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these are my plans, and these are my nasty little thoughts

February 13th, 2005

for minneapolis kids @ 08:44 pm

Current Music: Dj Tranzit - Milfcore

party at our apartment on friday, to celebrate nick (current roommate nick, not former) and i turning 21, and brendan turning.. 24? yes. we're awesome because we all have birthdays within a 5-day span.

show up whenever. 9 or 10ish i guess. bring money for refreshments if you so desire. invite people we know.

it'll be fun i promise.

January 21st, 2005

life in America: the pro and the con @ 10:55 am

Current Mood: scared
Current Music: No Left Turn - Ready 2 Rumble (Invade Canada)

Minneapolis has been named the smartest city in the United States,2823,s1-5-0-0-2172,00.html
Please note how many of the smartest cities reside in blue states... or, the 'United States of Canada'. Then please scroll to the bottom and notice that quite a few of the dumbest cities are in red states, aka 'Jesusland', and several are in Texas itself.

a priest at yesterday's 'inauguration' (it seemed more like a coronation to me from what I saw): "No one can deny that Jesus is the god of the United States".

Let me out let me out let me out!!

*applies to study abroad in Toronto*

January 20th, 2005

(no subject) @ 01:57 pm

Current Mood: content
Current Music: No Left Turn - Ready 2 Rumble (Invade Canada)

can't put this on purerave, although i'd like to..

Read more... )

January 19th, 2005

(no subject) @ 10:17 am

Current Music: ozma - domino effect

Some updates on my life.

---I spent last weekend in Canada (again) and it was yet again one of the best weekends ever.
---I have a (Canadian) boyfriend, his name is Cameron, and he is wonderful. I'll refrain from rambling.. inquire for details if you want them.
---Plans are in the works for more international travel.. going to Toronto for Hullabaloo February 5th, Cameron hopefully coming here to visit for Elemental and my 21st birthday, immediately followed by all of us going to Toronto the very next weekend for a Goodfellaz party. Also, if money allows, back to Toronto the weekend of March 12th for The Missing Peace.
---Plans for Vegascon have been scrapped due to lack of funding and the fact that I haven't played DR in months. If it weren't so expensive I'd go, but I can't afford the hotel AND the plane ticket AND all the money I will spend while there. And getting my mom to just give me her frequent flyer miles doesn't look likely. Hopefully I'll still go to Simucon, that's cheaper cause I can drive, and I won't have school.
---School has started up again. I'm taking 14 credits, working 15 hours a week, and trying to fit in two pep bands, a band fraternity, a sorority, and the aforementioned trips to Canada every 3 weeks or so. Every semester I say that I am going to go insane, but this time I really might. I've added in very significant things to my life and haven't really removed much. Something may have to give.

That's about it. I'm still here, still busy, just with different stuff and different friends as of late. And I am quite happy.

(no subject) @ 09:57 am

Current Mood: working
Current Music: clsm - free your mind

You Are 21 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

guess i act my age, or close enough.

January 7th, 2005

c&p;'ed from chickenballx @ 06:45 pm

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Switchfoot - This Is Your Life

Is Your Child a Goth? Presented by St. Mary's Church )

January 6th, 2005

(no subject) @ 02:00 pm

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Breeze and Styles - Chemical Love

schedule for spring semester (1/18/05 - 5/6/05):

Read more... )

January 3rd, 2005

happy 2005! @ 08:13 am

Current Mood: giddy
Current Music: No Left Turn - A Matchbox Storybook

i want purerave to come back.

but for the record, i went to toronto for new year's eve. and that was the best roadtrip ever. best party ever. best new year's eve ever. i have not been that happy or had that much fun in years.


i hope everyone else had just as much fun.

i'm going back to bed now.

only 11 or 12 days until i'm back in canada!

December 26th, 2004

life goes on @ 11:43 pm

Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: Future Perfect Synergy - Back And Forth (Special Edition)

I've been reading a bunch of Xanga sites tonight, of people in marching band. It's weird to read them. VERY weird. I feel like I don't know these people anymore. They are SO into band, still, and I have gone off in a very different direction lately. The people I talk to on a daily basis, the people I think about, the social events I look forward to, the stuff I buy when I go shopping, even the things I dream about are vastly different than they were even two or three months ago. I've even moved my journaling to purerave, because I feel like a lot of the people who have read my livejournal in the past would not understand or approve of my life as it stands right now. And that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but you go where the people are who think like you.

One thing I've been missing lately is Dragonrealms. I haven't played really at all since spat camp started in August. I expect to not play during football season, because I am busy with marching band, but there's really no such thing as rave season. We might leave on Tuesday to start our road trip to Toronto for New Year's Eve, which means I don't even have these few days before the new year to get back into things. Vegascon is right after my 21st birthday and I have been looking forward to that since the day it was announced. I want to still go but I have to find a way to reconnect with the game and the people I know there.. I certainly can't afford to stay in my own hotel room so even from an economic standpoint I need to figure something out. I miss everyone but at the same time I'm a different person.

I don't know where I was going with any of this. I am just feeling very torn between my different "selves" lately. I wish I had four or five different whole lives to live so I could live one as each "self".

December 24th, 2004

(no subject) @ 02:23 pm

Current Mood: pissed off
Current Music: DJ Wolf And MCED - Come Get Some

it's been a while. (<---- UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR)

apparently i'm not worthy of knowing of any goings-on anymore.

i have two words to say about that:


November 26th, 2004

just getting this out of the way so i can post about HOCKEY! @ 09:53 pm

Current Mood: ecstatic
Current Music: DJ Spree - Live - Minneapolis, MN @ Anamania - 01/12/02

You Are From the Moon

You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.


November 21st, 2004

(no subject) @ 12:39 pm

Current Mood: pissed off
Current Music: Steve Miller Band - Swingtown

Here's a real What-The-Fuck?!?!?!? for you...

As Atrios points out.. soldiers in Iraq don't have body armor, but Bush gets a presidential yacht?!?

Fucking A. I hope the Democrats milk this for all it's worth. But somehow I know they won't.

Here's a nice little picture, from Brand Democrat..

November 17th, 2004

invincible individual! @ 07:26 pm

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Oasis - Stay Young

You Are the Individualist


You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.

You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.

You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.

Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.

hmmm. sorta. i think i just have too many personalities.. it was hard to answer the questions, i was always like, "well it depends on what sort of mood i'm in". oh well. it's a quiz thingy, nothing more. pass it along.

This song is really wonderful and it makes me happy.

One way out is all you're ever gonna get
From those who'll hand it out don't never let it upset you
Cos they'll put words into your mouth they're making you feel so ashamed

Making you take the blame
Making you cold in the night
Making you question your heart and soul
And I think that it's not quite right

Hey! stay young and invincible
Cos we know just what we are
And come what may we're unstoppable
Cos we know just what we are

Feed your head with all the things you need when you're hungry
Stay in bed and sleep all day as long as it's Sunday
Cos they'll put words into my mouth they're making me feel so ashamed

Making me take the blame
Making me cold in the night
Making me question my heart and soul
And I think that it's not quite right

Hey! stay young and invincible
Cos we know just what we are
And come what may we're unstoppable
Cos we know just what we are

~Oasis, Stay Young

November 12th, 2004

"Look, a native!" @ 11:57 am

Now I know what animals in the zoo must feel like. Lately the stupid campus tour guides have been bringing roughly 3-5 tours an hour through MCB (where I work), only they all usually come through in the same five- or ten-minute timespan. So for a solid chunk of time I have people being led through my building, right past the info desk, and they all stare at me like I'm going to do a trick. I feel like I'm letting them down.


November 7th, 2004

hell yeah, bitches. @ 01:49 pm

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: Captain Cheddar - Lollerskates

random add-on:

most of these are true. i <3 minnesota.

You Know You're From Minnesota When...

The weather is usually 80% of your conversation. (yup)

When you say "down south" you're referring to Iowa. (eh, maybe)

You call highways "freeways." (didn't know that was weird..)

Snow tires came standard on your car. (N/A)

You've never taken public transportation. (nope, <3 mass transit)

75% of your graduating high school class went to the University of Minnesota. (nah but i graduated with a buncha snotty rich kids)

"Perkins" was the only hangout option in high school. (duh)

You assume when you say "The Cities" people know where you're talking about. (yup)

You can list all the "-dales." (rose, south, ridge, brook.. am i forgetting any?)

People from other states love to hear you say words with "o"s in them. (no idea)

In a conversation you've heard someone say "yah sure, you betcha" and you didn't laugh. (yup)

You could pinpoint exactly where each scene in the movie "Untamed Heart" was filmed. (never seen it)

You hate the movie "Fargo" but realize you and your entire family have that same accent. (yes but no)

You get mad at people who think Fargo is in Minnesota. (yes!)

You know what Mille Lacs is and how to spell it. (who doesn't?)

You have fish boiled in lye for Christmas. (ew, no)

You know what "uff-da" means and how to use it properly. (use it all the time!)

You know the 2 sports-related reasons why we hate Dallas. (yup)

Nothing gets you madder than seeing a Green Bay sticker on a MN car. (actually it's seeing a badger sticker)

The only reason you go to Wisconsin is to get fireworks. (or to drive through to somewhere better...)

You're a loyal Target shopper. (duh)

You've frozen your tongue on a metal handrail before. (no)

You own an ice house, a snowmobile, and a 4 wheel drive vehicle. (i'm only 20)

You wear shorts when it's 50 degrees outside in March, but you bundle up and complain in August when it goes below 60. (yup!)

You have gone trick-or-treating in 3 feet of snow. (you haven't lived till you've done this)

You've not only walked across a lake, you've driven across one. (probably)

Everyone you know has a cabin or, at least, access to one. (of course)

You know that Lake Wobegon isn't real and you know who made it up, where they live, and exactly what you want to do about it. (<3 garrison keillor!!)

You have friends who schedule their wedding in the middle of January without a thought about weather conditions. (my friends aren't getting married but this seems typical)

You consider a six inch snowfall a blessing for "the cities" because it provides instant urban renewal. (this confuses me)

You keep the snow tires on your truck all year because it ain't worth taking them off for only two months. (no truck)

Your local Dairy Queen is closed from December through February. (why would it be open?)

You believe the only REAL vehicles have skis in front and a loud motor under your seat. (no)

You consider snow banks to be "just another rough" on the golf course. (i hate golf)

You have worn shorts and a parka at the same time. (no)

You were delighted to get a miniature snow shovel for your 3rd birthday. (probably)

Your town isn't trying to be ironic when it plans a "winter carnival." (i don't get it, what's ironic about a winter carnival?)

The temperature in March is above freezing for three days in a row, and you think it's summer. (hell yeah)

You laugh out loud every time you see a news report about a blizzard shutting down the entire East Coast. (haha yes!!)

You think happiness is owning a "piece of lakeshore." (no)

You never meet any celebrities except The "BODY" (nope, i shook john edwards and ashton kutcher's hands a couple weeks ago!)

You know what and where "Dinkytown" is. (i live there!!!!!!)

When you talk about "opener" you are not talking about cans. (i don't talk about openers that often but i know what they mean)

You have refused to buy something because it's too "spendy." (yup)

You believe that the Vikings would have won four Super Bowls by now if they were still playing in Metropolitan Stadium. (stupid metrodome)

You are convinced the Twins will never win the pennant because the owners are too cheap to pay the good players, so they all leave. (we do pretty good but they are cheapos)

Your town has an equal number of bars and churches. (how would i know?)

You grew up thinking rice was only for dessert. (no)

You think that ketchup is a little too spicy. (that's just dumb)

Your gas station thinks "full service" means filling your gas tank, washing the windshield, checking the oil and being friendly to the customers. (i'm confused, we don't have many full service stations but what else would it mean?)

You (or your parents) voted for Mondale. (hell yeah i did)

You've seen "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" in Uptown. (sadly, no, but i need to)

You know that everyone has a city preference -- Minneapolis or St. Paul. (this is genetically coded from birth)

You can honestly claim Germanic / Scandinavian ancestors, and have been known to say "ya" instead of "yes" (1/2 german, 1/4 norwegian!)

Upon seeing an ocean for the first time, you say, "Hey! That looks like Lake Superior!" (probably)

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Minnesota. (i think the ones i DON'T get are more telling..)



these are my plans, and these are my nasty little thoughts