altparent talkymeat | |
Hello. I'm Dave, and I have a monkey. 1. How old are you? about to turn thirty. Comforted by the fact that when I tell people my age they often don't believe me. 2. How old is/are your child/children? I have three year old monkeymonster named Coire (prn. kaw-ree) 3. Boy/Girl? Girlmonkey. Ook. 4. Did you always want children, and were your children planned? Coire was very much wanted and planned for. 5. Do you ever wish your experiences of parenthood were different? Why? Nope. My girl rocks. 6. What do you think your children will be like as adults/older children? Confident and at ease in her own skin in a way most folk don't get until they're a good deal older, if ever. Cheeky, strange and wonderful. Loved, happy and healthy (thus saving me from putting that in Q7.) 7. Name three things you wish for your children. Lifelong unquenchable curiosity, more opportunities than she could ever possibly use and mad adventures on a regular basis. 8. Which attributes have your children taken from each parent/family member? Her stubbornness come from both Morrigan and I, her cheekiness I think is mostly me. Her overall good nature must be from Morrigan, because by all reports I was a shit of a child. Her random acts of housecleaning (we're not worthy! we're not worthy!), fuckknows where. Must be an atavism. 9. Did your experience differ from what you expected? How so? On one point. Coire suffered from glue ear for about a year and a half, starting just as she was about to start speaking. The loss of conduction impaired her hearing, and thus her language development. Recently, the problem cleared itself up, after many months of trying to get her to specialists, and now her speech is behind that of her peers, but catching up, and will probably be normal or better by the time we can actually get an appointment with a speech therapist. 10. Do you want more children? No, I honestly don't thik I could love a child who was different from Coire as much as I love her. Plus, between symphysis pubis dysfunction (very nasty, and tends to recur with subsequent pregnancies), 33 hours of labour and a 10lb 8oz baby, Morrigan says if we have another I have to carry it!
Current Mood: working Current Music: None, Uni computer lab
altparent macsmomlin | |
Hey all. I'm wondering if anyone here has had experience nursing twins? Mine aren't due until May, so I have some time here, but I thought I'd start preparing early. I know a few moms of twins, but none of them were able to breastfeed exclusively. I'd really like to. Formula is so expensive, and I worry about their health (I know most babies can thrive on it, but still...) I'm considering getting a pump too, so that my husband can feed them sometimes, but I'm wondering if that would just be too hard since there will already be 'double demand'. I've read about it, and I'm in WIC, so I'll have lactation consultants, but I still think this is going to be a huge challenge.
altparent dumbstricken | |
hi, im kassy 1. How old are you? 18 2. How old is/are your child/children? (for the pregnant, use the number of months/weeks left to go) i have 4 more months of my pregnancy 3. Boy/Girl? girl 4. Did you always want children, and were your children planned? ive always wanted children, but this wasnt planned. not this early 5. Do you ever wish your experiences of parenthood were different? Why? n/a 6. What do you think your children will be like as adults/older children? n/a 7. Name three things you wish for your children. good home, lots of love, and great health. theres alot more, but you said 3. ; ) 8. Which attributes have your children taken from each parent/family member? n/a 9. Did your experience differ from what you expected? How so? n/a 10. Do you want more children? of course!
Current Mood: annoyed
altparent liberation_army | |
1. How old are you? 30
2. How old is/are your child/children? Alex 8, Keelin 6, and Liam 2.5
3. Boy/Girl? Boy, Girl, Boy
4. Did you always want children, and were your children planned? surprise, plan, BIG BIG surprise. but very happy with all of those gifts. :)
5. Do you ever wish your experiences of parenthood were different? Why? no, not really. i love my life and my kids. i am glad we are who we are and i learn from what we go through.
6. What do you think your children will be like as adults/older children? i really dont know. i want them all to be happy with who they are and i hope that they choose a path in life that gives them as much happiness as possible.
7. Name three things you wish for your children. health, happiness and love
8. Which attributes have your children taken from each parent/family member? wow, i guess they are a good mix of both me and their dad. i am very creative/sensitive/artistic and my husband is a natural leader and business man.
9. Did your experience differ from what you expected? How so? yes, its way more fun than i thought it would be.
10. Do you want more children? no i dont think so. i have pondered the thought of adoption or foster parenting in the future.
altparent irishprincess96 | |
1. How old are you? 24 2. How old is/are your child/children? (for the pregnant, use the number of months/weeks left to go) 2 1/2 3. Boy/Girl? Little Girl 4. Did you always want children, and were your children planned? I always planned on having children someday, but my Sarah just came a few years earlier then we planned. 5. Do you ever wish your experiences of parenthood were different? Why? Yes. Long story short, my ex's parents were not thrilled when they found out that they were going to be grandparents, and shut me out of the family. 6. What do you think your children will be like as adults/older children? We joke that my daughter is satan incarnate because she is sooooo wild and crazy. She has a sweet personality but is unlike any child I have ever met before. I think she will probably be a bit of a wild teen, maybe into sports because of all the energy that she has, and definitely into music. She loves everything that I play, especially Rush, Nirvana and Rage Against the Machine. 7. Name three things you wish for your children. Happiness, friends, and love. Luckily for me she already has all three, I just hope she can hold on to them. 8. Which attributes have your children taken from each parent/family member? She unfortunately has my personality and energy level from when I was a child. She also has her father's picky taste for food, and his chin. :) 9. Did your experience differ from what you expected? How so? Yes. I just always expected to be a happy conventional family, husband, house, dog, career and a college education. I never though I would be a single mother at 21. I just wanted "normal", but for the life of me I don't know why. I have never been what one would consider "normal" before...why would I start now. :) 10. Do you want more children? I hope to have maybe 2 more someday, that is if my daughter doesn't kill me first. I really hope she grows out of the "terrible two's" stage! LOL!