Below is user information for = Faith = Trust =. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | amberfox (316475) |
| Amber's Journal The Adventures of Chibi |
Name: | = Faith = Trust = |
Location: | Plano, Texas, United States |
Birthdate: | 1976-04-07 |
Bio: | Argh. I never know what to say in these, but here goes:
I'm a student (intermittently), I'm a priestess, and I'm a Witch. I read incessantly, and I also play EverQuest when I have the time and money. (Tarew Marr server: look for Viviane, Elthea, or Sekhem) I'm a single mother; my son Erinn (3-27-96), my daughter Aidan (3-22-04), and I live with my parents in the house I grew up in. My sister Angela (aka misoranomegami) also lives here with us.
Credits: The lovely rose in my userpic collection is by Meilin Wong. The others are credited to the LJ users who made them in the keywords, if I know.
Current Terror Alert Level:
(Note: In case of less serious emergency, my information is also visible to azurelunatic and iroshi for the reassurance of concerned parties.) |
Memories: | 4559 entries |
Pictures: | 2 public |
Interests: | 92: '80s music, alt.callahans, altos, angels, animals, anime, anubis, bast, bdsm, bisexuality, boiled in lead, books, bread, buffy the vampire slayer, cats, celtic music, celtic rock, civil rights, computers, d/s, dancing, ddr, dendarii, dogs, douglas adams, dragons, empathy, encryption, energy manipulation, ethics, everquest, faith, fanfic, fellowship of isis, folk songs, foxes, harry potter, healing, highlander, kitsune, languages, laurell k hamilton, learning, lois mcmaster bujold, loki, magick, manga, melissa etheridge, mercedes lackey, miles vorkosigan, monty python, mp3s, music, musicals, otaku, otherkin, paganism, philosophy, politics, polyamory, polymorphs, prayer, privacy, reading, reiki, religion, renaissance festivals, rights, rites, robert a heinlein, rpgs, rumiko takahashi, sandman, sekhmet, shayara, shoujo, singing, slash, slash fic, spider robinson, spirituality, submission, sword and sorceress, swords, tam lin, tanya huff, tarot, terry pratchett, the sentinel, wicca, wolves, yu watase. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 287: | ajhalluk, akukorax, alchemia, amberite, andrian1, angry_user, aphrodeia, aprilgrey, ariedana, arien_mommy, astrophysicat, ataniell93, auror_borealis, auryn29a, azraelgeffen, azurelettuce, azurelunatic, basingstoke, becky_h, bellacrow, betnoir, blaisepascal, branwynelf, brigid23, brimful, bugland, cadhla, calligrafiti, cara_chapel, cassieclaire, celticdragonfly, cesperanza, chaoticblue, chelona, chiara607, childofchaos, chordam7, ciceqi, clintspad, crackerbob, cumaeansibyl, cybele_san, cz_unit, dandelion_diva, darthfox, darthhellokitty, darththalia, dawnalone, dawning_star, delphyne, demeter918, destina, devcandy, dglenn, digitalsidhe, djshadow, dkwilliams, docwebster, doulachar, dovielr, dslartoo, earthymamawitch, ecchibi, elayna88, elekdragon, eleri, elorie, emrinalexander, enju, erryn, evilari, evilbitchnews, fabularasa, faelad, fee_b, fenwickstidbits, fernblatt, feyfox, frashii, futuregirl, gatewaygirl, gdmusumeci, gerebegilarecs, gilascave, glenn5, gloriana, gnomeygirl, googlebrat, griffen, gryphonrhi, gwynraven, havoknkaos, heathermoore, herbalist, hiperbunny, hot_chocolate, hotcoffeems, iibnf, internet_addict, invisible__me, iroshi, ishmael02, isiscolo, isomeme, its_damiana, jakestone, jaketherake, jdemorae, jinn_kenobi, joykins1, kadira, kaifoxx, kaitkaitkait, kalenel_dot_com, kath8562, kattahj, keelywolfe, kidarrian, kightp, kim_spiracy, kingchiron, kingnat, kira_april, kitsune_rei, klostes, koshall, lackland, lasultrix, laurensnape, lexin, lilliah, lillithj, linenoise, lizbee, lnx_equals_1, lori, lorigami, louisadkins, luis_mw, luthien67, makesmewannadie, maliwane, mamadeb, manycolored, marxdarx, maygra, mcredneck, metaphorge, mhw, michmatch, mightywombat, miraminx, misoranomegami, miss_w, mmmchelle, mnfiddledragon, moonglow11066, morenasangre, motd, mpeg192, mpoetess, ms_merriweather, muelos, museclio, mysterix, mystfoxx, neonnurse, nimori, not_hothead_yet, odanu, ogun, omimouse, one_woman_army, ophelias_song, ororo, otherbill, othercat, ozratbag2, pamamama, pharnabazus, phen82, picturemero, pigwidgeon37, pkabyssinian, poisoninjest, predatrix, probablyscotty, purplkat, raget, ravensinger, renshi, resonant8, rialian, rillacorn, rillathegrape, robkaiote, rosefox, rowan23, rushlight75, sailorjim, salingerscat, saraid, sarvihaara, scribbulus_ink, seben, sekai, selened, seraphina_prime, seshat, seshen, shadesong, shadoh, shadowwolf13, shamanwest, shippo, shiv5468, shywickedpixie, sickhippo, silverdrake, sithjawa, slow_mo_panda, snapishness, snaples, snitchfiction, snowelf, somniesperus, spamwarrior, squashed, stakebait, stalker415, stephanielynch, stronae, stustustu, sunfell, surielle, syrinne, tainted_potions, technoshaman, telesilla, telosphilos, terminalwriter, teshara, texasmeercat, texaswillow, the_patrician, thebratqueen, thefakeheadline, theferrett, theredhead1, thete1, thewildmole, thinktink, thisisbone, threegoldfish, tigerbright, tikimama, tillytilly, timogoeb, tsjafo, twfarlan, tylluan_dawel, valkyrwench, vaxjedi, vicskywalker, vidicon, vileseagulls, vill, vodounsi, vulgarweed, vulpine137, waterlilly, wayfairer, wendynat, who_took, wiccanpolice, wikdsushi, wolfieboy, wolfling, wolfshaman, worldmage, wyndhover, xanadumalion, yaladorn, yendi, yncarn8, zoethe, zortified | | 31: | callahanians, cuttingrmfloor, daily_snitch, elitedebate, helpdeskstories, holyterrors, hp100, hp_essays, hpdrabble, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, ljwin32_sema, lmbujold, lycian_wicca, news, paidmembers, pornish_pixies, potterquotes, senslash, shayara, slashphilosophy, sos_usa, sumerianwotd, templeravenmoon, thought_club, trance_class, tsflashback, txpagans, veelarecs, witchcrafts, xandriasficrecs | | 2: | deadazz, preachermanfeed |
Mutual Friends: | 166: ajhalluk, akukorax, alchemia, amberite, andrian1, aphrodeia, aprilgrey, ariedana, ataniell93, auryn29a, azraelgeffen, azurelunatic, becky_h, bellacrow, betnoir, blaisepascal, brigid23, brimful, bugland, calligrafiti, chelona, chiara607, childofchaos, chordam7, clintspad, cumaeansibyl, cybele_san, dandelion_diva, darththalia, dawnalone, dawning_star, delphyne, demeter918, devcandy, dglenn, djshadow, docwebster, dovielr, earthymamawitch, elayna88, elekdragon, eleri, elorie, emrinalexander, erryn, evilari, evilbitchnews, fabularasa, faelad, fee_b, fernblatt, feyfox, frashii, gatewaygirl, glenn5, gloriana, gnomeygirl, googlebrat, griffen, gwynraven, havoknkaos, heathermoore, herbalist, hotcoffeems, iibnf, internet_addict, iroshi, ishmael02, isomeme, its_damiana, jdemorae, kaifoxx, kaitkaitkait, kalenel_dot_com, kattahj, kidarrian, kightp, kim_spiracy, kingnat, kitsune_rei, koshall, lackland, lilliah, lillithj, lnx_equals_1, lori, louisadkins, luis_mw, makesmewannadie, maliwane, mamadeb, marxdarx, mcredneck, mhw, michmatch, misoranomegami, mnfiddledragon, muelos, museclio, mysterix, neonnurse, not_hothead_yet, odanu, omimouse, otherbill, othercat, ozratbag2, phen82, pkabyssinian, probablyscotty, ravensinger, renshi, rialian, rillathegrape, rosefox, rushlight75, sailorjim, salingerscat, scribbulus_ink, seben, sekai, selened, seraphina_prime, shadesong, shadowwolf13, shamanwest, shippo, shiv5468, shywickedpixie, sickhippo, sithjawa, slow_mo_panda, snaples, snowelf, spamwarrior, stalker415, stephanielynch, stronae, stustustu, surielle, syrinne, telosphilos, terminalwriter, teshara, thinktink, threegoldfish, tikimama, timogoeb, tsjafo, twfarlan, ... |
Also Friend of: | 10: arionrhod, august_may, beckyzoole, isntme, merovingian, roberttx, sir_talon, techempage, thepoweroffire, vickieldredge |
Member of: | 77: 852prospect, adult_pagans, babywearer, bad_service, badficsupport, bodypositive, boredmage, callahanians, callcenter_hell, cranky_editors, cuttingrmfloor, dark_christian, dark_witchcraft, dfw_lj, dfwtx, dua_sekhmet, earth_hands, edurants, fact_checking, freak_activists, geeks_at_home, geeksluts, gothicparents, grammar_nazis, grammargasm, greenparty, healers_circle, helpdeskstories, hip_mama, holyterrors, hp_britglish, ih8spyware, kemetic_paths, kitsunerealm, libertarianism, libertyparents, lj_nifty, lmbujold, logic_forum, lovedraughts, mandrake_users, markedandmasked, marysueunlimitd, metablog, metaquotes, newkin, nonfluffypagans, ootp_uk, pagan_icons, paganprayer, paidmembers, palm, politicsforum, pornpositivefem, potterpast, potterquotes, practicalmagick, priestesses, radio_kfkd, resistance_news, sacred_home, senslash, shayara, slashphilosophy, sos_usa, spinningfiber, sumerianwotd, techgirls, technopaganism, tell_herstory, thought_club, trance_class, tripple_moon, tsflashback, txpagans, witchcrafts, xandriasficrecs |
Account type: | Paid Account |