The Wayback Machine -
never look back II People Will Talk II A Battle That Can't Be Won II To Be So Brave + C Y B E R L O L A +
Mind over Matter
There's a battle that can't be won
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Last Public Notice
I spent many hours today making sure all but two posts (three including this one) will remain locked away forever in the friends only section of my Livejournal.

This Livejournal is permentally friends only and will remain so until its end.

::end last public notice::

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: tv

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BATTLE ROYALE book review part II
OK - I read it. It's a great book - the closest thing to Brave New World and 1984 that I'll ever get since I hate those books. Anywho - this is just because I promised to make the review today that I am doing it ~ I am not going to make it as nice or spoiler-section-proof ~ so bare with me. I am going by memory also because I am too lazy to go and get my book. Sorry.

MIMURA (the hacker) )

Kiriyama's Death )

Sakimochi/Kitano )

Oh - and there is no video Onee-chan in the novel.

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: n/a

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Battle Royal novel report #1
I am about half way through the book and I just wanted to make a public entry so that my non-LJ user friends as well as my LJ friends could use this as a reference for the differences between the Battle Royale novel and the Battle Royale movie. And boy - are there some differences! Generally - it is all going the same direction. The characterization was brillantly done in the movie, I can tell you that. Except Shuya is more of a pussy in the movie.
Otherwise - they're all pretty much accurate.

Don't worry - all spoilers have been cut! And if you don't want to read about a certain character/plot point but another ~ you can as I am deliberately catagorizing it.





CHIGUSA (the track team girl) )







So - there you have it. I don't know if I'll finish the rest and pull an all-nighter or what. Rest assured, some time tomorrow I will have the full update.

Current Mood: curious
Current Music: n/a

|| A Winner's Attitude
User: [info]onyxmoon
Name: Rachael
A World of Love
Back March 2005
Journal Theme: Mind Over Matter
We're doing what can't be done,
Mind over matter,
There's a battle that can't be won,
Mind over matter

Fight, and never say die,
We've got a right to satisfy,
With hope to be so brave
When there's a will that's gotta be alright

Sometimes it feels like we're losing altitude,
But I bear a winner's attitude

We're doing what can't be done,
Mind over matter,
There's a battle that can't be won,
Mind over matter