crimethinc.'s Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in crimethinc.'s LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
    11:45 pm
    Alright so this is what I find ironic in the cheesy lil internet survey that I tried to conduct down below.. most folks who answered are interested in the following fields: Art, Writing, Teaching, etc.(which are all very important and fulfilling fields) mainly fall under "academic" types of careers.

    So I would like to do a few follow up questions just to engage in people in dialogue.

    How do you feel about actual manual labor? or work that requires formal education, practice and physical work.. like being a doctor/midwife/nurse/EMT for example, or mechanical/electrical engineer (fixing machines, building sustainable networks of energy, water filtration and sanitation, etc) Construction/Building, etc. etc. etc.

    it might seem obvious but if all of us end up being book smart and mainly working within the "academic" realm.. where does that leave everything and everyone else?

    do any of you think that there are just so many of us who are living extremely privileged lives, carefree w/ out too many real responsibilities? I consider myself part of that circle btw.. but it seems like we the most privileged people are only continuing to perpetuate a system of elitism and privilege by continuing to remain inside of the "academic" world.

    So what about learning and practicing actual skills that can help those around us? Why do those things seem not good enough for us? and I realize that many people say that we have cut ourselves off from main stream society.. but come now.. we all know secretly that most of us have a back plan, we can always go back home and have our mommy & daddy take care of us.. in case of an emergency we can even use their credit cards.. so how different are we from them?

    I mean at some point we have to look at privilege alongside structures of hierarchy. If the poor are the ones who are continually forced into doing actual labor while we do what we pretty much want.. how can we truly say that we are challenging the structure? Or are we just holding on to some noble idea that we’ll save the world by teaching and showing them the “truth” so that they can stand up and liberate themselves..

    and this might sound like the age old question of "what would an anarchist society look like?" but really.. if we're all going to be teaching at universities, writing books, taking photos and painting... what is going to happen to daily tasks that need to be completed for a healthy community to function properly? not just small tasks, but ones that need long term attention, expertise, and actual physical work.. I mean building a water filtration system, or being an EMT might not seem that “radical” but it can mean the difference between life and death for many people.. and at that point is it going to matter how many political theory books we read and discussed while sipping hot tea/coffee?

    oh and I realize that I am treading on a thin line of ideological difference, (cuz I know green and red anarchists are going to have opposing answers) but nevertheless I wanted to ask and get some different views. Thanks!
    Thursday, January 27th, 2005
    12:27 am
    does anyone know where i could find railroad maps and schedules of freight trains in the us or how to figure out where a "crew change point" is?
    12:15 am
    someone posted the art of dumpster diving on here.
    i'd appreciate it if they would re post it.
    thanks a bunch.
    12:02 am
    I heard hopping freight trains in boston is impossible.
    Is this true? Any advice?
    Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
    7:12 pm
    just doing a lil survey, but I don't have a paid acct.. so we'll have to do it like this.

    1) How many of you are in college?
    2) How do you pay for school?
    3) How do you pay for housing/books/food/etc ?
    4) Do you have to work? or do you work for extra money?
    5) Have you ever, or do you currently have to work to help support your family?
    6) Do you think that other college students live/work like you?
    7) Do you feel like you are privileged?
    8) If the answer to the above is yes, how do you feel about it?
    9) If you are in college, what's your major? what do you plan in doing with your degree?

    6:45 pm
    Does anyone know any way to support the zapatistas without going to mexico? like that I could do from up here?


    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: The Cure___Lullabye
    8:30 pm
    today, i found something out that i find VERY interesting. i thought i'd share.

    the united states has never attacked, nor been attacked, by any country with a mcdonalds in it.

    ....this has been simmering around in my brain for all of today....tell me what you think
    6:17 pm

    "Under their system, the individual is a cog in a military machine, a cipher in an economic despotism; the individual is a slave. These facts are documented in the degradation and suffering of the conquered countries, whose fate is shared equally by the willing satellites and the misguided appeasers of the Axis."

    --Government Information Manual for the Motion Picture Industry
    Office of War Information

    That's over 50 years ago, and was written about Nazi Germany. Scary how applicable it seems to the U.S.

    11:08 am
    Building a community where there already is one.
    I have been thinking a lot over the last few years of the idea of "Building Community". It's often referenced in anarchist and other left wing criteria, where it often comes across as "we need to get all these people on board." The thing is, it often implies a kind of notion that "we" know more than others, and "they" should come to us. (I see this especially in things mostly run by scruffy white kids who honestly seek to get more cultural diversity, but often do so in a limited way- asking people of color to join you in an article in an anarchist paper not read by many people of color might not be a help the way that finding out what activists of color do with their time and going to meet them there...)

    This really hit home with me recently when I attended a neighborhood alliance meeting. Here was a whole group of people, from a variety of backgrounds, with a variety of lifestyles and ages- even a police officer- meeting to build community and do all the things so many anarchists I know discuss. Except that their idea of community was far bigger than having more stuff at basement shows, and their notions of activism was based on keeping bad things from happening instead of complaining or protesting after they did.

    Now, I'm not saying stop protesting and doing direct action because it's not effective any more than I think people shouldn't vote because it's not effective- both are useful tools, as are bringing up important topics in day to day conversation, living in praxis with your beliefs, etc. And I don't think neighborhood alliances are any better than any of these, but I'm wondering how many crimethinc-type radicals use some of these resources?

    I think the best example of this sort of thing is in Salt Lake City, where they don't have a radical infoshop, because everything one would want at such a place is at the Public Library.

    I haven't gelled all these thoughts enough to have specific "here is my advice" ideas, but it's something I have been thinking about a many activists are trying to reinvent things that already exist? How many projects could use the energy we spend on starting new projects, and in doing so, help us accomplish our goals easier?
    12:17 pm
    Anyone have an idea or two about what to do with a million small cardboard boxes? I have about 999,840 coming in the mail within the next few weeks.
    I think I'll build a castle.
    12:36 pm
    vive la revolution
    Are there any crimethinkers in Paris? I'm having a difficult time finding like minded people, even though I know that there are a lot of radicals in this city. So if anyone is from Paris, or knows of things going on in Paris like indie shows or etc that would be really cool.
    4:15 am
    anyone in portland want to host a few travelers for a day or two in march or april?
    I have no concrete plans but I want to visit portland but dont know a soul there!
    Tuesday, January 25th, 2005
    4:24 pm
    Looking for Anarcha-Feminist and Radical Queer Stuff
    I'm looking for either pdfs, texts, or people willing to send me things that deal with the following themes:

    Radical Feminism
    Anarcho-queer stuff
    Radical Queer

    Either in phamplets, texts, flyers, posters, ect.

    Either post here, or email us at:
    Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
    3:41 pm
    Sticky Money Situation.
    Okay so I just relocated back to Austin, TX, and am staying with a friend, but am unemployed and have been having no luck for 2 weeks now. I think if I could buy myself some time moneywise I might find something.. SO: how do you keep from spending money when you have to take a bus everywhere or walk and you're food is coming out of your pocket for the most part because you can't eat yr friends out of house and home. Help!?
    Monday, January 24th, 2005
    5:14 pm
    finding a use for dog shit
    3:12 pm
    I'm apart of a collective that is starting a radical bookstore and infoshop in Springfield, Missouri. Being that Springfield boasts the headquarters of both Assemblies of God, Bass Pro and the home of John Ashcroft, we're going to need all the help we can get. Any advice and experiences will be appreciated, as well free anarchist/radical zines, pamphlets, and infosheets that could be mailed to us.
    3:58 pm
    Does anyone here live in or know how to get ahold of the people who live in The Bad Idea House in Ann Arbor?
    I'm trying to get in there quick adn the sign they had up said they were looking for room mates but I stopped by yesterday and nobody answered the door.
    Anyways, give them my number if you know 'em

    3:26 pm
    geek out with me

    check out this site: huge walking machine.

    We should make this things to work on human power and bike parts! Imagine a protest with those machines!
    1:41 pm
    So .. Am i a housing unit????

    this the website that you'll want to go to if your a women... wait scratch that if you are a decent human being, to find out how MI is destroying our reproductive rights
    thats right the state that brings us the lowest womens wages ( something like 67 cents to the mans dollar)
    is offering more destructive legistration
    check it out
    and make sure to vote

    ::disclaimer:: i do make alot of femisinist posts, because when we're all equal everone wins
    please don't ignore this if your a guy this affects you just as much
    *egalitarian societies are hope for the future*
    Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
    10:50 pm
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