Keltique's Brain I got my alumni magazine last nite in the mail. (Umass Dartmouth) I spotted a picture of girls in a parade wearing Alpha Sigma Tau sorority letters... Kinda a flashback, because I helped found that chapter (Gamma Delta) back in 1986-87 and was its first vice president. It went inactive for a while in the 90's but back in 1999 someone cared enough to revive it. I feel proud that something I helped make is now going strong... and at the same time... very very old.... *creak* It'll be *20* years soon. Maybe I should go up and visit in 2007... *ponder* (i wonder if they'll be amused at the story of us hijacking silverware from the res caf, bit by bit, for our greeen and gold formal, after which the whole pile was washed and returned at midnite, in the lobby, in a pillow case.) yes the secret is out.. i was a sorority chick... :P and i have the sweat shirt w/ funny letters to prove it. Current mood: nostalgic. whilst cleaning my room this morning (because it finally reached a tipping point in my skull about how annoyed I was with the chaos therin) I found the following: a ziplock baggie *full* of wee plastic skeletons from 2002 Faire season. Now in 2001 tchwrtr fessed up on the last day of faire as being behind the Pyrate Pencil Presentation Project. (where i kept getting little pyrate pencils from various folks in a mystifying and amusing fashion.) I never *did* find out who was behind Operation Skelton. (much the same but with little plastic skeletons) Anyone want to fess up? I *promise* the statue of limititations on silly prank retribution (a year and a day) is well past. *G* *smooches* you may wish to set down your bevvie. ( I belive, at first glance it's WS...if uncontrollable laughter won't get you in trouble...) Fear them! rarrr... Current mood: silly. Good News! I just got a call from the Docs office. The Blood Sugar Number that Should Not Be Above 7 (and was at 6.9 this time last year) is now at 5.8, which is within the normal range! Apparently the change in diet/losing some weight has had a positive effect on the pre-diabetic issue. Yay me! (and that number even covers the time period of the major holidays, where I had been less than Perfectly Virtuous!) Huzzah! But still have to stay with the "lifestyle change" to maintain this goodness. So no celebratory six-pack of Krispy Kremes for me. *G* so i only have to go back to get checked again in six months... *big sigh of relief* Current mood: cheerful. Actually i've been home fer almost 5 hours now.. but i only just now saw cellymacfae's request to post our safe arrival. so her i am.. reading lj and eating splenda ice cream... *smoooch* Current mood: hungry. heard in an iced in house in WV: "fer gawds sake somebody *post* something!" "But..darlin'...we're all *here*...and theres only *one* laptop." "Here." ::hands over laptop:: "Post Something." so here it is... something. *G* we have booze ,coffee,swing music, and suffcient areobeds....all is well. No-one's been eaten. yet. *G* Current mood: chipper. I cant be the only person in the world whos sort of annoyed/irritated/horrified that Keanu Reeves is playing John Constantine *twitch* the character is *blonde* fer crissake. And British. Feh. Pout. Current mood: irritated. ( back when dinosuars roamed the earth.... ) (and at my 20th reunion picnic, i felt like a complete alien. I had *nothing* in common with these people anymore.) Current mood: contemplative. to whoever called my cell and let a message around 6-6:15ish... I Havent been able to get a decent signal all evening to be able to get to my voice mail and find out *who Called!* *sigh* I'll call you back..when i can get to it and see. (tomorrow moring) Current mood: frustrated. This is the NOT Secret Cuddle/Kiss/Whatever... Game. I'm pretty sure everyone on here wants to cuddle/kiss/whatever...with least one person on LiveJournal. So here are the rules: If you want to cuddle/kiss/whatever... with me.. reply to this telling me What your Evil Plans are. You don't have to repost this if you wanna see who wants to cuddle/kiss/whatever... with you. Have fun! Comments are screened so confess away! |