So for the past couple of days my pug Molly ( molly_the_pug) has been having a hard time keeping food down, last night it was particularly bad and she was sick a few times throughout the night. So today I took her to the vet (with me in a completed panic of course) and she was given x-rays, a fecal smear and a complete examination...this was about $200 and everything checked out normal. I am incredibly relieved that she has nothing wrong but at the same time that is a lot of money! In any event, the vet felt that she ate something that disagreed with her tummy and sent her home. She did receive a shot of antacid (peptid AC) to soothe her stomach acid from so much vomiting, 1/2 tablet of peptid AC every 12 hrs for the next 24 hrs and I have her on soft food for a few days in case her esophogus is sore from throwing up. Now I consider Molly to be a 100% member of my family and I don't care how much it costs I will do everything possible to keep her healthy - even if I end up bankrupt. My husband and I are certainly not rich but we do okay for ourselves and are fully capable of caring for our pug, but I've been wondering...what about pet insurance? Does anyone here have pet insurance? What are your feelings/thoughts on it? Do you think it is worth the money? Is the deductable low enough that you can actually use it? x-posted to pug_pics and pugs