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New Challenge: Toys [22 Oct 2004|09:31pm]

Hi guys!

The new challenge for this week is Toys. Adult or teddy bears, Barbies or toy guns, let your imagination run with it.

Have fun!
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lies [21 Oct 2004|09:08pm]

[ mood | silly ]
[ music | the killers ]

i apologize for the random original character. she has no relevance to anything other than the author's desire to portray the twins' shallow attempts at dishonesty with one another.

Maggie Finnegan

Though neither twin cares much about girls, Connor and Murphy enjoy competing over them, especially if alcohol is involved.
"Who was your first kiss? Connor demands as they stumble home from Doc's.
"Maggie Finnegan," Murphy lies.
Later, Connor is dimly aware that he is dreaming as images of Murphy's body next to his own, within his own, united in a way he's only dreamed of, raise his blood pressure till he wakes up moaning, aching with unnamed need.
Murphy eyes him from the floor, where they had both collapsed, and, chuckles. "Who're ya dreamin about, Conn?"
"Maggie Finnegan," Connor lies.

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For the Lies challenge [20 Oct 2004|10:31pm]

[ mood | calm ]

Chase the Lie
Smecker, Gen, PG

It was easy to keep them chasing their tails. Most cops, all they know how to do is chase the lie. If most criminals weren’t as fucking stupid as they are, well...

The twins are anything but stupid, but every once in awhile, one of the brighter bulbs in the Boston PD gets on the right track. Some well-placed, plausible, but vague information later... investigation, what? Sorry, pal. Better luck next time.

So he lies, to just about everyone. Because his lies are the measure of his devotion, and they are as close to religion as he’s likely to come.

Word Count:100
Feedback: Please. This is my first Smecker...

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New Challenge: Lies [15 Oct 2004|09:09pm]

Hi guys!

The new challenge for this week is Lies.

Have fun!
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Shadow challenge [11 Oct 2004|07:09pm]

[ mood | artistic ]


More and more, the shadows of dead men haunted Connor’s dreams. Sometimes it was almost comforting, like when he saw Rocco sitting in his apartment. But mostly, it was terrifying as the men he’d killed no, punished taunted him. They seemed to say he’d be joining them soon and whispered unspeakable torments.

On these nights, Connor would wake suddenly, drenched, his heart racing. Murphy would lay a hand on his back and smile at him. The ease, the comfort, the certainty of that smile would drive the shadows away. Connor would curl an arm around his waist and sleep.

Word Count: 100
Feedback: appreciated

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Singular Shadow [11 Oct 2004|08:02am]

First attempt in this fandom. Not sure whether I got the voice right, but the idea wouldn't leave so I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.


As a distraction, he watched the twins as they circulated amongst the illustrious officers of the Boston PD, then draped arms about each other and headed out the door.

He had to admit, he found the two something of... an enigma. Something worth actually the bullshit he'd gone through.

The dim morning sunlight hit the two as they headed out, casting them in a bizarre, but singular shadow.

Perhaps they were. Pity.

When the door closed behind them, he decided enough time had been wasted and kicked off to find Greenly and actually get that bagel the officer owed him.

word count: 100
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New challenge: Shadow [08 Oct 2004|10:24pm]

Hi guys.

The new challenge is Shadow

Me, and my shadow... strolling down the avenue...

You get the picture.

Have fun!
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New Challenge: Library [02 Oct 2004|01:01am]

Think library, think studying twins, think philosophy, think arguing, think books, think silence, think dusty shelves and secluded areas.
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new ^_^ [25 Sep 2004|01:45am]

[ mood | geeky ]

Hello... never really written a drabble before, so here's my best first shot... hope you enjoy! tattoo kink, i guess, to go along with the challenge.

Murphy looks so innocent while he sleeps-- it's hard to believe that just hours ago they'd committed mass-murder. No, not murder, Connor corrects himself. Justice. Like the bold word scrawled across Murphy's hand.

Suddenly infatuated with the tattoo, Connor leans over and is unable to stop himself from tracing the lettering with his tongue. There's something incredibly erotic about the way his tongue glides over the dark Aequitas.

He leans back and notices Murphy smiling in his sleep, and can't help but grin along with his twin as he carefully moves behind him, wrapping his arms around Murphy's sleeping form.

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New Challenge:Kink [24 Sep 2004|10:06pm]

Hi guys,

the new challenge for this week is Kink.

Have fun!
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New Challenge: Pet [17 Sep 2004|09:22pm]

The new challenge this week is "PET".

Think about cute little baby animals, pet names, roleplay... well, there's certainly enough to that topic.

Have fun!
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[12 Sep 2004|09:47am]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | E Nomine - Mitternacht ]

Temptation was blue eyes, pale skin and lithe limbs that just screamed sex. Connor doubted Murphy knew just how he affected him this morning and if Murph did know, well. He did a grand job of hiding it.

They were in church. Connor silently berated himself, attention split between his rosary and the self scolding. He shouldn't be thinking of Murphy naked and writhing and begging for Connor to...not here, not now.

Murphy looked over, smirked. He knew. Leaned, whispered to his brother "And lead us not into temptation; we can find it all on our own."

Amen, thought Connor.

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This is my very first foray into BDS fic [12 Sep 2004|06:03am]

[ mood | amused ]

And I thought I'd just plunge right in.

And lead us not into temptation...

It all seems kind of hypocritical now to Conner, to kneel every night and hold his cross and prey.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in the scripture anymore. It’s not that he doesn’t hold it with just as much reverence as he once did.

It’s that all that falls to the wayside when Murphy’s lips are right there and waiting to be kissed, that smirk as irresistible as it is infuriating.

He still prays every night, even though he has been led into temptation, because what follows is now what’s important.

...but deliver us from evil

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New Challenge : Temptation [10 Sep 2004|11:34pm]


The new challenge is Temptation.

And lead us not into temptation...

You get the picture.

Have fun with it!

If you have suggestions for challenges, please drop us a line in the comment section of this post
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hello! [05 Sep 2004|12:26am]

[ mood | artistic ]

hi, everyone! I'm just new to this community, and this is my first posting. That being said, um.... enjoy!
And for reference, I know fully well (as does everyone else, that i don't own these characters and mean no harm by my drabbles. If it bugs you, think of it as free advertising for the movie. ~_^
(I'm also aware that Connor is actually the one who says the first line in the movie. I just liked the idea of Murph mocking him with it. He's quoting, darn it!)

warnings: slash. twincest. suggested bondage. author-is-evil-and-insane-in-general.

One Use for Rope

"Y'know what we need?" Murphy started purposefully. "Some rope."
Connor made a complicated expression, one somewhere between disbelief and I told you so. "Glad ye finally see't my way," he said sarcastically, as his twin eyed the loop of rope on the floor. He didn't quite take Murphy's threat seriously.
"As sexy as y'd look when y're subdued, 'm not sure if I should give you the satisfaction of needin th' stupid fucking rope," Murphy growled, pinning Connor's hands together with his own.
Seeing the look of smug relief on Connor's face, Murphy decided to tie him up after all.

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New challenge: Quotes [03 Sep 2004|09:03pm]

Hi guys!

The challenge this week is Quotes. Take a line from the movie and write a drabble using it. It can be used as first line, punchline or inbetween.

Have fun!

If you have suggestions for challenges, please drop us a line in the comment section of this post
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[29 Aug 2004|11:21pm]

One day, when spring cleaning banishes them to the attic, they find a picture of their grandfather and another boy as children. Their clothes, height, faces, body language, all identify them as twins to Connor and Murphy, who wonder why they never knew of another set of twins in the family.

They find another picture, of their grandfather alone, and the emptiness radiating off him frightens them. One twin alone is something more horrifying to them than ghost stories.

They clasp hands and lock eyes, a promise exchanged. There will never be a picture like this of either of them.
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New Challenge: Family History [27 Aug 2004|10:10pm]

Hi guys!

This week's challenge is Family History.

Have fun!
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[24 Aug 2004|12:28pm]

Title: Out

"No, you don't understand." he's staring intently into the Priests eyes, "I'm IN love with him" hoping this will be the last time to explain it.

Father Fitzpatrick smiles, a look of mild irritation lingering. "And, what I'm explaining to you, young McManus, is that love is no' a sin." He pats the boy's knee. "Now off to school, or the good Sister's will be on me."

Dismissed, Connor slinks back to where Murph's hiding in the shadow of Saint Sebastian. Anxiously, "Well?"

"Well," his brother answers, "he didn't believe me either."
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:-P [24 Aug 2004|01:24pm]

C'mon Out

"Murph," Connor whined, shuffling his feet noisily along the carpeted hallway. A muffled grunt from behind the closed bathroom door was his only answer. "Don't be like that!"

Another grunt. "I'm not wearing this!"

"Ma's waitin'! C'mon out," insisted Connor, slightly annoyed. "Ye can't look worse'n me."

"Fine," Murphy consented petulantly. The doorknob turned. "But if she pulls out a camera, I'm gonna scream." With a sigh, he joined his twin in the hall.

"...I'm never forgivin' Grandma fer this."

"Aye," moaned Murphy, adjusting the cuffs. "Aren't we too old for bunny suits?"

"Oh, aye. Damn MacManuses. Piss me off."
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