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Subject:Boxes offered!
Time:10:04 pm
I have about 75 boxes in good condition of various sizes and shapes, perfect for moving. (I have another 75 in less-good condition, too.) Is anyone in the Pittsburgh area in need of moving boxes or knows someone who is? It's a lot of perfectly good boxes to just haul off to recycling or the dump, but if I don't get a taker soon, that's where they're going.
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Current Music:cotton-candy pop music
Subject:News responses
Time:07:51 pm
This has been going around a bit lately:
Women Lack 'Natural Ability' In Some Fields, Harvard President Says

"It's possible I made some reference to innate differences," he said. He said people "would prefer to believe" that the differences in performance between the sexes are due to social factors, "but these are things that need to be studied."

He also cited as an example one of his daughters, who as a child was given two trucks in an effort at gender-neutral upbringing. Yet he said she named them "daddy truck" and "baby truck," as if they were dolls

But ... there *are* gender differences. Granted, they're generalizations, and both[1] genders have a wide variety of members on a bell curve, but generally speaking women are more language and people oriented and men are more spatially oriented. Few are crying out for more male participation in education. Take a look at these stats from 1998. Okay, women are generally less likely to have natural ability in technological fields, and men are generally less likely to have natural ability in understanding people. There are lots of exceptions to these generalizations, but there are tendencies on both sides to one strength or the other. The guy was told to be controversial, even.

[1] I'm stickin' to male and female for simplicity, folks. Gender-continuum people are in the minority.

In other news, our fearless leader, Mr. Mandate, is his same reliable self:
"President Bush says there is no need to hold anyone in his administration accountable for what has happened in Iraq because the voters have already spoken.

'We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 elections,' Bush said in an interview with The Washington Post for Sunday's editions. 'The American people listened to different assessments made about what was taking place in Iraq, and they looked at the two candidates, and chose me.'"

Perhaps I can channel the frustration into a less blood-pressure-raising disappointment. But that would imply I expected something else from him, which I didn't really. Dude, grow up and realize a 2.5% margin could be explained by the "anyone but Kerry" voters. You do not have a mandate, you have a great political team. At least he won the popular vote this time. (Dear old dad didn't even win his second term.)

Back to my lack of political commentary, now. :)
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Time:12:00 pm
Courtesy of my brother, the mensch:
Yiddish with Dick and Jane
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Subject:Camera ramblings
Time:10:45 pm
I've thought for a while that my pictures just weren't coming out crisp. I've seen what Dad gets, and I thought it was just my lens being out of alignment because I abuse it. Turns out we did a test with the camera today. We took a picture with my dad's Canon EOS 10D and with my own 10D. Same flash, same lens. They were close, ish, but we thought the one with my camera looked a little less clear. So we did a rough focus test. Held up a piece of paper with lots of evenly spaced marks on it (in this case, a spreadsheet of finances), and focused my 10D on a circled mark. The focus point on the paper is very clearly *not* centered on the circle mark. (Edit: see this rather large image.) What this means is that my camera is a little defective and I need to take it to get recalibrated. I also need to get my laptop fixed since the power cable is still finicky and the keyboard has still been exhibiting the character-eating phenomenon. So it looks like I'll be starting the semester by sending off my favorite electronic toys back to the manufacturer for repair, funfun. At least the laptop is still under AppleCare. I can hope that Canon will spot me the repair for the camera since it's a really common problem apparently, but I won't hold my breath.
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Time:07:00 am
Would someone go check their Amazon account and see if they have a Gold Box? Mine seems to be missing, and yes, I'm logged in...
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Subject:Detective work!
Time:02:25 pm
Heh. This is amusing. Okay, so if you've watched either The Incredibles or even just the trailers, you'll remember Frozone looking for his super suit and his wife giving him the sass a superhero really deserves.

Fact 1: "Honey"'s voice is credited as "Kimberly Adair Clark".
Fact 2: Kimberly's IMDB listing lists that as her only movie credit ever.
Fact 3: Google says that a Kimberly Adair Clark worked in Human Resources for Finding Nemo, also by Pixar.

Possible conclusion? They pulled someone from HR just down the hall when they were recording voices to give someone for Samuel L. Jackson to play off of, and decided they liked her performance enough to put it in the movie for real. That's pretty cool, I think. :)
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Time:12:28 pm
[img: I voted today]
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Time:06:55 pm
There are trick-or-treaters all over the neighboring streets, apparently, but not a one coming down ours. :( Maybe a lack of streetlights? Not really fewer than other streets though. No jack-o-lanterns? Maybe that indicates a lack of Halloween spirit on this street that everyone knows about but us. Porch light is on, Halloween cat is on the door, and I really, really don't want to eat all this candy by myself... I'm already getting sick of it.

If anyone wants to show up on my doorstep, you can take as much of whatever candy as you like...
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Subject:Love note
Time:01:37 pm
I love my sweetie. He is sweet and tolerant of me, helps me to be a better person, and helps me keep things in perspective.

That is all for now. :)
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Subject:She gonna blow?
Time:11:37 am
"Scientists are warning that Mount St. Helens could erupt sometime today..." -CNN front page

Keep an eye on the Volcano Cam for yourself!
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Time:09:12 pm
I'm such a sellout.

I downloaded and installed RealPlayer just so I could watch the debate.

At least I can play Debate Bingo! :D Ooh, there's a checkbox now...
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Subject:Banned books meme
Time:10:27 am
(from [info]faeryguinevere)
Books on the ALA's 100 Most Banned Books 1990-2000 list; ones I've read in bold. There are a few on there that look familiar, but I didn't bold them because I can't remember reading them very well.

The books... )
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Time:01:41 pm
I assume that everyone who reads my LJ and is interested in a gmail account already has one? If not, comment. Codes available.
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Subject:Some updates
Time:10:22 pm
Wow, PvP was really funny today. (NOTE: a few background strips may make funnier, though: setup, klingons, and the deus ex machina. Or just read from the setup strip on to today for the full effect.)

Nathan has a route in the park mapped out for us to run on. It's a big hill. Down on the way out, and uphill on the way back. It's murderous, but I might actually start becoming a better runner if I have something like that to push myself with.

I set up my first LJ syndication stream. :) I was a little nervous at first because it felt so permanent. You can't delete them and can't change the name or the feed it points to. But I overcame my fear, which means now you, too, can experience The Thin Guy Diaries, a rather amusing blog by a friend of [info]bluekitsune's, at [info]thinguy_rss.

And, in closing: YEAH, TOAST!
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Time:09:25 am
I *want* Motorola's new cell phone. Quad band, bluetooth, camera (still and video)... I only hope it's as thin and small as the promo software makes it look.
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Subject:Monday afternoon stuff
Time:01:32 pm
Just spent some time getting psyched up for classes this fall. I think I'll need a "school" icon. Should also find me a "photography" icon. Might need to pitch a few of the fun-but-unused icons I currently have uploaded. I think I get up to 15, though, which gives me another 3.

I'm trying out a new journalling client, Xjournal. I was hoping to get it to download all my past entries, but the "download history" function doesn't seem to be working. I had been using iJournal, and so far the only thing I miss is being able to acknowledge "new friends posts" by clicking a menu bar icon. Xjournal still gives me a notification on the Dock icon, though. And we'll see if Xjournal can be left open for long periods of time. iJournal tends to become uncommunicative if left open for a few days, going into a loop of checking for friends posts and refusing to submit new posts. Also some weirdnesses of saving partially completed posts. Well, we'll see how things go with this one.
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Time:08:41 pm
I'm addicted to Tontie...
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Subject:Inanimate objects with personality, next on Geraldo
Time:08:14 am
My phone is psychotic. I had to get up yesterday at 4 in the morning to catch my plane home. I'd set my phone to sound an alarm at 4am. While setting that alarm, I thought I'd tried once and had failed, but it turns out I'd set a 4am alarm for *next* Saturday, which is why it didn't show up in the right place. So, my phone decides to notify me of this, not at 4am on Saturday the 17th, but at 2:17am this morning. What a bizarre software bug that would have to be...

In other news, our new domicile is a 60 40 year old townhouse, pretty young for this part of town, actually. I'm still getting used to hearing bumps in the night (and they are decidedly distinct bump-like noises), but I'm not feeling the urge to lock my bedroom door anymore. Hey, there was another one, must be the sunlight warming up the floors or something. I'd feel better if I could find my good knife and didn't feel like it had vanished out of the kitchen drawer...
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Current Music:Eddie's Concubine-Eddie From Ohio-Three Rooms (Disc 2)
Subject:a link
Time:07:49 pm
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Subject:Because I haven't seen her on all night...
Time:11:52 pm
[info]bluekitsune is a goof for sending me a postcard from Disney ... while I was at Disney with her. ;) Thanks babe, good reminder, yay, Snow White! :)
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Time:07:35 am
Busy day today, all day meetings and then SCA meeting/teaching dance tonight, so for those who care I won't be on IM most of today.
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Current Music:AC running
Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Subject:Gaelic meme - good call!
Time:07:16 pm
Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Is maith liom bananai
Is maith liom bananai - 'I like bananas.'You're laid-back and you enjoy the simple things in life. Some might say you're a little too laid-back. Just what is it you're smoking, anyway?
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Subject:Birthday wishes
Time:08:31 pm
Oh, before I forget... Happy Birthday, [info]amdiranifani!! Isn't this the Year of Cheaper Car Insurance for you? Something's telling me that was last year...
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Current Music:Nu-huh, that'd be cheating. ;)
Subject:Translation meme
Time:08:04 pm
From [info]blackpaladin: Take one of your favorite songs, translate it into Japanese, then back into English. Have people guess what song it is. (It so happens one of my favorites is full of metaphoric imagery.) Any guesses?

The mutilated version )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Subject:Spreadin' the love
Time:11:09 pm
Just look. And read the whole way down.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] loved
Subject:More photographic goodness
Time:12:31 am
From [info]zml:
Color photographs from c. 1910
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Subject:For all you Photoshop Phreaks...
Time:07:47 am
Another of my oh so rare link posts...
[info]skreidle pointed his readers to some incredible photoshopped fantastical beasts. If you appreciate a good photoshop, go check out at least the first few (the better ones tend towards the top, but there are good ones throughout). I want to know where these people got their source photos. The hardest thing about a good photoshop is putting the two images in the same environment visually. Lighting, depth-of-field, and matching positions usually have to match from your original images or it'll never look right. These are impressively well done, arguably the best I've seen.
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Subject:Recipe of the Week -- Tar Heel Pie
Time:02:14 pm
There is a severe dearth of good restaurants in this area. I wanted to celebrate getting into my grad school program of choice, so instead of going out, we got steaks (mmm, filet mignon), made whipped potatoes, sautéed some shallots and baby bella mushrooms, and made pie. I'm thinking I might actually like this pie better than pecan pie, which Nathan knows I love so much he makes it for me for my birthday instead of cake. I think for future birthdays I want to switch to this simple chocolatey concoction--it still has pecans in it! As my mother reminded me when I called for the recipe and ingredients, "This is not a diet pie." But when celebrating, calories don't count. ;)

Tar Heel Pie )

I think I'm going to have pie for lunch...
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Subject:*crossed fingers*
Time:05:02 pm
When I registered "", I wisely checked, "Don't show my email in the whois listing," and unwisely listed myself as the administrative contact, which doesn't give the option to uninclude email. I just changed my email address with my registrar to go through a filtered and fenced address. Changes took place immediately.

In the war on spam, I am a secret agent.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Subject:Auspicious fortune cookie
Time:04:29 pm
"A family reunion in the coming months will be a tremendous success!"
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Time:03:02 pm
Huh, interesting. The list formerly known as "Friend of:" is now known as "Read/Trusted by:" in everyone's lj userinfo page. I like the change. :)
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Current Music:Leonard Nimoy and his gaggle of hippie chicks (imh)
Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Time:10:37 pm
This has been a rather interesting evening. I'd *heard* the ballad of Bilbo Baggins before, but I'd never *seen* it before. Oh, my.

Also, you gotta go check out [info]spiritrover. The Mars rover is 15 and angsty...

Okay, time to put soup in fridge then off to bed!
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Subject:Heart meme
Time:11:19 am
From [info]fiannaharpar and [info]wanderingpixie in short succession.

I feel a bit vain even posting this )
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Current Mood:[mood icon] bored
Subject:Battle Fish Meme
Time:12:42 pm
Funny-lookin' thing, but check out the agility rating. Motto: Run awaaaaay!

Heeeere, fishie fishie... )
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Current Music:New Age Girl-Dead Eye Dick-Dumb And Dumber
Time:08:24 pm
Music meme from [info]bluekitsune. This might've been better if I had most of my music ripped instead of a small fraction, but oh, well. :)

Step 1: Open your MP3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: Write down the first 20 songs it plays, no matter how embarassing.
(Was Step 4 really necessary?)

Not a terribly representative sample... )
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Subject:Valentine's Weekend Activities
Time:10:30 pm
Dress foo )

V-Day in Toronto )

Note to self: order a new laptop battery. My iBook now lasts a grand total of half an hour unplugged. It'd been getting a little worse lately, giving me maybe two hours on a full battery charge, but now it's pretty much toast. I guess 18 months isn't bad for one battery. Any suggestions from the Mac users in the audience on where to get a reasonably-priced iBook battery?

Oh, and as of this evening I've officially been offered a spot in RPI's Cog Sci Ph.D. program. :) Yay, I can go to grad school!
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Subject:Birthday wishes!
Time:08:55 am
Happy birthday, Megs!! :) Have a wonderful day, and may this upcoming year be your best yet. :)
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Time:07:55 am
Why is it called an "extended warranty"? It's not like you get a different product that will last longer or by paying more money your computer will magically not break down as much, no matter what Murphy's Law says. Why not call it what it really is, i.e. "repair insurance"?
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Subject:More of the same
Time:01:04 pm
Cut for those who really don't care about my fabric addiction )
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Time:11:01 pm
Awright, the bedroom is now cleaner than it's been in many months, and there's like a path all around and stuff. And the kitchen looks great, and we're gettin' stuff done, and clean, and the place is feeling better. Nothing like realizing you're both frustrated with the lack of work getting done to go on a cleaning spree. If we do spring cleaning now, does that mean we get an early spring? Maybe? :)
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