufuuchan, geilheit, genki_venus, gimel, goddessofdreams, gokuu81, gossamershadow, gothic_lolita, grimrehyper, gshock99, hakamiah, halcyon_libra, hannahlecter, hellangelss, hidden_wolf, highly_toxic, hikarii, hinikuish, hinote195, hiragizawa, hissori_danko, hollowsacrifice, hongkheng, honooko, hot_anime_orgy, hotaznguy25, hourstilldawn, hunterjr, i_am_schizo, i_am_teh_neko, iamkatie, ignisfatui, iichan, ilunen, imperfectgiggle, inkpawprints, insaneazn, inu_chan, jabberbug, jadeemperor, jazzymichi, jedijenchan, jenayax, jingyang124, joonie, juniper_mystery, juri, kaitou_marina, kakushi_miko, kakyou_kuzuki, kamiko, kammy, kamui_kinomoto, karen_yuu, karriasan, kashirakashira, katalyst, katsue_fox, katsumi, keshinnokitsune, kiarashiro, kibonotsubasa, kijima, kira_sakuya_, kitty1854, kitty_minako, kittyauroria, kittyling, kujiku_tamashii, kumori_hakumei, kusarigami, kyo_lover, kyumito, lantis, lhia, lieram, light_hikari, lilithiasama, linoleum_roses, lisan, lita_peacecraft, litian, littleztargazer, lizzyrd, love_fiend, loveableneko, lthegib, lucius_admirer, luna_riviera, lune_etsoleil, majin_dustin, maplecroix, maradori, marilynd, maron_kusakabe, maxwellcave, me_n_thee, megumi_sama, memisama, mercuryrogue, merentha, mhikaru, michelleyk, milly_chan, miome, mirai_san, misura, miuzy, miyuki_mina, mizutei, momijizukamori, mon_starling, monou, morbid_romantic, morien, motokokisaragi, muchitsujo, mulchatna, muraki_666, nadiachan, nekokamui, nerve_ending_, nic_chan, nightspiritnyx, nimuethegray, nivella, nyctophilia, ocdchild, one_eyed, oomonkeyoo, orphic_vision, penguinfaery, perfectionscat, pervymalfoy, phantom_reaper, phantombitmoon1, plastic_angel, pourqoui, pragmaticpoetry, princessryo, punkfox, purrs, raicom, rainbow_gossip, randomsymbols, ravenoushope, readx0r, rei_cirith, renaissancex, repeat_deceiver, resurgentshadow, rhapsodisiac, riddel_celes, road_not_taken_, roxannablack, rykku, ryuuraigeki, sadbrokendreams, sadeyedtenshi, sailorgalaxycat, saishu, sakanagi, sakumii, sakura_dreamz, sakurak, sakurazuka_mori, samhatesyou, sarah_the_crab, sarisa, saviorarucard, saying_goodbye_, schalaislost, schunoko, seishirousprey, seito_no_senshi, selfdestruct_, selphie_fairy, selphish, sephirothspirit, sephygirl, seras_kelia, serpents_tooth, seto__duelist, setsunap5, sharonapple, shijodori, shikari, shineko, shining_wind, shiro_kamui, shisakura, shoiryu, shortage, shotagoddess, shoujo_kakumei, sinisterf, sirylu, skitzotik, skydrop, slytherinblack, snowym7, snuzzie, sofiel, sorrowneptune, spiffy_monkey, squaredgirl, stanayitnuh, starrynightwind, starya, staticpain, strawberry777, su_chan, subarusumeragi, subbykunchan, suhe, sumeragikamui, sumeragiskank, taiki_kou, tears_priestess, tennoarashi, tezuka_buchou, the_groke, the_maha, the_mome_wrath, theangstmonkey, thefoxymango, threeleaf, tiamatschild, tigeru, tintinalle, tookumade, tormenteddreams, total_static, tragedyboy, trinity03, tsuki_usagui, tsuki_yumi, tsumibukai, umadoshi, unbranded, undeadmiko, une_moineau, usagiko, uselessmarks, vadalia, vans_angel, vekter84, vind, visionsblue, vividmakenshi, vonheston, vyonnlantys, wabuki, warningsession_, weekend, white_jasmine, wingblossom, wingzer0, winterfallen, wiseboy, withoutsun, wolfwood, wreak_havoc86, xandrabelle, xian_pu, xiao_chan, xjapanfangrl, xx_miyuki_xx, yami_no_ryu, yaoi_escence, yizabee, yoko_chan, yumeminouta, yuutotravelog, zanazac, zannechaos, zerojake, zhynchan, zimarra, zrieve
Watched by:310: _argustar, _mayflower, _morbidity, _neith_, _rosiel_, _satsuki_, _taserxmonkey, _yoshimi_, a_fruitbat, ag_ever, agen, agent420, aineartemis, airwin, amatsuki, amy_levi, ancalagon66, angelis_michela, angelspit, angisnin, angstxiety, angsty_wings, animesector, animestar, anoyo, antychan, aquacrystal, aquariankiss, arashi_kishuu, arashi_x, ari_anime, ariseishirou, armoflight04, asalienapua, asprosdrakos, astraplain, athousandwinds, aya_chan, ayvi, bearzukamori, beliael, besa_mi_culo, betsuri, bloodangel, bloodscorn, bloodysakura, bubblefish, bwinter, cacography, catesith18, cherprudence, chiba_yuriko, chibimamushi, chibitron, chimera_zero, chiquis5784, choffman, cookiebeng, crackbassist, cracktastic, crazylittleme, crimsonrhapsody, crucifymylove, crybabykamui, cyborgmermaid, cyracin25, cyrindha, da_enchantress, damouse, danaeaphreal, dark_magician96, darkenedotaku, darkkairachan, de_profundus, deep_river, discerned_girl, doomservice, dragon_yaoi, dragonboy042, dragonspeaker, dreamofdestiny, drunkkero, duet_chan, duos_lemming, ega11, elihice, epilogia, etherial17, etrangere, falient, fangirl_bubba, flowright, foreordained, forever_slash, fruru_devilette, fullequilibrium, fusafusasaru, gokuu81, gossamershadow, grey_lily, gshock99, halcyon_libra, hannahlecter, hellangelss, hinikuish, hinote195, hiragizawa, hollowsacrifice, hongkheng, honooko, hotaznguy25, hourstilldawn, hunterjr, i_am_schizo, ianna_loncar, ignisfatui, iichan, ilunen, imperfectgiggle, inkpawprints, insaneazn, intelekshual, inu_chan, jabberbug, jadeemperor, jazzymichi, jedijenchan, jenayax, jingyang124, joonie, juniper_mystery, juri, kaaronchu, kaitou_marina, kakushi_miko, kakyou_kuzuki, kamui_kinomoto, karen_yuu, karriasan, katalyst, katsue_fox, kcst, keshinnokitsune, kiarashiro, kibonotsubasa, kitty_minako, kittyauroria, kittyling, kujiku_tamashii, kusarigami, ...
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