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[Feb. 6th, 2005|12:43 am]


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[Feb. 3rd, 2005|11:54 pm]
[mood | crappy]

Missed my first math test
12AM go to sleep showered and clothes laid out.....sleep 1145 and then right off to school for math test..then to pick up papers at work then home to bed....easiest day ever!!!
550AM Mom wakes Keri up and the whole house....something about a sock in the hallway ruining her entire life up untill that point....she yelled at me but I wasn't paying attention and went back to sleep still 6 more hours to go
7AM I woke up in a lot of pain and really hungry ( I have impacted molars and one has this huge infection from my throat to my lower jaw) because I haven't been able to eat anything but ice cream....funny because any more that one dairy serving a day my tummy goes wack and it hurts. went back to sleep
830AM Then Anthony called and cacelled our lunch date... I was happy cause I forgot and wanted to sleep till the last possible second where I had to get up to go to school.
8:40AM Ten minutes my dad is on the phone talking loudly RIGHT NEXT TO MY DOOR!!!
I yell at him and tell him to get back into his office
9AM Doctor Thompson calls about my sono results tells me there is a bump in my uterus and it could be a pregnancy and to come in at any time today to get a test.
901AM I'm in the shower.
915AM Headed to the doctor
930AM Pee in a cup
10AM Find out I'm not pregnant but still lumpy
1015AM Rush to dentist because my mouth hurts so bad I can't even have water
get pain killers and anti biotics
1045AM Perscriptions filled, I get a milkshake from McDOnalds and take the pain killer I head to school
11AM Pain killers makin me drowsy turn back by mall
1130AM at home and in bed
1145AM Alarm goes off I ignore it
2PM wake up from nap go to work
330PM go to Anthony's
7PM Return Home with Art stuff...get my car stuck in snow Mom
Thats twice today I've ruined my mom's life.

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[Feb. 2nd, 2005|10:28 pm]
coin operated boy
sitting on the shelf he is just a toy
but i turn him on and he comes to life
automatic joy
that is why i want a coin operated boy

made of plastic and elastic
he is rugged and long-lasting
who could ever ever ask for more
love without complications galore
many shapes and weights to choose from
i will never leave my bedroom
i will never cry at night again
wrap my arms around him and pretend....

coin operated boy
all the other real ones that i destroy
cannot hold a candle to my new boy and i'll
never let him go and i'll never be alone
not with my coin operated boy......

this bridge was written to make you feel smittener
with my sad picture of girl getting bitterer
can you extract me from my plastic fantasy
i didnt think so but im still convinceable
will you persist even after i bet you
a billion dollars that i'll never love you
will you persist even after i kiss you
goodbye for the last time
will you keep on trying to prove it?
i'm dying to lose it...
i want it
i want you
i want a coin operated boy.

and if i had a star to wish on
for my life i cant imagine
any flesh and blood could be his match
i can even take him in the bath

coin operated boy
he may not be real experienced with girls
but i know he feels like a boy should feel
isnt that the point that is why i want a
coin operated boy
with his pretty coin operated voice
saying that he loves me that hes thinking of me
straight and to the point
that is why i want
a coin operated boy.
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YAY mARYbeth [Jan. 26th, 2005|10:23 pm]
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Marybeth's B-day present rocks!!!!!!!!!!!! [Jan. 26th, 2005|10:21 pm]
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[Jan. 26th, 2005|09:34 pm]
[mood | annoyed]

Subject: Do the world a favor
Commit suicide you mentally unstable whore.

sombody posted that on my LOTR speech essay on Anthony. Let me make it perfectly clear to anyone who has an issue with me. (though I do have my suspicions) I'm too busy to play little games. It's just annoying and rude to have to come home and see that after a long day. Shame on your immaturity.

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[Jan. 23rd, 2005|10:30 pm]
Man did today suck
I start school tomorrow...

My mom pissed me off with a really rude comment about me and a friend.

True Anthony can be more of an Oscar the Grouch than Prince Charming
and he may not have any money. And for awhile he didn't appreciate anything I did.
But when he pinches himself to stay awake at 2 AM, just to make sure I KNOW that there isn't a zombie campaign against my house and then for another hour listening to every little anxiety I have ever had.
When he wants to spend over seventy dollars to have roses sent to my house in a limo, because he thinks it's romantic and worth it eventhough he HATES Valentine's day and swore to never cave into it, just because I love cheesy romance.
I can divuldge everything he has ever told me in the upmost confidence to the whole world, leaving him raw and heartbroken, and he still finds it in him to trust me.\
I can break up every friendship he has ever had because I didn't like them, and he still loves me.
I am sick atleast once a week, and he puts up with my hypochondria on a regular basis.

At 17 Anthony is by far not the best lover in the world. He is moody and impatient. He is still struggling to find his identity. He alienates himself and dissapoints me on a semi-regular basis. He doesn't know how emotions effect him. And I constantyl ask myself why, why do I love him?
When he calls to say he got the number of free flu shots, because he saw the commercial and knew that because of my athsma I could get very sick from the flu
When he is torn before he makes the wrong decision and when he makes the right one he acts as though there were no other paths
It's when he acts as though everytime I take my clothes off, he is seeing heaven for the first time.
I'll admitt it, I love when he acts like a goofball.
No matter how misguided his heart is in the right place
He is willing to let me go crazy, then go into a terrible abyss to bring me back...everytime
I drive him nuts and he still loves me more than ever.

We have a long way to go on a hard path. It's time I stop listening to the noise around me, ignoring the opportunities to "go back" and listen to my heart. We have an eternity to get money and stuff and all the shit that really doesnt matter. And when the reasons don't hold water and start to ware thin. I'll still love him, because love doesn't need reasons, it's never practical, and the people who make it have, in my oopinion always been unhappy. It's no cake walk, but it can be happily ever after.

"I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. (stands, leans against a wall, looking out into the distance) It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something."

( I just love this speech so much)
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[Jan. 22nd, 2005|11:55 pm]
I'm just really bad at fitting in
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[Jan. 22nd, 2005|03:35 pm]
I haven't seen anthony in three days.....thats a long time considering i've seen him nearly everyday this past six months. I hate the snow
I was plauged by zombie dreams
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I think I might be turning japaneese [Jan. 20th, 2005|09:35 pm]
[mood | chipper]

Cleaned the house today
I spent 13 hours on a drawing and it turned out like butt.
I'm pissed
wasted 13 hours on crap

my car can be saved
but i need 32 dollars fast
I owe the bank and they are calling me non stop
I'll do tarot readings or sell you something for $$$$
If you saw anything cool in my room or you want an awesome tarot reading email me and we'll strike a deal
plus my birthday is coming up
I want a party
with balloons
and streamers
and chocolate cake
and a midly popular band from the 80's to do a cover of a mildly popular song from the 60's and somehow work the words so it's about MY awesome party
or I could settle for some gummi bears
German fucking huge ass blue ones from Hedwig

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[Jan. 17th, 2005|10:51 pm]
People make me mad sometimes.
I'm frustrated.
Switching insurance
No more athsma medicine

My car died :(
So now I use dad's car.....but i use my portable dvd player and blankets and pillows and turn the back into a makeshift free entertainment center

Anthony and I seem to have gotten our relationship back together
no more fights for days and well things seem to be better.
I am happy. Really really happy.
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I think maybe I was a lab rat in a past life [Jan. 16th, 2005|11:32 pm]
[mood | uncomfortable]

I get so confused sometimes. I never know how to feel. I'll get upset because somebody, I feel is dicking me over. Then they yell at me telling me how I'm wrong. Nobody listens to how I feel though. It's always wrong. But if I do the same thing, to them, I get yelled at for dicking them over.

I fucking give up.
I will never EVER get what I want.
I just shut up and take whatever crap is dished out.
If I try to stand up for my self, I just get more and more and the pain doesn't stop.
I am wrong for feeling hurt, and if I have a problem with something, then it is my problem and nobody elses, but mine. It's been that way since I was a little kid.
Now I am always scared and anxious and I never trust anything I think or feel.
Because somebody else knows and I prefer to trust someone that I think has the best intentions for me.
I am emotionally paralyzed. I can't make a decision without consulting like fifty people.
I never wind up making the decision anyway.
I've always lived in my own head.
It's like my very own private island.
But it also attacks me, ridicules and hurts me.

I never feel safe, I'm always on my toes and scared to death.
Kind of like one of those air horns going off forever nonstop.
my mind never stops, it goes and is loud and obnoxious. If I am like my mind I'm suprised anybody likes me at all.

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[Jan. 14th, 2005|12:50 am]
saw lemony snickets...:)

lost my wallet :( first thing I need to call up borders and lowes :(
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[Jan. 13th, 2005|08:18 pm]
so bored
cleaned my csr was disgusting

I really want to hang out with HOTLD people....I didn't get a chance to go to Chiller and I'm pissed cause I have to wait till ICON and some people for what ever crazy reason don't go to icon!!!
I miss monique....I wonder when will she get back...I got her a night light.

I cant wait till ICON!

To all my PEEPS leave a message I want to reconnect with the world
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[Jan. 9th, 2005|05:50 pm]
[mood | enraged]

" case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see, this is my heart bleeding before you, this me down on my knees.........."

Feeling incredibly neglected. ::sigh:: I'm at my wits end. Why doesn't he see that. Or care......I need to get me back. He has one more chance. Jesus God I hope it works. If not Ive wasted two years. And every important instant that I've given up. I wish my anger could strangle him.
Lisa is coming back...with avengence

Fin Aid screwed up...might not be able to go to school
everything sucks
for me atleast
things are great with anthony though.....because of me

Boy is he in for a rude awakening
I feel bad because I babied him with submissiveness.

I will...because I am

now for some power music and a bubble bath!

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[Jan. 1st, 2005|11:25 pm]
[music |Jack off jill]

This year, I hope goes better than the last one.
I spent 8 hours on art....I'm happy, though I hate what I produced.

but that always happens
TOmorrow I see Anthony.

My aunt Mary died. I didn't really know her, she was my grandpa's sister. Gotta trek upstate for funeral. My family is too big. I get to see my cousin corrine though, she's a fashion designer and totally awesome. Need to chill with her more.

I'm anger mode.grrrr....

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[Dec. 26th, 2004|05:45 pm]
Anthony ditched me at christmas

on a better note though

got stuff! lotsa stuff

MST3K: Manos:Hands of Fate
50 Horror Classics (thats right 50 horror movies in one box set!)
Cherry seat cover----from the sis
CD player & car kit
PORTABLE DVD player!!!!!!!!
lotsa money :)
borders gift cards
cell phone
MAC make-up and makeover

all in all good shiznit
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[Dec. 16th, 2004|08:03 pm]
Anthony lives with his mum.
Or she goes to jail.
We think it was a conspiracy, because she was happy to have anthony home with her.
(Anthony's family= horrrible evil...VC Andrews flowers in the attic evil)
He's going back to high school!

I think Im doing alright in school
Im happy YAY
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[Dec. 15th, 2004|07:45 pm]
[mood | crushed]

So I hate family.

Anthony is homeless, probably freezing half to death outside somewhere. My parents don't think it is appropriate for him to be living with us. I hate my mom for being a bitch, I hate his mom for being a lazy shit. I hate him for not doing the right thing the first time.

I want my christmas miracle, now dammit! I deserve it.

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[Dec. 11th, 2004|10:15 am]
What kind of disease are you?


Lisa is caused by alien mind control rays.

Lisa disease causes feet to become sharks.
To cure Lisa, write bad goth poetry.

What kind of disease are you?


Clichedpeanuts is caused by Satan.

Clichedpeanuts disease causes a constant lack of clothing.
To cure Clichedpeanuts, write the great American novel. In Lebanese.
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