Britney's LiveJournal
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Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded in Britney's LiveJournal:

    Wednesday, September 13th, 2000
    6:43 pm
    Hey, this is Brit and i haven't written in like o long!! Anyways, i was really busy, work and stuff. Kimmi's in school, so i have no one to talk to on these cold lonely nights sitting in front of the computer. My bf broke up with me, so i'm like heartbroken. I miss him so much and wish that he was here right now. I'll just sing Where you are and hope he's there where i am. That's all for now, folks, i'll talk to you laterz.
    pS: did you guys see Britney Spears on teh VMA's? What a slut is all i have to say. OMG, i hate her dirtying up my name. She also needs to get her grimy little hands off of Justin.

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: I need you by LeAnn Rimes
    Monday, August 21st, 2000
    7:07 pm
    Hey im here!!!!
    This is Britney giving you another boring update in my life. I really haven't done anything, so i dunno what to write. Anyways, i want to just tell whoever reads this to watch me Tuesday night or Aug 22nd on Fox2. Yep, i'm there and on camera. SO watch it and see me(For reals!!!!)

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Don't let me be the last to know by britney
    Friday, August 18th, 2000
    9:23 am
    Hey everyone!!!
    This is Britney giving you another update in my life. If you actually wait every day to read this, i feel really sorry for you. Anyways, i feel so sorry for kim. She had a stupid stalker. she had to change her email address and everything. She was really scared cuz of how crazy he was. I dunno if she wrote about him, so check out her journal by pressing the friends thingy up there. oh well, i have to go. Moving again and i have to pack, so bye

    Current Mood: stressed
    Current Music: SOmetimes by Britney Spears
    Thursday, August 17th, 2000
    4:57 pm
    hey everyone!!!!
    This is Britney. I'm so mad at this guy i could kill him. He totally is a b***** i can't wait to kill him online and oh man i feel really mad right now. so i won't write anymore and go kill him

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Current Music: The real slim shady by Eminem
    Tuesday, August 15th, 2000
    9:54 am
    Hey everyone!!
    This is Britney!! Hey, sorry for not writing for so long. I was sooooo tired and slept for a whole day. I'm still tired, but i have volleyball tryouts today. I still think that they're gonna cut me, but that's ok. That's all for now but i'll talk later.

    Current Mood: giggly
    Current Music: Genie in a bottle by Christina Agullaira
    Sunday, August 13th, 2000
    2:32 pm
    Hey, y'all!!
    I'm here and i have nothing to write. I just went to a pool party and it was great!! We watched Undercover Angel, Here on Earth(With that cutie Josh Harnett!!) and the beach( with that ugly gay guy, Leo something) Anyways, all i can say is that im beat. I didn't get to sleep until 4 in the morning, then had to get up at seven for church. I almost fell asleep in church, thank god my friend slapped me up the side of the head when i started snoring. Well, that's it for now. I wish i could say more, but i can't so oh well. Bye

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: All the small things by Blink 182
    Friday, August 11th, 2000
    7:48 pm
    Ok, everyone that keeps emailing me or commenting saying that i'm britney Spears. I am NOT, i repeat, NOT her. I just want to make that clear, y'all. So, you can still talk to me, but I'm not Britney Spears!!

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: Sometimes, by Britney Spears
    2:18 pm
    Last night totally rocked. I had fun at my usual job, so it was lots of fun!! I got to sing and dance my butt off, my two fave things to do. Well, we're almost to the next hotel, so i can't say anything else. I'll write more later.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Born to make you happy, Britney Spears
    Thursday, August 10th, 2000
    7:56 pm
    I only have a sec because Fe is hurrying me. See, Fe, now you're in my journal as the lady who hurries me around. Well, anyways, if you are thinking about commiting sucidce, then i want you to read the journal of a girl named Kim. She's a really good friend of mine. I just called her about a few minutes ago and she told me that she was about to commit sucicde. I told her that she shouldn't because she'd break my heart and everyone else that cares for her, like her parents and friends. Kim thankfully didn't commit sucide. Her screen name is justinsgirl777. To see it, just go to the top of the page where it says Friends or something like that and it will give you her journal. Thanks, but i have to go. I'm coming Fe, ok, TJ, i'll get off.

    Current Mood: rushed
    Current Music: None becuase they're rushing me!!
    4:59 pm
    Wow, i just got this and this is so cool. I can like tell everyone how i feel on stuff and stuff. Well, my name is Britney and i'll try to keep up on this, but i'm usually pretty busy, so we'll just have to see about that. I get to go to Europe this year. It's going to be so cool. I'm going with a whole bunch of friends and we're going to have a blast!! I really miss my boyfriend right now, so you know who you are, baby. I miss you and love you!!! I guess that's all for today. I'll try to write tomorrow while im on the bus. Bye!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Are you gonna be there by *NSYNC