Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "christmas".
407 matches:
- 071202 - Ramon and Victoria
- 1504pages - Bible Studies,Scriptures,Prayer Request,Devotional
- 200lb_capricorn - Over 200 Lbs Capricorn Club
- 2emilys - EM SQUARED !
- 2te_dummension - 2te_dummension
- 3_place_4_u - ________YOUR CHANCE TO TALK TO UNBELIEVERS______
- 4201 - 4201
- __0bsessionn - Some say i'm obsessed.. I say i'm passionate...
- ___alcohol - Alcohol lovers
- ___i_love_jesus - Questions about your faith? Ask here!
- __doyouhaveit - __doyouhaveit
- __followers__ - CONFESSIONS
- __kohls - Kohl's Department Store
- __meltincherry - __meltincherry-the rating community
- __sex_me_up - Make me Cream
- __sunkiss3d - sunkissed girls are just hotter ♥
- __super__sexy__ - ???Are you Super Sexy???
- _answer_this_ - Random Questions
- _breaktherules_ - Stupid People Should Die
- _colorbar_vault - ~*Colorbar_Vault*~
- _dear_santa - Letters to Santa
- _dude_sweet - Icons
- _ethanembry - Ethan Embry
- _graphicontest - Graphic Contests
- _inner__beauty_ - _inner_beauty_
- _itsthesun - a polyphonic spree community!
- _just_you_ - Just_you
- _last_dance_ - ...only seventeen *
- _likeafox - Like a FOX.
- _ljwhore - Livejournal Whores
- _lovely_ladies_ - _lovely_ladies_
- _makemedance - Make me want to dance with you, motherfucker.
- _markblinkstom - Two Lovers In Love
- _mineandyours - _mine&yoursx
- _nxtopmodel - Sexy/Hott/SMOKIN'
- _o_m_f_g_h_o_t_ - Oh Em Eff Geeeeee
- _pink_ladiez - pink ladiez
- _polarexpress - The Polar Express Movie and Book Fandom
- _prayerjournal - _prayerjournal
- _prettyness - _prettyness
- _relati0nships - I n L o v e C o m m u n i t y ♥
- _rentfic - Rent Fanfiction
- _sea_of_faces_ - Krazy 4 Kutless
- _secret_mommys_ - Undercover Nondenominational Present Passer Outers
- _slapdash_xx - Slapdashing!
- _teens4jesus - ♪**♥LIVING 4 GOD♥**.♪
- _the_way - The Way
- _veronica - Soul Food
- _whats_goin_on - What's Goin' On?
- a_local_band - A_local_Band
- a_perfectsound - Music under the Stars xx you're invited
- absolutelygreen - For those who absolutely ♥ Green
- achristmasstory - A Christmas Story Fans
- adventcalender - LJ Advent Calendar
- akidatheart - A Kid At Heart
- alabamachicks - I'm a proud Alabama Chick
- allgoodthings - All Good Things: Happy Thoughts
- alt_domestik - alt_domestik
- amoraldustbin - a moral dustbin
- anagift - Gifts for Ana Voog Community
- anetprofit - internet ventures
- anglican - Ecclesia Anglicana
- antioldnavy - Haters of Old Navy Commercials
- apologetics - Apologetics
- arkansas_state - Arkansas State
- b_youf_always - Be Yourself Always!!
- bahf_inghumbug - Bah f'ing humbug
- bargains - the flea market
- bathbodyworks - The LJ Bath and Body Works Community
- beanie_babies - Beanie Land
- beautiflasusual - Beautiful As Usual
- beauty__poetic - from the inside out
- being_me_ - Our own little world...
- bennyandthejet - Lords of Zen
- bible__verses - post your favorite bible verse(s)!
- bible_study - bible study
- blackholeanime - Black Hole Anime
- blackstarpixie - .tattered.pixie.
- bordum_kills - THE INSANE
- bos_pagan - Book Of Shadows - Pagan
- boys_are_stupid - boys_are_stupid
- breathless_icon - ->Icons<-
- broken_wands - Broken Wands - a slightly off-center HP RPG
- bruisedheart__x - .bruises on my heart//
- btvs_santa - BtVS Secret Santa
- bway_cafe - Let's Make it Crazy Again
- calvary - Christianity - Servants of God
- cantiamo - Cantiamo
- cantoruschristi - Christ's Poets
- catchup_4xmas - Catch up for Christmas
- catholicism - Catholic Discussion Community
- catholics - LJ Catholics
- celebrity101 - Celebrity 101
- charismatics - Charismatic Catholics!
- cheesey__sox - Parmesan Cheese
- childhoodthings - childhoodstuff
- chistmas_lists - Christmas Lists Library
- chrisisaak - The Chris Isaak LJ Community
- christian_haven - Community for Christ
- christiangoth - Christiangoth
- christianity - Christianity Community
- christmasdinner - A selection of recipes techniques and tips
- christmaslovers - Christmas Lovers
- christomg - Christ, OMG!
- churchmusician - Church Musicians and Worship Leaders
- coldwinterair - Winter Addicts
- colorbarcouples - Colorbars for Everyone
- commun_ication - Ms. Christiano
- concierge - concierge
- conquer_bordem - conquer_bordem
- conversecuties - __+!@#^!%$!!11!
- cowtown_teens - Teens from the Smallest, Boringest Towns Possible
- craftersdelight - Crafter's Delight
- crazyholidays - Christmas Time
- crimson_25th - L.C.
- cucina_casa - Cucina Casa
- cute_cafe - I'd like a dollie with my tea, sir.
- da_shorties - da_shorties
- daddys_babygrl - Daddys and there baby girls..
- dec25pics - Dec25Pics
- deck_the_icons - Deck the Icons!
- deedlebug - Deedlebug
- default_icons - default_icons
- deftonesfans - 7 Words
- devilishfashion - Devilish Fashion
- devoted2christ - Christian Teens Devoted To Christ
- devotional365 - devotional365
- diamond_sparkle - Diamond*Sparkle
- diestaycomeback - things that must go, stay, or be brought back
- digital_world - The Digital World
- dinnerladies - dinnerladies
- djcopydog - Fans of DJcopydog
- domestic_divas - Domestic Divas
- doomwoop - Mischief Mayhem Soap
- dreamer_icons - Dreamer Icons ♥
- e_wingers - e_wingers
- elite_ladies - elite_ladies
- elki_ru - elki_ru
- everyday - CBA's Finest
- exmentetota - With All My Soul
- exmormon2 - Ex-Mormon, In-active LDS interaction Community.
- faerieadoptions - magic faeries adoption agency
- faithrevealed - Faith Revealed
- family_recipes - The Recipe Box for Home Cooked Meals
- fancydresser - Fancy dress shop/discussion
- fantheholidays - Fannish Holidays
- finbase - Everything Finland
- fitch_1892 - For the ♥ of Abercrombie
- flufflemumpshxc - FluffleMumps
- foreverhisz - GeOrGiOuS
- forpersonality - Beautiful Inside and Out
- freak_4_tfk - freak_4_tfk
- freaking_rock - We freaking rock.
- friendsnchrist - FriendsnChrist
- fuckass_iconsx - FuCkAsS_iCoNsX
- gayteens2 - gayteens2
- georgemacdonald - George MacDonald
- gift_sugar_plum - Gift Sugar-Plums
- giftalong - 2004 Gift-Along
- girlshavefun - GirlsHaveFun
- glam_whores_ - ♥Glamorous Whores♥
- glittericons - Glitter Icons
- god_in_college - Finding God in College
- got_banned - Got Banned? We hear ya.
- gothic_xmas - Gothic Christmas
- greekorgeek - apply here
- guy_named_james - Mr. James
- halloween_icons - Nightmare Before Christmas Icons
- happy_holiday - I ♥ the Holidays
- happy_or_bust - Happy Thoughts
- hckygirlfriends - Hockey Girlfriends
- hco_preps - ♥Hollister♥
- heartbrokenxemo - A cry for the Heartbroken Emo
- heck_yesiwanna - The Dynimite Gang
- holiday_food - Christmas Cookies and Other Holiday Recipies
- holiday_fun - Holiday Fun
- holiday_stress - Holiday Stress
- holiday_wishes - ~*Holiday Wishes*~
- holidaybuddies - LiveJournal Holiday Buddies
- holidaycrafts - Holiday Crafts
- holidaygeeks - Holiday Geeks
- holidaygifts - Gift Exchange
- holidayhats - Holiday Hats
- holidayicons - Holiday Icons
- holidayphotos - Holidays In Pictures
- holidays - Hungry For The Holidays
- holidayspirit - Holiday Spirit
- holidaywishlist - Holiday Wishlist
- holyhavok - holyhavok
- home_base - Homebase
- homelessholiday - Making the Holidays Special for Homeless Youth
- homemakers - For Simple, Creative Ideas to Better Your Home
- hornayholiday - Holiday Cheer Throughout the Year
- horrid_beauty - Pretty in Punk
- hotelz_r_us - Hotelz 4 lyfe.
- hottpiink - pink
- hp_bad_santa - Operation Crimbo RPG
- hp_kris_kringle - HP Kris Kringle
- ic_darkness - Imperious Curse: the 'bad guys'
- ic_grey_areas - Imperious Curse: 'eeh, whatever'
- ic_light - Imperious Curse: the 'good guys'
- iconz_r_us - iconz_r_us
- im_a_turky - ~*~Take a Chance You Stupid HO~*~
- ima_barbiegirl - Barbie Girls
- imperious_curse - imperious_curse
- in_side__out - Inside Out
- indie_socks - Garden State
- indiexiankids - we heart God
- interchurch - Interchurch Life
- interprayer - Intercessory Prayer
- ironic_icons - Liv
- irving_pride - The Pointless Community for Me and My Friends
- islam_like_whoa - Islam is like, whoa!
- itsgravity - It's Gravity...
- jaboom - jaboom
- jacks_obsession - Nightmare Before Christmas
- jackthequeen - jack and his whores
- jadore___dior - *·.αяє γou нoт єnougн?.·*
- jointhisbitch - if youre hot join.
- jrscienceclub - The Jr. Science Club
- just_2_gorgeous - Just_2_Gorgeous~ get rated!
- kids_gifts - kids_gifts
- kids_parties - Parties for kids of all ages
- kidsstuffrocks - I know you are but what am I?!?
- kingdom_seeking - kingdom_seeking
- kluvsm_mluvsk - people who love marsailidh and kirstys!!!!
- laguna__graphic - Graphics of Laguna
- laguna_ladies - Lovely Laguna Ladies - Do you have what it takes?
- lasalleacademy - LaSalle Academy
- ldssa - Latter Day Saint Scholars Association
- lekker_hanson - lekker_hanson
- lemon_advent - Lemon Advent Calendar
- leonanaess - Leona Naess Fans
- lewsers - lewsers
- ljsanta04 - Secret Santa 2004
- ljsecretsanta03 - LiveJournal Secret Santa 2003
- locasweetlds - Loca & Sweet LDS's
- lorettogifts - LAT Gift Registry
- lostmakkahmas - Lostmakkahmas! [A Lost holiday fic exchange.]
- loveactually - Love Actually Is All Around
- lovelychloe - heather * ' ` <3
- luck_0ff - Luck_0ff - Are you lucky?
- lurlenemcdaniel - Lurlene Mcdaniel community
- lutherans - Lutherans Around the World!
- lwhscompsci - Lincoln-Way Computer Science
- m0rbid_n_unique - Beautiful people
- mandas_a_loser - mandas freaking sweet
- mc_honeybfly - Mariah's Lambs
- meagerportions - M e a g e r P o r t i o n s
- melbournekandy - Melbourne Kandy
- mercerpa - Western Pa
- methodism - methodism
- michitrash - . m i c h i t r a s h .
- milli_xmas - Milliways Fanstuff Secret Santa Community
- misc_4_all - Miscellaneous Things For All
- mischief_map - MWPP RPG
- miso_soxy - miso_soxy icons!
- mittenpies - Winter
- mo_rocca4sr - Mo Rocca For State Representative
- mollymormons - -:¦:-Sisters In Zion
- monkey_muffin - monkey_muffin
- morbid_inside - Inner thoughts of the morbid
- mormon - Latter-day Saints
- mrsskellington - Mrs Skellington
- msianpixels - MsianPixels
- music_outlet - Musical Rebellion
- my_wishlist - *~*~WishList~*~*
- myhappyhome - My Happy Home
- neato_sex_whore - I'd love to be scattered to hell with you...
- newmanites - newmanites
- nitro_praise - Nitro Praise
- nmah_hpstar - Entertainment Addicts
- nnj_christians - North Jersey Christians
- no_yaoi_here - No yaoi here
- notallangels - Bad Girls of the Bible
- oh_sopretty - Oh so pretty <3
- ohdear - ?*~Jenny~*?
- onestsupercool - On est Super-Cool!
- ourcookbooks - Our Cookbooks
- pacsunx - Pacific Sun ♥
- paws4reflection - Clarence and Colby
- pax_et_caritas - Pax et Caritas
- peopleofthebook - Jews, Christians, and Muslims
- picturepeople - Nothing Clever Is Coming Out Right Now. Sorry.
- pinkdiamonds_x - ♥♥♥PrEtTy In PiNk♥♥♥
- powerfulprayers - Prayer Journal
- premade_layouts - request your layouts here :)
- pretty_spuff - pretty_spuff
- prettyenough___ - inner beauty
- prettypieces - Pretty Pieces
- prochoice_jesus - Christians in Exile
- promiskeepers - promiskeepers
- promoteomfg - Promote your communities here!
- quotesnlyrics - quotesnlyrics
- radiodelilah - The Delilah Show
- random_things - Random Things
- randomaddiction - People with Issues
- rauiesrp - ..+| Annu's Roleplay |+..
- recipesharing - Share Your Recipes
- redngreen_xmas - Harry and Draco Christmas Fics
- reindeer_ears - Well,Looks like Rain, deer...
- religious_fast - Keeping the Fast
- request_me - request_me
- retail_is_hell - Retail is Hell
- rip_rdkosovo - Remembering Ramiz
- ripe_carrots - focusing on some moo moos
- roc_kandie - roC_kandie
- rocketgirl_icon - [you] make the world go round.
- roguelove - Stories In Our Life
- rose_of_sharon - The Blessed Virgin Mary
- s0_amped - amped - a place to post your poetry
- sac_2004 - The Slash Advent Calendar of 2004
- sampon - Sampsonites
- santarchy - santacon!
- saturated_fxcks - you have to love us. i said so
- savvymatey - savvymatey
- scrapstickers - Scrapbooking with Stickers
- screamingsoloud - Screaming So Loud
- seasonal_icons - Seasonal Icons
- secretsanta04 - *Secret Santa 2004*
- secretsanta2002 - Livejournal Secret Santa 2003
- secretsantas - Secret Santas
- secretxsanta - SecretxSanta @ LJ
- seminary - LiveJournal Seminary Community
- sex_on_a_wall - People I adore
- sexand__ - sexand__
- sexy_beauties - Sexy Beauty
- sexy_n_sporty - The Sexy N' Sporty Community
- shawlandsacad04 - class of 2004
- singsforsmiles - Music is the key to the future
- slayer_icons - || Slayer Icons ||
- slumber_room - The Slumber Room: An Alternative Hangout
- smugglers_club - the smugglers' club
- snap_icons - snap_icons
- so0_cute - So0_cute
- so_smashing - SO_Smashing
- spencers - Spencers
- spirit_manifest - Spirit_Manifest: Making Straight the Path of God
- stalking_kat - stalking_kat
- stampin_up - Stampin' Up!
- starsuponthars_ - Stars Upon Thars
- stillafan - stillafan
- stripeytown - stripeytown
- svu_secertsanta - Law and Order: SVU Secret Santa
- swpotatoqueens - Sweet Potato Queens Take Over Livejournal
- t00_ad0rkable - were just those adorable dorks <3
- t_n_b_c - The Nightmare Before Christmas
- t_s_o - Trans Siberian Orchestra
- tainted_lungs - Inhale_Beauties
- tdool - The Days of Our Lives...
- tdt_sucks - tdt_sucks
- teens - *~* *~*
- teens4christ - Christians for Christ
- teens4christ2 - Teens 4 Christ
- teh_sex0xrz - Teh_Sex0xrz
- teh_unfortunate - a rating community for the unfortunate ones.
- the_kada - the_kada
- thebookofdays - all holidays around the world
- theocmusic - The O.C Music
- thesmithereens - The Smithereens!
- thespree - The Polyphonic Spree
- thesupplebros - The Supple Brothers
- thosephotokids - Those Weird Kids at the Back Table
- thousandaires - The League of Thousandaires
- tildemask - Tilde and the Mask of :P - Design Journal
- time_and_place - A Time and Place for Icons
- tpc_youth - Triangle Presbyterian Church Youth Group
- tree_haven - it's against my religion
- trevandjess - Our Journal
- true_dreamers - __dream
- twinelves - The Diary of The Twin Elves- Brutus & Pubert
- u_r_gorgeous - You are my Beauty!
- usoploy - Where Be-bop meets hip hop and we dance dance danc
- visitlatvia - Visit Latvia the heart and keystone of the Baltics
- volcomint - Volcom International
- walk_the_walk - Can YOU walk the walk?
- warcraftvalley - The Warcraft Valley Post
- waytruthandlife - Following God's Word
- wbhsdb84lyfe - db8=lyfe
- we_love_cards - we_love_cards
- weddingheadache - The trials and tribulations of wedding planning
- wellnevergrowup - Kids At Heart
- whos_generation - Where the fans of The Who unite
- wigsters - wigsters
- wintergirls - Wintergirls
- wintergrrls - Wintergrrls
- winterweddings - The Winter Bride
- wishkisses - The Wishes for Kisses Fanfic Challenge
- x_fold_ourhands - For Hot Tots
- xfuck_yourselfx - fuck you
- xmas_ornaments - Ornament Collectors
- xmascarollovers - It's begining to look alot like Christmas...
- xmaselfbookclub - Will Suck Cock For books.
- xnitemareb4xmas - ~Goulitine Square~
- xosexi_ladiezxo - [ We SuM SeXi LaDiEz ]
- xposed_icons - xPosed_Icons
- xtinacrisphatas - Cristina Crisp
- xx_plastics_xx - The Plastics
- xxbangxx - For All Those Cool Kids Out There
- xxx_mas - Have You Been Naughty or Nice?
- xxxmetalettaxxx - Punx Musix
- you_are_santa - Our Secret Santa Community!
- youngcatholic - Young Catholic
- youthministry - Youth Ministry Online
- zazzle_shops - A Community
- zer0_calories - zer0_calories
- zomnitardsunite - Zomni Fanatic
Interested users
The following users are interested in christmas. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
453 matches: