I am about half way through the book and I just wanted to make a public entry so that my non-LJ user friends as well as my LJ friends could use this as a reference for the differences between the Battle Royale novel and the Battle Royale movie. And boy - are there some differences! Generally - it is all going the same direction. The characterization was brillantly done in the movie, I can tell you that. Except Shuya is more of a pussy in the movie. Otherwise - they're all pretty much accurate. Don't worry - all spoilers have been cut! And if you don't want to read about a certain character/plot point but another ~ you can as I am deliberately catagorizing it. ( SHUUYA )
( CHIGUSA (the track team girl) )
So - there you have it. I don't know if I'll finish the rest and pull an all-nighter or what. Rest assured, some time tomorrow I will have the full update.
Current Mood: curious Current Music: n/a