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Below is information about the "world tv" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:world_tv (1209172) world_tv
World Television
It's a weird and wonderful world.
Name:world tv
Location:London, United Kingdom
About:This is a community to post photos of tv programming around the world. I've long had a fascination with foreign television, especially the often surreal late night programs.

What makes foreign television interesting has to do with the differences from accents, languages, humor, to even a deeper understanding of a nation's psyche. I think a country's media can tell much about the majority of the population living there that you couldn't understand until you've actually lived there yourself.

Everyone is welcome to post.

Posting Guidelines:

Nothing larger than 580x580.

Include city, country, time, date, and channel if possible.

Text entries are allowed, as long as they stay on subject.

Please try to keep your posts within these guidelines, failure to do so may result in deletion of the post or banning by the maintainer.

This community is maintained by [info]nomi.
Interests:110: accents, action, ads, adventure, adverts, animated, animation, art, artistic, b-movies, bizarre, boredom, brainwashing, broadcasting, cartoons, celebrities, celebrity, cheesy, cinematography, circus, cities, comedy, commercials, cookery, couch potato, countries, crime, culture, dated, directors, documentary, drama, earth, editing, entertainment, erotic, ex-patriot, expat, eye strain, family, fantasy, film noir, films, food, food porn, game shows, hoaxes, horror, hotels, humanity, humor, humour, influence, infomercials, information, interviews, languages, linguistics, love, mindwashing, misinformation, motels, movies, music, music videos, musical, mystery, nature, networks, news, pay-per-view, photography, politics, population, porn, pornography, propaganda, property, psychology, reality tv, religion, religious, romance, sci-fi, science, science fiction, sex, shopping, sitcoms, soap operas, soaps, soft-core porn, sports, stars, surreal, surrealism, tacky, talk shows, television, thriller, time wasting, travel, tv, videography, videos, violence, war, weird, western, world. [Modify yours]
Members:28: antitype, beatnikside, bizzong, celie, fluxbox, gybexi, heuteistmeintag, higlearn, hraebn, iamthev0id, islandman, jklein77, joopy, kefka40, lil_octopie, magpiegeese, misanthropica, montauk_point, nohtv, nomi, pry, silentshout, steveeeee, swiijer, technopriest, thedeadfisharmy, thelonious, umiyosi
Watched by:34: antitype, arcader, atlaz, bizzong, cindie_loo, fluxbox, gorillafilm, gybexi, higlearn, hraebn, iamthev0id, interimlover, islandman, jklein77, kefka40, lil_octopie, magpiegeese, misanthropica, montauk_point, nohtv, nomi, planetacid, princess_krissy, pry, silentshout, steveeeee, swiijer, technopriest, thedeadfisharmy, thelonious, venus_zulfaris, vernissage, vizzygoth, we_have_no_name
Account type:Free Account

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