Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "spirits".
394 matches:
- 0addthiscomm0 - Add your community for psychic, paranormal, wiccan
- 0therkin_awaken - Newly Awakened Otherkin and other friendly people
- 0therkin_ny - Otherkin from NY and surrounding areas
- 10bestthings - Ten Best Things
- __believe__ - _believe in the unseen_
- __halloween - All things Halloween
- _a_muse - All Music Unifying Sacred Energy
- _angels_fall - The Town at the End of the World...a RPG, of sorts
- _ark_ - Project Ark
- _aura_grande_ - _aura_grande_
- _b_o_s_ - Book Of Shadows
- _inserenity - Inserenity + roleplay + community
- _kinnecting_ - Kinnecting LJ Otherkin Community
- _nice_ - Sexie Sadie
- _para_normal_ - paranormal
- _paranormal_ - _paranormal_
- _stalking_ - Where Night Terrors live
- _teen_craft_ - Teens, young adults, and the Craft
- _wicca_ - Wicca: A Living Tradition of Witchcraft
- al_events - AfterLife Conveniton LJ
- alatowers - A La Towers
- alcoholics_r_us - alcoholics not-so-anonomous
- allpaths - All Paths Spiritual Discussion
- alot_of_icons - and dream I do
- alternateplanet - Alternate Planet
- americanterror - americanterror
- angstanonymous - Angst Anonymous
- anitainchains - Anitaverse
- apocryphas - The World's End
- appliance_kin - Appliance-kin of the world, UNITE!!!!
- ariablaire - Autumn -:- Sparkles
- armageddon4u - Personal Armageddon
- autumnlands - Issy And Chandras Roleplay Community
- bagoftricks - my notebook
- beast_on_pray - Храм / Temple
- beauty_rejected - Beautifully Rejected
- bertmungus - Bertmungus and his naff old man's shoes
- bhrealms - Beyond Hidden Realms
- birthday_soiree - Swingin' Birthday Soiree
- black_cats - A Wiccan Community
- bloody_glitter - Bloody Glitter
- boogie__man - ghost photos *NEW COMMUNITY*
- book_of_spells - The Book of Spells
- bookwyrmmes - Bookwyrmmes - A Fantasy/Sci-Fi Book Club
- bostonofftopic - Boston Off Topic
- bragi_circle - Circle Poems From the Wooded Muse
- bridgetobeyond - The Bridge to Beyond: Forging the Link between Anc
- bygonesouls - Forgotten: Extinct Souls
- calavenus - Micronation For The Mad
- candle_magick - candle magick
- cauldron_world - Cauldron World
- cazualties - The Cazualties
- celtic_solstice - +++Celtic Solstice+++
- celtichristian - Celtic Christianity
- changing_breed - changing_breed
- channelone - I AM
- chicago_haunts - chicago_haunts
- christian_pagan - Religious whateverness
- claim_that_soul - The Nitty-Gritty Claims Committee
- cleggteam - Clegg Street Team
- coffeeshopblues - The Backroom
- conspiracies - Are they out to get you too?
- constantstate - deep and hilarious ponderings
- correspondences - the seventh circle of dreamers
- coterie_collect - The Coterie Collective
- couleuvre - The Serpent Kalas
- councilism - Councilism
- craftndraft - craft n draft
- crazydecadence - Children of the Revolution
- creative_furs - creative furs
- crossesoteric - The Esoterics Of The Cross
- crossthestreams - Cross The Streams!
- ct_pagans - CT Pagans, Wiccans, and such
- cursebreakers - Curse Breakers!
- dailydivining - The Daily Divining Guide
- dannyphantom - Danny Phantom
- dark_rivers - ~DaRk_RiVeRs_Of_ThE_hEaRt~
- dark_witchcraft - Witchcraft in all its aspects
- darkenedvoid - Darkened Void
- darkramblings - Dark Ramblings
- dead_among_us - ~House of a Thousand Voices~
- deadfairy - We'll all fly away
- deepeningchaos - DeepeningChaos
- demons_ghosts - weird and unexplained phenomena in our lives
- digitalpagans - DigitalPagans
- divinespark - Celestial Thought
- djinnestan - A Clearing in the Wild Wood
- doc_paranormal - Documenting Paranormal
- dontxjudgexme - I DONT CARE WHAT YOU THINK
- doombuggies - Doombuggies LJ Community
- dream_reader - Mikel TainDjinn
- dream_syndicate - The Dream Syndicate
- dream_visions - Art & Words inspired by the Dreamworld
- dream_visits - Dream Visitations
- dreamwithrubies - A place above and beyond the clouds
- drunkchicks - drunkchicks
- drunken_stories - Drunken Stories
- echoesrpg - Echoes RPG
- eclecticpagans - Eclectic Pagans
- eeriehappenings - Eerie Happenings
- emeraldshadows - Emerald Shadows
- emotions_exist - EmOtIoNs EXIST
- end_ofthe_world - And all the skies fell down...
- endevonzeiten - This is the story of Akio and Maximilian
- energetics - energetics
- ensuing_chaos - ensuing chaos
- erratic_petals - Nefus
- eternalxsilence - eternalxsilence
- etherworld - The Gate to the Paranormal
- extended_mind - A Telepathic World
- fae_tastic - fae_tastic
- faenaturelle - Fae Naturelle
- fallenangelnati - Fallen Angel Nation
- familiars - Familiars
- fanime_club - Anime/Fantasy Fanclub
- fansofsylvia - fansofsylvia
- fantasy_kingdom - fantasy_kingdom
- fantasy_realm - Day Dreamers
- fantasyart - Fantasy Art
- femalespirit - A Feminine Journal for many aspects of our lives
- forbidden_realm - Death Dancer
- forbidden_tower - The Forbidden Tower
- forsaken_realms - "Where the Wild Things are..."
- fragileunicorns - Fragile Unicorns
- freetobelieve - Religious Tolerance
- freetruth - The Truth Will Set You Free
- fromthestars - From the Stars
- frusciantewater - Ramparts: A John Frusciante Community
- funeral_home - Everything Beautiful Dies
- furrykin - furrykin
- garou_nation - Garou Nation
- ghost_adventure - just a girl and her camera
- ghost_hollow - Ghost Hollow
- ghost_house - haunted
- ghost_truth - Paranormal_Truth
- ghostgallery - The Ghost Gallery
- ghosthuntersfan - Fans of the show Ghost Hunters on Sci Fi Channel
- ghostly_md - - g h o s t l y - m a r y l a n d -
- ghostly_ny - - g h o s t l y - n e w y o r k-
- ghostly_pa - - g h o s t l y - p e n n s y l v a n i a -
- ghostly_stories - ghostly_stories
- ghosts_are_real - Ghosts_Are_Real
- ghostsngouls - ghostsngouls
- ghostsocietysi - Ghost Society of Southern Illinois
- goldenmystery - GoldenMysteryTarot
- gothic_sight - Sight of the Seers.......
- grave_walkers - [| | Gravewalkers | |]
- haints - HAINTS!
- hall0ween - All Things Halloween!
- happy_halloween - all things halloween!
- haunted_designs - ...Of Melancholy Burning
- haunted_tales - Haunted Tales
- hauntedarkansas - The Haunted of Arkansas
- hauntedcapecod - hauntedcapecod
- hauntedcity - Are your city's landmarks haunted? Post them here!
- hauntedindiana - the unexplained in indiana
- hauntedohio - Haunted Ohio
- hauntedsandiego - Haunted San Diego
- hauntings - News on Hauntings and the Paranormal
- hauntings_uk - Hauntings in the UK
- hbmonsters - Here Be Monsters
- help_me_find_me - Agnostic Beliefs?
- heritage_homes - Heritage Homes
- hiddenlives - The Dreamers
- hp_halloween - hp_halloween_200
- hrielith - Hrielith
- icons_by_meli - Icons_By_Meli
- iluv_sesshomaru - For all who Love Sessy aka Fluffy
- imnotmyself - I'm not myself at The Rainbows End Inn
- indyphoenix - Phoenix Rising Indianapolis
- infernal_ottawa - A Demon: The Fallen Chronicle
- inss - In Nomine: Symphony & Silence MUSH
- interfaith_talk - For anyone of any faith
- inuyasha_loverz - Inuyasha obsession
- inuyashaaddicts - inuyashaaddicts
- iowawicca - IowaWicca
- islam - To Submit
- josephvargofans - Born Of The Night
- journeyofsouls - Journey of Souls
- jrpathefyndere - Beginning Pathefyndere Studies
- justbeyond - Just Beyond Normal
- kaotika - Kaotika
- kentuckywitches - Kentucky Witches Community
- kettlesbrew - kettlesbrew witchcraft
- kill_hypocrites - Thinking in depth
- klusuma_balss - Hearing the voices of Siilence
- kurama_kagome - Kurama and Kagome Love!
- lady_fairiedust - the~faery~world
- les_bi_ghosts - LESBIAN/BI GHOST HUNTERS
- lost_siren - bloody roses
- louisianaghost - Louisiana Hauntings
- loungelizardsno - Lounge Lizards- Serving your drinking needs.
- loxinabox - Thaily's furry art journal (18+)
- lunar_temple - Temple of Inner Witchcraft
- lynnmass - LJ Lynn, Mass
- magic_book - The_Magic_Book
- magickal_world - Magickal World
- merridiah - merridiah
- merrily_strange - The Delightfully Strange People
- michigan_haunts - Michigan Hauntings
- midnight_flames - Generation Death
- midnight_garden - Ghost Hunters
- midnight_souls - Dark Souls and the People who Support Them
- midnite_society - The Midnite Society
- midsummers_rain - MidSummers_Rain
- misanthropickin - misanthropickin
- modern_ebriety - The Contemporary Alcoholic
- moonbabies - Magickal
- moonlights_doe - The Moonstone Pack
- morticians - Forum for Necromantic Arts
- mosthauntedgeek - 1st Most Haunted Community On LJ!
- muses_of_fate - Muses Of Fate
- my_case - My Case is Your Case
- mylivingsoul - A Past Life Memory
- mysticismtech - It's like a mysticism tech support
- naturalwitches - Natural Witches
- nawlins_boys - nawlins_boys
- nefarious_girl - Nefarious Girl Dark Decorating
- nonearthling - The Realm of Non-Earthling Spirits
- nopic_ghosts - North Orlando Paranormal Investigation Crew
- northascension - Northern Ascension Group Notification List
- nox_voluptas - A Dream Journal
- numens_animi - Exploration of the Unseen
- nyfurries - NYFurries
- o_k_research - Understanding is Key
- occult - General Occult Forum
- occultgifts - A Safe Haven For Gifted Individuals
- oftheblood - Of the Blood: If you have to ask, you shouldn't
- old_time_seance - Antiquarian Mediums, Spiritualists & Clairvoyants
- oldhouses - A community for Old Houses
- opal_beefaroni - Antique Photo Trading Community
- opencircle - Open Circle
- or_glamourbomb - Glamourbombing Oregon since ?
- oracle151 - ORACLE
- oregon_pagans - oregon_pagans
- otherkin_uk - Otherkin of the British Isles
- othernatural - Super/Othernatural Discussion
- ouija_boards - ouija boards
- ouija_tips - Ouija Board Community
- outsiderscircle - The Outsider
- pagan_bitch - Pagan Bitchings
- pagan_blurb - Paganism Uncensored
- pagan_writers - pagan_writers
- paganality - paganality
- paganborn - Spiritual Acceptance
- paganism - Paganism
- paganism_uk - Paganism in the UK
- paganpath - paganpath
- paganprayer - Pagan Prayer Requests
- palaceparasites - palaceparasites
- pantheists - Nature Lovers
- paranime - Para-Anime for anime fans also into the paranormal
- paranormal_inc - Paranormal People
- paranormal_news - Paranormal News
- paranormalguild - Paranormal Guild
- paranormia - Ethereal Parallels
- past_in_present - Past Life Experiences
- pathefyndere - Advanced Pathefyndere Studies
- pencil_floaters - Pencil Floater
- pentacle - Dizzy
- phalyn - The Phalyn (Dark Bards)
- phantasm_beauty - Phantasm Beauty
- phantom100 - Welcome to the Fenton Library
- pissheads_r_us - sunderland branch of pissheads r us
- poisonedreverie - Poisoned Reverie
- power_of_three - Power of Three.
- powerofmyth - The Power of Myth
- ppiteam - Paranormal Phenomena Investigation Team
- prac_witches - Practicing Witches
- psychedeliczone - . . .Psychedelic Zone. . .
- psychicprogeny - psychic parents and psychic kids
- psychics - PsychicGirl
- ptherkin - ptherkin
- queens - Queen's University
- rate_a_goddess - Rate A Morbid Goddess
- ravenclaw_smart - Ravenclaw's Common Room
- ravingtheosophy - Raving Theosophy
- real_hauntings - Share your paranormal experiences.
- realm_o_the_fae - * ~ * ~ * ~ The Realm Of The Faery ~ * ~ * ~ *
- realmoftyme - The Realm of Tyme
- reikai_central - Reikai Central - The YYH RPG Community
- religiousart - religious art
- rem_rebound - Rapid Eye Movement
- requiem_in_pace - Requiem in Pace - mankin RPG
- ri_pagans - Rhode Island Pagans
- ritualmagick - Ritual magick
- roguevla - The Naked Writer
- rootworkers - the rootworkers
- rpg_notes - RPG Notes
- runes_galore - runes_galore
- sacred_opinion - Interpreters R Us
- samurai_heart - samurai_heart
- sassy_lassies - Sassy Lassies
- save_wolves - save_wolves
- seattleghostie - seattleghostie
- secularspirit - "Secular Spiritualism, Ritual Beyond Religion"
- shadowseekers - Ghost Hunting in Ohio
- shamankingicons - Shaman King Icons
- she_demons - she_demons
- sick_muse - Morbid Curiosities
- sightleftunseen - *Spirit Seeker*
- solitarywiccans - Solitary Wiccans
- sorcerers - Sorcerers
- soulbondsgroup - Soulbonds Anonymous
- soulshift - Germanspeaking Therians, Weres and Otherkin
- southerninpagan - Southern Indiana Pagans
- southernwitch - Hoodoo, Conjure, and Two-Headed Folk
- southrnfriedfur - Southern Fried Furs
- sp00ktacular - halloween-obsessers unite!
- spectaculera - IL Circo ~
- spellsandmagic - Spells and Magic
- spirit_lands - Spirit Lands
- spiritcompanion - Spirit Companions, Lovers, and Guides
- spiritedxaway - Spirited Away Fan Community
- spirits_anon - Spirits Anon
- spiritual_trip - Spiritual_Trip
- spiritual_uk - spiritual_uk
- spiritualism - spiritualism
- spooky_places - Boo!
- spookylegends - Ghost Stories, Spooky Tales & Urban Legends
- spysdemise - Mage: the Ascension community
- stags_children - stags_children
- stars_a_gazing - stars_a_gazing
- starseeds - Starseeds & Walk Ins & Lightworkers
- stone_age - Journal of Lithic Prehistory
- strange_events - True Stories of the Paranormal
- strawburygashes - Lollipops & RazorBlades
- sunsmoonsstars - Celestial Spirituality
- swordofmana - Sword of Mana
- sxe_fags - Straight Edge Kids Anonymous
- tarot_readingz - **Tarot Readingz**
- teachingcircle - The Teaching Circle
- the_broomcloset - the_broomcloset
- the_horror_room - The Horror Room
- the_kindred - Reincarnated spirits, and Otherkin
- the_other_realm - FULL CIRCLE = everything is relative to eachother
- the_paranormal - The Paranormal
- the_paranormal_ - Exploring the Unknown
- the_pit_crew - the_pit_crew
- the_pub - Pub of the Seventh Day Alcoholics
- the_regs - Enter the World of Insanity....
- the_spiritworld - Ghostly Experiences
- the_unexplained - UFO's, Aliens, Sightings, The Unknown.....
- the_world_after - The Beauty of Beliefs
- thecharmedones - The Charmed Ones
- thefantastic - The Fantastic
- thegift - the revolution of the conciousness
- thehauntedusa - thehauntedUSA
- thepathonetakes - The Path One Takes: A Journal
- therianthropy - Therianthropists and OtherKin Community
- thinking_well - The Thinking Well
- trans_magic - Magical Trans-Folk
- true_tales - true_tales - True Ghost Stories
- true_werewolf - True Werewolf
- twstedrealityrp - Trapped in a Nightmare: A Horror RPG
- ugh_network - U.G.H.N
- undrentide - Bardic Tales
- unex_reports - Unexplained Mysteries Lovers!
- unique_insanity - Crazy enough for you?
- untimelylunacy - Untimely Lunacy
- utah_haunts - Utah Haunts
- utahprs - Utah Paranormal Research Society
- vampiraxthirst - drink up their souls drink up their sins
- veggie_pagans - Veggie Pagans
- weird_sightings - Weird Sightings, Hauntings, Mysteries & such
- weirdpeopleclan - The weird people's place to let out thoughts unacc
- wenching_guild - The Worldwide Wenching Guild
- whisperimagined - Newsflash!
- wicca_in_europe - Wiccans In Europe
- wiccan - Wicca
- wiccancommunity - wiccancommunity
- wiccans_unite - Wiccans Unite!!
- wiccans_untie - Wiccans Untie!!
- wiccanwitches - The religion of Wicca
- wild_canines - Lovers Of Wild Canids
- wildspirit - WildSpirit
- winter_willow - Winter Willow
- wishingonadream - The Tenth Kingdom RPG
- witch_craft - witch_craft
- witchboards - witchboards
- witchcraft - Witchcraft
- witchy_reads - Witchy Reads
- witchythings - The Witchy Things
- wobblekin - wobblekin
- woodlandechoes - Songs From The Wood
- wta - W:tA community
- wta_lj - Werewolf the Apocalypse
- wyrdsisters - Wyrdsisters: Witchcraft Untamed
- x_ghosts_x - Haunted
- xairos_voices - xairos_voices
- xenu_rocks - Worshipers of the Galactic Ruler
- youkai_rp - Youkai Yu Yu Hakusho RP Community
- yume_unmei - Katie's Literary Works
Interested users
The following users are interested in spirits. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
440 matches: