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Saturday, October 1st, 2005
12:00 pm - Natchet and the Insanity...Friend's Only
Natchet Taylor's Live Journal
This is a "friends only" Journal. My brother's in politics. I am sure you understand. Comment here if you know me and would like to be added as a friend. Until then...

Welcome To The Insanity


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Thursday, December 18th, 2003
1:44 am
I am going through the old friend's list. I am basically removing the peeps I don't see around here anymore and stuff.
Also removing the ones that haven't really known me for awhile or anything. I have been getting crazy personal on this thing lately and it is only gonna get worse. Nothing personal if you get removed, I swear. I am not trying to be a dick or anything. I just wanna type in this thing some craziness my close friends can gander at it if they want. I have another journal that I basically will be writing all the rockn'roll madness in. Isn't that the best version of Natchet Taylor anyway? It is an open one so check it out at [info]backlashamerica So anyway. On to the axe, ya'll. Love you's.


current music: Dead Horse - Gn'R

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Saturday, March 8th, 2003
10:55 am
OK, I had to do this. Wanted to see what kindo of feedback I might get here. Stolen from: [info]piratejessmess, [info]resena, [info]krazypussycat, [info]negativereality and others...

I____ Natch.
Natch is ____.
If I were alone in a room with Natch, I would _____.
I think Natch should _____.
Natch needs ______.
Natch will never ______.
I want to ______ Natch.
Natch can ______ my _______.
When I think about Natch, I ______.
Someday Natch will ________.
Natch reminds me of _______.
Without Natch _______.
Memories of Natch are ________.
Natch can be __________.
Worst thing about Natch is _________.
Best thing about Natch is _________.
I am ________ with Natch.

(15 comments | comment on this)

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