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Friday, April 19th, 2002
3:06 pm - sinus' suck
going up north until sunday....going to miss you all!

current mood: sick

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Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
9:42 pm
i got my progress report in the mail today. my grades:
Art- A...because i rock at art
Choir- B...i am late everyday that's why
Chem- NC-no credit...why? i don't even know!
StudyHall- A..because i am pro at sitting there and doing nothing
Geometry- F...because i suck at math and this is my second year in this class
Band Aide- C-credit
Algebra- A-...i should know what i am doing by now...this is my third year in this class
American Lit II- C+...had a 93%...didn't write an essay and it brought me down to a 79%
so my goal for these next few weeks of school it to build up my american lit II, geometry and chemistry grades. american lit II shouldn't be easy, i love english so it is fine. on the other hand geometry and chemistry i suck at! so, this means extra time spend after school on wednesdays at the tutoring sessions! i could have all a's if i really wanted it. capri and i were talking about this after school. she has a 4.0 and i have a 2.45. i told her i never could get a 4.0 and she said you could if you really wanted to. you know she is so right! just these two classes can bring down my gpa so much. it sucks, because i am not good at these subjects. i guess i will need to get some help. i'm sure i am can do it! i think i can...i think i know i can...i know i can!
would anyone care to help me with geometry or chemistry?

now off to the chemistry homework and lab report writing!

current mood: frustrated

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Tuesday, April 16th, 2002
8:34 pm - how do you define wonderful?
2 hours on the phone rocks! pierce is so wonderful!

what does such a word me?
just one word...

i talked to jenni and dave this morning. they made me blush. i mean, how dare them! haha! no, it was quite alright. i don't mind a little blushing here and there.
pierce makes me blush a lot, except when he does the whole subtle humor...i am so clueless! i get it sometimes, but other times i feel sort of stupid. well either the stupid thing or i didn't like the joke.

baseball game tomorrow...going to see lance play. i am definitly going to wear shorts this time. last time i had my black boots, long dark denim jeans and a black shirt!

photo club is tomorrow too. not much is going on with photo club. we have yearbook pictures the 26th and i get to take them! oh yeah! that is so awesome. i get out of school for the day and get to do my favorite thing in the world...take pictures!

well tomorrow is garbage day...gotta take out the trash!

current mood: wonderful!
current music: Weezer-In the Garage

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Monday, April 15th, 2002
7:07 pm
so every time i look at my friends list i gradually lose friends off of it.
am i that boring that nobody wants to read what goes on in my life?
or do people just hate me so much now?
what is it?

current mood: worried

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Sunday, April 14th, 2002
6:30 pm
does anyone know how to delete memories?

current mood: confused

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Saturday, April 13th, 2002
11:11 pm - holy poop on a stick
i forgot..i can't belive i could forget such a great thing!
i saw alexa last night at the frog! it was nice to see her again. i haven't seen her in ages!<-that comment made me feel really old...yukky! i didn't really know what to say to her. i hate it when i feel that way. when that happens i go into this compulsive head nodding mode. i mean, what is it with that? it even bothers me. i guess it is like a nervous/bad habit thing. who knows!

current mood: tired

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9:54 pm
i got a kool new ring at hodge podge today. it is copper and green enamel. that is all the excitment that happened to me today. i slept until 2:30 or so and finall got up and showered around 5:30. we went for some grub at about 6 and then i got my neato ring at hodge podge.

it feels weird when i don't wear my glasses at all in a day. i have to wear them for reading, going on the computer and driving. when i don't do any of those things, my face starts to feel nakie without them. i know that sounds weird, actually it sounds a little stupid...oh well.

last night's concert went well. i didn't know all of the words to "imagine". i almost sang a verse where a different one was supossed to be sang. good thing i caught myself before i made a real ass of myself. other than that the concert was awesome. it was a great experience to sing with the gm chorus. they were so awesome. it felt wrong for me to sing with them, because they are so mcuh better. it was almost as though i was not worthy to sing with them. though the tenor and the 1st sopprano that i was standing next to said i had a very nice voice. that made my day.

pierce made a joke about taking the usual 6-8 days to call me...maybe that wasn't a joke!

current mood: happy

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6:18 pm - i forgot to mention
i met kourtney,ronnie's girlfriend, last night. she is very nice and funny too. i really don't know what else to say about her. she seems like a very wonderful person. i am so happy for ron. she made a funny joke about loose stool, but i guess you had to be there for it to be funny!
ron acknowledged my presence last night. just him talking to me made so very happy. that is all i ever wanted and i am glad it finally happened. thanks ron!
oh and...
congratulations for getting into central ron!

current mood: hungry

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i did wear the cherry dress! thank you to all the people who helped me decide that one!
i did go to the frog too, i went with steve. it was great. oh so good times. i met pierce and josh. josh didn't say much though. pierce, well he is a horse of a different color! he is so wonderful! he is so outgoing and that is awesome. i mean he didn't even know me and he was joking around and talking with kool! the show was interesting in a definite good way. it was acustic(sp?). pearce was so funny on stage. he was making light of every situtation. it was so great!
after they finished their show, pierce drove steve and i home. we dropped off steve and then pearce drove me home. he had i nice conversation about things. it has been a while since i had a nice conversation with anyone. mind you, most of the conversation was not serious at all! that isn't bad though. we had a nice talk about religion, school stuff, and how i should have pre-marital sex with him...haha!<- he didn't say that last one totally blunt, he was probally joking around about it. though, it was hard for me to tell. he had to say "seriously" after every sentence that was serious! ahaha! well we got to my house and i decided him and i should hang out again sometime and i gave him my number....i never give out my number!

current mood: flirty

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Thursday, April 11th, 2002
8:49 pm
choir concert tomorrow all should go! after i might go check out dave's band at the frog. i'll have to find a ride thought. nick said if he goes i can ride with him...that would be neat.
we have to wear nice dressy clothes under our robes for the concert. this means prime opportunity to wear my new cherry dress. it might be a little much though. i'll just have to ask everyone i see tomorrow in school what they think. i don't want to be all fanced up like i am going to a dance or anything. i like dressing up so i guess it doesn't really matter. what the hell..i am going to wear it anyways. i think i will still ask people's opinions though. if you have an opinion let me know. it is a black dress with cheeries on it and i got it from hot topic...
click there to see the dress(or cut-n-paste it into a new window, because i don't know if it will work)! anyone who has an opinion please let me know if this would be too dressy to wear under my choir robe? i don't know how many times i could wear it. i woulnd't wear it to school...or maybe i would. i donno. it might be too dressy, then again i never match and my clothes are from the thrift store so anything would dressy on me! well let me have your input please!
well it is tiem to finish the homework..that christian decided he didn't want to do! no that is alright, i will do it...night all!
oh i am sculpting a neato guitar and i am making it all pretty in stuff wiht weezer on it!

current mood: creative

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Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
7:58 pm - just wondering
anybody know when the next HP book is coming out?

current mood: contemplative
current music: Weezer-The World Has Turned And Left Me Here

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Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
4:52 pm - boyfriend for the day
went to cosi with the science club today. i was so worried about being there before 7 because that is when the bus was leaving. well, the bus didn't even leave until after 7:30. how do you like that!? some crap i say! then i forgot my dad was waiting outside so i had to go talk to him. i had forgotten the turn in my permission slip so i didn't know if i would be able to go. well he was going to wait and see if i could. of course i could but i forgot about him waiting outside for me to go tell him...opps! the trip there was bad. i went to sleep, but i fell asleep wrong...ouch! that and i kept waking up with my mouth open, but i never drooled! i hope nobody saw that! i hung out with chris and ryan the day and it was so much fun. i have never hung out with ryan like that before and it was great. chris and i never really hung out like that before neither, but it is different seeing in how long i have know him. why it is like that i will never know. he is really neat. chris was my boyfriend for the day!...YAY! we never got to hold hands though...:( all in all the day was so much fun. you'll never guess what....the chicken nuggets there were shaped in the form of dinosuars! how frickin' awesome is that!? i got a pickle and ryan and chris insisted on making comments while i was eating it. it wasn't very good either. we did a bunch of neat things there. my favorite has to be the virtual volleyball. ryan and i kicked chris' ass in that game! i slept so much better on the way home. i laid down and used my purse and jacket as a pillow. everybody was sleeping except for this group of girls. they were so loud! not really. i just thought i would tease 'em about it...i love you guys! i walked home with chris and nick. it is always fun walking home with nick, because that is the only time we get to talk anymore. we talk about nonsense most of the time, but they are good times!
when i got home nobody was here and it smelled so bad. so, i cleaned the ferrit's cage. that made it so much better. i also did some laundry, some dishes and i cleane up my frog's tank a little. i was so bored. i walked up to virgina's resale on van dyke...neato place. there is this vintage red chair with little balls on it i am going to go back and get. it was only $20! i am going to take my mom up there and ask here what she thinks before i get it. they also have some neato purses and other odds -n- ends. so i am going to take my wonderful mom up there and she if she will buy the chairfor me! :) she probally won't. if not then i will fork up the dough. it was really nice and in good condition. if i can't sit on it i am not going to get it. it looked a little heavy though. i am sure it is all good in stuff.
i feel as though i am forgetting to do something. i am supossed to do some chem homework that i don't want to do!...

I WILL PAY ANYBODY $5 TO DO MY CHEM HOMEWORK! IT IS ONLY A COUPLE OF BALANCING WORKSHEETS. I ALSO HAVE A LAB REPORT TO FINISH IF YOU ARE INTERESTED! we can talk about price, but keep in mind i am poor! hence making my mom buy me the chair! :)

i should also finish my clay project for art that was due two weeks ago. i have no lcue what to do. i did this really neat star box but it collapsed on me. :( i tried to sculped sheldon but i can't do frogs well. i can only sculpted boxes and pots...stuff like that. anyone have an idea of what i can do? i thought about sculpting a guitar and putting the weezer sign(=w=) on it. i have no clue right now. i will probally just do that and add my own little touches to the guitar. it will be all spiffy.
well off to the drawing board!

ohh....don't forgot...$ for chem homework...any takers?

current mood: tired

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Sunday, April 7th, 2002
8:10 pm
went up north finally on tuesday morning. my dad comes in and shakes me lightly and says: "get up and get dressed we are going up north. no fussing or arguing the whole trip. be nice to your mother and don't talk back. after you are done packing and getting dressed go down and give her a hug and kiss. okay so no fussing or arguing!" yikes! so i get dressed and put my stuff downstairs. my mom seems to be fine. we go out for some lunch, go to the bank then get going on the road. everything was fine the whole trip. no fussing or arguing!
we worked at the restaurant for a bit. there were so many meetings my folks had to have...yikes!
i got to see michael. he came and saw me for an hour or so on wednesday. he spent the day after school with us thursday, and friday night i went over his house. his parents picked me up in town and we went to rent a movie. i had some dinner there while we watched 13 ghosts. it was fun spending some time with his family.
we looked at a lot of houses while we were up there too.
speaking of houses...we sold ours. finally eh? we are looking at more houses in two weeks. so it looks like i am out of here.

current mood: lazy

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Monday, April 1st, 2002
4:46 pm - guess who is still at home!?
me it's me! we didn't leave as planned. my mom got really pissed at me when i got of the computer last night. i did something fro her and i guess i didn't do it well enough. she said that i never do what i am told and i can't do anything right. i got all upset and started to cry and she kept yelling at me and saying "oh you little baby, well here is something to cry about we aren't going up north!" well, we aren't coming up north.
today was a little better. my dad went out and bought her some flowers and peeps(they are her favorite). the other reason she was being such a bitch to everyone is that dad didn't get her anything for easter. the thing is, he never does. maybe that is why it hurt her so much. she came down and i went up stairs and showered. when i came down she went up stairs and went to bed. my dad took me to get some crickets for my frog and when we came back she was watching tv downstairs. i made some lunch for me and i asked her if she wanted some and she said she had already made some lunch for herself. i stayed down stairs crocheting and watching tv with her. while my dad: took the dogs for a walk, swept the floor, moped the floor, cleaned up the kitchen and vacumed the whole house(EVEN MY ROOM!). i dried some clothes...haha. he is so funny when my mom is mad, he will do practically anything to make everything alright with her. she started to laugh when he started mopping. so i hope that is a good sign.
we came into a little problem with the restaurant and we are waiting for this guy to call us back for more information. i am guessing that if he calls back wiht good news we will be heading up north tomorrow morning. if he calls back with bad news i don't know what will happen. so, i have to just wait and see.
when i posted about these people coming to look at the house and it not being a big deal...well it is a big deal now...well it might be a big deal. our real estate lady called and said they want to make an offer, but they want to check out a few houses in detroit first just to be sure. they are really worried about coming into a majority white community, even though the taveras' live down the street and our comunisty is very ethnically dispersed. houses are hard to get in detroit anyways. they are coming back to look at our house again thursday. we might be up north and then again we might still be here. who knows for sure right now!?
well i guess i should get off now beofre i get yelled at for being a lazy slob.
if i die please come to my funeral.

current mood: stressed
current music: the pages turning

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Sunday, March 31st, 2002
5:25 pm - HAPPY EASTER!
my easter sucked ass. fought with the family like normal then made up. jeremiah and aimee didn't show up then my sister called to say they weren't coming..nice eh? family sucks ass sometimes. i helped clean up and my mom is now in bed. my sister keeps calling trying to come over now. my mom says if my sister comes over then she is leaving. she just got out of bed and put her shoes on. i think she is leaving now. this happens every so often. she up and leaves and comes back like 10 hours later. one of these days she won't come back.

current mood: grumpy

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Friday, March 29th, 2002
7:24 pm
yesterday we had a half day of school. spring break started! good news for me. i brought my ceramic pot home to finish it up so grape can fire it when we get back. yesterday after school, i went to the eye doctors. come to find out i need glasses. hence, the icon pic with me wearing glasses. i like them, but i am not used to them yet. when i first put them on i felt all queezy and nausated. now whenever i take them off my eyesight goes wacko then goes back so i can see. it is weird. i wear glasses sometime just to wear them. now that i have them i really don't want to wear them. i will wear them because i have to, and because they look all neato 'n stuff. i do see better with them, so it is all groovy.
after the eye appointment we went out to lunch then to doll class. finally i was like we need to go mom. i had a rock a thon yesterday and i was late already because of the doctors. she kept stopping at the jewlers, the pet store, the grocery store and finally we went home. so i hustled up to the school with my rocking chair and started to rock with the band nerds. it was all fun. i was in the tubs room wiht dirty, suzie, todd and later mandi and courtney came in with us. we watched men of honor. that is such a great movie. while we watched it suzie and i crocheted our blankets. she is the CROCHET GYRU!...the CROCHET GODDESS! she rocks she really does. i only know one stich so far and she knows three billion and she is so quick when she crochets. it's like WOAH times 10! i am still learning though, so it is all groovy.
today jonathan came home. sunday is his birthday. we are celebrating it tomorrow with his finace, her folks, sheery my aunt, jeremiah and his fiance. it should be all fun. i still have to get him something. he said he wnated a stool to play the tympani. it is like $16 at meijers so i just will go get that tomorrow or what. sunday i get to see my babies and jeremaih and aimee are coming over again. that should be all fun too. oh oh grandma is coming up from coldwater tonight. my dad is picking her up with her boyfriend. they will be here for easter too. my aunt vicki and uncle donnie might come over too. this is so great. we haven't had a real family easter since my poppa died. it will be so great. i am very excited about it. i get to wear my new dress too, so that adds to thye excitment. unless i might wear something more laid back so it doesn't get all dog/cat hairy. i'll figure it out.
i am going up north monday morning at 6am. yikes! we are spending the week up there. i get to see michael and spend some time with him. we are going to finally be able to shop in marquette this time too! last time i wanted to go. but it was too windy for the trip. we had to travel the water line so it would have been hell getting there. we also get to go shopping in escanaba. i love shopping. i need money though. i think i might get some money out of the bank, if my folks let me. i have 20 something but i have to get jonathan something fro his birthday. all my money is tied up, and i hate it! oh well, i will find a way to get money some how.
i think that is about all for now.
oh..someone came to look at the house today, but that doesn't really mean anything.

current mood: determined

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Sunday, March 24th, 2002
2:03 pm
homework and lots of it...but will i actually do it?
yes i will...will i do it soon? no i won't...wanna know why!?..too bad you are going to hear it i won't do it know, because my mom wants me to help her get the house cleaned up. talk about stupid shit. she doesn't want aimee and jeremiah to see our house messed up or something stupid like that. so i get to do my homework at 12 tonight.

i am hungry so i'm leaving.

current mood: hungry

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Saturday, March 23rd, 2002
9:05 pm - a.c.t. workshop
that is where i was from 8:30-3:45 today. good not really. i fell asleep throught part of the math part. they gave up half of a mock test and we added up our scores and all of that good stuff. this is what i got: math-21, english-20, reading-11, science resources-15....yukky! so my a.c.t. score would have been a 17. it is so bad. two of the parts i didn't even finish, so that didn't help any. i hope going to this thing will help me on my real test. i have some things i have to work on though. i have until june to do it, so i better get studying.

the workshop was all the way out in troy by crooks and square lake rd. my mom picked me up and we went to the mall. we got some toys for the "grandbabies", some clothes for jonathan, something for katherine, and me a brand spankin' new spiffy dress...for easter. the dress is so pretty. it is a knee length black dress with cherries on it. it also has some black netting underneath it that shows just enough. one of the straps was torn and it was the only one in my size, so this really hot guy sewed it for me. it was so neat that he could sew, and to add to it he was so frickin' hot. i asked him how old he was and he told me! he asked me why i asked and i just sid it was a question. i saw him yesterday when my mom, my aunt and i went to the mall too. he wants he probally doesn't, but i'd like to think that he does...makes me feel better. there was some really groovy black tenny platform shoes with red strips on them, and i think i might go back and get them. they would match the dress and it would look real cute. i tried to get some hose, but they didn't have any that struck my fansy.
oh did i mention that the hot guy said i looked cute in the dress!? well, he did. oh yeah..he thinks i'm hot...go me!

my mom was getting so mad at me because i kept going around and sayin, "hey, got any gum...muahhh!" to people that woud walk by. i thought it was funny. of course i did the neato voice along with it. she never watches snl, so i don't think she knew what it was from.

i made dinner. amazing stuff i tell ya. it wa sos good too. i made some barbeque chicken, shit on a shingle, real homemade mashed potatoes, and some black eyed peas. the thing that pissed me off is that after i went through all the trouble, my dad complained that the potatoes were cold...eerrr! kiss my butt made you dinner...but never again will i. that's what he gets. then he makes me clean up the kitchen and take care of his plate. it is a rule at our house that if you make dinner you don't clean up. so everytime i make dinner he cleans up, because my mom always makes dinner. he sits on his fats ass eats, drinks soda, and watches tv. he makes me so mad. tomorrow we are celebrating his birthday and i didn't even want to get him anything, but my mom made me. i got him some pens he wnated. just the little things, but it makes him happy. i don't know why we are forced to get our parents things. old people don't want anything anymore. if you get them things they never use them and they always wind up in the garage sale or garbage. so what is that point?! i told my mom this theory and she said, "i'm not old! i like things!" it was so funny, just the way she said it was great. i guess you should have been there. needs help making birthday cake and i have to call michael...night

current mood: restless

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Thursday, March 21st, 2002
9:41 pm
ok....i am learning to play some jazz music. it is a pain in my royal ass. i can't get this one rythem down. mr. sharp showed me how it went but i still dont feel it. i have never played jazz before, let alone on the piano. i only know how to play straight notes. i like the way jazz feels better, though. it is so much smoother and laid back. jazz is about having fun and enjoying the music. i like that so much. the thing is i don't think it is right that i am learning to play this. i don't know how to play chords and i can only play with my right hand, but i know where the notes are on th staff and i know where the keys are. ty can play chords and play with both hands. it is all up to the band, so i guess whatever happens happens. lauren berry plays the piano really well, but she wouldn't except to play. i don't know why, lauren rocks at the piano. i will continue to learn how to play it, but i doubt if they will really want me there....especially gary. he said something to sharpie today when i was standing outside the room then when i walked in he stopped talking. ok...i know he hates me for something i didn't do, but i just wish he had the courage to say it when i was in the room. i really like gary, but gary hates me because somebody told him i called him a fag in front of mr. miller. no come amanda shellnut calling someone a fag!...doesn't happen, let alone say it in front of mr. miller. if mr. miller heard me say something like that he would have slapped me. now lets think about this...would i call somebody a fag?! i think gary needs to grow up, because if he is mad at me for something as stupid a name...and i name i didn't call. i am going to let thinks cool off a little while longer then i will make amenda with him, whether he likes it or not. i don't want to lose him totally. i have known gary for so long...eerrr.....:breath:...okay...i'm calm!
i got into a fight with my dad today. guess what it was about!?....gary. man! he knows what happened between gary and me, and yet he is still asking me what happened. i guess he wants to know about things in my life. i think it is nice that he wnats to know about things, but why fight about my life? it is so stupid.
i have some homework to do and i probally should do it. i might not though. i haven't really decided it yet. i have this essay paper due tomorrow in american lit. it is worth a lot of points, so it would be wise to do it, but i just don't feel like it. i just might skip 8th hour then. if i am called down for skipping i'll be like, "i didn't do this essay(that is worth a lot of points) that i was supossed to do, so i decided not to go." i think the truth might be the best. though, i really don't think that i will get called down. i just might go home early and go shopping with my mom and aunt. we are going to great lakes crossing, so if i come home before 8th hour we can get out there before the traffic gets really bad. to bed..
..i might curl my hair....hmm..

current mood: exhausted
current music: michael's voice

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5:16 pm

current mood: flirty

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