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12th October 2004


So, there it is, the newest little drawing. I guess it came about last month, its seemed every where I turn a "mermaid" image was in my face. I found myself sketching out mermaids waiting for the train or at my BF's apartment!

But there it is....go fourth and be viewed!

26th September 2004

roseredcity9:09am: Some images I did for a job test.

17th September 2004

ovedio4:28pm: sketchbook!
Some of you wanted to see some of my some,2 sketches, and a finished birthday card for a client! )
Current Mood: creative

13th August 2004

ovedio12:32pm: New work, Just finished it. Its not actually for any specific thing, just me flexing my Artist Eye! Tell me wha'cha think of it....

2nd August 2004

sydneyrodriguez12:12am: I'm playing around with Photoshop in an attempt to make a color pic that looks good without lines. In the process, I came up with some nifty looking pics. Remember, they aren't finished yet....

Made to be browser-friendly )

3rd July 2004

inmybellyplease6:32pm: nogget
Hi, just joined this concept art community, seems pretty cool. I've seen some pretty impressive art on here. I Am 16 and draw all the time. Creatures, animals, demons, whatever. I'm even the inventor of the new hit sensation morbidly obese graffiti, with sweat and hair on the fat rolls of the letters. Say hi or something if you want to see some art, i don't quite know how to post pictures in here yet, but when I do i'll start dropping pieces in here and there.
Current Mood: numb
Current Music: liquid tension experiment

10th April 2003

ashuriaeryn9:52pm: Hello!
Um, Hi *waves shyly* This place sure doesn't look very busy.... I guess I'll introduce myself. I'm a college art student, just about finished a one year visual arts course offered at my local college. After that I hope to go into animation *fingers crossed* I do a lot of writing, mostly fantasy which requires me to develop alot of original costumes, places and characters. I really enjoy the creating of these things and so I thought it would be cool to talk to other people about concept art and fine tune my skills. I don't currently have any pictures on the web that i can show, but I hope to soon. Well, that's me in a nutshell! Ciao for now!

7th December 2002

genn1:31am: just for the sake of tradition..
Welcome to the community :P
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