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AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! What Do I Do???? [10 Oct 2002|06:30pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]

I’m stuck in a black hole and can’t get out. Sure I have idea on how to get out but I’m scared that if I try them I might hurt myself in the process. Do you guyz understand what I’m saying. I’m talking about all the issues I’m having right now. The ones with Doug, Matt, and Rex. I’m not sure how to get myself out of these issues and I’m scared if I try anything to get myself outta it I might regret it afterwards and won’t be able to fix it.

I talked to Amanda online earlier and we both realized we have pretty close issues at the moment and our feelings about the issues are the same. She made me realize how big my issues are. I love talking to Amanda about my issues. You know, I can talk to certain friends of mine about certain things. I can’t tell any of them everything because they all are really good at giving advice or listening to particular things. I can talk to Amanda about practically everything. She’s such a good listener and she gives great advice. She has experience almost everything I have and that makes her advice even better. Most of the time we talk about friends and guys. We both feel the same way about relationships and guys which makes talking to her about those things so great. She made me realize a number of things which I will try to express when I update you on each of my problems.

I just got off the fone with Doug. I still don’t know what to do about him. I like him a lot……..or maybe I just make myself believe that I like him a lot. Amanda feels the same way about Chris. She thinks that we make ourselves believe we like our boyfriends because they make us feel happy when we’re down. We know that if we have them, we always have someone to turn to if we feel like the rest of the world is against us. It’s someone to love us and care for us that will be there for us no matter what. Do you think she might be right about this? I keep saying we because I feel like I’m speaking for both Amanda and I. She is going through pretty much the same problems right now and it makes me feel better saying we because then I know I’m not the only one with these sort of issues. She thinks we also don’t feel satisfied with out boyfriends. Our ex-boyfriends are to blame for this. Rex for me and Tim for Amanda. Rex was the first person I ever loved and that may be something I will never get over. He made me see how great love could be although I was only twelve when I realized it. I don’t feel the same way in the relationship I’m in now. The love isn’t as strong as it was with Rex. It’s the same with Tim and Amanda. They were a great couple. They were both great for each other. They changed one another for the better. Amanda loved every second she was with Tim and it was just so magical. Then he broke her heart and everything changed. She doesn’t feel satisfied with Chris because she knows she has had better. She knows it isn’t really love, just dependence.

It’s so sad that as teenagers, we have already experience one of the most painful things in life, heartbreak. It’s really hard to have to walk through school pretending everything is ok. It’s very hard to keep your grades up when all you can think about is if you are with the right person of if the guy sitting next to you is who you are really in love with. Knowing that you can’t have the guy you want more than anything and crying over him every night before you go to sleep makes a teenagers’ life just so confusing and complicated. I’m not saying this is happening to me right now but my fingers just ran away from me and I couldn’t stop expressing everything that is locked up inside me. I love writing my feelings out. It’s much better than actually having to talk about them. I’m not good with words when speaking them. Everything gets all mixed up. Writing helps me release everything that builds up inside me. Oops, I didn’t mean to start rambling. Let me go on to update you on the next issue.

Let’s go on to Matt. Like I said before, I have no clue what to do about liking him. He doesn’t like me and I know it but that hasn’t stopped my heart from wanting him. He flirts with practically every girl and it makes it kinda like an issue I had with Rex for a while. I can’t get over him because he flirts with me so naturally I flirt back. I have gym with him and he unhooked my bra about five times because he has a talent that he can unhook a bra faster than you notice him doing it. It makes it worse because he thinks I’m such a good girl. He doesn’t know me very well. I think most people think I’m a good girl. I hide the real naughty bad girl Shayna I think because I’m a bit insecure about myself. The only person that knows the real me is Rex. He knows everything I have done with a guy and what kind of partier I am and other crap like that. I think you get the picture there. Now, Rex doesn’t know these things because he has witnessed these things, because he hasn’t. He knows because I told him. I think it was the middle of the summer and I just needed someone to talk to about those things. He was there and I felt like he had finally gained my trust back to the point where I really felt comfortable telling him those kind of things. I wish I could just talk to Matt about my feelings about him but like I said, I’m not good at speaking my words, just writing them out. That’s why I wish that he got online a little more often so I could express my feelings online. But, that probably won’t happen since I haven’t seen him online since the summer.

Now on to Rex. What can I possibly say about my problem with Rex? It will never go away and it can never be solved. I have a strong feeling that I will love him for the rest of my life and I’ll just have to try to move on and find new guys to love as much as him although right now I feel like that is impossible. I have loved him for four years, a love that is so strong that there were many times where I would just start crying for no reason because of him. I wasn’t crying because he hurt me, but because I loved him so much and I know that love isn’t reciprocal. Sure, he loves me as a sister, but that just isn’t enough for me. I don’t think this problem of mine will go away. This is the biggest problem of the three. Like my friend Gabby said in response to my last entry, I’m screwed. I’ll probably be friends with Rex for the rest of my life. I’ll probably be at his wedding sitting in the audience and when the priest asks if anyone objects, to speak now or forever hold my peace, I’ll be the first one jumping into the aisle arguing why it would be stupid for him to marry his bride-to-be.

I’m gonna go now. What else could I possibly have to say about my life and the troubles I have with it? If you have advice on any of problems let me know. I’ll take any advice I can get. If you are a friend of mine, don’t tell anyone about this stuff. I seriously don’t want this to get out because that would just make my problems worse.

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[04 Oct 2002|09:50pm]

[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Blue Six: Sweeter Love ]

Its Friday night, and every Friday night I'm stuck out home with my parents. I never go out. The only time I'm not at home on a Friday night is when I'm going to church,and just recently my parents and I had it out with the church; So we are kinda on the DL now. I should have went as badly as I don't want to be bothered by them. This week there having a conference and Kurt CArr is going to be there tonight. I don't really care from him to much. I was really feelin him when his lastest album came out, and then radio play'd it out and its like No More/Enough. So without any cable, I'm writing in my journal listening to rave music. You know if you close your eyes and listen to some club or rave it'll feel like your actually at a club or rave. I did that one time and it was pretty fun; OH God I have to get a social life,hahaaha. By the way I'm not getting enough comments on my journal, so please everyone be nice at read my stuff.

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[17 Sep 2002|08:05pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | madonna: What It Feels Like For A Girl (Thunderpuss mix) ]

I cannot believe that I have 2 more weeks (including this week) until the first term of school is over with. Sophomore year is just so easy. I'm learning now that it's going to flash right by me in just a few minutes,ahahaha.Ya know I've been logging off and on AOL first listen all week for the new Toni Braxton Song (Hit The Freeway) to come on, and I have not seen a sign of it yet. Groovevolt.com said that it was supposed to hit this past weekend, but it didn't show at all. I'm just really frustrated because everyone has heard the song except me =(, and I pretty much spent all of yesterday trying to find it and I found everything but the song. By the way that new Kelly Rowland song is really nice. I heard it yesterday on my media player. Kelly's album out of the whole Destiny's Child crew is probably going to do the best; which that would be a really big upset because everyone is expecting Beyounce's album is blow up, but I don't think that's going to be. Beyounce just gets played out and radio and in publicity.

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Hello :) [12 Sep 2002|06:34pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

Hey everybody, my name's Melanie. I am a 15/f/ny {I'm turning 16 soon}. I have many hoobies: singing, dancing, sleeping, writing [songs/poetry], partying, hanging out with my friends, reading, listening to music, playing instruments, talking to people online/phone. I love talking to people, and I'm pretty much a nice person. If you want to add me, you can. My journal is friends only, so most of my entries you cant see. Add me, and i'll add you back. Read my info to find out more about me! :)

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[11 Sep 2002|04:23pm]

I'm sick of people complaining about sept. 11th media and all that. Today, the school asked students to wear red, white, and blue for 9/11. I thought it was cool if ya did and if ya didn't want to, that's also cool. but this girl came in with a anti-pride written on her t shirt. i dont see anything wrong in showing support and i dont see anything wrong in sittin back and not caring but i think it's just fucken rude to wear anti pride knowing what happened a year ago. yeh it's kinda bullshit that people decided to unite and put flags up after 9/11 but it was nice to see the flags and nice to see people come together. honestly, the US was hit hard, and we're not used to that kinda shit but i'm gonna sit here and care and show more support than ever because this is where i live, this is my home. call me insensetive for not going all out on my caring for other countries but when something hits me this hard i care. who cares if every newspaper, magazine, channel, etc is going crazy with it....i think it's nice we sit here and acknowledge it. yeh i think alot of what this country does is bullshit but when something like this happens, it's not. and the only reason sept. 11 outweighs anything else in the world for me personally is because like i said before this is my home.
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Dear,Dear Diary I Wana Tell My Secrets.........~PInk [07 Sep 2002|07:26pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Pink: Dear Diary ]

Today was very smooth. I really didn't do much. All I did was get up this morning around 11 to get a haircut, so that I could look cute next week for school. Then I came home and watched a bit of Sorority Life; love that show, then had a sandwich from Subway and went to nap.
My Mom left like 5am this morning to NJ, my dad had to drop her off at they airport. I would have gotten up and given her a kiss, but I wasn't that conscious to know to get up in order for me to say good-bye.
I saw Brian yesterday morning finally. He was pissed off because he didn't wake up on time to come before school to make up some work for his Spanish class. He is a really kewl guy; I like him. I"m sorry I'm so blah blah blah, I just woke up like 25 minutes ago; not enough time for me to become fully awake. I'll post some more when I am more awake,lol.

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"Wada Day.....Wada Day....." ~ Erykah Badu [30 Aug 2002|09:53pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Frou Frou: SHH ]

I hate when I start writing in my LJ and I get kicked off line, and all the crap that I just finish typing vanishes away. So for now on I am going to writing my entries in my box and convert them to my LJ, because I just cannot handle typing up 2pages worth of expression and heart, and having it deleted automatically because some jackass decided that he wanted to call in the midnight hour to say hi; anyway, I should just shut my bitching now before it gets out of my control. So I was talking to Keely today, and we were looking at some levi tops on the computer.

I came across this one denim blue jacket that was just to die for, and I was just a scroll away to see how much it cost. When it hit me that I had a jacket similar to that one in my closet; bared somewhere (so I thought). I was a bit giddy by it, because if it turned out that I had a similar jacket in my closet, I could then wear it to a family reunion that I'm going to tomorrow that is probably going to suck big time, but we well get to that later. So like not that long ago I went digging in my closet in search of this jacket that I would seriously cry if I find, because I'm pretty confident that its not there, and even if it was it would be my sister from way back in the day. Well, of course I wasted about 45minutes of my times searching for something I knew wasn't there, but hell it was worth the hut. So I've come to conclusion that I'm going to wear one of my famous shirts I got from Structure to the reunion; Wait, before we go any further I must say that I wanted to kill this boy in school this morning, because he had on the same exact structure shirt I had on yesterday. I am so sick and tired of people stealing my style; first it was the sunglasses now its the shirt. When will this madness end? Okay I'm back; so we have to be at this person house around close to noon which means I have to get up early in the morning to get ready, because the place is not exactly around the corner if ya know what I mean.

So I'd probably take a shower tonight and get my clothes lad out and everything. I'd be honest with you; they only reason that I am going is because the food is out of the world delicious. Two years ago when I went I ate so much that the skin on my stomach felt like it was going to break off. Yes, I was in that much pain from eating all that food, and it was weird because it was that type of stomach pain were you couldn't take a crap if you wanted to. you were just pretty much agonizing in pain until your stomach gave the 'okay' for you to go and do your do in the bathroom. I really don't need to be talking about that right now, because I just ate some Chinese food earlier, and for some reason I wanted to throw it back up; It just didn't agree with my taste buds.

OMG, my friend David just found out today in school, during our 4th period class together that he was moving to Texas this Sunday. David is probably the closest male friend I've had at my school, and to have him go so suddenly really just posed a question mark in my head as to 'okay, why are your parents making this decision so soon to pick up and go. A lot of it had to do with his brothers death couple of weeks ago in a car accident. He told me that the reason why he is leaving is because he parents along with himself want to get away from everything, and just start their lives over with a fresh new heart and renewed peace. I just wish it wouldn't have to be this way. I mean it was the last period of the day that he found out; he didn't even get to say good-bye to a lot of his friends, I'm just really at lost about the whole situation; at the same time I'm upset because there is a lot that I wanted to tell David, and I may not ever tell him because I'm never going to see him again. I just wish the best for him in life. I love ya Davy boi =(.

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[18 Aug 2002|11:38pm]

[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready To Die - 10 - Juicy ]



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-------------------------------------------------------------------- [17 Aug 2002|07:39pm]
[ mood | curious ]

this community is rather dead-like... i know i am contributing to its demise as much as the next person but it's rather strange that a community with so many members is so neglected

anyone see what i'm seeing?

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[31 Aug 2006|06:04pm]

I took some photos of me today! Enjoy!
Photos )
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[10 Aug 2002|08:47pm]

Hey everyone. i am 16/f. i love talking to people of all ages, and am looking for some new friends that comment, and want comments back. add me please, i will definitely add you back!

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<3! [31 Jul 2002|04:11pm]

i just wanted to post a little about myself in case anyone was interested in adding me to their friends list. i'll add you back [i promise] if you add me <3

- b`anne
- philly
- almost 16
- basketball, tennis, swimming
- rap, hip`hop, r+b

if anyone wants to read my journal, add me! [journal is friends only] thanks and take care everyone <3
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[31 Jul 2002|03:24am]

[ music | BBMak - Still On Your Side ]

Hey everyone. I'm Amber. I'm 15/f/SK.

I'm actually here to see if any of y'all wanna read my story. A lil shameless self promotion. Empty Promises is what it is called. I'm quite proud of it actually. So if you have some spare time I'd love you FOREVER if you read it and then reviewed. You just review by clicking the button at the very bottom that says review. I need more encouragement before I post the next chapters.

Thanks so much!!

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[24 Jul 2002|12:40am]

[ music | Mo Thugs- Ghetto Cowboy ]

I wanna get the most comments ever!!!

comment on them. do u love em or hate em?

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weee for cross posting... [20 Jul 2002|04:47pm]

[ mood | quixotic ]

ok people, i've asked this before i'll ask it again lol
how many of you have the sims?
if you could do me a huge favor i will love you forever and have 5 million of your babies
could any of you take like the original sims (not any expansion packs or things like that) files, make a zip file, and send it to me? lol
my friend has the disk but one of his friends took it so he can't let me borrow it and i'm not going to spend money on this game damnit! lol
if it's at all possible please, do this for me *makes sad puppy dog eyes*
btw, yes i have tried d/ling it off of kazaa and morpheus but i never get the right thing, that's why i'm asking you guys for help :)
if you can help comment or contact me
excite private messenger=tsunami_sweetie
:P think i covered all the bases there

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[20 Jul 2002|01:39pm]

[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Dave Navaro-Rexall ]

i still havent seen matt..i miss him...um...ive been really depressed lately..i dont really know y.....i just hate this fucking feeling..i dont want to be me no more...its just not fun....i feel like everybody is against me..and that no one really gives 2 shits about me and what happenes to me..w/ my fucking luck im right....everybody hates me...and if they love me i really dont understand it....i really dont deserve any of it...i deserve to be alone....im a bad fucking person....i lie to everyone about how i really feel...im shit....im nothing

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hey [17 Jul 2002|04:34pm]

i'm Meg, a soph from the Eastern US. nice to meet everyone.

i really enjoy making new friends, so i've joined a couple communities that i think i would like.

i'd be thankful for anyone to read my new journal and leave me nice comments! even though my journal is just starting, there will be lots in there soon, i promise!
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Oh manny [15 Jul 2002|10:33pm]

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Eminem "White America" ]

HaHa forgot about this community!! Quite sad I know. Well.. looks like not that many peepz have been postin either. Another sad thing. How is everyone's summer goin?? Nething interesting to talk about?? Anyone been to any really good concerts.... or read any good books?? I'm goin 2 a radio concert next month.... it's got Puffy... Vinessa Carlton BBMak... lots of others but I forget who else... I hope it's fun!!! Umm.... OMG u all have got 2 read "Gossip Girl" THE BEST book!!! Well yea.... that's pretty much it...... I'm bored soooooooo anyone who wants 2 talk.. IM ME!!!!
SN- CluelesBabe00

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[07 Jul 2002|08:13pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Sorry that I haven't updated this one for a while. I don't have that much to say...If you want to look at my journal go ahead, It doesn't matter to me..

That's all I had to say..Later..

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His sister sucks :( [06 Jul 2002|02:21pm]

[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | Khia - My neck MY back (dirty) ]

He aint allowed on the internet or use the phone for a week.
so every time his sister wakes up he hangs up the phone on me or just runs away from the computer. :( And I called him this morning and his sister aint home. so therefore I cant talk to him at all today. I'm gonna miss him :(

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