Friday, February 4th, 2005

Time: 8:57 pm
90% on exam...yeah, i fuckin´rock, you don´t have to tell me...but you can if you want. it was the EXACT mark i was aiming for as first exam, i got 92%, the second i got 87% and i was determined to go back up with a tleast a 90%...and i did!!!

run me through 3 fatal wounds

Thursday, February 3rd, 2005

My kind of fairy
Time: 1:19 pm

run me through

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005

Time: 7:48 pm
i do not wish to study *pouts*

run me through

Time: 7:43 pm
bought a t-shirt for Susan as her b´day is on Sunday. Wanted to get something original...i think this sorta takes the cake for this is what it reads, no joke;

Feel it fly
A old man has a photo
he kees it very charin
ess beasue it is inportom to hi

it´s all pretty colours with little diamenties...really it´s a nice top...just really, REALLY strange.

run me through

Saturday, January 29th, 2005

Time: 7:32 pm
oh thank freakin´ God that the cold front has passed...well it´s still freakin´cold but i´m not having issues with seeing any more because my eyeballs are frozen and nor are my legs purple when i drop my dacks!
Coloured the mullet today...a nice copper i feel back to normal.
The river is now flowing again yay!

run me through 2 fatal wounds

Wednesday, January 26th, 2005

Time: 1:22 pm
It´s snowing, indeed it is. On friday night, the temp will be -15...that´s right, you did not misread. I´m in Andalusia for fuck´s sake...what the hell is going on?????
went and got my hair´s a mullet...there´s no other way to describe it...very patriotic i thought...but very stylish and a la mode!

That is all

Cross posted with my travel journal only they don´t know about it!

run me through

Time: 2:59 am
Have a virus and have been stuck in my room for the past 42 hours...they brought me chicken soup in bed though so yay!
I got a comment in one of my other journals from a friend who listed all the girls she knows from our year level at high shcool who now have´s rather disturbing...i mean, i know i´ve been out for 4 years now and 20-30 years ago, i probably wouldve been married alreayd with my own brood but dude...i just don´t know how they can give up their lives like that. if i was in their position, there´s no way i´d be over here having the time of my life...and i plan on doing this sort of thing until i really am too old to be doing, i guess no kids for me....notice the lack of disappointment on my part?


run me through 2 fatal wounds

Saturday, January 22nd, 2005

Time: 9:04 pm
Peanut butter soothes the soul

run me through

Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

Time: 4:24 pm
ok, so in Granada now and while my residence is pretty cool, it´s location leaves a lot to be desired. Yes, it´s in the middle of the city and yes it´s surrounded by heaps of shops and yes it´s fairly close the school BUT, when i was walking home the other night at about 11pm after tapas, i was heading towards my building and there were a bunch of punks hanging around with like 5 dogs or something, you know the type. Well, this really skanky woman starts heading my way and i´m freaking out but then when i get to the door of my building, she goes to the other side fo the street ( a whole 1.5 metres away) and squats over a drain. So she´s there right by me, pissing and i´m desperately trying to find the right key for the frist door. oh dear LORD!!!!!!

run me through

Thursday, December 23rd, 2004

Time: 9:09 pm
this came up in a convo i was having with Ashley online. we were talking about santa sending an elf down the chimney first to put out any fires.

AAAAAshley: Yeah, but I think he sends an elf down first to put it out... with their own elfy bum.
Seraphina83: lol...not pretty middle earth elves then? i sometimes wonder if "going to the west" was code for going getting a job at the north pole because your elfy parents kicked you out and said "you´re 3 friggin´hundred years old! go get a job!!!!"
AAAAAshley: No, see these are crosses between gnomes and elf folk. That's why they get kicked out. That's why they aren't as pretty either.
Seraphina83: lol, so they´re sponging of their olds AND they´re ugly
AAAAAshley: Yeppers.
Seraphina83: that sucks

i´d be one fo those ugly elves *head desk* i want a small butt for christmas!!!!!

run me through 4 fatal wounds

Time: 8:29 pm
Mood: FAT!!!!!!.
i´m such a porky...if i see another drop of oil, olive or otherwise, i shall keel over and die. once i have facilities to cook for myself, i´m going on a lentil soup diet dammit!!!
WHY do they have to deep fry EVERYTHING here??? even the CUSTARD????????!

run me through

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004

Blue whales and silliness
Time: 8:56 pm
one more sleep!!!!
had exam today, don´t know how i went...found a lot of it to be difficult but there was nothing that i went "dear lord, i have NO idea" which is a good sign i suppose. Will get my marks tomorrow...i think i´m about one of three people actually going to school!
have packed my bag and by some miracle, everything fits. i swear, i was looking back an forth between my room full of crap and my pissy little suitcase for a good while before i began my attempt. Was even able to fit two bottles of wine that i´m giving to frenchy people so that i don´t have to carry an extra bag...yay!!! Thank GOD i was able to send the majority of my crap to Granada ahead of time...speaking of Granada, it was snowing there last time i checked the weather...oh joy!
Still have sinus headache...will pop some pills when i get back to the apartment.

run me through

Wednesday, December 15th, 2004

Time: 5:32 pm
i went to the police station today to report that i had lost or possible been robbed of, my ticket home and for the train etc. No one spoke any english but i go through it communicating very politely using the 3rd person as one should do and now i have made my first police exciting!!!!

run me through

Thursday, December 9th, 2004

Time: 12:58 pm
i am bored, woe is me. Maybe i should be doing some writing instead of wasting my time in expensive internet cafes.
Went out with Peter and Mark last night to O´Hara´s...i still can´t understand the number of irish pubs there are in this´s just weird

run me through

Wednesday, December 8th, 2004

Time: 12:41 pm
i need fresh milk but nothing´s open...stupid holiday!!!!!

run me through

Friday, November 26th, 2004

Time: 12:56 pm
3 questions wrong out of about 110...i am good, and so is icecream!!!!!!

run me through

Monday, November 22nd, 2004

Time: 6:08 pm
all is good, just checkin in to say i´m a live and well yet still cold but at least the heating is working now!!!!!
Have and exam on thursday...should probably be studying right now but oh well.
Just watched Silence of the Lambs in spanish...Jodie Foster´s voice double was shitty and girly, that is all i have to say

run me through

Wednesday, November 17th, 2004

Time: 1:53 pm
the boiler in our building has decided to die...COLD!!!!! *whimpers* my windows were iced up thismorning!!!!

run me through 2 fatal wounds

Saturday, November 13th, 2004

Time: 3:19 am
it's 6 degrees and it's novemeber...i am going to die!!!!!!

run me through 3 fatal wounds

Tuesday, October 26th, 2004

Travel LJ
Time: 5:42 pm
new LJ for the recording of my travels...well not really new...i created it years ago but it's just been sitting blank. Am giving the addy to RL friends whom i don't want reading this LJ so [info]inta_stella won't be connected to this one in any way...friend me if you want, i won't be offended if you don't. It probably will be a straight forward account of what i've been doing as well as photos and stuff.

run me through 2 fatal wounds

Time: 2:38 pm
little bit excited although i don't think it'll hit me til i get to go crazy at the duty free Chanel counter!!!!!!!

run me through

Saturday, October 23rd, 2004

Time: 3:22 pm


Who's your male Buffy soul mate?
brought to you by Quizilla

now THAT'S more like it!

run me through

Time: 3:03 pm
I am now the proud owner of the second half of seaon 3 of Angel and the entire season 5 of Buffy...Myer was selling each half season for $29.99 today so yay!!!! Mummy bought them for me!!!!!

run me through

Time: 2:58 pm
Which Johnny Depp character do you belong with? by cerulean_dreams
You fall in love with
You meeton your birthday (when he pops out of the cake)
His friends thinkYou could do better
Your friends thinkyou could do better
You willscrew every night
Quiz created with MemeGen!

George Jung??? couldn't i have had...Don Juan or something????

run me through

Friday, October 22nd, 2004

Time: 12:01 pm
Mood: still fucked off.
I also rang the bank to organise internet banking for while i'm away. I did everything they told me and i just keep getting error messages. They said they'd put me through to IT so i was on hold for 10 bloody minutes and then the person trying to patch me through says that IT are busy at the moment and can't take my call....YA THINK?!!!!!!!
SO, they've got my mobile number and are going to call me back...yeah right!!!!
ARGHHHHHHHHH why is nothing going right?!!!!!!!

run me through

So where am I?
checking out . most recent entries
go . earlier