Tuesday, 08 February 2005
9:16 am - Now I tried to play it along, And act like I was havin' a ball, But what do I see? A perm with feet
Sunday was a great day - it was fast and testimony meeting. I got up and bore my testimony pretty quick - there was only one real pause in the whole meeting. I mentioned my hospital visit and bore testimony of the power of the
Monday I was beating my head against the wall for a while getting some programming done for Dad. Long day.
I don't know quite how soon I'll be moving to Atsugi yet, but Dad's been in touch, and it may be quicker than planned!
Dad's been sick these past few days, I don't know if these chills are from what he has or if the Crohn's is just doing its thing. I feel hot (which is a little unusual), and the pain level is varying up to 1 out of 10) Sure wouldn't mind being normal.
I'm telling you, I saw the HAND... *giggles*
Current mood: lethargic Current music: MC Hammer - Addams Groove
3 statements made | Make a statement
Sunday, 06 February 2005
7:59 pm
Too tired to think right now... entry coming on later, but here's a meme I've borrowed from aeolianafay:
Would you ever: ( ) go out with me? ( ) give me your number? ( ) let me kiss you? ( ) have sex with me? ( ) watch a movie with me... even a really sappy one? ( ) let me take you out to dinner? ( ) drive me somewhere/anywhere? ( ) be my gf/bf? ( ) have a fling with me? ( ) listen to me if I called you, crying, even if you were out with all of your friends? ( ) buy me a drink if I didn't have money? (non-alcoholic, because I don't drink) ( ) take me home for the night? ( ) let me sleep in your bed? ( ) sing car karaoke with me? ( ) sit in the doctor's office with me because I didn't want to go alone? ( ) come and pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere? ( ) re-post this for me to answer your questions?
Current mood: schleepyyyyzzzz...
2 statements made | Make a statement
Saturday, 05 February 2005
12:02 am - It's the blind leading the blond... So where is the hope and where is the faith and the love...
Friends List Mix CD Meme
1) Pick a song that you love that you want me to forever associate with you. 2) Comment and tell me what song that is. 3) If I respond and don't have the song, send it to me (preferably via yousendit.com to csjewell at online dot ie, but IM , e-mails, whatever works...) so I can sample some of your favorite artists! 4) Post this in your journal so you can make a mix that reminds you of the people that you love/like the most in the entire world.
I like this idea. If you want to use my song to start the one you make up, just ask me to send you the (extended) version of the Star Trek: Enterprise theme [Russell Watson, "Faith of the Heart"]
(just as I like a show, it gets cancelled, too! UPN announced it Wednesday, so there'll no new episodes after May 2005! only 4 seasons!)
Current mood: creative Current music: U2 - If God Will Send His Angels (City of Angels OMPS)
Make a statement
Friday, 04 February 2005
11:37 pm - Honey, I'm back, my head's killing me, I need to relax and watch TV...
One of these super-long entries... so I'll break it up.
[Tuesday] Well, last few days have been hectic - with the bill-paying and everything.
I like this quote: "The New York Times annually sums up this resistance to reality when it runs a story wondering with violent crime at an all-time low why so many people are in prison" (John Ashcroft)
Today [Friday] wasn't the best of days - I may have had a little too much blueberry crisp last night, and I forgot to take my morning meds until noon, so I've been in low-level pain (1 of 10) all day. Tylenol and lots of relaxation does a good job of covering it up, but it is finally left at 9:30pm! Hurrah! I just let brother #3 (maybe I should use first initials...), Ro----, make dinner tonight - hot dogs and french fries, instead of the tuna casserole I was planning to make. I'll make it tomorrow - maybe they'll leave me enough for after my fast is over. [I'll be fasting for lunch and dinner on Saturday, since my morning meds require me to eat, instead of breakfast and lunch on Sunday]
I'll finally be off the antibiotics, too... maybe things will get back to normal!
Everybody liked the blueberry crisp last night, just as they liked the quesadillas I made Monday night! I figure I'm getting to be a fair-to-middling cook. Boxes make things easy, but I had to throw away the box for the crisp and make the topping from scratch (I have a very good "educational cookbook" to help - if you don't know how to cook well, I recommend getting it) and it still turned out nicely. (the box had bugs in it - they happen here really easy. I've had to throw away 3 boxes of different things this week. That's one way to go through food, although not the way I prefer!
I'm compiling my own "personal cookbook" on the computer of recipies I've tried and liked. It's just not really much fun cooking in any depth for one person, so I didn't do much but from boxes (and in the microwave 70% of the time at that) while I was in Missouri. Here, cooking for my family, is a lot funner! I take pride in cooking different things for the family - either from scratch or from boxes and cans.
Speaking of boxes and cans, we're going to have to eat our food stocks down, because we're most likely going to be moving soon! It is now "public" that we're likely to be moving to mainland Japan soon (probably in 3 months or so) and it'd probably be a good idea to cut down on what we bring with! We have a lot of dessert boxes I can use (if I used 2 a week, I think we have 3 moinths worth of cakes, pie crusts, (and we have cans of filling for the pie crusts), muffins, and cheesecakes!) plus a lot of canned veggies. Other stuff we will need to buy more before the trip, and the freezer stuff has been reduced (with Mom being gone a lot, I use it and I'm not replacing very much of it) to where we're buying frozen veggies and meats every so often.
I haven't really studied the State of the Union address yet, but I want to soon... one of these minutes when I have free time.
Hopefully Mom will be back Tuesday afternoon - she had a colonoscopy almost 24 hours ago [her Thursday morning, my Friday o-dark-thirty] - so I'll call her tomorrow and find out what's up. If everything went well, she's going to try and get on the plane at Seattle Sunday night her time.
The chart is working really well - I'm trying to remember the quote... "performance measured is performance improved"... :)
In another moment... I was on hold for 30 minutes plus Wednesday calling LDS Church headquarters in Salt Lake - and I'm paying (but getting reimbursed by my branch) 5 cents per minute for the call! Grrr... but at least I got the answer to the problem finally! I had a speakerphone and a long phone cord, so I just put the phone down, set it on speaker, and started folding clothes! Good way to "double-bill" my personal time allotment!
(I had to call them with a computer question about one of the programs they write (and I therefore use) as part of being a clerk. Got their e-mail address now, so I shouldn't have to call so much in the future.)
Current mood: long Current music: Shania Twain - Honey, I'm Home
Make a statement
Sunday, 30 January 2005
8:38 am - When he said to lift each other, reach out to one another, do all that I can...
Saw The Incredibles last afternoon - I liked it a lot... VERY good movie. Highly recommended. (second site) I like the line that Elastigirl says to her daughter - "You have more power than you realize...". (Violet reminds me of myself (only without the long hair *giggles*) when I was that age - I'm a lot better than I used to be.)
Did the shopping yesterday afternoon before the movie - we rushed through the commissary. Dad does not like to shop, believe me. Missed about 6 things I wanted to get. Oh, well, the meals I was planning to use that stuff for will have to wait until later on in the week when I can get back there again.
I've made up a chart for myself - I've got personal habits that need improving, (exercising 4x/week, having better meals, prayer and scripture study, and teeth) and while I got started after the hospital visit, I figured it was time to make a chart, so I've done that this morning. Strike while the iron is hot and I have all that energy from being on prednisone - I'll be off it in a month and a half or so! Prednisone has the pain-killing effect of codiene and the boost in energy of 500mg caffiene or so, but without the gut-killing effect for me. [A lot of people say it depresses them instead - I don't have that problem.] Makes me feel like 102% instead of my usual even-in-perfect-health 98%. I have to remember to still watch myself. That and it's hard to sleep more than 5 hours a night now where I'd normally want 8 to 9.
To do today:
1. Make cinnamon rolls. (It'll be fun) 2. Get changed for Church - I've got everything printed out I need to. 3. Make a lunch to bring. 4. Go to church - do all the usual stuff (presidency meeting before, then services, then clerk work afterwards...) 5. The rest of the stuff on the chart.
1. Pay bills in morning. ...
( Blood Meme )
Current mood: happy Current music: Sharlene Wells Hawkes - To Be There
Make a statement
Saturday, 29 January 2005
10:37 am - And they're not gonna hold me down no more, no they're not gonna change my mind...
Okay. The hospital stay. Finally.
( L-O-N-G entry... )
That's it for now... I'll update more on the past few days in the next post I can do.
Current mood: bouncy Current music: Russell Watson - Faith Of The Heart (Star Trek: Enterprise Theme)
14 statements made | Make a statement
2:25 am - 'Cause I've got faith of the heart, I'm going where my heart will take me... I can do anything...
Earlier today, I was looking around on Wikipedia, and ran into a Star Trek entry that linked to Memory Alpha - I eventually arrived at the entry on Enterprise (which I haven't seen - I'm going to see if it's on AFN) and downloaded the .ogg versions of the theme - they're great! Downloading MP3 versions right now so I can put them on a CD that'll go in my CD player [I have a CD player that'll play 180-song MP3 CD's].
At any rate, I put the text below.
( Faith Of The Heart )
I'm just too tired to type the hospital entry right now, we'll see when I get to it. Soon, for sure!
Did cook, do laundry, call Mom (actually, she called me) and made the shopping list up - Dad didn't want to Shop until Saturday morning. And I've started on the hospital entry in Notepad. So 3 and 3/4 out of 6?
Current mood: good Current music: Russell Watson - Faith Of The Heart (Star Trek: Enterprise Theme)
4 statements made | Make a statement
Thursday, 27 January 2005
11:52 pm
[17 Jan] Well, Dad picked up the mail yesterday, so I finally got the Christmas cards. Thanks, lynsey, strryeyedgrrl, gnomeygirl, and one other I can't figure out right now (from Minnesota, could it be puffpastry?)
( Quiz )
[27 Jan] Well, it was time for another hospital visit, it seems. (mentioned it earlier)
Last year I went to the hospital on January 21st and stayed in for 3 days (Wednesday through Saturday) and this year I went in on January 20th and stayed in for 3 days again (this time Thursday through Sunday) I hope going to the hospital in January doesn't become a habit.
It takes me a week to write the "hospital" entries... I know what I want to say, but I'm still not writing it yet. Can't type like I'd like right now... this keyboard is too loud for 11:30 at night. What I might do is handwrite it, and then type it out tomorrow while Dad's at work.
I'm caught up on chores, so that should make it easier to do now. Problem is, the kids are out of school tomorrow (end of semester was today) so they'll want on. Oh, well. I'll try.
To do tomorrow:
1. Call Salt Lake about a problem with the computer at Church. (do before gets too late central time - probably before 10am my time) 2. Write journal entry about hospital visit. 3. Do laundry. (didn't do today, so I'll have to do two loads of colors, and probably one of whites. I've got to plan on one load of colors every day except Sunday, and a load of whites every 4 days.) 4. Eat - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What to cook? 5. Call Mom in Oregon - Plan which bills to pay this next two weeks with Mom (who won't be getting back until 8 Feb, at least - more on why in next entry) 6. Do shopping (in evening with Dad? try to talk brother #2 into it in the morning?) (need someone with ID to go with. Also need money.) Remember to pick up shampoo and telephone cord at exchange.
4 statements made | Make a statement
Monday, 24 January 2005
1:03 am - Just got out of hospital 12 hours ago.
Saturday, 08 January 2005
6:58 am - Tin soldiers and Nixon coming... four dead in Ohio
I read about this song in the Wikipedia entry linked to above. Hey, I like it! It's interesting!
At any rate, cleaning has been cracked. :) What's left is the computer area, dishes, a little bit in my room, and Dad's bed. (I'm not done washing his bedding yet. That's the room I lived in while he was gone rather than sharing my own with brother #3 - why not? Nobody else is here!) I can get that done before 10:30!
Forgot to mention I went to a baptism last Saturday! Went VERY well... this was a lady I was surprised to hear was NOT a member of the Church yet (she'd been going for 3 years), and she finally took the plunge!
Current mood: calm before the storm Current music: Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young - Ohio
10 statements made | Make a statement
Friday, 07 January 2005
10:04 am - The book of love has music in it, in fact that's where music comes from...
A good quote, from the movie Shall We Dance:
Why is it that people get married?
Because we need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet. What does any one life really mean?
But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything: The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things, All of it, all the time, every day.
You're saying "Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed - because I will be your witness."
Sometimes, it makes me sad that I don't have that friend - that witness to my life yet. My family helps. But that's part of the reason why I was depressed earlier in the week. (My family wasn't here to help - but Dad and my little brother willl be back tomorrow [Saturday] so I've got to get cracking on the cleaning!)
Then as soon as I got un-depressed, I had to start hurting from the Crohn's for a few days (which is another part of the reason why I was depressed - it's been up and down for a month now!).
But things are all right now.
Current mood: decent Current music: Peter Gabriel - Book Of Love
4 statements made | Make a statement
Saturday, 01 January 2005
10:04 am - Where's the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
( Finally, the answer list: )
No, I won't do a 2004 review entry! So don't ask!
Yeah, my week has had it's ups and downs.
Oh, my sister got me Return of the King: Extended Edition for a late Christmas present while I was out shopping Thursday morning! (she knew THAT was certainly on the list, but it didn't get here until after Christmas!)
More later, if I remember!
Current mood: tired Current music: Footloose Broadway Cast - Holding Out for a Hero.mp3
4 statements made | Make a statement
Thursday, 23 December 2004
8:14 pm - A Child, a Child, shivers in the cold, let us bring Him silver and gold...
Just finished cooking hamburger helper for my brother - he's been asking for 2 days - but this is the first day I've really been up to my usual "98%" level to do it.
You want a second try at guessing those songs now that I'm feeling better? Here they are! I'll put up answers Sunday morning my time (Christmas night Stateside time), and this time I'll leave the comments open! Numbers 2 through 5, 13, 14, 18, 20, 23 and 27 are open to "internet research" - they're fair but tough. But mention if you used it.
( The Songs... )
Current mood: sympathetic Current music: Martina McBride - Do You Hear What I Hear
2 statements made | Make a statement
8:05 pm - When the tortured are sane... When the voiceless can sing... We’ll be walking high above the world.
Well, the doctor's appointment Tuesday had it's pluses and minuses. He wants to see me in a week (rather than my usual 3 or 4) - he also increased my Pentasa - I now have to take it 4 times a day (so I'm up to 18 pills again) and if the pain and diarrhea doesn't clear up in a week, I'll be going on Flagyl or Cipro to see if there's an infection to clear up. But maybe I'm finally getting better - we will have to see.
Today (Thursday) I did the grocery shopping (forgot the Easy Mac and the waffles YET AGAIN!), mailed off two Christmas packages (one at the US post office on base for my grandparents, one at a Japanese post office for my brother), and paid October's phone bill (We just got November's 3 days ago - it's gone down because everybody was home. December's will go up again! We get them the 21st of the next month, and they're overdue 30 days after that. I've just been sick.)
Monday's Singles Branch Family Home Evening was fun, especially since we had it at my place! I gave out directions in the bulletin 2 Sundays ago, and 11 people showed up - not bad for the first time, and me not being one of the "branch presidency", who everybody knows where lives. Well, technically I am, being the clerk. At any rate, I had 2 pie plates of apple crisp ready for dessert, opening and closing music prepared, and somebody else was bringing the lesson and drinks (I had been too sick the 4 days before to prepare the lesson like I planned AND get the place fit for company!)
This has been an inspirational song for me lately - I want to see the movie it's used in and read the book that the movie was based on. They both look good!
( The inspirational song... )
Current mood: calm Current music: Sting - Freak The Mighty ("The Mighty" OMPS)
3 statements made | Make a statement
Sunday, 19 December 2004
6:48 pm - And can you hear the angels near, and see the star so bright?...Think of His life and words so dear?
Friday, 17 December 2004
10:09 am
Tuesday, 14 December 2004
3:41 pm - Stolen gratefully from frezzen!
- on your current playlist, hit shuffle and pick the first thirty-five songs on the list (no matter how cheesy or embarrassing).
- write down one line of the song. try to avoid putting the song title in the line.
- have your friends comment and see if they know the songs. (NO CHEATING!)
- when someone guesses correctly, strike out the line and list the correct name of the song next to it.
Ok I changed the rules a bit, too. I put all of my MP3s in a playlist and hit random. All 1708 of them. I didn't have a playlist up at the time! And I did 25. (was getting tired by then! 35 is too long.)
- I could be happy, I could be quite naive / It's only me and my shadows happy in our make believe
- If only night can hold you where I can see you, my love / Then let me never ever wake again
- All of the treasures on earth / not equal the smile of a child in its worth
okay, you get a hint. You'll need it. This is on an album called "Primarily for Christmas"
- Something was missing until you came along / And someone's been wishing you would fill their heart with song
- 'Cause all I can do is watch and wonder where the boy I know has gone / You say that you want me, well it's time to tell your friends where they belong
- I want to live, I want to run through the jungle / the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace, / To a place where we'll be safe .. Josh Groban and Charlotte Church or Celine Dion and Andrea Bochelli - The Prayer - frezzen
This is my heart, bleeding before you, / This is me down on my knees. Jewel - Foolish Games - erinjanelle
- You can't roll a rock, up a hill that steep. / You can't pull roots when they run that deep
I want to walk with you on a cloudy day / In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - chirogrl
Final Fantasy X OMPS - 125 - Daughter Of The High Summoner I have instrumentals. When they got hit, I gave you a freebie.
Final Fantasy X OMPS - 320 - My Father's Murderer
- Stars appear / The moment you are near
- You've got me dancin' and cryin' / Rollin' and flying
And now you question my integrity? / Is that any way to treat your future wife? Saturday's Warrior OMPS -Will I Wait For You - mamaslyth
Well, we barely made the airport for the last plane out / As we taxied down the runway I could hear the people shout Don Henley - All She Wants To Do Is Dance - frezzen
- Hung my tears out to dry / Then my dreams fell out of that clear blue sky
- I thought you were somebody I could trust / You always said you were happy for us
- Now I can't deny / You're the moth and I'm the flame
Hilary Duff - Anywhere But Here - nazihalosadist
- Once, in the care of morning / In the air was all belonging.
I want to stand with you on a mountain / I want to bathe with you in the sea Savage Garden - Truly, Madly, Deeply - erinjanelle
- How did I get you / How come all this blue sky is around me / And you found me
- Now that I'm here, now that I'm on the other side / Now that I know love wasn't only in my mind
- Time is precious and it's slipping away / And I've been waiting for you all of my life (ohh)
Final Fantasy OMPS - 203 - Sending To Another Dimension This one is a chant - it wouldn't be fair!
- And you'll be smiling back at me / Only then will I be free
- Close your mind to stress and pain, / fight till you're no longer sane
A really fun one! GET IT!
Guess mine is not the first heart broken, / my eyes are not the first to cry Olivia Newton-John - Hopelessly Devoted To You (from Grease OMPS) - rainfully
Current music: LOTS!
Make a statement
2:00 pm - Maybe I don't have the blond hair you like, or maybe I don't have eyes like the sky...
Happy birthday, mamaslyth, gummybearqueen, and gnomeygirl! (Yes, mamaslyth, I know I'm late... but I started writing this entry 3-4 days ago...)
Hmmm... noticed this on Wikipedia's home page today (3 days ago, I think):
Did you know...
From Wikipedia's newest articles: ...that up to 70 percent of the small intestine can be surgically removed as a treatment for Crohn's disease before short bowel syndrome becomes a factor?
Didn't know that (I thought the line was at 40-50%...) Nice to know.
At any rate, Dad and brother #2 are on the plane to head where Mom is - all I've got is brother #3 and my sister. (brother #1 is in Sendai, and will be for more than a year) Should be relaxing after the hectic day and a half I've had getting them set up to go. (I think I hear their plane taking off right now [13:55] - but then, it could be a fighter, too. I haven't learned how to tell yet.)
THIS Sunday I fell asleep after church waiting for my branch president to get done with his interviews... but I got most of the work done. We have district conference on Saturday and Sunday, we're cooking cookies for the missionaries and other people on Saturday also, and Monday, the singles branch is having their family home evening here (I mentioned it to Mom, she's all right with it!) So I'll have a busy weekend, but I'll have a few days to get caught up first, and not as many people to make the "regular household chores" bigger, either!
LAST Sunday - I still have to get to, but since I need to get this entry done before I'm late on the OTHER 2 birthdays, I'll wait on the entry describing it.
One funny thing happened last Wednesday I've been forgetting to mention: I called a friend at the other end of the base (sone church business, some friendly conversation), and I heard a plane taking off through her phone, and about 15 seconds later, heard it "in the air" and SHE heard it through the phone. We both got a kick out of that - she hadn't had that happen to her, either!
( 3-part quiz )
Current mood: finally! Current music: M2M - Girl Of Your Dreams
7 statements made | Make a statement
Saturday, 11 December 2004
9:16 am
Thursday, 09 December 2004
9:38 pm
It's been a long few days...
Mom left Tuesday night, so my Monday and Tuesday were spent running around with her getting stuff done (and writing down the stuff that NEEDS to get done). Therefore, Wednesday and Thursday were spent either half-tired or doing housework, or both. (half-tired housework is NOT well-done housework, let me tell you!)
Two of my friends from church left on the same plane to go see THEIR parents. Funny how life works that way. I should ask Mom if she ran into them!
At any rate, back to my trip to Korea (which was a week ago now)
I was able to get 11 hours of sleep that night - wish I had had two nights of that, I would have been COMPLETELY caught up! Not to be, unfortunately. Had to leave that day. I went to a 7-11 near the subway stop for breakfast, took a shower, changed into dress clothes, repacked (to get the stuff into the right pockets), counted my money, called Mom, and headed out. It turned out I had enough money to go downtown first, so I went to the Eujiro 4-san stop and walked around for a bit and took pictures. (1200₩) Then I went to the Sinchon stop to go to the Temple, (900₩) intending to stop at the McDonalds on the way. Of course, no English on the menu, so I asked for what I thought was a chicken sandwich combo, "point and pray," for 3900₩. It wasn't. It was a veggie burger. I ate it (oh, well) and the rest of the stuff, and checked the time. EEK! 15 minutes later than I wanted to be - shouldn't have stopped and ate. Went as fast as I could to the Temple, but didn't make it in time. (I had to be there for the 1:30 session to have enough time to safely get back to the airport in... which means I have to get there by 1:15. I got there at 1:32!) Ran into a few missionaries while I was looking for the temple (I had turned one street too early) and they pointed me the right way. I got to brag on my brother being in Sendai on his mission, and I told them to keep up the good work! Took a few pictures and went immediately to the airport (I couldn't afford to go anywhere else by this point). 1000₩ subway to Gitmo Airport, then caught the 4500₩ bus to Incheon Airport. Bought some food there, had a picture drawn, called Mom. Asiana Airlines had an issue with me not having a return ticket OUT of Okinawa, but I got that taken care of, and went through Korean immigration to exit the country without problems. Walked the length of the airport once (I had LOTS of time!) before my flight was called. Flight was uneventful, other than the fact that I was almost the last person off the plane (because I was sitting in a window seat and the other people did not leave) but when I got back to Okinawa, Japanese immigration held me up for 15 minutes deciding whether to let me in the country. They did, finally (whew!) and I got picked up by Dad at 10:30 at night... Called Mom on the cell phone (she was worried about the immigration situation, considering what had happened on the way out) and let her know I was all right (I was, other than the pain was starting, with results tomorrow morning as described in the prevoius entry).
My sister wants the computer, so it's time for me to get off. My Sunday (which I do want to describe) will have to be the next entry I do (I'll try for later tonight or tomorrow).
I've got my pictures developed from that trip - I've just gotta find my CD that has them now! (wait until the next entry or the one after that, OK?)
Just a side note... This was interesting!
( And here's a quiz. )
Current mood: hectic
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