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Monday, January 16th, 2006
9:13 pm - RPG geeks are awesome [x-posted]

I'm sure a number of you have come across The Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Clichés. My friends and I loved it so much that we had to geek out and make a little production based on the list.

If you're wondering about the title, it's because we're Fine Arts students. Being dorks.

RPG Clichés )

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Friday, January 13th, 2006
11:59 am - Huzzah for dorks!!

List 5 reasons you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud of how big a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.

1. My movie/box set collection overtakes my book collection
2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE "The Sound of Music"
3. I'm writng my honours thesis on "Buffy"
4. I love doing *the dance of seduction*
5. I answer things like this :)

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Saturday, January 7th, 2006
11:27 pm

Any Fall Out Boy fans?

Well you can now buy this book written by a very good friend of the band

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Go to for more details about the book, and who Christopher Gutierrez(more commonly known as "HeyChris") is and why he's important, if you don't already know.

If you’d like to do me a huge favor (You really have NO clue how much this would help me out) You can post this same banner in your journal or on your myspace profile. If you do that, make sure the journal is a public entry, and send me the link to it. I need to know where it is.

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Tuesday, December 20th, 2005
5:20 pm - Want Something Dorky to Read?

A friend of mine writes a wonderful on going online story (i like to call it a web-saga myself) of a young gamer. The main character GamerJoe, is a dork of enormous proportions. Yet he's so lovable it's unreal! The story has been on going with daily updates for the past few months. It is about a gamer geek (interested in D&D;, video games, collectable card games, anime and of course girls) who finds that life as a complete looser may be fun, but he is the worst kind of looser. The mean nasty sort with a short temper problem from hell. Joe however does not stay a jerk for long. The story is about hsi progress into cool geekdome with not only a main story focusing on him in his life but also his friends lives. I have read the entire archives and I just cant say how much I really love this story.

If anyone is interested I really do suggest reading from the beginning "Death of a Gamer" and seeing what GamerJoe is all about. By the time you are caught up with the storyline to todays update I promise you will love Gamer Joe just as much as I do.

Image hosted by if you read the story and enjoy the characters or have comments you can reach the author himself at [info]gamerjoe where he post's links to his latest updates daily.

I think everyone here would love the story if they gave it just a few moments read through the archives.
Happy Reading.

current mood: geeky

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Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
4:55 pm

Oh my goodness, a community for dorks like me? I'm so happy to have found this place!

As for my list...

1) I have to set a limit on the number of books I allow myself to take when I travel, and it's a serious struggle to get myself to stick to it.
2) I'm 19 years old, and I love to climb trees.
3)I'm obsessed with Nada Surf. Yes, the band that did 'Popular' way back in the 90's. (Also, I get rather defensive about them. Their style has changed completely since then, I swear!)
4) Ever since I heard that Tokyo is home to the world's only bluegrass nightclub, one of my major life goals has been to visit it.
5) I taught myself to knit.

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Monday, November 28th, 2005
1:14 pm


Join [info]unsent___ to share and read unsent letters.

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Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
1:18 pm

YAY....... allrighty I'm knew in this community I've been a member for a week or two but haven't been on LJ in while so haven't had time to post in here.  I just thought I'd say hi to the other dorks on LJ so HELLO!!!!

current mood: annoyed
current music: Bat Country- Avenged Seven Fold

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Tuesday, November 8th, 2005
2:37 am - Needing assistance.

Google toys with my emotions.

I have been searching, obviously without success, for a site to teach me how to open, and summarily moddify my PlayStation 2. No matter where I look I only end in failure.

So, does anyone out there now of a site that can show me how to open the damnable thing? I have the rest covered fairly well, but I need to know how to get in without killing something.

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Monday, October 31st, 2005
2:13 pm - Holy Frip!

Oh my gosh! I'm home! A place of insane dorks like me?! *Does happy dance*

My list o' five things that make me dorky are as follows:

1: I'm a crazy theatre buff

2: I LOVE amtgard (a live action role playing game involving padded weapons)

3: I have had the same lousy job for 2 years

4: I talk to my horses as though they are people.

5: That 'happy dance' I did above.

Oh man, the list goes on, but you people have better things to do than sit here staring at this post. Just a breif thing about myself and I'm done, K?

I'm a dork...but you knew that. I am in love with theatre, horseback riding, writing fiction/fantasy, rpg.s, watching star trek, and Starsky and Hutch. I'm also adicted to the TV show House. I'm short and blond and...uh pretty? Yeah pretty, I guess. I'm terrible at math. I wear glasses (but their not like super thick or anything) I hang out with the biggest group of dorks ever :D and we are proud of our dorkiness!

Alright, I'm done. I hope to meet many of you dorky new peoples very soon :)

~Lady Greystoke

current mood: weird

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Thursday, September 29th, 2005
11:12 pm

This community is for Livejournal users to write fan fiction about one another. Do you have an LJ crush but can't get near him/her because you live too far away?

In our community you can be with him/her!

Is someone on LJ making you mad? You can make them suffer here! (FOR PRETEND!!!!!!)


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Tuesday, August 30th, 2005
10:39 pm - I am a dork and I am home

List 5 reasons you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud of how big a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.
1. I have a crush on Drew Carey
2. I love to do crossword puzzles, and strive to master the Sunday New York Times puzzle
3. I practice writing with my left hand so that I can be ambidextrous
4. I am a 35 yr old suburban white Mom and use phrases like “bling bling” in front of people
5. One of my favorite articles of clothing is a powder blue ski vest, girls’ size 14. I plan on collecting iron on patches to adorn it so it will be more fun to wear.

current mood: cheerful
current music: A Forest by The Cure

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Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005
7:36 pm - be proud of your dorkiness

there are three kinds of ppl in hs. preps, poser punks and dorks. dorks are the only sect that is not self denominated. and y is this? because we are too smart to conform to sterotypes. if you cant find a good insult for a wierd person you call them a dork. because they are original. therefore we are original. we are cool. we are awesome. BE A DORK

current mood: dorky

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Saturday, August 6th, 2005
2:31 am - 5 reasons I'm a dork

1 Everybody's always picking on me.
2 I dig my nose during job interviews.
3 I try to be funny during job interviews.
4 I use LJ at 2:26 am.
5 Most importantly... I was born like this.

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Friday, August 5th, 2005
11:59 am - I got 5 reasons too!


#1. I read my horoscope.
#2. I have a radio in every room I frequent.
#3. I side with my pets.
#4. I have several PC's taken apart and spread out in my workroom. Yes, it's a mess and I can't walk through it.
#5. My main PC at home, has surround sound, multiple monitors, PocketPC, wireless keyboard/mouse and a TV tuner card. All 3rd party hardware. (I have a backup conflageration, filled with SCSI hardware! It's my rolling museam.)

current mood: groggy
current music: Cake - Comfort Eagle

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5:12 pm - 5 reasons I'm a dork

1. I wrap my books in plastic wallets and seal them
2. All my nerdy boxsets/dvs/music are in perfect alphabetical order
3. I talk to the posters in my bedroom
4. My nickname given to me by The Elite in highschool was 'psycho'
5. I have so many more reasons than just 5 for being a nerd, that could be backed up by my nerdy friends

current mood: weird
current music: Red - Elbow

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Tuesday, July 26th, 2005
11:16 am - hope promoting is ok


for all of you who are slightly insane:


current mood: bored

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10:57 am - newbie


List 5 reasons you are a dork. And make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud of how big a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and have them do the same.

  1. i like the words spiffy and nifty and cooleeo
  2. i listen to country music
  3. i read shakespear...and enjoy it which is even scarier
  4. i have spent hours training my pinkie toe to move separately from the others
  5. i pick my nose when no one's looking

current mood: bored
current music: Jimmy Buffet

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Monday, July 25th, 2005
12:40 pm

List 5 reasons you are a dork. And
make them good reasons. Justify them. Explain them. Be loud and proud
of how big a dork you are! Then pick the 5 biggest dorks you know and
have them do the same.

I press flowers.. I take flowers then put them in a
phonebook, put that under something heavy, and a month or so later
you've got dried/pressed flowers.  I don't really have a use for
them, but I will!  I've been doing this since I was about..oh..
let's say 6.

2.  I know 3 hammered dulcimer players.  THREE!  Not
only do I know 3 of them..wait, make that FOUR.. but I also like folk
music.  Please, this is just dorkyness to the max.

3.  A night out with my
friends includes watching X-Files or Seinfeld, and getting a pizza
and/or ice cream.  It's a great time, but suprememly dorky. 

I used the phrases "dorkyness to the max" and "supremely dorky".

5.  And last but not
least, I really like making lists of things to do.. just so I can cross
off the things that I have done and feel accomplished.  Sounds
normal.. until you include things like "getting up" and "brushing
teeth" on your list.. so you know you'll have something to cross off.

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