08:01pm 28/04/2005 |
music: junior senior - shake your coconuts
So I've had a myspace account for about 6 months now and i think i have realized what its all about.
Myspace is much different than Livejournal in the way that You never update your blog for Myspace. All you do is click on pictures of people you know, or people you think are cool, or people you think are hot and ask them if they wanna be your friend. Most oftenly they will say yes because Myspace is all one big game. The object of the game is to collect as many little "friends" pictures as possible, so when people goto your myspace page they will see how many "friends" you have. An example would be that my friend Aaron Horton (Mcar for those who aren't down with the 460) has 260 something friends. I, personally, have 29. It's kinda like if you mixed pokèmon with a popularity contest. Now, I'm sure that many people on Myspace actually use their accounts to keep in touch with eachother. There has been a case where a friend of mine asked me if i was going to Longwood to see Andrew W.K. The answer was yes, of course. But as a majority, i've seen little to no updates and barely anything except a few pictures and the 9 million bands that everyone likes.
Seriously. Randomly click on someone and most likely you will find that their favorite bands are those crazy bands whose names all sounds the same like "order of the dying orchid" and "un-chained be taught" or some shit like that.
ok, i'm done. |
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11:04pm 26/04/2005 |
Guess whos sick to the point of not going to work.
Tonight i shall spent time with my good friend nyquil.
and my other good friend, Sin City. |
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Darth Me. |
03:11pm 25/04/2005 |
Rob bought the Darth Vader Helmet. |
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02:03am 23/04/2005 |
I just had a thought that made me smile.
THEN, i had this thought which ALSO made me smile.
What if all the Peta people fought all the Scientologists in the world in cage match. Fight to the death.
back to work. |
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03:43am 21/04/2005 |
Take a look at this if you are not easily squimish or if you hate Peta.
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Right now is my Hyper ramble mode on yes it is. |
02:40am 20/04/2005 |
alright so check it. IOm at work right now, right? They made me come in because were busy and its my day off and they were all like, "come in to work because we need you to come in on your day offs." SOOO, i said OK and i came in because it was mandatory. So I take 3 calls and they tell me to go home early. AHHH, WACK.
Im like, BUSTED. one moment...I have to take this call.
alright, so This is my rant about coming in to work for "extra required over time" when they end up sending me home 3 hours into my daily work schedual.
Im about to go Booster gold on everyone here cuzz I'm sitting here on a wasted night off....Cuzz i'm a football player..FROM THE FUTUUUURE...
Ramble mode OFF> |
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02:40am 19/04/2005 |
http://www.angelfire.com/va2/cacoshipper/ my god, Look what i found.
Was i ever that young?
You see, about 6 or 7 years ago I ran this big Team rocket and Pokèmon webpage. it was huge. I have like 200 hits a day and a bunch of pictures and fan fics that I stole from other websites. ANYWAY, Rob and I(being the young bastards he and I were) had a fantastic idea to bring publicity to my website and also piss people off at the same time. We found out that many people out there thought that Jessie and James from Team Rocket should hook up. These people refered to themselves as Rocket Shippers. Bullshit. This is as much bullshit as those people who sit there and type out 500 page scripts for possible X-files episodes where Mulder and Scully or t-1000 hook up with eachother after an alien abduction or some guy who can grow his limbs back rips off his thumbs to get out of a pair of hand cuffs. I have no problems with people writing fan fics. I like fan fics. I've read a fair share of them. But I do somewhat have problems with the ones were people write stories about two characters hooking up and the entire plot of the story is where they hook up. Come on now....at least give it a subplot where there are like water demons and a dragon or something. Like that one where ron and hermione go to Hagrid's shack and make out. It didn't have any plot is was just about them hooking up. whaaaaaaaaat?
Alright, anyway...We decided to take our ferret at the time "Caco" and make him into a Pokèmon. Yeah...Small weasle as a monster that battles with other small monsters for no reason. it could be done. We also decided to completly bash on anyone who considered themselves to be rocket shipper oriented. So, we and our following became the Caco Shippers. I remeber we had like 20 members and people on all the important websites were saying i was a "Childish Dick with nothing better to do with my life." Yes, I agree. I was 12. But I still refuse to accept being called a childish dick from people who post on Pokèmon webpages and forums.
So theres a little of my back story on the website. Unfortunetly Angelfire has taken down my website about team rocket but left up the one about the Caco Shipping.
oh well, I quit now and will go back to "work". |
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10:35pm 18/04/2005 |
I have a broken nose.
It really hurts. |
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06:49pm 17/04/2005 |
Friday was amazing because I saw Andrew W.K. again for the 4th time.
I do believe half of lynchburg was there. I remember seeing almost everyone in our crew, most of O4a and half of the 2004 and 2005 graduating classes of Heritage High school.
Ahh..I'll update with the rest of everything when we finish filming this thing were filming.
Film school here i come. |
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10:17am 12/04/2005 |
alright...So normally i read Marvel comics...But i picked up the "Identity Crisis" thing from DC and that was awesome to the point i may contelmplate reading more DC.
THEN....I read the "infinate countdown" thing which is another thing they're putting out...all i can say is this.....
I cried, dude.
Seriously. |
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09:07am 07/04/2005 |
music: savage garden - to the moon and back
Alright so check it...it dawned on me whilst i was watching a god-awfully-amazingly-badly-stupendous fashion show yester eve.
I must start my book. So I did.
And guess what...I found a way to incorporate all my friends..Because its my what-if autobiography.
The what-if topic? What if I had amnesia. |
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05:56pm 05/04/2005 |
music: Bone crusher - never scared
Heeeey. Someone Put 460 Westevez, Falsetto America, and Fireghost(1 and 2.0) on www.wikipedia.com
Would you look at that? hmm
Also, Someone let me a message on my machine saying some rather rude comments about children and whores. My guess is that it was a wrong number since i don't recognize the # and the guy sounded pretty drunk..But who knows. Maybe someone is gonna break in and kill me? |
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06:36pm 03/04/2005 |
music: Dave Brockie Experience - damn that money
Alright, So we (we meaning every-fucking-body and their brother) are going to longwood college on friday the 15th to see the most amazing man in concert. For me, it will be the 4th time.
Andrew W.K.
I'm going to bring Mr. Senor Digital VIdeo Camera with us to see him so We can catch the whole thing on glorious video.
But apart from that, We officially are starting filming the movie on the 10th which is a monday. We are hoping to have finished the damned thing by the end of next month.
of course, by this time i need a dragon costume for multiple scenes...
oh well, I'm going to go do that thing. WOOO! |
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05:24pm 02/04/2005 |
music: jimmy eat world - work
AHHHHHHHHHHH. When will the pain stop?
THE HEAD BURNS WITH PAIN ONCE MORE. I thought I was done with headaches and migraines. I'm gonna pull an ultimate tony stark and get a brain tumor, watch.
ALSO, does anyone wanna go see Sin City tomorrow? tomorrow being SUNDAY. Remember? its that movie with that guy and that hot chick where they have guns and stuff? Yeah based on that comic book? yeah, that dude-guy said it was cooool.
So lets go.
alright, I'm out. |
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07:40am 02/04/2005 |
might i also say that last night a Jen Taylor (the voice of COrtana from Halo 1 and 2) called me at work and placed an order for a belt?
Might i also say that i asked her to say something like cortana and she said "Bet you can't stick it, Master chief."
I died. |
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04:26am 02/04/2005 |
mood: Beroused? is that a word?
The internet is truely an amazing thing.
now i must to work to do everyone's late night maintenances. |
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07:12pm 30/03/2005 |
I'm going to post a song and your job is to post back with another song that beats it.
So if i say "Wake me up" by WHAM!, YOU have to say something like "Take on me" by A-ha....get it? ALso, journey is not a valid addition because all their songs beat every other song known to man. Heres the starter song.
"MY WAY" by USHER. |
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06:41pm 30/03/2005 |
mood: cold music: steel dragon - stand up and shout
Damn that money. Damn that money go walkin' out my door.
Movie update.
The camera works phenominally. Editing softwrae also works great. Computer...not so great. Upgrade computer is the next step. Then we start filming. We are planning on making about 100 copies to distribute at Otakon 2005. I'm think we'll have me dressed in the Godzilla suit distributing them. I figure that if godzilla handed ME a dvd i'd watch it. Step two will be putting the movie for download online in low wuality and have it available in highwuality DVD format for FREE. Just click the button and we send you a copy free of charge and free of shipping. It will be a two disk set. Disk one will be the movie and disk two will be the special features, making of, outtakes, music videos, etc.
I am also going to attend film school if this movie is a success.
Dream movies to direct?
1. A godzilla film 2. A marvel super hero movie...Fantastic Four or the Avengers(god willing) 3. Hulk and Randy as a syndicated tv series. (a show about Macho man randy savage and Hulk Hogan as fueding neighbors) 4. Airport road the movie part two: the search for curly's gold.
and because i've nothing better to do...
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