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Below is user information for David Phillips. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:dphilli1 (33151) Paid User dphilli1
Name:David Phillips
Location:Somerville, Massachusetts, United States
Bio:24yr old male software engineer. Triathlete. Gamer.
Memories:1 entry
Interests:14: aikido, bad action movies, biking, cooking, dvd, food, hiking, outdoors, outward bound, rpgs, running, sci-fi, sex, skiing. [Modify yours]
People89:allecto, amadea, antimony, avon, bester, binde, bostontx, bratling, brewergnome, brynndragon, carpenter, catling, chanaleh, cindy_lu, continuoboy, cos, cpolins, creed_of_hubris, dolohov, dphilli1, ecco90, eisenbud, elysdir, erasmus, eustaciavye, feline, franzeska, fraterrisus, greyhame, hovercraft, hrtsnthgts, internet_addict, io, irilyth, jadasc, jere7my, jhango, jnala, kazama, kyrademon, lady_xoc, laracrofty, libelula_azul, ljmatch, lsl, lyonesse, lysystrata, marphod, mbinde, meerkat299, musingsylph, nachtegal, oonh, oscuridad, pancua, pheromone, plymouth, psocoptera, pyrodon, raycho, rebeccapaul, rigel, samidha, samthecat, samwieszkto, saxifrage, scola, sfredphelps, sheepboyofchaos, shimmeringjemmy, sofer, some_kitten, srl, syren72, terras, theory_girl, tikva, tirerim, tiurin, trysha, tx, tzizimine, ukelele, upsilon, wayman, wispfox, wotan, wyndam, yulecat
Communities17:22pearsonvamp, adulternatives, aikido, arisia, b0st0n, boston_eats, compersion, davis_square, good_eats, ljsexchart, meeplets, polyamory, polyboston, roleplayers, sexexpert, swil, yummyfood
Feeds5:bbcnewsworld, circlingsquare, jedediah, oygevalt, scientific_amer
Friend of:59: amadea, antimony, bester, binde, blackisgreenis, bostontx, brewergnome, brynndragon, carpenter, catling, chanaleh, cindy_lu, continuoboy, cos, creed_of_hubris, dphilli1, ecco90, eustaciavye, franzeska, greyhame, hovercraft, hrtsnthgts, internet_addict, io, irilyth, jadasc, jere7my, jhango, lady_xoc, laracrofty, libelula_azul, marphod, meerkat299, oonh, oscuridad, pancua, pheromone, plymouth, psocoptera, pyrodon, rebeccapaul, rigel, samidha, samthecat, samwieszkto, saxifrage, scola, sheepboyofchaos, sofer, some_kitten, syren72, terras, theory_girl, tikva, tiurin, trysha, ultranurd, upsilon, wyndam
Member of:14: 22pearsonvamp, aikido, b0st0n, davis_square, good_eats, mba, meeplets, paidmembers, polyamory, roadies, roleplayers, sexexpert, sextips, swil
Account type:Paid Account

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