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My Life Through Trial and Error!
What there is more? Lead me to your leader! OH AND GIVE ME ALL YOUR CHEESE!!!!
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I want some addresses!
I would like for those of you on my friends list to PLEASE
e-mail me your addresses so that I can send letters and such to you!

I used to write all of the time and I haven't done it so much.

I also would like to make my address book current.

So, PLEASE send me your


Addresses I need
(I REALLY want your address)
(I had it but you moved)

(Sorry Jen, I lost yours when I moved again. I did have it.)

This isn't everyone on my friend's list because I have some of their addresses already.

IF you don't want to give me your address it is UNDERSTOOD!
E-mailing me is safer than leaving it on LJ.
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I was disturbed by this.

I was watching America's Funniest Videos.

This was kid (not blindfolded) was trying to hit the Pinata (?).

Any ways, it was held up by a rope and thrown over a branch.
A lady was holding the Pinata up.
She was moving it up and down (not on purpose).

This kid took the f'n stick a few times and went to hit her.

He actually hit her with it once.

The adults were doing NOTHING.

This kid was like 6 or 7 and should know better not to do that.
Not to even mention this was an adult.

If that were my kid I would spank his butt and I would punish him.
I am sick of people allowing kids to rule.

I can see this is where these kids grow up then beating on other people.
I can't believe that theu showed that and thought it was funny.
I am sure the parents sent that in as well and thought it was funny.

I happen to know a woman who's son was menatally unstable (from a young age) and no one did anything serious because he was a little boy.
He broke a neighbor lady's arm with a bat at age 6.
The family left Florida because they were going to take the boy away and lock him up age 8.
The lady's husband got custody of his two girls (she had the little boy with her first husband and another little girl with a man she cheated on her first husband with).
The lady loved her boy and REFUSED to think he was bad.
Well, he tried to kill the other children at age 8 (in Louisana) after she moved from Florida and took all her husband's money.
Any ways, since she refused to have this boy on medication and monitored the state took him away and terminated her rights.
He tried to kill her as well, but she would leave him alone with the other children.
Sadly people started to call him Charles Manson.


Any ways, allowing a child to strike someone with a bat/stick and then showing that as funny is WRONG.
ABC screwed up.
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Traffic Woes and being smarter than the Idiots!
Traffic Woes and being smarter than the Idiots!

Traffic Issue-

I am driving north on Federal Highway.

I am in the slow lane going between 50-55 MPH (I have the CRUISE Control on).

This police car passes me on the left hand side.

No problem as he was going 55 MPH (the speed lmit)

Less than two minutes go by and this Black SUV comes up on me extremely fast.

The driver of this SUV then flashes me.

I click off the CRUISE Control and I let the car slow down a fraction.

The SUV drivver then passes me on the left hand side (what they should have done instead of flasing me and tailigating me).

The driver then goes in front of me and slams on their breaks.

He also rolls down his window and flips me off.

Now, that isn’t nice. I wasn’t going to start anything but the flashing the bright headlights, tailgating, swerving into my lane, slamming on your breaks, and then Obscene hand gestures is not only Road Rage, but it is also RECKLESS DRIVING!

I immediately have to slam on my breaks and realizing this is some IDIOT put my hazard lights on.

Bring attention to yourself and that driver.


I then call 911.

There is a light that is red.

I see the Deputy and I am talking to the 911 Dispatcher.

I give them the license plate, I had such a good description of the vehicle since he was stopped at the red light and had NOWHERE to run (idiot thought to speed up and change lanes). I explained the the lady what he did and how I wasn’t going to accept this man’s attemp to use his vehicle as a weapon nor would I allow this man to intimidate me. I explained that my life was more valuable than his extra few minutes and that I refuse to speed up thus breaking the law because this person didn’t know that he should pass on the left hand side.

It is so nice when the man with no brains is charged with Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangerment, Improper Lane Changes, Going into Occupied Lane, & a few other charges.
Hmmm, can we say DIPSHIT/LOSER/MORON....
My my yes we can.

It made my night.

What do you think it did to his?

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I have today off.


It is cold for us down here and I should get used to it since I will be moving up north.
Florida should be sunny and nice.

Not gloomy and drizzly for the last three days.

I have been messing with my Sims in Sims 2.

For the first time I used the black widow idea.

I had downloaded some cool houses but some had families.
Some, I liked.

Any ways, Melanie Nanny (a romance sim) married George Bush (knowledge sim and downloaded) and George went for a sim and some mean and evil being removed the ladder.
Okay enough if that. I was having headache hell this weekend and I wasn't always tired.

I told my parents to watch Dark City on DVD and they hated it.
It is a little on the weird side.
Oh, well maybe that is why I like it.

We are having pot roast tonight.
I got a craving for it after reading [info]cablondi's recipe.
I mentioned it to my mother and she decided to make it.
In the crock pot as well.
The smell is delicious.

I took a bubble bath in Milk Vanilla.
I smell YUMMY enough to eat.

My bangs are trimmed.
I smell and feel YUMMY.

I can't just sit and watch a movie.
I have to be doing something as well.

Just watching a little History Channel.
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Well, LJ is finally up.

These were the flowers that were delivered to me at my house.
I wish I had been at home when I had gotten them.

The weather has been rainy and nasty on and off all dat Friday and Saturday.
I have a wicked headache.

I need a dark room.
We believe it is a Sinus Headache.
I have taken the medication and I am praying it will finally go away.
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Friday night I went to Best Buy to spend my gift cards.

I bought PC Games and DVDs.

Hmmm, I watched Sixteen Candles.

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Things have been okay.

I surprised my parents by my gifts I had gotten for them. Not one person
Other than Tim (I also had gotten him a computer flight stimulation game) received a
Gift card from me.

Christina (Warren’s GF) got a necklace and earrings set, a black sexy top, and a red sexy top. Then a few misc. things along with stocking stuffers.

Warren (my brother) got two XBOX games (Halo2 and a Star Wars game), a few shirts, misc. items and stocking stuffers.

Larry (my step-dad) got some clothing. A couple of shirts, button down shirt, sweat jacket, a couple pair of nice shorts, a DVD on Vietnam (documentary), misc. things and stocking stuffers.

Mom got a fleece sweater from Old Navy, animal print bag (like 4 in 1), a lot of body lotion, bubble bath stuff from Bath and Body Works in the Mall, a CD, misc. items and stocking stuffers.

Larry & Mom got together a Video Recorder, an extra battery, and 8 cartridges.

Many other people got smaller items.

Christmas Day started out in the bad way.

Christina and Warren fighting when they showed up here from work.

I stormed off into my room.
Larry was pulling weeds in the back yard.

My mother went out and told them they were not ruining our Christmas.
She said it was when she saw my face then I stormed into my room and slammed my door.

My brother just was upset. He gave me the gift cards he had for our presents.
He was leaving.

I was very upset. I was going to start crying.

They stayed but it was a strain.
I guess they made up later on after snide remarks on both their sides.

After the drama on Thanksgiving and then this drama for this Christmas I am rather annoyed at adults who act so selfish.

I ended up taking a nap while they were still here.
Then most of the rest of the day I slept, a lot.

I got lots of new DVDs.
I got gift cards to Best Buy.
I got money.
I got clothing. NICE
I have like at least 15-18 DVDs.
Some I bought for myself.
I bought Pirates (computer game)
I also bought Sims: Bustin out for PS2.
Magazines and books.

I watched Can’t Buy Me Love, American Graffiti, and The Osbournes 2 ½ (watching right now).

Tomorrow I return to work for a 3 day work week.


I can't wait until February.
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People can suck and then help out when times are bad!

Hello to all,

*name withheld* home was robbed yesterday afternoon of all their Christmas presents. All presents ***** had for her son under the tree and those she and her son had received from their family were stolen.

I understand this is a difficult time of year for most, but if you could find it in your heart to give a little monetary donation to help **** replace some of the presents it will be greatly appreciated. I am collecting the money and have a card for you to sign if you wish on my desk. Please do not approach **** at this time as she is currently still very upset about the circumstances. I will be presenting her with our collected donations tomorrow afternoon following lunch if you would like to be present and offer your support.

Thank you for your help.

This happened to 4-5 houses in my neighborhood.
They suspect this girl who had babysat for all these people.
She started to hang out with the bad crowd of people.

One, I have no sympathy for this girl.
Throw her in jail and let her rot.
Yes, I do know her. People go oh she is so nice and just started to hand out with the wrong crowd. I found out it was the girl whose SCUMMY family lived one house down from mine for years. The entire family is scum. They went through our mail. They were the ones we and other neighbors would have to call the police and animal control on at least 2-3 times a week for years. The one I told you about who let her pit bull out and it ran after a neighbor who was pushing her baby in a carriage and friend who was walking the dog. Her dog caused the baby carriage to tip over. Her answer to them telling and screaming at her to keep her dog in or leased. “Walk down another street”
Parties until 3-4-5am in the morning. SCREAMING SCREAMING that they want to do vulgar things to one another. Meanwhile, the lady next door has a 3 year old son who can’t sleep. Driving recklessly on a residential street. Like 60MPH when it is 20MPH.

NOT only that they targeted the people this girl baby sat for.
Therefore, these were children she took care of.

One of the people who got robbed was a couple of houses down.
So, any ways, yesterday alone they raised around $1600 for this lady.
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My HAIR before I frosted it.

My HAIR after being frosted!



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I think the world should be hugged or smacked around
Where do I start.

Things have been wonderful for me.
I always do think positive.
I had my hair highlited again and this time it is a lot more blonde.

I have had so many compliments and actually been hit on quite a few times.
(Well, in the last few months I have been hit on quite a bit)
So, I suposse it looks pretty good though.
Even I have looked at myself in the mirror and was like “I look pretty good”

Work has been horrible.
People have been snapping at each other.
They have been rude to one another.
They have been hateful to one another.
The Pity Me Attitude (I am so busy and so this and that) should be stopped by the upper management.
However, it is some of the upper management that are the ones doing this as well.
Everyone has had a hard year. We all went through the Hurricane Whammy this year.
Some have lost loved ones. Some have been forced to move out of their houses due to Hurricane Damage.
Some have had illnesses and family memebers who are ill. Some have had finicial difficulties.
Yet, they are the more upbeat ones. It is the people that haven’t had hardly anything like that, who are being
the jerks. One lady has had all those things happen to her and her family. However, she is still managing with a positive attitude.

One of the supervisors felt my outfit was too sexy.
I checked it with Human Resources and was told I was within the guidelines and not even warranted for anything.
My supervisor walked up and grabbed my blouse between my breast and tugged my blouse and asked “Don’t you think
that is a bit revealing.” Even though my supervisor may be a woman she should NEVER have grabbed me there and sticking her hands down
my blouse. Then she said that someone might grab me. Whack Job? So, I replied “Like you are grabbing me?” She backed off. However, she did this in the hallway and she did it in front of another co-worker.
This is a government agency. We do follow a dress code. I was within that dress code. She was out of line with what she did and where she touched me. Not only to mention that just because I look sexy it doesn’t mean I should dress frumpy.


Oh, and I was snapped at a few times and then yelled at.
Then the person that did that realized that what they thought they were snapping at me for wasn’t the case.
TOO LATE! You didn’t let me finish a question, you proceeded to snap/yell at me in front of others. Then you make the remark in passing that you thought I had been asking about something else.

Well, you can take your witchy attitude and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

A few people have mentioned that they think that the supervisor has been like this because I look great. I have the promotion.
I am liked by everyone. I get along with everyone. I have a lot of people who stop by me to say hello to me and to ask me questions about work related issues instead of talking to her. I even get a lot of the upper management (from other departments) that will come to me.
Maybe if she was nicer then people would want to talk to her.

I am so happy though.

I bought a DVD/VCR player last week.
I gave my DVD player to my mother.
I also bought Space Camp, but I already have that.
Darn it.
I also bought That 70s Show (1st Season)
I love that show. FUNNY STUFF

I got my parents present today.
I bought them a Analog Video Recorder.
I bought the Litium Battery.
I bought the tapes (They are expensive).

I also bought my mother some things from Body Works.
I found that this year the women were so easy to shop for.
The men are so difficult to shop for.

I am thinking of buying Halo 2 for my brother.
I am also thinking of buying him a gift card and maybe a nice shirt.

My step-dad will be getting the video recorder for Christmas.
However, I will need to buy somethings for him as well.

That is just Warren, Larry & Tim for Christmas.

OH, and I will be buying a gift or two for this man at mom’s job who works 3 jobs and has a wife and three yr old son.
I will be probably be getting a Gift Card for the parents at a Grocery Store and then a toy or two for the child.
My mother gave them 2 large bags of clothes I had gotten rid of.
A lot of nice clothes. So, the wife has new clothing.
Plus, I have a few toys (between mom & I ) that will be going towards a toy drive.
I also have someone here whom I will surprise.
Maybe two people.

Any ways, not much else going on.
HUGS and I hope that all is well with everyone!


This was so sad and so disturbing.;=HOME&TEMPLATE;=DEFAULT

OMG, I am still in shock.
I am still numb.
I just feel so DISGUSTED.
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Name: Karla's
Website: Meow
Back January 2005