04:33pm 12/01/2004
  Alright, quick update.

1. Cookie is now an indoor cat. We brought her inside cuz it was too freakin cold to be outside the other day, and she won't go back out. So she's now an indoor cat. Crazy thing is, anyone who knows my dad knows how much he hates her. Well, he likes having her indoors more than my mom! I came home last night at like 9 30, and he was in the living room with her curled up on his lap and was petting her. I almost walked out cuz i thought i was in the wrong house. We ended up clipping her nails today and giving her a bath though, cuz that whole 12 years outside thing didn't do much for the smell, and she's ended up with really bad dander. Her claws were freakin lethal too, but anyone who has touched her knows that. She didn't like either, but she's forgiven us already and is now spending her time grooming cuz she's still wet. Poor cat.

2. I GET MY BRACES OFF TOMORROW!!!!!!!! He told me February, but nope! I get them off TOMORROW! A 10 00 appointment, so I'm only in school for A block. So cool, especially cuz we're watching My Fair Lady, which is one of my favorite movies. So basically I'm only going to school to watch a movie. Not a bad day, eh?

3. I only have to take 1 final, out of 4. Damn English. I was wicked happy today though cuz Mr. Vetack told me I was the only senior out of his 2 Consumer Legal classes that didn't have to take the final. Wicked cool! But today was kinda like my last day of school. Tomorrow I'm only in for A block, then Wed. I'm out after B block, then Thursday I'm only in for A block, and Friday I don't have to go to school at all.

4. I changed my schedule. I'm now:
A block : Chemistry Honors
B block : Off
5th Per : Off
6th Per : Marriage and Family
D block : Pre-calc A

2 hrs, 48 mins off in the middle of the day. Woo! Dave, you have the same off too, right? Mr. C said you did.

5. I've taken up crocheting. I got a learn to crochet book and have been working on it. I also got a long stitch design, so I've been working on that too. Got them both at AC Moore. I saw you there Teg and said hi, but you musta not heard me or been ignoring me. You move fast! You musta known what you were looking for.

6. I'm 18 in 2 months as of tomorrow! Go me!

7. I leave for the Army in less than 7 months! Again, go me!

8. Plans to start building Mike's place are going well. Late Night Enterprises will be running in no time, and then Mike's Place is next. The plans are almost drawn, the menu is almost done, now all we need are the grants and the loans. That's the hard part. Well, the grants are the hard part. We're gonna need a couple hundred thousand dollars, and are hoping to only have to ask the bank for 300,000. Big numbers! But it's reasonable for what this place is gonna be, and we already have the cliental to fill it. We're supposed to open Christmas Day this year. If we do, I'm coming back, and skipping the family party, at least for a while. There's no way I'm missing this. They're also gonna teach me how to bartend! Whoo ho! I can't wait. I've always wanted to be a bartender. Goddamn this place is gonna rock though. I've already got "Emily's spot" mapped out on the blueprint. CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!

9. Parents are being pretty cool. They're letting me stay out till like 1am when I want to/need to. Wicked nice. They're still being jerks about the "on the nose" bit of getting home on time, but if they'll keep letting me stay out, hells yeah I'm gonna keep it that way.

10. DARREL GOT FIRED!!!! Darrel is the manager at Blake's that Sherry and I were going to file a sexual harrassment suit against. But he got fired!! Sherry called me at my late night meeting, told me, and Scott, Mike, Faith and I all just cheered and glowed. It was awesome. Awesome, awesome night, cept for one thing. But that's for me to know about and you to not, and it was cool regardless. And no, it's prolly not what you're thinking about, so don't bother thinking about it :).

Alright boys and girls, I think that's about it for me right now. 5 00 and I've got things to do. I shall talk to thee all at some point I am sure. Buhbles!

(3 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

06:17pm 14/10/2003
  You know, it's amazing how people change. It's absolutely mind boggling how you can know certain people and watch their lives go up or down, watch them mature or act younger. It's great sometimes. I love watching Aanika and Tiivo. I've known Tiivo since before he was born, Aanika since she was about 2. It's great to watch them get older and more mature and just see them grow up. Then, there's other people, where no matter how much you watch and hope and pray their lives will go in the right direction, it never happens. No Dave, I'm not talking about you. You can verbally assault me in your journal all you want, but I don't like going that low. Sorry. But anyhow, its amazing. Thought everyone might like to know that.  

(9 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

05:59pm 14/10/2003
  Not that any of you really care, my gramma died Sunday. Thanks for listening.  

(6 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

01:23pm 02/09/2003
  So I promised an update and didn't deliver. I admit it. I have another half hour before the Senior Class Meeting, so I shall update for ye all.

Update 1: I joined the Army!! I am going to be an MP (military police) and I leave July 22. Our estimated graduation date is June 12. I get my braces off in February. So in 324 days, I'm outta here! I will be in Fort Lenord Wood, Missouri for 17 weeks. Nine of those are my basic training, the other 8 are for my AIT (advanced individual training). I can't wait!

Update 2: I've mutilated my schedule. It is now:
A: English 12 Honors with Mrs. Breckenridge
B: Probability and Statistics with Mrs. Scott
5: Consumer and Legal Problems with Mr. Vetack
6: Child Development with Mrs. Sodders
D: Free

I can't wait to graduate already. This whole being impatient thing kinda sucks, but oh well. We graduate this year!! This year is so much less stressful for me now because I don't have to apply for colleges, and I basically have a plan for the next 5 years of my life. If I only stay in the military for 5 years, I'll only be 23 when I get out. Pretty amazing, actually. It's really wierd. Since most of my friends are out of school, it sucks to be here. I like having D block off cuz I can just go hang out with them. It's kinda fun.

Alright, I think I might go see if I can find Mr. Clark. You now all have an update, like it or not. Sorry if it's kinda short, but that's okay. I could update you on the MEPS part of my Army process, but you probably don't want to hear about it. Alright. See y'all later.

(7 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

10:47pm 21/08/2003
  Well, since Gene's an awesome mechanic and loves my family, I have my car back. I needed a new front axle, new rotars, and 3 quarts of oil, cuz I was down to 1. Hmm... no wonder it was running so bad! Basically, whatever was wrong with my axle was so bad that Gene refused to roadtest it because it was so dangerous. And who knows how long I've been driving on this?? Hmm... I actually drove Scott around the day before I brought it in, and warned him I might end up killing him. When I told him what happened, his comment was "I thought you meant with your driving ability, not with your car!!" It was somewhat humorous. Okay, I'm done now. I'll update on my current standing on the Army at some point later.  

(2 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

Damn cars   
01:29pm 20/08/2003
  Guess who needs a new front axle on her car?! Oh yeah. Guess whose brake is also binding? Damn straight. Guess who's probably gonna be driving her brother's car for a while? You're right.  

(2 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

11:41pm 12/08/2003
  Just as kinda an FYI, I'm gonna be gone for the next week or so. Visiting colleges and stuff. I know I haven't updated in forever, but I promise I shall try to give you all a big fat update when I get back. Basically... this trip is going to decide what I do after high school. Whether I go to college or go to the Army. I know which one I'm gunning for right now... but this trip will either completely decide that choice or decide against that choice. So I'm not gonna tell you which one it is till I get back :). If you've talked to me recently you know which one I'm gunning for right now. Anyhow, we're visiting the Waites for a few days, so if you feel like sending me an e-mail, go right ahead. dead_to_the_world_31386@hotmail.com. I will do my best to check my mail and get back to you. God this deciding the next couple years of your life thing is really catching up. It's exciting and stressful at the same time. This trip will either be fun or horrid also. It's just me and my mom, so we can either spend the whole time having fun, or the whole time fighting. We'll see which one it is. Alright, I need to pack. I'm not bringing my cell unfortunately, but I might check my voice messages with my mom's phone, so feel free to also leave me a voice message at 603-320-4869. Alright, I will talk to you all when I get back, hope you all have a wonderful week, you all better leave me something good in my inbox, and good luck in whatever's going on in your life.

Hey Skynock, good luck with your physical for the National Guard. Lemme know how it goes, and if you get in, lemme know which job you want ;).

Dave, hope you had fun being out of town for like, ever, have fun in NY if I don't talk to you before. I forget exactly when you're going, and I'm too lazy to look it up.

Elatia and Alex, have fun with whatever you're doing. I hope to talk to you guys soon, cuz I haven't talked to you in forever!!

Kirstin, if you see 2 people very lost on the subways trying to get from Grand Central to the business district on Manhattan, come help, cuz that's gonna be me and my mom.

Teg, hope you're having fun wherever you are!!

Alright, bye guys. Wish me luck!

(2 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

10:32pm 05/08/2003

Your Bedroom Personality Is Subtle!

You get what you want... somtimes.

What this means:

You're all for getting what you want in bed.

But you rather suggest than tell.

You're all sexual undertones - not overtones.

What your lovers love about you:

You tend to work your lover into a frenzy with teasing and flirting.

You are sweet and complementary, never too demanding.

Sex with you is a low pressure affair.

What your lovers can't stand about you:

You seem sexually moody at times...

And damn hard to please at others.

And you'll hardly ever open up about sex.

What's *Your* Bedroom Personality?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

(9 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

06:05pm 24/07/2003
You are an Amethyst. You are quiet and tend to be
shy. You don't like attention to be pointed
towards you, yet your beauty and uniqueness
draw people to you.

What Jewel Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Like Pain?)

04:13pm 16/07/2003
You are 100% Scottish, and damn proud of it! As
well you should be. You have a love for the
more simple things in life, and don't like it
when someone treds on your territory. You have
plenty of attitude, and don't mind sharing it
with others. If they don't like it, they can
piss off!

How Scottish Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

(2 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

12:44pm 15/07/2003
  Taking a nice long bath with baby oil and candles is one of the most relaxing stress and panic releasing things you can do sometimes... thank god there's something to do that. Ah.  

(Like Pain?)

09:11am 03/07/2003
  Should I get my ears pierced? Please comment!! I'm indecisive. I told my mom I might while they were gone and she didn't seem too worried about it... Sooo.... lemme know! Thanks!  

(5 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

09:07pm 06/06/2003

(1 Smack Down | Like Pain?)

11:31pm 31/05/2003
LJ Barcode
LJ username:

(Like Pain?)

to all my female friends:   
06:33am 31/05/2003
mood: bored
music: Beach Baby.... I think it's beach boys, but I'm not sure
Aren't you glad it's not 1955 anymore?


(5 Smack Downs | Like Pain?)

03:47pm 17/05/2003
Adam Lazarra! Youre the Taking Back Sunday front
man, and you are damn sexy.

Which Famous Punk Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

(Like Pain?)

04:56pm 07/05/2003
Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
CategoryYour Score Average
Never taken out of the packaging
Has yet to see self in mirror
Sex Drive 86.8%
The Pope is envious
Done the nasty, but not creatively
Gayness 100%
Fucking Sick90.3%
Refreshingly normal
You are 77.75% pure
Average Score: 68.6%

(Like Pain?)

06:46am 03/05/2003
  The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

(Like Pain?)

08:31am 01/05/2003

(Like Pain?)

08:09am 01/05/2003
  Just in case I don't do this tomorrow:


I hope you have better days coming your way soon....

(1 Smack Down | Like Pain?)